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谢富胜  巩潇然 《地理学报》2018,73(8):1407-1420
尼尔·史密斯是世界知名的人文地理学者和马克思主义地理学家。他在不平衡发展理论的基础上,整合马克思主义和地理学的资本周期运动、空间一体化与尺度推移等范畴,提出了实现平衡发展的途径,极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义地理学,为研究当代社会空间问题提供了更为具体的分析框架和新的理论解释。其理论的核心是把地理空间视为生产资料、社会产物以及空间关系的总和,认为地理空间生产是特定时期资本增殖的重要方式。目前中国学者虽引进其部分理论,但整体了解还比较欠缺。本文将其理论概括和梳理为空间生产、地理尺度、美式帝国主义、绅士化4个方面,分析资本积累驱动下地理空间的不平衡发展过程,深度解析社会、空间与地理的尺度交错与互动关系,阐明资本周期运动、美式帝国扩张和绅士化的逻辑关联,最后以租隙理论为主剖析了城市尺度的资本周期运动。本文旨在为国内学者研究史密斯的马克思主义空间理论以及马克思主义地理学提供纲要和逻辑线索,并为中国城市化转型和经济增长方式转变提供理论参考和方法启示。  相似文献   

Beirut and the creation of the rent gap   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article investigates how rent gaps are created in Beirut, Lebanon, and makes a two-fold argument. First, it argues that rent gaps are created by state-legitimized power and agents of capital through the legal framework, and that the role of location in determining differences between potential ground rents, so salient in Beirut, demonstrates the complementarity of neoclassical land rent theory and rent gap theory. Second, it argues that beyond the legal framework, rent gaps in Beirut are formed through informal, illegal and exceptionalist practices as well as civil, sectarian conflict and forced displacement. This extends the range of forces to consider when thinking about what creates and shapes rent gaps. The paper emphasizes the necessity of a critical perspective on the ways in which value in urban space is created in the interests of the state and agents of capital, while attuning rent gap theory to a more global perspective.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1399-1421

To explain newfound investor interest in rent-regulated multifamily housing in New York City since 2001, this paper analyzes the transformation in ownership and management of the Riverton Houses, a large rent-regulated housing complex in northern Manhattan. The paper finds new dynamics of rent gap formation at work; rather than depressed capitalized rent attracting investment, increasing potential rent provides a new mechanism for opening rent gaps. The Riverton Houses case shows how three factors increase potentials rents: 1) changes in rent control law that provide new avenues to increase rents, 2) new financial actors and institutions that have higher expectations for risk and return, and 3) longer-term processes of uneven development at the urban scale. Altered rent gap dynamics under processes of privatization, financialization, and uneven urban development complicate the geography of reinvestment beyond a reinvested core and gentrifying periphery. Instead, the urban frontier is drawn recursively within urban space.  相似文献   

南京内城商业绅士化发育特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
商业绅士化是指城市中传统商业、居住或工业被更高价值商业取代和置换的现象,与居住绅士化互为因果。由于城市发展阶段、模式和管制环境不同,不同国家和地区商业绅士化社会空间特征表现出显著差异。20世纪末以来,在城市社会空间转型语境下,具有异域风情的餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆、健身房等高档消费场所置换传统住宅或社区商业并在城市特定空间中集聚,是中国最典型的商业绅士化现象。遴选出符合商业绅士化特征的六类高端商娱场所,采用空间核密度等方法,对2008年和2018年南京内城上述商娱场所空间集聚、演进模式和机理效应进行分析。研究发现:① 商业绅士化“热点区”首先出现在城市传统商业中心和文化历史街区,随后向商业中心周边和新兴商业地段跳跃式扩散;② 根据实践路径差异,可将南京内城商业绅士化分为整体植入式、侵入演替式和转型升级式三种模式,分别以1912街区、南京大学—南京师范大学(南大—南师大)片区和新街口地区为代表;③ 经济和文化力量在推动商业绅士化的发生演化中均发挥重要作用,其中地方政府、资本联手对“商业租差”的追逐,以及年轻、高收入绅士化群体日益增长的时尚、高端文化消费需求,从供需两端驱动着商业绅士化过程;④ 商业绅士化在提升城市商业活力和经济效益的同时,也在一定程度上产生对原住居民和低端商业的排挤和置换效应。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):116-145
The rent gap theory has been a prominent explanation of gentrification for nearly two decades. It has been subject to much critique, but few empirical analyses. This research, based in Minneapolis, attempts an empirical evaluation of the hypothesis using land price data in nine redeveloped parcels over a span of 130 years. While the rent gap appears to exist in most parcels, a simple one-to-one correspondence between the gap and gentrification cannot be made because of the nature of the theory and the limitations of the data. There is evidence, however, that rent gaps may form not just in declining areas, but in stable poorer areas when there is substantial capital investment on the urban fringe. This finding lends support to the theory's emphasis on the role of uneven development in the creation and eventual closure of the rent gap.  相似文献   

葛莹  陆凤  吴野 《地理研究》2012,31(9):1640-1651
从居民效用与开发商收益视角下,以Smith租差理论为基础,构建多智能体模型,并结合纳什均衡解决居民修缮决策博弈,模拟中产阶层化进程。研究表明:在效用最大时,增加居民收入将降低中产阶层化发生频率。而在利润最大时,开发商资本的投入与中产阶层化发生频率正相关。资本投入越大,中产阶层化发生频率越高。但资本并非万能,当它的投入超出限值时,中产阶层化进程渐趋稳定。提高开发商投资门槛,将强化房地产业的垄断,开发商为获取巨额垄断利润,一方面,他们可能故意提高局部地区的资本化地租,这导致了中产阶层化更快、更多地发生;另一方面,他们在任意区位开发都能获取高额利润,这间接造成中产阶层化程度下降。  相似文献   

欧美国家绅士化问题的城市地理学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧洲和北美地区的绅士化研究代表着世界绅士化研究的主流与方向。在介绍绅士化的传统与衍生概念的基础上,对绅士化概念问世以来的主要理论解释派系进行分析总结,特别是从生产端和消费端进行解释的两大阵营。本文对欧美绅士化的三波发展浪潮进行介绍,并将半个世纪以来的绅士化研究划分为4 个发展阶段:绅士化现象描述阶段、两大阵营的激烈论战阶段、两种理论的相互融合阶段与绅士化政策应对研究阶段。在对绅士化作为全球城市发展战略和绅士化的主要社会空间效应做出简单评价以后,展望了世界范围内绅士化问题的研究前景;绅士化研究虽然已经走过了很长的一段路,但依然存在着巨大的研究空间。  相似文献   

Auckland's post-suburban landscape is associated with new mixed-use apartment developments. When located in former industrial sites, these emergent residential and retail spaces constitute new-build gentrification and carry the potential to rupture existing people/place dynamics. This article examines material and socio-cultural processes associated with the redevelopment of an industrial quarry in Three Kings, Auckland. It is argued that the redevelopment constitutes a physical refashioning of a former industrial space located within a traditional working-class community. The development involves a remaking of the material and socio-cultural fabric of the neighbourhood and aligns with new-build gentrification practices.  相似文献   

黄幸  谷浩  石美施 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2726-2741
以成都市大慈寺社区商业绅士化为例,基于布迪厄的场域理论,从不同行为主体的视角出发,分别分析了地方政府、开发商、绅士化群体、原住居民、周边商户及周边小区各自的利益诉求与资本获取,探寻商业绅士化空间对周边老旧住区的影响。研究发现:商业绅士化空间及其周边住区共同构成了一个绅士化场域,不同的行为主体在场域中获取和积累各自资本从而确立其社会实践地位。特别地,绅士化核心场域由地方政府、开发商和绅士化群体共同构成的利益联合体推动形成,体现一种至上而下的全球化资本逻辑运作;边缘场域由原住居民、周边商户和周边租户在周边小区构建而成,其受到了核心场域的支配和影响,与核心场域内的三类主体形成了动态互哺关系,从而逐渐产生新一轮绅士化进程,呈现一种至下而上的本土化资本发展逻辑。大慈寺社区商业绅士化中的核心场域与边缘场域之间存在着既相互分异又相互融合的复杂特征,构建了两者之间的循环发展路径,带动了中心城区的整体更新发展。研究填补了中国商业绅士化对于周边住区影响的理论空白,同时也对城市中心商业空间更新的良性改造提供一定参考价值。  相似文献   

The emerging literature on retail gentrification has not paid much attention to the link between recent reconfigurations of retail capital (concentration, internationalization, and financialization) and the contemporary wave of “generalized gentrification”. In this paper, I argue that analyzing the strategies of stakeholders involved in sectors other than housing (in this case, the retail sector) should allow us to identify different forms of gentrification intensification. I investigate the case of the Marais – that is, one of the first Parisian neighborhoods having undergone gentrification – by mapping the frontier of retail gentrification over the long term (1965–2011) and at the scale of an entire neighborhood (more than 130 ha comprising over 2,000 commercial units). The key drivers of the process (commercial real estate, new brand development strategies, changing commercial environment, the role of public policies) and its social stakes (displacement/replacement of former stores) are then discussed.  相似文献   

综合采用质性和定量方法,从社会阶层、物质环境和消费方式等层面研究佛山岭南天地的旅游绅士化现象,并分析原住民在绅士化过程中的情感特征。结果发现,物质环境改造加速了地方社会阶层的更替,原住民大多被游客、中产阶级和房产投资者所替代,空间利用方式呈现出高度商业化特征。旅游绅士化虽有力地推动了地方的环境改造和经济发展,却衍生出阶层更替、社会排斥和空间隔离等副产品,使传统的本地化生活空间转变为“资本空间”与“消费空间”。城市历史街区改造不同于一般城市更新,街区更新应以地方性为落脚点,尊重原住民的情感与历史记忆,不应简单通过商业化手段推进历史街区更新。  相似文献   

广州中心城区住宅租金差异的核心影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王洋  吴康敏  张虹鸥 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1924-1938
构建并阐述城市住宅的特征租金理论框架,建立包括建筑特征、便利性特征、环境特征、区位特征在内的“四分法”特征租金模型。以2020年3月广州中心城区23126套待租住宅的挂牌月租金单价为基本数据,通过分级空间统计和空间自相关分析广州中心城区住宅租金的空间差异格局与空间关联性,构建4要素12个指标的广州中心城区住宅租金影响因素指标体系,通过3种模型比选,采用空间误差模型测度住宅租金的影响因素,并筛选核心影响因素。结果表明:① 在研究城市内部住宅租金影响因素时,可采用本文构建的特征租金理论框架及其特征租金模型;② 广州中心城区中低租金水平的住宅数量最多,住宅租金呈现核心区高,外围城区低的空间分异格局,具有显著的空间集聚和空间关联特征;③ 建筑特征(建筑面积、朝向与楼层、房龄、电梯与物业)、便利性特征(地铁便利性、办公便利性、基础教育便利性)、环境特征(公园可达性、工业污染影响)和区位特征(距市中心距离)共4个方面的10个因素对广州中心城区住宅租金差异有显著影响;④ 建筑面积、房龄和距市中心距离是住宅租金的3个最关键核心影响因素,电梯与物业、办公便利性也是核心影响因素。  相似文献   

准确刻画精细化尺度下的城市房租空间格局,对于研究城市居住行为、提高城市规划合理性十分重要。文章提出了一种基于互联网房租数据作为可靠数据源的城市房租空间格局制图方法。以深圳市作为研究区,通过广泛采集开放平台中用户发布的租房信息,绘制社区行政区尺度的房租空间分布图。房租空间制图涉及到对于没有样本数据区域平均房租的评估,因此,选取一系列与房租相关的房产属性、房屋区位及配套设施的评价指标,采用前馈神经网络技术构建评估模型。以2015年深圳市的住宅租赁市场作为研究对象,通过对结果的分析,以及与权威部门发布的统计数据进行比较,表明此方法能够有效地绘制社区尺度下城市房租的空间分布,模型预测结果的误差(%RMSE)为13.87%。所使用的互联网房租数据、POIs数据及前馈神经网络的建模工具均是开源的,而且所提出的方法论具有普适性,能够应用于其他研究区的房租空间格局制图,具有实践意义。  相似文献   

徐羽  李秀彬  辛良杰 《地理学报》2021,76(3):753-763
通过土地流转实现规模化经营是农地利用变化的重要趋势,土地规模化流转市场的租金关乎规模经营主体的形成及其可持续发展,但目前对全国层面耕地规模化流转租金的研究还较为欠缺。基于土地流转信息发布平台的2万余宗规模化流转地块,论文揭示了中国耕地规模化流转租金的总体水平与区域差异,并采用分位数回归方法识别地块属性特征对耕地租金分化的影响及异质性。结果表明:全国耕地平均租金为11339.10元/hm2,租金介于≤ 7500元/hm2、7500~15000元/hm2、15000~22500元/hm2、> 22500元/hm2区间的地块数量比例分别为38.93%、37.97%、14.52%和8.59%;云贵高原区和黄淮海平原区租金较高,比全国平均值分别高出32%和23%,而北方干旱半干旱区租金较低,租金约为全国均值的一半。地块质量特征、地块规模化特征、地块区位特征、地块产权特征对耕地租金具有显著的影响;对低租金地块而言,灌溉条件、土地平整度、道路质量的边际效应更大,而邻近高速公路则对高租金地块具有更强的增值效应。为降低农业生产的土地成本,政府应努力降低土地规模化流转过程中的交易成本、减少农业补贴对农地租金的干预、加强农田基础设施建设与农地流转租金的常态化监测。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relevance of a perception-based regional level mapping tool in rural Niger. Two regions in Niger are examined. Results permit to assume that such a tool helped to fill several gaps: (i) a scale gap between local and nation wide studies; (ii) a scientific gap between biophysical and socio-anthropological sciences; and (iii) a methodological gap of integration between data sources. Moreover, this method is fast, cheap and action-oriented. Data are easily understandable and usable both by rural communities and development agencies. It provides information about human dynamics at a regional level, which cannot be achieved by other methods.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):101-125
The purpose of this paper is to identify of the gentrification frontier. The gentrification frontier represents a divide between gentrified and ungentrified areas of the city. Based on a case study of Portland, Maine, field research is combined with an analysis of census-derived variables to delineate the gentrification frontier in three time periods 1980-1990, 1990-2000, and 1980-2000. This paper suggests that the existence of an amenity, a revitalized urban waterfront can act as a catalyst for gentrification of the adjacent urban space, thereby creating a gentrification frontier associated with reinvestment in the waterfront. The results of the analysis show that because of low levels of gentrification before 1990 it is only possible to identify the gentrification frontier in the period from 1990-2000. As expected, the gentrification frontier is fragmented and discontinuous. It is located adjacent to an almost continuous area of gentrification that extends along Portland's waterfront.  相似文献   

We explore the rhetoric and symbolism deployed in the course of selling residential properties at Hobsonville Point, a new development in Auckland. Specifically, we ask what understanding of community is promoted in this development, and how this understanding is represented in promotional material. Our study is informed by analysis of newspaper articles, promotional material and planning/legal documents as well as field observation (2011–2012). We conclude that appealing to a contemporary yearning for nature and social cohesion at an urban coastal location has generated a situation in which community is being ‘sold’ at Hobsonville Point, yet paradoxically is yet to be found.  相似文献   

The heightening scale of urban tourism and the fast-growing number of “floating” city users raise new challenges to understand contemporary urban change – namely for internationally open, heritage-rich medium-sized cities. Discussing the case of Porto at a time when the contested notion of gentrification infuses local politics, we highlight the transnational drivers of this process in Portugal´s second city. While acknowledging perils and benefits, we argue that more than simply leaving a footprint to be solved with taxation, internationally-driven gentrification may endanger city diversity and identity, raising implications for urban policy and for our understanding of local development as a whole.  相似文献   

This study aims to explain a farmer–herder conflict in the inland Niger delta of Mali. We focus on the interests and motivations of the actors involved in the conflict and the rent seeking of the local administration in handling the conflict. Since independence, the customary pastoral leaders (the jowros ) have gradually lost power and wealth to the benefit of previously underprivileged farmers (the rimaybé ). We argue that this process is mainly the result of national policies and laws giving priority to agricultural development at the expense of pastoralism. The result has been large-scale conversions of dry season pastures to rice fields. This pastoral marginalisation also results in increased land use conflicts between herders and farmers. In addition, rent seeking by local officials is perpetuating land use conflicts in the area. Hence, officials are benefiting from conflicts, while especially pastoralists, but also farmers, are losing out. The droughts of the 1970s and 1980s, leading to a more rapid encroachment of rice fields on pastures, as well as the power vacuum that emerged in the early days of the decentralisation process, further aggravated land disputes. Finally, we use this case study to call for an inclusion of issues of rent seeking and corruption more centrally in political ecology.  相似文献   

论DEM地形分析中的尺度问题   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
DEM及其地形分析具有强烈的尺度依赖特征。本文以黄高原地区的研究为例,结合地学建模和地学模拟的需求,重点讨论DEM地形分析中的尺度问题。文中从DEM建立与应用出发,首先建立了DEM地形分析中的尺度概念体系,剖析了各类尺度之间的关系,其次讨论了尺度所引起的各种地形分析效应问题,最后探讨了DEM地形分析中的尺度转换类型和方法。  相似文献   

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