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The temporal and spatial discontinuity of microplastic sampling data restricts the investigation on their source, sink, transport pathway and trend. Numerical simulation combined with sampling investigation can comprehensively study the effects of microplastic characteristics, meteorology and hydrodynamics on the distribution and transportation of microplastics. In this paper, the studies of microplastic numerical simulation were reviewed from the aspects of numerical simulating research and their applications in microplastic tranportation, and the results were summarized as follows: The construction of the main driving force (current); the influence of environmental factors, such as wind, waves, topography and extreme sea conditions on the properties of microplastics with different characteristics (particle size, density, shape) and their tranportation; the application of numerical simulation in the study of microplastic removal. Based on progress on the study of numerical simulation of marine microplastics, the future directions were pointed out that the further simulating studies should focuson the spatio-temporal distribution and evolvement of microplastics by combining sampling data and numerical model, the simulating research on the relationship between microplastic parameters (roughness, wind drag coefficient, settling rate, resuspension rate and biofouling rate) and (meteorological and ocean) dynamic condition. Moreover, the results of simulating sensitivity experiments should be compared with sampling and laboratory testing data to improve the empirical parameters and formulas of numerical model.  相似文献   

Microplastics in the ocean are the plastic fragments less than 5 mm in diameter, which enter into the ocean through a variety of ways. In the past 60 years, the global plastic production increased by 560 times, and the accumulation of microplastics in the marine environment is increasing. Microplastics suspend in seawater, or deposit to the bottom sediments. The potential risks of microplastics to marine ecosystems cause widespread concern. This paper summarized the research progress of the ecological risks of microplastics in the ocean, including the distribution and concentration of marine microplastics in coastal waters, sediment and open ocean, the ingestion of microplastics by different species of marine organisms, the ecotoxicology of microplastics, the plastics additives and the absorbed pollutants. The research directions were proposed for the future, including the optimization of microplastics sampling and measuring methods, microplastics observation in different marine habitats, the eco-toxicological effects of microplastics and food chain bioaccumulation effect, the methodology of microplastics ecological risk assessment. It is expected to provide evidence for the risk assessment of microplastics on Chinese coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

由五大系统11个实验室组成的项目组,2000—2005年开展了以“地球圈层相互作用”为主题的深海基础研究。项目以“热带碳循环”作为核心问题,依靠国际大洋钻探和国内“大洋专项”两大支柱,对西太平洋暖池和南海等海区进行深海过程和深海记录的研究,已圆满完成计划任务。一方面在南海大洋钻探的基础上,围绕热带海洋在地球系统中的作用向纵深发展,在“热带碳循环”研究中取得了原创性的成果;另一方面依托国内大洋专项和国内外合作航次,在深海研究和圈层相互作用上朝横向发展,取得了一系列国际性成果,在我国形成了与国际接轨的深海研究力量。对该项目的设计和进展做了简单而又全面的阐述,对于古环境研究中取得的突破性进展将另有续篇介绍。  相似文献   

Deep-sea is one of the most important extreme environments on the earth. Numerous and diverse extremophiles thrive in this extreme environment, presenting distinctive physiological structure, metabolic mechanism and symbiosis relations, which provide new methods to study the origin of life and extraterrestrial life. Despite extensive studies on deep-sea extremophiles from the point of view of biology, the impacts of deep-sea hydrothermal activity on the evolution of extremophiles remain largely unknown. On the basis of summarizing features of the deep-sea ziphysicochemical and geological environment, the distribution and formation mechanism of submarine hydrothermal vents were analyzed, respectively. Hydrothermal vents have great effect on the distribution and succession of communities. Our discussion focused on the extreme life forms of microorganisms surviving in the hydrothermal ecosystem and their important significance for the nutrient cycling and ecosystem evolution. However, the research of life processes in extreme environments is still in the primary stage and more work is needed on the in-situ detection technique, molecular biology and interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   

As a type of negative topography in sand land, blowout has always been one of the main research object of aeolian geomorphology. Especially, multi-directions and long-term research has been conducted internationally on basic morphology, development process and dynamic mechanism of coastal sandy blowout. Based on the systematic review of research on coastal sandy blowout, the main progress of research on coastal sandy blowout in morphological evolution, morpho-dynamic process, and research methods was summarized. In consideration of the disadvantages of research on coastal sandy blowout, it was proposed that, at present, the research on coastal sandy blowout in China should strengthen the further research on the evolution mechanism, morphology-material-dynamic process and numerical simulation of different types of blowouts, and attach importance to the influence of blowout on the beach-dune dynamic environment and foredune restoration.  相似文献   

随着全球页岩油气勘探开发的不断深入,海相泥页岩作为非常规油气沉积学的重要研究对象之一,其沉积特征及沉积过程日益引起学者们的关注,并在岩相分类、沉积过程解释及层序地层划分方面取得了显著进展.海相泥页岩的岩相划分已达到厘米—毫米尺度,其命名原则主要考虑结构(粒度)、层理及矿物成分等特征,结构方面着重参考砂级、粗泥级和细泥级...  相似文献   

The Basic Ocean Law (BOL) and Basic Ocean Plan (BLP) are important guarantee for the maritime strategy of Japan, which has established a complete policy system for the development of marine science and technology. On the other hand, the Japanese Government has started some major marine strategies and plans to promote the BLP. In this paper, the marine science and technology plans launched by the Japanese Government and its participation in the international cooperative research projects were introduced. The research of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center and the University of Tokyo Institute of Oceanography in the long-term planning and focus on the layout features, deep sea research technology layout, contents and advanced equipment were analyzed. At last, some recommendations for China’s development on marine science and technology were proposed, such as strengthening the legislation work and process, carrying out research and development of marine infrastructure with independent intellectual property rights, actively participating in international large-scale ocean plan, improving the discourse right and enhancing national maritime awareness and suggestions and so on.  相似文献   

海洋无脊椎动物和细菌间的化能合成共生作用的发现,改变了人们对深海热液口初级生产力主要来源的认知.近年的研究表明,营化能合成共生的动物隶属于纤毛门、软体动物门、环节动物门和节肢动物门;其中无脊椎动物作为宿主在与共生菌的长期共生过程中,伴随着部分器官和功能的退化或消失,逐渐形成和演化出了与此相适应的形态结构,并产生了一些特殊的行为;在深海热液口发现的所有化能合成共生菌都属于革兰氏阴性菌,它们的宿主大致可以分为2个群体;通过16 SrRNA基因编码分析,不同代谢类型的共生菌在系统发育中通常处于不同分支,形态也有所差异;共生菌独特的传播方式和进化模式也使其更加适应共生生活;由无脊椎动物和化能合成细菌构成的共生体系与环境相互作用,影响了深海热液口生态系统的演化.对共生菌蛋白质及代谢组学的研究,以及对宿主生理和代谢机制的研究将成为未来热液口化能合成共生作用研究的新热点.  相似文献   

地表过程研究进展与趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
地表过程复杂多样、涉及广泛。针对当前地表过程研究现状,从地球系统科学和全球变化的视角讨论了与地表过程相关的一些概念及研究内涵。在分析单要素地表过程和多要素地表过程的基础上,从研究内容的综合性、多国合作的国际性、针对区域突出问题的区域性、以过程变化为核心的动态性及研究方法的多样性等方面论述了地表过程研究的特点,总结性地给出了国内外研究的总体趋势。在上述分析基础上,进一步从国际科学发展趋势、国家需要和信息、技术等方面分析了中国地表过程研究所面临的机遇;从多学科交叉、自然与人文过程的定量与有机耦合等方面讨论了地表过程研究所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

China has achieved a long-term and high-speed growth in terms of national economy, but faces a series of highlighted problems concerning economic growth and resource and environment support. This paper summarizes the progress of research on economic growth and its support system (resource and environment) mainly from the perspective of geography, and puts forward the main research direction of the support system for economic growth in future.  相似文献   

Two individual indexes, including transport network density and transport infrastructure impact of the 333 counties level administrative units in Northwest China was chosen in this study to analyze the spatial configuration and differentiation characteristics of the transport superiority degree in Northwest China in 2013, and to discuss the spatial relationships between transport superiority degree and natural condition, population and economy. This study reveals that, firstly, the distribution characteristic of transport superiority degree obeys the “partial normal distribution”. Few regions, which merely account for 3.30% of the total number of counties, have prominent transport superiority degree and the traffic environment in these regions is superior for social and economic development. By contrast, 18.62% of all the regions have inferior transport superiority degree and the traffic environment there is poor and impedes local social and economic development. Secondly, it is characterized by a regional differentiation of “high in the east and low in the middle and west”. Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic zone, Yinchuan Plain area, Lanzhou-Xining Economic zone, the three city-and-town concentrated areas and five provincial capitals have significant transport advantages. Thirdly, there is significant linear correlation between transport superiority and population, economic development in counties, and there are four combined types: polarization type, retarded type, advanced type and behind type. The regions of the polarization type concentrate in central cities and their surrounding areas while the behind type concentrate in Junggar Basin, Southern Kumusi and Qinghai Province. The regions of the retarded type have a decentralized distribution in Yinchuan Plain, Northern Shaanxi, Southern Shaanxi, Lanzhou-Xining Economic zone, Hexi Corridor, and the Economic Belt on the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountains. Besides, there are few counties with inferior transport superiority but have the priority to the development of social economy.  相似文献   

风沙活动对陆地生态系统影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风沙活动及其物质输移运动是关键的陆地地表过程,对全球生态环境有显著的影响。归纳了风沙运动中养分的释放、搬运和沉降机制;总结了目前风沙运动中的物质及养分组成,养分流失与沉降对植物生长的影响、养分在植被群落中的分配和利用机理等方面的研究进展;揭示了大区域尺度上风沙运动与地表养分的释放和输移的关系及植被群落对风沙活动的响应;指出了风沙活动在陆地生态系统演化中扮演的角色。在已有研究的基础上,提出揭示风尘物质在远源陆地区域的沉降机制、风尘物质中有效养分的组成和含量、风尘物质养分的主要传输路径,建立风尘物质养分的源—汇模式,构建植被对风沙活动的响应过程,综合集成风沙活动与植被演化之间的动态关系等是未来主要研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

Long-chain alkyl diols contain an alkyl chain with alcohol groups at C1 and at the middle position of carbon chain, which exist widely in seas, rivers and lakes. It has been proven that these compounds are relatively resistant to degradation and have an extended occurrence in the geological record. In addition, they are relatively easy to identify. Therefore, long-chain alkyl diols can be used as potential biomarkers to trace the past change in paleoenvironment and paleoclimate. Although the sources of long-chain alkyl diols are still uncertain, the studies indicate that 1, 13 and 1, 15-diols are mainly produced by eustigmatophytes, while 14-diols are mainly from diatom Proboscia. So far, some proxies based on long-chain alkyl diols have been established to indicate the change in diatom productivity, upwelling intensity, salinity, sea surface temperature, riverine organic matter input and surface seawater nutrient concentration, which are significant for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Current research and application of long-chain alkyl diols proxies were summarized, which would be helpful for further studying the source of long-chain alkyl diols and the application of relevant proxies in China’s marginal sea.  相似文献   

海洋生物质能研究进展及其发展战略思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物质能的研究与开发的目的是解决化石资源短缺和温室气体排放等全球性问题。利用油料作物生产生物柴油和利用淀粉作物生产燃料乙醇是当前生物质能产业化开发的重要内容,其原料来源主要依赖农作物,从而导致了生物质能开发与粮食、耕地和水资源竞争的局面。海洋生物质能的开发和利用为解决上述问题提供了一条可能有效的出路。介绍了海洋生物质能的国内外研究进展,分析了有关国家战略需求和关键科学问题,提出了我国发展海洋生物质能的战略思考和下一步的研究重点。  相似文献   

沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受绿洲和沙漠景观格局的双重影响,沙漠—绿洲过渡带是一个对外界条件变化极为敏感的生态环境脆弱带。沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程及其动态演变直接影响绿洲的稳定和有序发展,在空间上制约沙漠的进退或绿洲的变迁。从沙漠—绿洲过渡带局地小气候、沙尘暴、风沙环境、土壤风蚀、风沙输移和绿洲防护体系建设等几个方面比较全面地综述了近数十年来沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程研究进展,并基于当前沙漠—绿洲过渡带生态环境建设与地方需要等面临的实际问题,分析了该领域今后的研究重点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

The coastal wind-eroded landform, one of the kinds of wind-eroded landforms which widely distribute and have complex causes of formation, now is being much more concerned in recent years with the major research development of wind-eroded landform based on the advanced research techniques and methods. According to the summarization about the main progresses of foreign research on coastal wind-eroded landform in different periods, the status and dispute of research on coastal wind-eroded landform in China, and the development difference of coastal and mainland wind-eroded landform in China, it is essential work to improve the research on the coastal wind-eroded landform in China. Finally future research directions of coastal wind-eroded landforms are suggested such as to find out the types and their distribution features of coastal wind-eroded landforms in China, investigate their morphology and change characteristics,probe into the interaction essence between the morphological changes and the airflow and wind-sand flux of typical coastal wind-eroded landforms, and explore the model and laws of formation and evolution of coastal wind-eroded landforms in China.  相似文献   

水环境中磷的赋存形态及其分析方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章归纳总结了近年来国内外在水环境中磷的赋存形态这一领域的研究进展,着重介绍了水体和沉积物中磷赋存形态的分类、不同形态磷的前处理及其提取、分析测定方法,概括了其研究现状,并对以后的发展趋势作了展望。这对于深入揭示水环境中磷的赋存形态及其环境与生物地球化学循环有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

风沙地貌形态动力学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
风沙地貌是广泛分布于干旱、半干旱,甚至部分湿润地区,由风力作用形成的一种地貌类型。风沙地貌学是研究在风力作用下物质运动形成的地表形态特征、空间组合规律及其形成演变的科学,是地貌学中以风为外营力形成的地貌为对象的分支学科。风是风沙地貌学研究的基础,其贯穿整个风沙地貌学研究。风况决定了风沙地貌的形态特征、空间组合特征和演化过程,同时,沙丘表面气流和风沙流控制沙丘的形态演化过程和移动过程。风沙地貌经过100多年的发展,在沙丘形态特征、动力学过程等方面取得了长足发展。从风沙地貌观测方法、分析方法和形态动力学角度出发,总结了近年来风沙地貌形态、形成风况以及动力学方面的研究进展。随着新技术的发展,全站仪、三维地形扫描仪等新的形态观测设备开始应用于风沙地貌形态测量,使得大范围风沙地貌形态精准测量成为可能,为风沙地貌形态动力学研究提供精确的地形特征资料。同时,三维超声风速仪等高频风速观测仪器也广泛应用于风沙地貌动力学观测,从而探讨风沙地貌形态—近地层气流的互馈机制。但是,针对具体的分析方法,如风况与沙丘形态的对应关系,近地层气流的分析方法以及形态—气流互馈关系等方面,目前还没有好的解决办法。  相似文献   

Research Progress on the Impact of Urbanization on Climate Change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The world has been undergoing a remarkable process of urbanization, especially in developing countries in recent years. The urbanization process has brought about great urban development and large population agglomeration, changes in production and lifestyle, and man-made disturbances such as greenhouse gas and pollution emissions. As the global urbanization process continues to advance, its impact on climate change continues to strengthen significantly. This paper mainly reviewed and summarized relevant researches from two aspects: the influence of urbanization on climate change and the mechanism of influence of urbanization on climate change. Urbanization causes regional warming and urban heat island effect, extreme events such as high temperature, heat wave and heavy rainfall increase in frequency, and also leads to increased urban flood risk. The increase of pollutant emission in the process of urbanization is the main cause of air quality deterioration. Urbanization also has an indirect impact on air quality by changing urban climate. Urbanization has an important impact on climatic factors such as relative humidity, wind speed, sunshine and cloud cover. The impacts of urbanization on climate change are mainly realized through underlying surface changes, greenhouse gas and pollution emissions, anthropogenic heat emissions and urban high heat capacity. Urbanization not only directly affects the regional/local climate, but also indirectly affects the regional/local climate by promoting global climate change. Therefore, the impact of urbanization on climate change has a global and regional multi-scale superposition effect.  相似文献   

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