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The South Asian High (SAH) and precipitation over East Asia simulated by 11 coupled GCMs associated with the forthcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report are evaluated. The seasonal behavior of the SAH is presented for each model. Analyses of the results show that all models are able to reproduce the seasonal cycle of the SAH. Locations of the SAH center are also basically reproduced by these models. All models underestimate the intensity and the extension of coverage in summer. The anomalous SAH can be divided into east and west modes according to its longitudinal position in summer on the interannual timescale, and the composite anomalies of the observed precipitation for these two modes tend to have opposite signs over East Asia. However, only several coupled GCMs can simulate the relationship between rainfall and SAH similar to the observed one, which may be associated with the bias in simulation of the subtropical anticyclone over the West Pacific (SAWP) at 500 hPa. In fact, it is found that any coupled GCM, that can reproduce the reasonable summer mean state of SAWP and the southward (northward) withdrawal (extension) for the east (west) mode of SAH as compared to the observed, will also simulate similar rainfall anomaly patterns for the east and west SAH modes over East Asia. Further analysis indicates that the observed variations in the SAH, SAWP and rainfall are closely related to the sea surface temperature (SST) over the equatorial tropical Pacific. Particularly, some models cannot simulate the SAWP extending northward in the west mode and withdrawing southward in the east mode, which may be related to weak major El Ni?no or La Ni?na events. The abilities of the coupled GCMs to simulate the SAWP and ENSO events are associated partly with their ability to reproduce the observed relationship between SAH and the rainfall anomaly over East Asia.  相似文献   

The South Asia High (SAH) is the dominant feature of the circulation in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) during the boreal summer,and the upper tropospheric anticyclonic circulation extends into the lower stratosphere.The preferred locations of the center of the SAH occur in two different regions,and the center can be located over the Iranian Plateau or over the Tibetan Plateau.This bimodality has an impact on the distribution of chemical constituents in the UTLS region.We analyzed water vapor (H 2 O),carbon monoxide (CO),and ozone (O 3) data derived from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and total column ozone data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI).For the Iranian Plateau mode of the SAH,the tropospheric tracers exhib-ited a positive anomaly over the Iranian Plateau and a negative anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau,whereas the stratospheric tracer exhibited a negative and a positive anomaly over the Iranian Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau,respectively.For the Tibetan Plateau mode,however,the distribution of the anomaly was the reverse of that found for the chemical species in the UTLS region.Furthermore,the locations of the extrema within the anomaly seemed to differ across chemical species.The anomaly extrema for H 2 O occurred in the vicinity of the SAH ridgeline,whereas CO and O 3 exhibited a northward shift of 4-8 degrees.These impacts of the variation in the SAH on the chemical constitutes in the UTLS region can be attributed in part to the dynamical structure delineated by the tro-popause field and the temperature field at 100 hPa.  相似文献   

The ability of a climate model to reproduce the climatic characters of the South Asia High (SAH) is assessed by analyzing the 110-yr output of a Flexible Coupled GCM, version 0 (FGCM-0). Comparing the results of FGCM-0 with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the major findings show that FGCM-0 has better results in simulation of the geopotential height field at 100 hPa, and reproduces fairly the main atmospheric circulation centers. However, there are still some differences in the simulated results compared with the reanalysis data. The coupled model also successfully reproduces the mean seasonal variation of the SAH, that is, it moves from the Pacific Ocean to the Asian continent, remaining over the Tibetan Plateau from winter to summer, and then withdraws from the Tibetan Plateau to the Pacific Ocean from summer to winter. However, such observed relationships between the SAH positions and the summer precipitation patterns cannot be fairly reproduced in the FGCM-0.  相似文献   

Evaluation of East Asian climatology as simulated by seven coupled models   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Using observation and reanaiysis data throughout 1961-1990, the East Asian surface air temperature, precipitation and sea level pressure climatology as simulated by seven fully coupled atmosphere-ocean models, namely CCSR/NIES, CGCM2, CSIRO-Mk2, ECHAM4/OPYC3, GFDL-R30, HadCM3, and NCARPCM, axe systematically evaluated in this study. It is indicated that the above models can successfully reproduce the annual and seasonal surface air temperature and precipitation climatology in East Asia, with relatively good performance for boreal autumn and annual mean. The models‘ ability to simulate surface air temperature is more reliable than precipitation. In addition, the models can dependably capture the geographical distribution pattern of annual, boreal winter, spring and autumn sea level pressure in East Asia. In contrast, relatively large simulation errors axe displayed when simulated boreal summer sea level pressure is compaxed with reanalysis data in East Asia. It is revealed that the simulation errors for surface air temperature, precipitation and sea level pressure axe generally large over and around the Tibetan Plateau. No individual model is best in every aspect. As a whole, the ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM3 performances axe much better, whereas the CGCM2 is relatively poorer in East Asia. Additionally, the seven-model ensemble mean usually shows a relatively high reliability.  相似文献   

Recent Change of the South Asian High   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper investigates the variability of the summer (May-September) South Asian Iligh (SAIl) for the period 1979-2012. Results show that the intensity and the area of the summer SAH decreased around 2002 at the decadal scale; and the East Asian westerly jet suppressed at the north edge of the SAH, which is consistent with the SAH variation. The precipitation pattern over eastern China also shifted during the same periods, with increased rainfall in the Huang-Huai River region and South China and decreased rainfall in the Yangtze River region. The relationship between the two variations is evidently strengthened via changes in moisture flux.  相似文献   

The South Asian High(SAH) is one of the most important components of the Asian summer monsoon system. To understand the ability of state-of-the-art general circulation models(GCMs) to capture the major characteristics of the SAH, the authors evaluate 18 atmospheric models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5/Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP5/AMIP). Results show that the multi-model ensemble(MME) mean is able to capture the climatological pattern of the SAH, although its intensity is slightly underestimated. For the interannual variability of the SAH, the MME exhibits good correlation with the reanalysis for the area and intensity index, but poor skill in capturing the east-west oscillation of the SAH. For the interdecadal trend, the MME shows pronounced increasing trends from 1985 to 2008 for the area and intensity indexes, which is consistent with the reanalysis, but fails to capture the westward shift of the SAH center. The individual models show different capacities for capturing climatological patterns, interannual variability, and interdecadal trends of the SAH. Several models fail to capture the climatological pattern, while one model overestimates the intensity of the SAH. Most of the models show good correlations for interannual variability, but nearly half exhibit high root-mean-square difference(RMSD) values. Six models successfully capture the westward shift of the SAH center in the interdecadal trends, while other models fail. The possible causes of the systematic biases involved in several models are also discussed.  相似文献   

Global Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Models in LASG/IAP   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:17  
Coupled ocean-atmospheric general circulation models are the only tools to quantitatively simulate the climate system. Since the end of the 1980s, a group of scientists in the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), have been working to develop a global OGCM and a global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (CGCM). From the original flux anomalycoupling model developed in the beginning of the 1990s to the latest directly-coupling model, LASG scientists have developed four global coupled GCMs. This study summarizes the development history of these models and describes the third and fourth coupled GCMs and selected applications. Strengths and weaknesses of these models are highlighted.  相似文献   

夏季南亚高压与邻近上对流层下平流层区水汽变化的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1979-2015年ERA-interim月平均再分析资料,分析了夏季南亚高压(SAH)与邻近上对流层下平流层(UTLS)区水汽空间分布特征,讨论了二者的相关关系和因果联系。结果表明:(1)在对流层上层,水汽大值区位于南亚高压的东南侧,并随高度升高向西北倾斜到100 hPa,水汽大值中心基本位于南亚高压中心附近。(2)南亚高压偏强(弱)时,南亚高压东部UTLS区水汽显著偏多(少),而南亚高压西北部水汽异常不显著。(3)南亚高压偏强(弱)时南亚高压中部UTLS区水汽偏多(少)可能与南亚高压对水汽的抽吸和对水汽输送屏障有关。(4)而南亚高压东南侧UTLS区水汽偏多(少)时南亚高压偏强(弱)可能与深对流输送的水汽潜热释放有关。   相似文献   

本文利用1951—2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料研究了热带海表面温度对南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压发展变化的影响,得到以下主要结论:在两高压强年与暖海温年(两高压弱年与冷海温年)里,冬、春两季赤道印度洋、太平洋海温距平呈现显著的正?负?正(负?正?负)的厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)现象,中南半岛附近的对流层高层产生异常西风(东风)气流,有利于(不利于)南侧异常反气旋环流的产生,从而促进(阻碍)南亚高压发展;菲律宾海域的对流层产生异常下沉(上升)气流,有利于(不利于)西北侧异常反气旋环流的产生,从而促进(阻碍)低层西太副高的发展。夏季,热带印度洋的暖海温(冷海温)有效地增加(降低)了当地的对流效应,使大气对流层温度增暖(减低),影响南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压的发展。  相似文献   

南亚高压是行星尺度大气环流系统,是北半球对流层上部和平流层底部夏季最强大、稳定的半永久性大气活动中心,影响和制约我国乃至亚洲的天气、气候演变,有关南亚高压形成及变异规律的研究是大气科学领域的组成部分之一。文章简要回顾了我国南亚高压研究工作的若干主要进展,对比分析了不同时期的一些研究特点,在此基础上初步展望并着重指出了南亚高压研究在内蒙古地区的应用前景及对天气预报和气候预测的指示意义。  相似文献   

夏季南亚高压和印度低压环流指数及其与大气热源的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪芳玲  李丽平  王盘兴  罗璇 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1234-1242
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料计算了1950-2006年夏季(6-8月)南亚高压(SAH)和印度低压(IL)的面积、强度和中心位置指数,并定量分析了SAH、IL的气候和异常特征及其与亚洲季风区大气热源的同期相关关系,结果表明:(1)夏季SAH 7月最强、6月最弱,中心位置6月偏东南,7、8月偏西北;IL 7月最强,中心位置偏西。(2)SAH、IL的年际异常与亚洲季风区热源异常显著相关,但IL与热源的相关明显强于SAH。(3)青藏高原(下称高原)的影响主要表现在SAH、IL中心位置的经度指数异常与同期高原及亚洲内陆与东亚、东北亚间的热源异常型;SAH、IL中心偏东年,热源异常型为西正、东负。高原主体及其邻近地区的热源异常与SAH强度异常无显著相关,而与IL强弱呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

基于1961-2012年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料和云南地区124个观测站月降水资料,利用相关分析法分析夏季南亚高压与云南地区降水的关系。结果表明:1961-2012年夏季滇西南地区降水与南亚高压主中心经度呈较显著负相关,滇南地区降水与南亚高压面积呈较显著负相关;6月滇西北和滇南地区降水与南亚高压脊线位置、高压主中心纬度呈显著正相关,滇西南地区降水与南亚高压主中心强度呈显著正相关,而与南亚高压主中心经度呈显著负相关,滇中地区降水与南亚高压主中心纬度呈显著正相关;7月滇西南、滇西北的西南部和滇西的北部地区降水与南亚高压脊线位置呈较显著正相关,滇西地区降水与南亚高压主中心强度呈较显著负相关,滇中和滇东地区降水与南亚高压主中心经度呈较显著负相关;8月滇西南、滇中、滇南和滇东地区降水与南亚高压面积呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

7月份连续性暴雨与南亚高压活动特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1958~2000年7月份逐日100hPa平均位势高度场和平均风场的资料与同期降水资料,分析7月份连续性暴雨与南亚高压活动的关系,结果发现二者间存在着密切的关系。首先按降水规律将我国南方划分为两个区:东区,南区。在发生连续性暴雨过程中,当南亚高压中心位于青藏高原上时,东区的暴雨总量增多,当中心位于伊朗高原上空时,暴雨总量有所减少。而南区则正相反,当南亚高压位于伊朗高原附近上空时,南区暴雨总量偏多,位于青藏高原上空时,暴雨总量则偏少。  相似文献   

分析资料,应用1978—2008年全球逐月观测海表温度驱动NCAR CAM5.1全球大气环流模式进行数值模拟,探讨了华南夏季降水的年代际变化特征及其与南亚高压的关系。结果表明,华南夏季降水与南亚高压的东伸脊点关系密切,均在20世纪90年代初存在年代际转变。在1993—2008(1979—1992)年期间,南亚高压位置偏西(东),西北太平洋副热带高压位置偏东(西),华南地区则低层辐合(辐散)异常、高层辐散(辐合)异常,产生异常上升(下沉)运动,华南地区降水年代际偏多(少),这也被数值试验结果所验证。  相似文献   

南亚高压活动特征及其天气气候影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈永仁  李跃清 《气象科技》2008,36(2):174-179
南亚高压是夏季亚洲南部对流层上层和平流层底层的一个强大而稳定的大气活动中心,是副热带高压系统中的一个重要成员,它与夏季北半球大气环流和亚洲区域天气气候关系密切.关于南亚高压的研究,气象学者进行了很多研究工作,取得一些开创性成果,并逐渐认识到南亚高压的演变对北半球及我国天气气候的重要性.通过总结南亚高压的形成原因、结构,季节变化、年际变化、东西振荡及其对我国天气、气候的影响等方面的研究成果,简要回顾了近几十年极涡的研究及其与南亚高压的一些初步关系,指出这两个系统之间的相互作用、变化规律和异常特征存在的具体关系,是一个研究较少的重要问题,应加强这方面的研究.  相似文献   

利用1952~2001年的印度洋海表温度资料、NCEP/NCAR的高度场资料,采用小波分析、交叉谱分析等方法,讨论了印度洋海温偶极子指数与南亚高压东西振荡的关系。结果表明:印度洋偶极子指数与南亚高压存在明显的负相关,且春季印度洋偶极子指数对同年夏季南亚高压的东西振荡有一定指示作用。印度洋偶极子指数与南亚高压东伸指数均存在8 a左右显著时间尺度。两者在1.5~8 a的周期上存在密切联系,在3 a左右的周期上,印度洋偶极子指数变化超前于南亚高压东伸指数,说明印度洋海温异常是影响南亚高压东西振荡的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

By analyzing the change of an index for the characteristics of South Asia High and variations of upper-air troughs in 2002–2005,we studied the impact of South Asia high on the beginning and ending of the Mei-yu(i.e.sustained rain corresponding to the ripening season of plum)in Jiangsu province.Statistic verification is conducted on the relationships between the index and the Mei-yu season in 1991–2005 to examine the impacts of the SAH characteristics index on a rain intensity index of Mei-yu and regional distribution of a characteristics index for different annual patterns of Mei-yu.Historical composite is performed of the 100-hPa circulation field for these patterns using the 100-hPa geopotential height of Northern Hemisphere from 2002 to 2005 and 45-year NCEP reanalysis to study the difference in the circulation for different patterns of Mei-yu.Diagnostic and statistic conclusions,which share much in common,have been obtained as follows.(1)The characteristics preceding to and the advancement/retreat of SAH and the movement of westerly troughs are the factors that influence the onset time of the Mei-yu season;after the Mei-yu onset,the progression/withdrawal of SAH and how farther east it extends are determining how long the Mei-yu lasts and when it ends.(2)During the Mei-yu,the general 100-hPa circulation situation and average characteristics of the SAH are well corresponding to the characteristics of the season and annual patterns of Mei-yu.In addition,the averages of the SAH ridgeline and east-extending index for June,July and the Mei-yu season have some implications to the forecast of the index of Mei-yu intensity.These conclusions can be served as powerful means in determining the starting/ending dates, duration and annual pattern of the Mei-yu season.  相似文献   

Projected changes in precipitation characteristics around the mid-21st century and end-of-the-century are analyzed using the daily precipitation output of the 3-member ensemble Meteorological Research Institute global ocean-atmosphere coupled general circulation model (MRI-CGCM2) simulations under the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenarios. It is found that both the frequency and intensity increase in about 40% of the globe, while both the frequency and intensity decrease in about 20% of the globe. These numbers differ only a few percent from decade to decade of the 21st century and between the A2 and B2 scenarios. Over the rest of the globe (about one third), the precipitation frequency decreases but its intensity increases, suggesting a shift of precipitation distribution toward more intense events by global warming. South China is such a region where the summertime wet-day frequency decreases but the precipitation intensity increases. This is related to increased atmospheric moisture content due to global warming and an intensified and more westwardly extended North Pacific subtropical anticyclone, which may be related with an E1 Nin^-o-like mean sea surface temperature change. On the other hand, a decrease in summer precipitation is noted in North China, thus augmenting a south-to-north precipitation contrast more in the future.  相似文献   

应用1961—2012年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料和云南124个测站逐月降水资料,分析了5月南亚高压与云南夏季降水的关系,发现高压脊线位置与降水有显著的相关。利用滤波处理和合成分析方法,分析了5月南亚高压脊线位置变化及其异常与云南夏季降水异常的联系。结果表明:5月南亚高压脊线位置偏北(南)时,夏季云南降水偏多(少);5月南亚高压脊线位置和云南夏季降水都存在显著的年代际变化,去除年代际变化影响之后两者之间的年际变化相关较为显著。5月南亚高压脊线位置偏北年,夏季南亚高压强度偏弱、范围偏小,500 hPa上西太平洋副高东移南压、强度减弱。低层700 hPa上副高西伸加强、云南上空出现明显的风场辐合,反之亦然。5月脊线位置偏北年,夏季南海和西太平洋向云南输送水汽,而脊线偏南年没有明显的水汽来源。  相似文献   

陈永仁  李跃清  齐冬梅 《高原气象》2011,30(5):1148-1157
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和我国160站月降水资料,分析了南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压(下称西太副高)在不同时间尺度上的关系及对降水的影响。结果表明,南亚高压东伸指数存在3~6年、10~15年和20年以上的周期变化,西太副高西伸指数存在3~6年和20年以上的周期变化。其中在3~6年尺度和10~15年尺度上,南亚高...  相似文献   

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