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Research works carried out for the first time made it possible to determine the age of one of the key geological complexes in the Argun Continental Massif (Central Asian Fold Belt). It has been found that the metarhyolite of the Bondikha Formation is not Middle–Late Riphean, as previously thought, but is of Middle Triassic age (242 ± 6 Ma). Based upon the geochemical characteristics of the volcanics and regional geology of the Bondikha Formation, it can be assumed that they formed during one of the stages of subduction processes in the history of the Mongol–Okhotsk Fold Belt.  相似文献   

The U-Pb geochronological study of zircons from alkali granitoids of the Elenovsk Complex constituting the Zhilanda and Lesnoi massifs (northern Kazakhstan) located several kilometers away from each other revealed their close ages: 433 ± 2, 440 ± 10, and 426 ± 12 Ma.  相似文献   

We present new data on the geologic structure and paleomagnetism of the Vendian and Lower Cambrian deposits of the Argun River region in East Transbaikalia. We discuss the issues related to the recognition of the Argun microcontinent within the composite blocks of the south-eastern part of the Central Asian belt, which are traditionally combined in the Amuria superterrane. Our paleomagnetic determinations help us justify the equatorial position of the sedimentary basin, in which the deposits of the Argun terrane Beletuy and Bystrin formations formed 560 and 525 Ma, close to or directly on the margin of the Siberian paleocontinent. This data is essential for the reconstruction of the geodynamic evolution of Siberia and Central Asia at the Precambrian-Paleozoic boundary.  相似文献   

S- and I-type granites from the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia, have been investigated to assess the role of disequilibrium melting in their petrogenesis. Differences between the median initial εHf compositions of magmatic zircon populations and the host bulk-rock (ΔεHfblk-zrc) range from −0.6 to +2.5 ε units, providing evidence for intra-sample (and hence inter-phase) Hf-isotopic heterogeneity. Linear variations on Harker diagrams and O and Hf isotope compositions of magmatic zircon preserved in many I- and S-type granites are inconsistent with assimilation or simple mixing hypotheses. In contrast, isotopic disequilibrium between the melt and a restite assemblage can explain the bulk-rock versus zircon differences observed in these samples.Assuming that magmatic zircon records the melt composition, differences between the bulk-rock εHf and εHf of magmatic zircon (ΔεHfblk-zrc values) measured for I-type granites (0.4–2.5) can largely be explained by disequilibrium amphibole dehydration melting of meta-igneous protoliths that were either isotopically heterogenous at the time they were formed, or perfectly homogeneous before being aged in the crust for 0.4–1.0 billion years prior to partial melting. The Currowong Suite exhibits petrographic features and preserves geochemical and isotopic compositions that do not lend themselves to simple restite model or magma mixing explanations; however, these observations could be explained by the restite unmixing of magma batches generated from a single source rock if, as modelling has suggested, separate batches contain different melt compositions.By investigating the application of disequilibrium melting to granite genesis, this study demonstrates that isotopic heterogeneity at various sampling scales should actually be expected for the production of granites from a single source, rather than necessitating the involvement of multiple sources and mixing processes. As a result great care should be taken in the interpretation of isotope data from granitic bulk-rocks or their zircons.  相似文献   

The moderately metamorphosed and deformed rocks exposed in the Hampden Synform, Eastern Fold Belt, in the Mt Isa terrane, underwent complex multiple deformations during the early Mesoproterozoic Isan Orogeny (ca 1590–1500 Ma). The earliest deformation elements preserved in the Hampden Synform are first‐generation tight to isoclinal folds and an associated axial‐planar slaty cleavage. Preservation of recumbent first‐generation folds in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, and the approximately northeast‐southwest orientation of restored L1 0 intersection lineation suggest recumbent folding occurred during east‐west to northwest‐southeast shortening. First‐generation folds are refolded by north‐south‐oriented upright non‐cylindrical tight to isoclinal second‐generation folds. A differentiated axial‐planar cleavage to the second‐generation fold is the dominant fabric in the study area. This fabric crenulates an earlier fabric in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, but forms a composite cleavage on the fold limbs. Two weakly developed steeply dipping crenulation cleavages overprint the dominant composite cleavage at a relatively high angle (>45°). These deformations appear to have had little regional effect. The composite cleavage is also overprinted by a subhorizontal crenulation cleavage inferred to have developed during vertical shortening associated with late‐orogenic pluton emplacement. We interpret the sequence of deformation events in the Hampden Synform to reflect the progression from thin‐skinned crustal shortening during the development of first‐generation structures to thick‐skinned crustal shortening during subsequent events. The Hampden Synform is interpreted to occur within a progressively deformed thrust slice located in the hangingwall of the Overhang Shear.  相似文献   

The structural data and available geochronological constraints suggest that the Gonzha tectonic block located in the northeastern part of the Argun-Idermeg superterranes, Central Asian orogenic belt, is considered as an analogue of Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes of western Transbaikalia. These metamorphic core complexes, as well as the Gonzha block, may have resulted from collapse of a Late Mesozoic orogen after closure of the Mongolia-Okhotsk paleo-ocean basin.  相似文献   

An important role of the early Neoproterozoic juvenile crustal growth in the formation of the Khangai group of Precambrian terranes in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt was demonstrated by the example of the Holbo Nur Zone of the Songin Block. Magmatic complexes of this zone correspond to different settings of the Early Neoproterozoic ocean: oceanic islands, mid-ocean ridges, intraoceanic island arcs, and turbidite basins. Obtained data on volcanic rocks and associated granitoids constrain a timing of the island-arc magmatic complexes, at least within the interval of 888–859 Ma. The comparison of structures of the Songino and Tarbagatai blocks of the Khangai group of terranes showed that they share many common features in their geology and evolution and may be united into the single Songino–Tarbagatai terrane. This terrane was formed owing to the Early Neoproterozoic (~800 Ma) accretion of the ocean island, spreading, island-arc, and turbidite complexes of the oceanic plate to a stable continental massif represented by the Early Neoproterozoic Ider Complex of the Tarbagatai Block. The involvement of the Dzabkhan terrane into a Khangai collage of terranes is constrained between the formation of the volcanic rocks of the Dzabkhan Formation (~770–755 Ma), which are unknown in the Songino–Tarbagatai terrane, and the Tsagaan-Olom carbonate cover (~630 Ma), overlying both the Dzabkhan and Songino–Tarbagatai terranes. It was proposed that the formation of the Precambrian terranes of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt began from the Early Neoproterozoic accretion to the Rodinia supercontinent. The fragmentation of the latter above a mantle superplume at the end of the Early Neoproterozoic spanned also the newly formed fold area. This led to the formation of terranes, which included both fragments of the Paleoproterozoic craton and Early Neoproterozoic structures. Subsequent amalgamation of these Precambrian crustal fragments into composite terranes possibly occurred at the end of the early Baikalian tectonic phase.  相似文献   

A small isolated mafic body occurs to the south of Sirohi near village Daba within the Neoproterozoic Erinpura Granite in the southern sector of the Proterozoic Delhi Fold Belt in NW India. This mafic body occurs close to a 100 m wide NE–SW trending shear zone (Daba Shear Zone) which overprints the felsic rock fabrics. Further south, a small mafic body near village Kui was also sampled which forms the southern limit of the Phulad Ophiolite Suite which is a 300 km long major NE–SW trending lineament, described as Western Margin Fault. Some of the lithological components of the Daba mafic body show locally preserved magmatic fabric but completely transformed mineralogies under lower amphibolites facies metamorphic conditions where two-stage deformation has been inferred. Magnetic fabric analysis underlines a general correspondence of structural elements in both felsic and mafic lithologies. Binary correlations of Zr with other high field strength elements underline fractionation as the main process in the evolution of Daba and Kui rocks. Geochemical characteristics indicate subalkaline tholeiitic basalt affinity for these mafic rocks. The trace element characteristics, such as enriched LIL elements, high Th, absence of negative Nb anomalies and depletion in compatible elements in Daba samples suggest an enriched mantle source and lower degree of melting. The trace and rare earth element characteristics for Kui (Th anomaly, Nb–Ta trough and less spiked patterns, flat REE trends) indicate derivation from a refractory mantle source affected by fluids derived from subduction. Distinct differences in trace and REE characteristics between Daba and Kui can be interpreted in terms of different stages of ophiolite development.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first data on present-day movements in the northern margin of the Argun Continental Massif, obtained on the basis of GPS measurements. The processed GPS data have been obtained to calculate the vector field of displacement velocities in the geodynamic survey site of the Upper Amur Region. The estimated displacement parameters (direction and magnitude) are indicative of the uniform velocity vector field of the points in the northern margin of the Argun Massif and the absence of considerable motions within its range (differences in the vector components do not exceed a few millimeters per year). A conclusion is made on the present-day kinematic integrity of the northern margin of the Argun Massif.  相似文献   

One of the key segments in the conjunction zone between the Baikal folded area of Baikalides, the Early Precambrian Aldan-Stanovoi shield, and the Barguzin-Vitim superterrane involving fragments of the Early Precambrian, Baikalian, and Paleozoic folded complexes is discussed. Within this segment, complicated tectonic contacts between the Late Riphean complexes of the Param-Shaman paleotrough zone in the Baikal-Muya foldbelt of Baikalides and Lower Precambrian complexes of the Kalar metamorphic terrane are mapped. The results of the U-Pb zircon isotopic dating (TIMS and SHRIMP-II) of gneisses-syenites from the Burgai Complex and gneissoid granites of the Drevnestanovoi Complex of the Early Precambrian age, as well as results of the Nd-isotope study of reference magmatic and stratified complexes of the region are presented. The ages of the oldest gneiss-syenites from the Burgai Complex and overlying plagiomigmatites in the conjunction zone have been established to differ by less than 1 Ma, making up 601 ± 5 Ma. Drevnestanovoi gneissoid granites in the conjunction zone are of the Late Paleozoic age (325–270 Ma). According to Nd isotopic data, the age of the source, from which Vendian gneisses-syenites and granites were melted, was established to be not older than the Riphean, and the material of the old continental crust to be the protolith of the upper Paleozoic granites. It has been inferred that the collision junction of Baikalian and Early Precambrian structures of the Baikal folded area and the Aldan-Stanovoi Shield into a single block took place 600 Ma ago.  相似文献   

The geological, geochemical, and geochronological data on the granitiods of the Shmakovka massif, which represents a petrotype of the synonymous complex (southern Russian Primorye), show that the granitoid intrusions of the Shmakovka Complex play a “coupling” role, occurring in different blocks of the Khanka composite terrane. The geochemical and isotopic features of the granitoids indicate that their formation resulted from melting of a “mixed,” substantially metapelite, source similar to the most intensely metamorphosed rocks of the Khanka massif. According to U–Pb measurements, the granitoids are 490 ± 1 Ma old. The analysis of the distribution of Early Paleozoic I-, S-, and A-type granitoids in southern Primorye reveals that Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician endogenic events marked the amalgamation of Precambrian–Early Paleozoic blocks and the eventual formation of the Bureya–Jiamusi superterrane (Bureya–Khanka orogenic belt).  相似文献   

In northeastern Vietnam, Late Paleozoic and Permo-Triassic granitic plutons are widespread, but their tectonic significance is controversial. In order to understand the regional magmatism and crustal evolution processes of the South China block (SCB), this study reports integrated in situ U–Pb, Hf–O and Sr–Nd isotope analyses of granitic rocks from five plutons in northeastern Vietnam. Zircon SIMS U–Pb ages of six granitic samples cluster around in two groups 255–228 Ma and 90 Ma. Bulk-rock εNd (t) ranges from −11 to −9.7, suggesting that continental crust materials were involved in their granitic genesis. In situ zircon Hf–O isotopic measurements for the granitic samples yield a mixing trend between the mantle- and supracrustal-derived melts. It is suggested that the granitic rocks were formed by re-melting of the continental crust. These new data are compared with the Paleozoic and Mesozoic granitic rocks of South China. We argue that northeastern Vietnam belongs to the South China block. Though still speculated, an ophiolitic suture between NE Vietnam and South China, so-called Babu ophiolite, appears unlikely. The Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic magmatism in the research area provides new insights for the magmatic evolution of the South China block.  相似文献   

New data on geochemical features of the Lower Paleozoic terrigenous rocks in the Mamyn terrane (eastern Central Asian Fold Belt) and U–Pb geochronological studies of the detrital zircon from these rocks are presented. The obtained results suggest the following conclusions. 1. At present, the Kosmataya sequence includes different age Lower Cambrian terrigenous–carbonate and Lower Ordovician terrigenous rocks or represents Lower Ordovician olistostromes including limestone blocks with the Lower Cambrian fauna. Lower Ordovician terrigenous rocks were formed in an island arc or active continental margin, mainly, owing to the erosion of Cambrian–Early Ordovician plutons and volcanics that are widespread in structures of the Mamyn terrane and weakly reworked by the chemical weathering. 2. The Silurian Mamyn Formation was developed at a passive continental margin. The main sources of clastic material for this formation were the same Cambrian–Early Ordovician igneous rocks as for the Cambrian sequence, with the participation of Early Silurian and Vendian igneous complexes. The obtained data significantly refine concepts about the geological structure of the Mamyn terrane, which is a member of the Argun Superterrane, one of the largest tectonic structures in the eastern Central Asian Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Ultramafic‐intermediate rocks exposed on the South Island of the Percy Isles have been previously grouped into the ophiolitic Marlborough terrane of the northern New England Fold Belt. However, petrological, geochemical and geochronological data all suggest a different origin for the South Island rocks and a new terrane, the South Island terrane, is proposed. The South Island terrane rocks differ from ultramafic‐mafic rocks of the Marlborough terrane not only in lithological association, but also in geochemical features and age. These data demonstrate that the South Island terrane is genetically unrelated to the Marlborough terrane but developed in a supra‐subduction zone environment probably associated with an Early Permian oceanic arc. There is, however, a correlation between the South Island terrane rocks and intrusive units of the Marlborough ophiolite. This indicates that the two terranes were in relative proximity to one another during Early Permian times. A K/Ar age of 277 ± 7 Ma on a cumulative amphibole‐rich diorite from the South Island terrane suggests possible affinities with the Gympie and Berserker terranes of the northern New England Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Summarized paleomagnetic data for Tuva and Mongolia showed that the curves of latitudinal displacement of Siberia, Tuva, and northern Mongolia differ insignificantly and...  相似文献   

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