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Municipal governments produce a seemingly endless supply of urban strategic plans, which purport to define the city by making claims on its future development trajectories. Critics note that this claimsmaking on “the city” renders it conceptually vacuous and overextended. Yet it is essential to question the degree to which speculative policymaking is merely rhetorical. Discursive claimsmaking on the city through strategic planning documents is an important technique in urban politics—a form of targeted simplification that benefits particular stakeholders by defining the city around sites in which they are invested. Bids to host sporting “mega-events” like the Olympic Games are a case in point: event planning corporations routinely make claims on the city, which strategically simplify its forms and processes, often by defining the city in ways that mediate between particular land investment projects and broad visions for citywide development. The implication is that claimsmaking on the city through urban strategic planning is intentionally simplistic and acts as an ideological practice for justifying urban development projects.  相似文献   

Social Exclusion and the Disabled: An Accessibility Approach*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding social dimensions (e.g., transport equity) is an important aspect of sustainable development. This holistic perspective allows the use of accessibility as a tool to identify disadvantaged groups. In this article, cumulative accessibility measures are calculated for a sample of individuals who participated in a one‐day travel diary survey for the Buffalo‐Niagara region in the state of New York. These measures, which include the number of opportunities available in an individual's activity space, are used to compare the levels of access between disabled and nondisabled groups and to determine if individuals' disabilities and other characteristics are contributing factors to their exclusion. Findings show that being young, coming from a small household, possessing a driver's license, having a steady job, living in an urban setting, and being willing to travel a long distance increase the number of opportunities available.  相似文献   

Danish Journal of Geography: 71–82, 1995.

This paper presents two mega events as tools in the strategic planning of the Copenhagen area. Due to growing inter-metropolitan competition, increasingly offensive and complex means are applied. This demands strong leadership, stable longterm planning and willingness to accept the costs in order to reach the objectives. Marketing versus strategic planning is discussed. The general position of Copenhagen in the European urban system gives perspective to a potential change on the South Scandinavian urban scene. New instruments of strategic planning in Greater Copenhagen are introduced. The competitive level of Copenhagen is analyzed in relation to Stockholm, Berlin and Hamburg. Two examples of mega events are discussed that represent typical elements in urban competition: cultural events and infrastructure improvements. 1) Copenhagen as ‘The cultural City of Europe’ in 1996 represents a temporary mega event. 2) The planned bridge between Copenhagen and the south Swedish city of Malmö, combined with Swedish entrance into EU, opens up for development of the first cross-national integrated large-city region outside the European centre. This is an example of a mega event which will alter the scene permanently. Both events are important issues used in developing a growth strategy for Greater Copenhagen. But neither the cultural city nor the bridge may by themselves guarantee any advantages. It depends upon the ability of local actors to develop and promote the quality of their city. The paper represents a continuation and elaboration on earlier papers, see Matthiessen (1990, 1992) and Andersen &; Jørgensen (1994).  相似文献   

Since the mid-1990s, major cities in China have generated a boom in the production of urban spectacles. But existing literature cannot fully explain why these cities are willing and able to participate in these events. This paper documents this boom and argues that the enthusiasm for producing urban spectacles is driven by a strong developmental imperative and sustained by the soft budget constraints of the spectacle organizers – urban governments. These two factors are embedded in the transitional institutional environment of China in relation to power decentralization, central-local fiscal rearrangement and the top-down systems of official evaluation. Embedded in in such a political-economic environment, urban governments generally become ambitious and adventurous in launching pro-growth urban projects. Urban spectacles become one of the pretexts for achieving extraordinary development. This paper reveals this hidden political economy through the case of the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou.  相似文献   

The spatial locations of food retailers are considered to be an influential aspect of population consumption patterns. Such contextual relationships are often related to socio‐economic deprivation, with disparities in accessibility having important implications. This study used Geographic Information Systems and an Enhanced Two‐Step Floating Catchment Area model of spatial accessibility to further understand such relationships within urban areas of New Zealand. Findings, while mixed, indicate that there is generally increased accessibility to all food retailers in highly deprived areas. Understanding these socio–spatial relationships in local environments has important implications for policy initiatives, health outcomes and sustainable development.  相似文献   

作为一种新的旨在刺激举办地经济发展的、具有潜在高风险的公共政策,奥运会、世博会等重大事件有广泛的公众参与要求.而事实上公众很少能参与重大事件的决策过程。本文从参与领域、途径和保障等角度.对国外重大事件公众参与的实践进行了分析,并得出最终结论:在重大事件管理的全过程(研究-申办-筹办-举办-事后管理).公众都能以不同形式参与进来;而且,只要是事件管理者主动吸收公众参与.他们大都倾向于使用较高级的参与形式。另外,对国外相关事件的公众参与经验进行归纳总结.也能给北京奥运会、上海世博会的组织者带来有益的启示。  相似文献   

武汉都市圈城际联系通达性的测度与分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
空间- 距离- 通达性已经成为城市区域一体化联系与发展的先决条件。当前都市圈城际联 系发展与交通网络建设存在明显的不同步现象, 矛盾解决的关键是优化其路网通达性空间格局。 以武汉都市圈为实证对象, 构建最短距离矩阵, 引入时间、空间通达性模型, 建立高等级路网发育 评价指标体系, 从节点体系与网络体系两个角度, 定量分析武汉都市圈城际通达性变化及其空间 格局, 揭示出: 圈域城镇( 节点) 体系通达性空间差异明显, 与城市自身交通区位、经济发展水平密 切相关, 其空间格局与城镇等级规模呈共轭协同关系, 不同空间等级节点形成以武汉为中心的同 心圈层与“轴—辐”网络空间格局; 快速交通干道网络( 高速公路、铁路等) 是城市通达性空间演变 的重要推动力, 使其空间收敛减速, 形成显著的带状分异格局, 初步形成沪蓉东西向、京珠南北向 的两大城市经济联系交通走廊; 圈域城际交通干网发育程度偏低, 处于回路网络水平, 高等级路 网扩展潜力巨大。  相似文献   

基于高斯两步移动搜索法的沈阳市绿地可达性评价   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
基于高斯两步移动搜索法,进行沈阳市绿地可达性分析。在揭示研究区内绿地可达性空间格局的同时,探索这一新方法的实际应用价值。结果显示:① 沈阳市绿地可达性整体上具有北高南低、东高西低的空间分布特征,4 个高值区与3 个低值区可清晰识别;高值区域主要分布在核心城区的近外围,低值区域主要分布于核心城区与城市的西部及南部远郊。② 沈阳市绿地可达性空间格局十分不平衡,具有较强的空间极化特征,70%以上的街道绿地可达性低于全市平均水平,只有少数街道呈现较高的可达性,人口与绿地的空间不匹配是造成不平衡的主要因素。③ 根据可达性评价结果,提出了实施空间优化策略,促进绿地服务均等化的相关建议。该方法能够较好地揭示城市绿地系统与人口相互作用的规律,未来还应进一步与客观实际结合,使之更加具体化和实用化。  相似文献   

A great deal of attention has been paid to the efficiency of the analysis of sustainable urban and regional growth. This includes social participation and social capital, which require a consideration of equity. In this paper, an approach from central-place theory for sustainable urban and regional growth is examined, taking into consideration relevant variables such as ageing, social interaction and accessibility. A lack of consideration of equity could cause several social exclusion problems, and these problems could develop into spatial consumer exclusion. Solutions for these problems would not only improve equity but also efficiency, and the outcome would addresses the necessity of an alternative spatial formation based on a wider-regional rural central-place system according to given economic, social and spatial configurations.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):264-284
Location-based assessments of accessibility gauge the attraction of a place relative to other places. These approaches have been used extensively in models of commuting and urban structure. Even though locational accessibility measures are integral to such efforts, they may also be used to explore aspects of urban spatial structure. As such, this paper presents a GIS-based analysis of locational accessibility for a sample of U.S. metropolitan areas. Indices of accessibility based on spatial interaction models are developed for intraurban residential and employment locations. Results show that residential accessibility patterns are similar across cities, taking a concentric pattern where the central urban area is most attractive. However, employment accessibility varies more from city to city; moreover, the areas of highest employment accessibility tend to be decentralized within their respective regions. Overall, location-based accessibility indices are useful for exploring urban form, particularly with respect to issues of urban sprawl. Directions for future research are identified, including linking comparative urban accessibility measures to ongoing work on commuting, the jobs-housing balance, and urban structure.  相似文献   

合理的配置公共服务设施对城市的现代化建设至关重要。空间可达性是度量公共服务设施配置是否合理的方法之一。在诸多的研究方法中,高斯两步移动搜索法由于直观且运算简便,因而得到广泛应用。但该方法也有不足之处,本文运用格网GIS方法,以上海市的绿地空间可达性为例,对两步移动搜索法进行模型方法的改进研究,并对高斯两步移动搜索法和格网化的高斯两步移动搜索法进行对比分析,结果表明:后者可降低空间可达性的误差,提高可达性精度,对上海市绿地空间可达性反映更加真实、客观。如果选择合理的数据将其格网化,该方法也可以用于其他公共服务设施的空间可达性研究。  相似文献   

罗秋菊 《地理科学》2010,30(5):693-701
现有大多数研究是从"反馈问题(reactive)"的视角出发研究事件活动发生之后的影响结果。将研究重心转向大型事件发生之前的规划和管理阶段,以积极的"未雨绸缪(proactive)"视角审视大型事件重要的利益相关者——居民的感知变化具有重要意义。在广州亚运会举办前,先后相隔5.5个月对居民进行调研,研究显示,随着举办时间的推近,居民对大型事件的影响感知也随之发生变化。主要的变化表现一是居民对大型事件关注度增加,居民作为东道主的自我存在感有增强之势;二是居民对大型事件的感知由无形影响逐渐转化为有形影响;三是居民对大型事件的社会成本的感知越来越强烈,对经济成本和社会公共利益的感知减弱,同时对社区利益的感知有逐渐增强之势;四是居民对事件的态度越来越理性,对负面影响的关注有增强之趋势。  相似文献   

杜云艳  易嘉伟  薛存金  千家乐  裴韬 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2853-2866
地理事件作为描述地理过程的基本单元,逐渐成为地理信息科学(GIS)核心研究内容。由于受人类活动数据获取限制,GIS对地理事件的建模和分析主要关注事件所引起的地理空间要素变化及要素之间的相互影响与作用机制。然而,近年来随着基于位置服务数据(LBS)爆炸式的增长和人类活动大数据定量刻画手段的快速发展,地理事件对人类活动的影响以及公众对地理事件的网络参与度都引起了多个领域的广泛关注,对地理事件的时空认知、建模方法和分析框架提出了巨大的挑战。对此,本文首先深入分析了大数据时代地理事件的概念与分类体系;其次,基于地理事件的时空语义给出了基于图模型的事件数据建模,建立了事件本体及其次生或级联事件的“节点—边”表达结构,开展了事件自身时空演化及其前“因”后“果”的形式化描述;第三,从时空数据分析与挖掘的角度,给出了大数据时代地理事件建模与分析的整体框架,拟突破传统“地理实体空间”事件探测与分析方法的局限性,融合“虚拟空间”事件发现与传播模拟思路,实现多源地理大数据支撑下的面向地理事件的人类活动多尺度时空响应与区域差异分析;最后,本文以城市暴雨事件为例诠释了本文所提出的地理事件建模与分析方法,从城市和城市内部两个尺度进行了暴雨事件与人类活动的一致性响应及区域差异分析,得到了明确的结论,验证了前文分析框架的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):647-671
Centrality within a city and neighborhood characteristics have often been used as indicators of access to employment and services in statements about urban form and accessibility, but there are reasons to question the appropriateness of doing so. This paper evaluates the importance of geographic context within the urban environment (both location within cities as well as neighborhoods characteristics) for individuals in Portland, Oregon. Because conventional accessibility measures cannot incorporate individual characteristics, space-time individual accessibility measures were used with multilevel modeling to isolate the effects of individual level variations from that of geographical context. The results show that the influence of context on individual accessibility is weak, as accessibility tends to reflect individual and household characteristics rather than the local urban environment. Accessibility cannot be determined from location within cities, or from land uses around an individual's home, implying that the use of urban design to influence accessibility is inappropriate.  相似文献   

"The study makes an attempt to identify the pattern of household income distribution in rural areas, based on the socio-economic surveys in Sagar district [in India]." Factors affecting family income include "occupational structure, distance from nearby urban centers and general accessibility.... The rural settlements under urban influence or with proper accessibility have a greater percentage of high-income families. The major source of income for over a third of the rural families of the district is agricultural labour, while another third earns its living by other agricultural work and the rest are either petty businessmen or are engaged in services."  相似文献   

杭州城市休闲绿地可达性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于GIS空间分析技术, 运用最小距离法和基于路网的行进成本分析法, 对不同尺度的杭州城市休闲绿地空间可达性进行定量测度。研究结果表明:① 杭州城市休闲绿地的平均可达时间为3.8 min, 92.11%的居民可在10 min 内到达一处休闲绿地;可达性最差(可达时间30~50 min)的居民区分布在主城区的边缘地带。② 风景区类休闲绿地的可达时间为20.33 min, 可达性最好的是西湖风景区绿地和西溪湿地风景区绿地。③ 各乡镇街道到风景区绿地的可达性呈现出以西湖为中心的不严格的圈层结构, 距离西湖风景区越远, 可达性越差。最后探讨了杭州城市休闲绿地可达性的差异, 以期为城市休闲绿地研究提供新思路, 为杭州城市休闲绿地的空间格局优化提供科学参考。  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市建设用地适宜性评价理论与应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
以GIS和RS技术为支撑,利用德尔菲法确定影响城市建设用地生态适宜性的自然、社会经济和生态安全等因素,采用层次分析法计算相关影响因子权重.遵循生态保护优先的原则,建立了一套城市建设用地生态适宜性评价模型体系和方法,据此划分研究区城市基本生态控制区域,为合理有效地规划城市土地资源提供建议.  相似文献   

In 2010, the focus of the sporting world was on South Africa, the first African country to host a Football World Cup, and the largest mega-event ever held on the continent. Mega-events like the World Cup have become instruments for governments seeking material improvements to highways and telecommunications as well as the more elusive nation-building and sanguine legacies. Whereas the literature typically concentrates on stadia and sports-related infrastructure, this paper focuses on bus rapid transit (BRT) as an “indirect legacy” to understand the way in which cities exploit the financial and political capital made available to advance projects long delayed behind more pressing endeavors. The compressed time horizons, unlocked financing and focused planning can be a “mixed blessing” however by limiting the scope of the project to the event. The paper concludes that in South Africa advancing development through the World Cup reinforced state authority and legitimacy.  相似文献   

南京城市义务教育设施空间演化   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
选取规模、质量、可达性和承载压力等指标,综合运用Zipf对数模型、G指数、差异判别系数及路网测度技术等方法研究南京城市义务教育设施的空间演化。结果表明:义务教育设施总体规模在扩大,但小学规模差异缩小,初级中学则扩大。中心城区和郊区的规模差异呈现不同特征。义务教育质量总体表现出空间扩散态势,核心-边缘结构依然明显存在,行政区内极化现象突出。义务教育设施的时间可达性总体降低,学区划分对可达性公平存在重大影响。由于人口年龄结构和设施布局变化,除江宁区和建邺区外的多数地区义务教育承载压力明显减轻。  相似文献   

北京城市居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实错位   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
谌丽  张文忠  杨翌朝 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1071-1081
服务设施可达性对于居民生活质量的重要性越来越受到国内外研究和城市规划的广泛重视,然而中国城市发展过程中却暴露出服务设施可达性下降的问题。从居民的视角出发,构建影响中国城市居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实错位的分析框架。在此基础上,分析了基于北京市2005 年居住环境调查主观数据对居民的服务设施可达性偏好。利用北京城市服务设施空间数据借助GIS评估居民的客观服务设施可达性,通过多元回归模型讨论居民服务设施可达性偏好与现实的错位情况和相关因素并侧重验证城市空间结构和住房获取渠道的影响,这些因素与中国的城市发展和住房政策变化紧密相关并将基于此提出促进居民实现其服务设施可达性偏好的城市规划和政策建议。  相似文献   

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