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Further study of the observedU, B, V light curves of VZ Hya reveals that the primary eclipse is an occultation.  相似文献   

The period study of the eclipsing binary DF Hya, based on up-to-date minima has been presented. The least-squares method has been applied to obtain a new period, which comes out to be 0 . d 3306017. Period changes are found around the years 1949, 1974, and 1982. Appreciable period changes are apparent around 1949 and 1974, the strongest being around 1974. The period changes (P) range from 0.46×10–6 d to 0.46×10–5 d, the average being 1.89×10–6 d. Such period changes are usual for a contact system, like DF Hya. Our results do not show increase in the time interval 1959–1985 as suggested by Zhanget al. (1989).  相似文献   

We show that the spin period of the white dwarf in the magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV) EX Hydrae represents an equilibrium state in which the corotation radius is comparable with the distance from the white dwarf to the inner Lagrange point. We also show that a continuum of spin equilibria exists at which P spin is significantly longer than ∼0.1 P orb. Most systems occupying these equilibrium states should have orbital periods below the CV period gap, as observed.  相似文献   

The O–C diagram of the eclipsing binary GG Cassiopeiae has been presented for the first time, and the period changes present in the system have been analysed. In all three period changes are noted. The strongest period change has been found to occur in the time-interval 1942 to 1966. The total period change in different portions of the O–C diagram ranges from 7.1×10–7 d to 2.0×10–5 d. The stronger period changes appear to have occurred after 1942; prior to it, the system has shown a negligible period change. The overall picture of the O–C diagram suggests that the O–C values of the system GG Cas are negative after 1942. The presence of a third body does not appear probable. The period fluctuations are also appreciable. A new period (P=3 . d 758733) has been presented.  相似文献   

We present eight sets of new light curves for binaries FG Sct, VZ Lib and VZ Psc, which are all contact eclipsing binaries with short orbital periods. We carried out our observations from 2016 to 2017 using the 60-cm telescope administered by National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Holcomb Observatory at Butler University and the SARA-CT telescope in Chile. We firstly determined the orbital parameters of FG Sct using the O-C method and obtained photometric solutions utilizing the updated W-D program. We also studied its period variation and discovered that its orbital period is decreasing at a rate of 6.39(±0.24) ×10~(-8) d yr~(-1), which was likely caused by mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary component or angular momentum interchange between the two components via magnetic interactions. For VZ Lib and VZ Psc, we simultaneously analyzed their BV RI light curves in conjunction with the published radial velocities. In order to obtain the orbital parameters of VZ Lib, we also analyzed its period variation and revised cyclic change, which could be attributed to either the light-time effect due to a tertiary companion or magnetic activity cycle mechanism. We derived the periods of the tertiary component of VZ Lib to be 48.7(±0.1) yr or magnetic cycle to be 46.9(±1.9) yr.Strong emission lines at Ca II H+K, Hα, Hβ, Hγ and Ca II IRT were detected in the LAMOST spectra of VZ Psc, which imply chromospheric activities in this binary system.  相似文献   

New times of light minimum of the short‐period (P = 0d.26) close binary system, VZ Psc, are presented. A period investigation of the binary star, by combining the three new eclipse times with the others collected from the literatures, shows that the variation of the period might be in an alternate way. Under the hypothesis that the variation of the orbital period is cyclic, a period of 25 years and an amplitude of 0.d0030 for the cyclic change are determined. If this periodic variation is caused by the presence of a third body, the mass of the third body (m3) should be no less than 0.081M. Since both components of VZ Psc are strong chromospherically active and the level of activity of the secondary component is higher than that of the primary one, the period may be more plausibly explained by cyclic magnetic activity of the less massive component. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Orbital period variations of the Algol-type eclipsing binary, VW Hydrae, are analyzed based on one newly determined eclipse time and the other times of light minima collected from the literature. It is discovered that the orbital period shows a continuous increase at a rate of dP/dt = +6.34×10-7 d yr-1 while it undergoes a cyclic change with an amplitude of 0.0639 d and a period of 51.5 yr. After the long-term period increase and the large-amphtude period oscillation were subtracted from the O-C curve, the residuals of the photoelectric and CCD data indicate a small-amplitude cyclic variation with a period of 8.75 yr and a small amplitude of 0.0048d. The continuous period increase indicates a conservative mass transfer at a rate of dM2/dt = 7.89×10-8 M⊙ yr-1 from the secondary to the primary. The period increase may be caused by a combination of the mass transfer from the secondary to the primary and the angular momentum transfer from the binary system to the circumbinary disk. The two cyclic period oscillations can be explained by light-travel time effects via the presence of additional bodies. The small-amplitude periodic change indicates the existence of a less massive component with mass M3 > 0.53 M⊙, while the large-amplitude one is caused by the presence of a more massive component with mass M4 > 2.84 M⊙. The ultraviolet source in the system reported by Kviz & Rufener (1987) may be one of the additional components, and it is possible that the more massive one may be an unseen neutron star or black hole. The rapid period increase and the possibility of the presence of two additional components in the binary make it a very interesting system to study. New photometric and high-resolution spectroscopic observations and a detailed investigation of those data are required in the future.  相似文献   

A new period (P=3d.687664) of the eclipsing binary system IZ Persei is given, based on 16 observed times of the minima. O–C diagrams of IZ Per have been presented for the first time, and the period variations have been estimated in different portions of the O–C diagram. Significant period changes do not appear to have occurred in IZ Per. The O–C diagrams suggest that the period of the system is continuously increasing at a rate of 25s yr–1. Period variations of the order of 10–5 d appear to have occurred around the years 1969, 1972, and 1978. The period increases are stronger than the period decreases; but these are yet to be confirmed. The overall picture of IZ Per suggests that strong period changes are not present in the system; however, slow increase of period is apparent in IZ Per. The total period change (3×10–6 d) till the last epoch is in agreement with the newly derived period of IZ Per.  相似文献   

We present a multicolor photometry for the eclipsing binary WY Hydrae, observed on four nights of 2008 December. From our new observations and Carr’s data, the photometric solutions were deduced by using the updated W–D program. The results show that WY Hya is a detached binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.970(±0.005).By analyzing the OC curve, it is found that there exists either a continuous period increase or a cyclic variation. From Eq. (2), the orbital period of WY Hya secularly increases at a rate of dP/dt = +3.56(±0.37) × 10?7 days/yr, which may be interpreted by some mass transfer for the near-contact configuration or tidal dissipation. From Eq. (3), the period and semi-amplitude of the periodic oscillation are P3 = 95.4(±4.2) yr and A = 0d.0087(±0d.0003), respectively. This may be likely attributed by light-time effect via the presence of the assumed third body. Assumed in the coplanar orbit with the binary, the mass of the third body should be M3 = 0.18 M. If the unseen additional companion exists, it will extract angular momentum from the binary system. Finally, WY Hya with high fill-out factors (i.e., f1,2 > 80%), may evolve into a semi-detached configuration.  相似文献   

From a preliminary analysis of observed minima of the eclipsing binary HS Herculis, a new apsidal period is postulated. A general possible error in Oapsidal period is emphasized.  相似文献   

We present here new results on the periodic modulations in the optical light curves of EX Hydrae observed during 1982–84. The period analysis has been done using synchronous summation and discrete Fourier transform methods. We report new periodicities at 34.7 min and 26.7 min apart from confirming the detection of 46.3 min modulation recently reported. We also include our data to derive the rate of decrease of the 67 min period.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

We present a model for the differential rotation and dynamo activity of the young rapidly rotating K0 dwarf LQ Hya ( P rot=1.6 d). As might be expected from observations of the similar rapid rotator AB Dor, the predicted differential rotation is small (≃0.8 per cent) but extremely efficient in generating magnetic fields. The dynamo, which is of a distributed type, produces a globally axisymmetric field with radial and azimuthal components that are of the same magnitude and display a phase-lag in their evolution of about π/2. This is consistent with the long-term Zeeman–Doppler imaging study by Donati. The latitudinal distribution of flux is, however, a little different from that observed and the cycle period of 3.2 yr is somewhat shorter than suggested by the observations.  相似文献   

The photoelectric observations of the neglected binary AV Hya published by Srivastava and Kandpal (1980) have been re-analyzed using Wilson-Devinney's synthetic light-curve program. The binary turns out to be a near-contact semi-detached system. The primary, more massive, more luminous and greater component, eclipsed at primary minimum, is detached from its Roche lobe (85%). The secondary fills its Roche lobe and has a temperature difference of T=,-3414 K. As with other semi-detached binaries, the secondary is more evolved than that of the primary. Thetimes of light minima of the eclipsing have been analyzed,showing that the orbital period of AV Hya undergoes acontinuous decrease with a rate of dP/dE=-8.26×10-8 day/year. The mass transfer between the twocomponents can not explain the present orbital period variationsince the secondary component is filling the Roche lobe. Theorbital period change demonstrates that the system may undergoa secular mass and angular momentum loss and the system mayevolve from the present short-period near-contact system intoan A-type contact binary.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution echelle spectroscopy of 20 stars in 16 systems catalogued as members of the TW Hydrae association, and 16 stars identified as possible new members. We have calibrated the range of coronal and chromospheric activity expected for such young stars as a function of spectral type by combining our observations with literature data for field and open cluster stars. We also compute space motions for TWA members and candidate members with proper motion measurements, using two techniques to estimate distances to stars lacking direct trigonometric parallax measurements. The mean space motion of the four TWA members with known parallaxes is  ( U , V , W : −10.0, −17.8, −4.6) km s−1  . 14 of the candidates have properties inconsistent with cluster membership; the remaining two are potential new members, although further observations are required to confirm this possibility.  相似文献   

The period of the β Cephei variable, BW Vulpeculae, is increasing all the time at a rate of (14.24±0.20) × 10?10d/d. Also, the residual in the time of light maximum shows a quasi-sinusoidal variation with a period of about 26.3 years and an amplitude of 0.022 – 0.024 days. If this is interpreted as the light-time effect in a binary orbit, then the orbit will have a size a sin i = 1.91 – 2.08 AU and an eccentricity e = 0.52.  相似文献   

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