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A two-dimensional (2D) numerical model has been developed to solve shallow water equations for simulation of dam-break flows. The spatial derivatives are discretized using a well-balanced explicit central upwind conservative scheme. The scheme is Riemann solver free and guarantees the positivity of the flow depth over complex topography if the Courant number is kept less than 0.25. The time integration is performed by Euler’s scheme. The model is verified against analytical results for water surface elevation and discharge for three benchmark test cases. A good agreement between analytical solutions and computed results is observed. The property of well-balancing in still water over an uneven bottom is also confirmed. The model is then validated by simulating a laboratory experiment in which a dam break flow propagates over a triangular obstacle. The model performance was found to be satisfactory. A dam break laboratory experimental test case on a frictionless horizontal bottom is also simulated for 2D validation of the model, and good agreement between simulation and the experimental data is observed. The suitability of the proposed model for real life applications is demonstrated by simulating the Malpasset dam-break event, which occurred in 1959 in France. The computed arrival time of the flood wave front and the maximum flow depths at various observation points matched well with the measurements on a 1/400 scale physical model. The overall performance indicates that this model can be applied for simulation of dam-break waves in real life cases.  相似文献   

Many popular groundwater modeling codes are based on the finite differences or finite volume method for orthogonal grids. In cases of complex subsurface geometries this type of grid either leads to coarse geometric representations or to extremely fine meshes. We use a coordinate transformation method (CTM) to circumvent this shortcoming. In computational fluid dynamics (CFD), this method has been applied successfully to the general Navier–Stokes equation. The method is based on tensor analysis and performs a transformation of a curvilinear into a rectangular unit grid, on which a modified formulation of the differential equations is applied. Therefore, it is not necessary to reformulate the code in total. We applied the CTM to an existing three-dimensional code (SHEMAT), a simulator for heat conduction and advection in porous media. The finite volume discretization scheme for the non-orthogonal, structured, hexahedral grid leads to a 19-point stencil and a correspondingly banded system matrix. The implementation is straightforward and it is possible to use some existing routines without modification. The accuracy of the modified code is demonstrated for single phase flow on a two-dimensional analytical solution for flow and heat transport. Additionally, a simple case of potential flow is shown for a two-dimensional grid which is increasingly deformed. The result reveals that the corresponding error increases only slightly. Finally, a thermal free-convection benchmark is discussed. The result shows, that the solution obtained with the new code is in good agreement with the ones obtained by other codes.  相似文献   

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