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TheTonglingarea,whichiscalledtheChineseCopperCapital,isoneofthemostimportantnon-ferrousmetalproducersinChina(e.g.Cu,AuandAg,especiallyCu).ManyresearchershavenotedthatthemetaldepositsarecloselyrelatedtotheMesozoicintrusiverocksinthisarea.Therefore,theTongl…  相似文献   

TheTonglingarea,animportantmetallogeniccluster,isrichiniron,sulphurandgold.Mineralizationiscorrelatedcloselytotheevolutionofthestrata,magmatiteandtectonics[1—4].SkarnmineralizationdevelopedwellintheTonglingarea.ItappearsalongmainlyonseveralinterfacesofPe…  相似文献   

土壤环境质量评价是开发、利用和保护名优特农产品产地的关键和基础。铜陵是丹皮产区,依据土壤环境质量评价标准,综合考虑影响土壤环境质量的因素,结合评价区土壤环境质量的现状,对丹皮产地土壤环境质量进行综合分区。将种植区划分为优质、优良、良好、一般4个等级。从而为铜陵丹皮的生产和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Based on field observations and rheology analysis, we perform one analogue experiment and remold the 3D structural frame of Tongling deposit concentrating area firstly. Then we disassemble and dialyze the 3D structures of the model using the methods of "slicing" and "stripping". A series of sliced planes vertical to the fold hinges show similar landscapes of that in the drill hole profiles. Meanwhile, layer stripping analysis indicates that the deformation features of each layer in the model are qualitatively analogical to those obtained from field observations.Through contrasting the 3D structure between the experimental model and the field phenomena,we verify the following 3D deformation features of the caprock in this area: (1) the Tongling area mainly consists of three series of NE S-typed fold groups; (2) in the uniform stress field, the incoherent folds universally develop in different positions, along different axes as well as in different strata; (3) the faults propagate upward which are mostly inter-bedded detachment faults,while the fold amplitudes decrease while going deeper; and (4) the folds and cleavages are highly developed in the Silurian System indicating that the deformation effect of the Indosinian-Yanshanian structural layer terminates at this layer, which suggests that the Silurian System is the crucial layer for the inversion between brittle and plastic deformation domains and the underlying strata are subject to the control of another deformation system with distinct properties.  相似文献   

三维地质建模是实现深部矿产勘查突破的重要途径,其通过控矿地质体的三维建模,直观刻画控矿要素之间的空间、成因和演化关系,帮助理解成矿系统,开展深部找矿预测.当前三维建模主要采用地质资料构建,在缺少钻孔等已知资料的情况下,难于构建出可靠的三维地质模型.为了克服常规三维地质建模方法可信度低、精度差的缺点,本文将重磁交互反演技术引入到三维地质建模中,提出了基于先验信息约束,通过二度半剖面交互反演、三维物性反演联合修正的三维地质模型方法.采用该方法建立了铜陵矿集区的三维地质模型,并开展了深部找矿预测,取得以下主要认识:1)基于先验信息约束的重磁交互反演建模技术能大幅提高三维地质模型的可信度,是实现地下地质体"透明化"的重要途径;2)铜陵地区重要控矿地层(C-P-T2)主要分布于向斜区和火山岩覆盖区,深部岩浆岩条件优越,深部找矿工作应从传统的背斜隆起区转向向斜区和火山岩覆盖区以及部分凹陷区,这将极大拓展铜陵地区找矿空间;3)铜陵地区传统的五大矿田的侵入岩均具有复合岩体特征,特别是与辉石闪长岩共生的矿产以铁铜矿为主,而与金矿密切相关的侵入岩则多为中酸性岩体,这一推断如果成立,将对铜陵地区找矿突破产生重大影响;4)铜陵地区的推覆构造十分发育,木镇凹陷区的早古生代基底和南陵盆地北西缘的戴公山背斜就是一套区域性推覆构造的产物,三维地质模型还揭示铜陵地区侵入岩具有深、中、浅三重结构,这为铜陵隆起的推覆成因提供了证据,也指示了在铜陵之外再寻找类似铜陵矿集区的良好前景.  相似文献   

This paper selected five typical Mesozoic intrusives from the Tongling metallogenic cluster (Xiaotongguanshan, Fenghuangshan, Xinqiao, Dongguashan, and Shatanjiao plutons), and made a systemic SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating for the five plutons, which produced an age range of 151.8±2.6- 142.8±1.8 Ma. This work put an accurate constraint on the formation age of the intrusives in the Tongling metallogenic cluster. These age data indicate that magmatic activity reached a peak during Late Jurassic. The intrusive sequence of magma is generally from quartz monzonite (porphyry) through monzonite to granodiorite to quartz monzodiorite to pyroxene monzodiorite to gabbro-diabase. The intrusives of different lithology differed in crystallization age, probably implying the intrusives in the Tongling area underwent an evolutional process of magma, which was closely related to geodynamical setting in the depths of the area. A dynamic model was presented for the origin of the igneous rocks in the study area as follows. The assembly between the Yangtze craton and the North China craton fini- shed at the end of T3, and then the stage of another compressional orogeny began in the Tongling area, i.e., Pacific dynamic system. Along with the subduction of the Izanagi plate underneath the Eurasian plate at J2-J3, NW-trending compression toward the East China continent was produced, and compres- sional deformation also took place, forming NE-trending fold and resulting in thickening of the crust in the Tongling area. High-density eclogite-facies rocks were produced in the low part of the crust, re- sulting in the delamination of mantle lithosphere and lower crust, and upwelling of materials in as- thenosphere. Decompression melting produced basaltic magma, and the materials in lower crust were heated by the underplating of the basaltic magma. Thus, melting of lower crust yielded granitic magma, which intruded along deep and large faults through various geological processes (J3-K1). The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of 151.8±2.6-142.8±1.8 Ma for intrusives in the Tongling area suggests that the de- lamination of lithosphere mantle and lower crust at least began at middle-late stage of Late Jurassic, resulting in sharp thinning of lithosphere and intense extension of middle-upper crust. Thus, a lot of decollements were produced between cover and cover, basement and cover, and middle and lower crust. This was structural layering or detachment of lithosphere in the Tongling area. Three concordant ages for old inherited cores of magmatic origin (747-823 Ma) indicated that there were obvious mag- matism in the Tongling area during Neoproterozoic, and a little more of the Neoproterozoic igneous source rocks participated in the formation of Mesozoic intrusives.  相似文献   

重磁场是地下地质体密度、磁性分别响应的综合,蕴涵着丰富的地质构造信息,如何将其有效地提取出来是正确认识地下结构的关键环节.本文在总结重磁场构造信息提取研究进展的基础上,将构造信息提取突破口归结为重磁场的边缘增强与检测.通过构建理论模型,对常用的边缘检测方法开展了对比试验,并以长江中下游成矿带中的铜陵矿集区为例,开展了实际资料的处理和研究.获得以下认识和结论:(1)多尺度边缘检测方法较其他方法更能准确提取模型边界,更适合于构造信息识别与提取;(2)在铜陵矿集区识别出18条断裂构造,确定了铜陵隆起的边界,断裂构造的走向主要为北东向,前人所谓"棋盘格式"断裂构造系统并不存在;(3)圈定了岩体的分布范围,在铜陵矿集区北缘,发现了2处隐伏岩体;(4)施家冲、戴家汇岩体周边是寻找矽卡岩型、斑岩型铜金矿的有利地段,铜陵隆起和繁昌火山岩盆地分界断裂两侧是寻找热液型铅锌矿和金矿的重要靶区.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion is a serious issue in estuarine deltas all over the world due to rapid urban sprawl and water shortage. Therefore, detecting the major flow paths or locations at risk of saltwater intrusion in estuarine ecosystems is important for mitigating saltwater intrusion. In this paper, we introduce a centrality index, the betweenness centrality (BC), to address this problem. Using the BC as the weighted attribute of the river network, we identify the critical confluences for saltwater intrusion and detect the preferential flow paths for saltwater intrusion through the least‐cost‐path algorithm from a graph theory approach. Moreover, we analyse the responses of the BC values of confluences calculated in the river network to salinity. Our results show that the major flow paths and critical confluences for saltwater intrusion in a deltaic river network can be represented by the least cost paths and the BC values of confluences, respectively. In addition, a significant positive correlation between the BC values of confluences and salinity is determined in the Pearl River Delta. Changes in the salinity can produce significant variation in the BC values of confluences. Therefore, freshwater can be diverted into these major flow paths and critical confluences to improve river network management under saltwater intrusion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper examines magmatic structures in the Jizera and Liberec granites of the Krkonoše–Jizera Plutonic Complex, Bohemian Massif. The magmatic structures are here interpreted to preserve direct field evidence for highly localized magma flow and other processes in crystal-rich mushes, and to capture the evolution of physical processes in an ancient granitic magma chamber. We propose that after chamber-wide mixing and hybridization, as suggested by recent petrological studies, laminar magma flow became highly localized to weaker channel-like domains within the higher-strength crystal framework. Mafic schlieren formed at flow rims, and their formation presumably involved gravitational settling and velocity gradient flow sorting coupled with interstitial melt escape. Local thermal or compositional convection may have resulted in the formation of vertical schlieren tubes and ladder dikes whereas subhorizontal tubes or channels formed during flow driven by lateral gradients in magma pressure. After the cessation or deceleration of channel flow, gravity-driven processes (settling of crystals and enclaves, gravitational differentiation, development of downward dripping instabilities), accompanied by compaction, filter pressing and melt segregation, dominated in the crystal mush within the flow channels. Subsequently, magmatic folds developed in schlieren layers and the magma chamber recorded complex, late magmatic strains at high magma crystallinities. Late-stage magma pulsing into localized submagmatic cracks represents the latest events of magmatic history of the chamber prior to its final crystallization. We emphasize that the most favorable environments for the formation and preservation of magmatic structures, such as those hosted in the Jizera and Liberec granites, are slowly cooling crystal-rich mushes. Therefore, where preserved in plutons, these structures may lend strong support for a “mush model” of magmatic systems.  相似文献   

滇西地区壳幔解耦与腾冲火山区岩浆活动的深部构造研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据青藏东部边缘的深部地球物理资料,分析了滇西地区壳幔耦合和腾冲火山区岩浆活动的深部构造特征,确认了地幔各向异性与上地幔速度结构(包括P波速度和S波速度)的内在联系,指出产生这一结果的原因与以腾冲火山区为中心的地幔热物质上涌有关:上地幔顶部平均温度升高导致介质强度降低,在印支块体的侧向挤压或印缅块体的向东俯冲作用下发生韧性变形,造成滇西地区地幔各向异性的快波方向与青藏东部地壳块体的旋转方向不一致.此外,鉴于中下地壳低速层的横向非均匀性,估计韧性流动并非贯通青藏高原的东部边缘,而是被不同的构造块体和边界断裂限定在局部地区.总体而言,滇西地区下地壳的地震波速度和电阻率偏低,具备发生韧性变形的构造条件.作为地壳和上地幔之间的解耦层,它使得青藏东部地壳块体旋转产生的构造应力未能传输至上地幔.腾冲火山区的地壳结构与不同时期的岩浆活动有关,火山区东侧的高速结构代表了上新世时期火山通道内冷凝固结的岩浆侵入体或难以挥发的高密度残留物质,火山区西侧的低速结构反映了更新世以来持续至今的岩浆活动,壳内岩浆源主要分布在10~20km的深度范围内,横向尺度约为15~20km,有可能通过地壳深部的断裂与上地幔岩浆源区相连,估计腾冲火山区下方的岩浆活动将持续进行.  相似文献   

利用差分合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(DInSAR)获取长白山地区的形变场.结果显示1995~1998年期间,位于长白山东南侧的间白山火山存在6~12 cm的视线向形变,而长白山天池火山处于平静期,没有明显形变.利用2002~2003年的GPS和水准获取的形变数据,分别采用Mogi单源、双源模型反演了长白山地区火山的岩浆囊参数.其中双源模型拟合效果较为理想,两个点源一个位于长白山天池老火山口下方7.9 km处,另一个位于间白山火山下方5.5 km处.对双源模型反演得到的岩浆囊参数进行适当调整,拟合得到与InSAR形变场基本吻合的结果.上述研究结果表明长白山地区火山活动存在时间上的间歇性和空间上的迁移性,为进一步研究长白山地区火山活动机制提供了参考和依据.  相似文献   

Emplacement and arrest of sheets and dykes in central volcanoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sheet intrusions are of two main types: local inclined (cone) sheets and regional dykes. In Iceland, the inclined sheets form dense swarms of (mostly) basaltic, 0.5–1 m thick sheets, dipping either at 20–50° or at 75–90° towards the central volcano to which they belong. The regional dykes are (mostly) basaltic, 4–6 m thick, subvertical, subparallel and form swarms, less dense than those of the sheets but tens of kilometres long, in the parts of the volcanic systems that are outside the central volcanoes. In both types of swarms, the intrusion intensity decreases with altitude in the lava pile. Theoretical models generally indicate very high crack-tip stresses for propagating dykes and sheets. Nevertheless, most of these intrusions become arrested at various crustal depths and never reach the surface to supply magma to volcanic eruptions. Two principal mechanisms are proposed to explain arrest of dykes and sheets. One is the generation of stress barriers, that is, layers with local stresses unfavourable for the intrusion propagation. The other is mechanical anisotropy whereby sheet intrusions become arrested at discontinuities. Stress barriers may develop in several ways. First, analytical solutions for a homogeneous and isotropic crust show that the intensity of the tensile stress associated with a pressured magma chamber falls off rapidly with distance from the chamber. Thus, while dyke and sheet injection in the vicinity of a chamber may be favoured, dyke and sheet arrest is encouraged in layers (stress barriers) at a certain distance from the chamber. Second, boundary-element models for magma chambers in a mechanically layered crust indicate abrupt changes in tensile stresses between layers of contrasting Young’s moduli (stiffnesses). Thus, where soft pyroclastic layers alternate with stiff lava flows, as in many volcanoes, sheet and dyke arrest is encouraged. Abrupt changes in stiffness between layers are commonly associated with weak and partly open contacts and other discontinuities. It follows that stress barriers and discontinuities commonly operate together as mechanisms of dyke and sheet arrest in central volcanoes.  相似文献   

Dapeng  Zhao  M. Santosh    Akira  Yamada 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):4-16
We synthesized information from recent high-resolution tomographic studies of large crustal earthquakes which occurred in the Japanese Islands during 1995–2008. Prominent anomalies of low-velocity and high Poisson's ratio are revealed in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the mainshock hypocenters, which may reflect arc magma and fluids that are produced by a combination of subducting slab dehydration and corner flow in the mantle wedge. Distribution of 164 crustal earthquakes ( M 5.7–8.0) that occurred in Japan during 1885–2008 also shows a correlation with the distribution of low-velocity zones in the crust and uppermost mantle. A qualitative model is proposed to explain the geophysical observations recorded so far in Japan. We consider that the nucleation of a large earthquake is not entirely a mechanical process, but is closely related to the subduction dynamics and physical and chemical properties of materials in the crust and upper mantle; in particular, the arc magma and fluids.  相似文献   

We discuss the chemical compositions of rhyolites from three distinct tectonic settings: (i) the continental rift from Ethiopia (both Oligocene–Miocene and Quaternary rhyolites); (ii) the early Miocene continental arc of Japan (the Mt Wasso rhyolites related to the rifting of the Japan Sea); and (iii) the oceanic Izu–Bonin Island Arc. The comparison reveals that the oceanic island arc rhyolites have high contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and extremely low abundance of trace elements including K2O. In contrast, the Ethiopian continental rift rhyolites are characterized by low contents of CaO, Al2O3, and Sr, and high contents of K2O, and are enriched in the whole range of trace elements. The continental arc Mt Wasso rhyolites are apparently low in Nb content, although they display similar chemical trends to those of the Ethiopian rhyolites. This obvious difference in the chemical signatures of the rhyolites from the three tectonic settings is the consequence of their derivation from different sources. The implication of this result is that fractional crystallization processes were dominant in the rift‐related rhyolites both from continental rift and continental arc regardless of the prevailing tectonic setting and the nature of the crust (age, thickness, composition), whereas the oceanic island arc rhyolites may form through partial melting of young, mafic crust.  相似文献   

庐枞矿集区大地电磁测深强噪声的影响规律   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
汤井田  徐志敏  肖晓  李晋 《地球物理学报》2012,55(12):4147-4159
天然大地电磁场信号微弱,极化方向随机,极易受电磁噪声污染.张量阻抗分析、远参考技术、Robust估计等对随机噪声和不相关噪声有比较好的压制效果,但对强的相关噪声目前还没有有效的压制方法.庐枞矿集区人烟稠密、工业发达,是我国著名的铁、铜、硫等矿产基地之一,区内强烈的工业、通讯、矿山、民用等电磁干扰严重污染了大地电磁测深数据.本文首先根据实测的电磁场时间域波形和卡尼亚电阻率测深曲线形态,挑选出基本未受噪声污染的测点(Y1650).然后利用数学形态学从受严重污染的电磁场时间序列中提取出类方波、三角波、阶跃、脉冲和充放电5种典型噪声的波形,并以不同的方式将这些噪声波形与Y1650的电磁场波形叠加,对比分析加噪后Y1650点电阻率和相位测深曲线的变化,进而归纳出典型强噪声对庐枞大地电磁测深资料的影响规律,为进一步压制强噪声和资料处理提供依据.  相似文献   

The vesiculation of magma during the 1983 eruption of Miyakejima Volcano, Japan, is discussed based on systematic investigations of water content, vesicularity, and bubble size distribution for the products. The eruption is characterized by simultaneous lava effusion and explosive sub-plinian (‘dry’) eruptions with phreatomagmatic (‘wet’) explosions. The magmas are homogeneous in composition (basaltic andesite) and in initial water content (H2O = 3.9±0.9 wt%), and residual groundmass water contents for all eruption styles are low (H2O <0.4 wt%) suggestive of extensive dehydration of magma. For the scoria erupted during simultaneous ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ explosive eruptions, inverse correlation was observed between vesicularity and residual water content. This relation can be explained by equilibrium exsolution and expansion of ca. 0.3 wt% H2O at shallow level with different times of quenching, and suggests that each scoria with different vesicularity, which was quenched at a different time, provides a snapshot of the vesiculation process near the point of fragmentation. The bubble size distribution (BSD) varies systematically with vesicularity, and total bubble number density reaches a maximum value at vesicularity Φ ∼ 0.5. At Φ  ∼ 0.5, a large number of bubbles are connected with each other, and the average thickness of bubble walls reaches the minimum value below which they would rupture. These facts suggest that vesiculation advanced by nucleation and growth of bubbles when Φ < 0.5, and then by expansion of large bubbles with coalescence of small ones for Φ > 0.5, when bubble connection becomes effective. Low vesicularity and low residual water content of lava and spatter (Φ  < 0.1, H2O  < 0.1 wt%), and systematic decrease in bubble number density from scoria through spatter to lava with decrease in vesicularity suggest that effusive eruption is a consequence of complete degassing by bubble coalescence and separation from magma at shallow levels when magma ascent rate is slow.
T. ShimanoEmail:

苏州平原河网区浅水湖泊叶绿素a与环境因子的相关关系   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:26  
运用回归统计方法,研究苏州平原河网区60个浅水湖泊水体叶绿素a与水温、pH、Do、CODMn、TN、TP等环境因子的相关性,建立相应的同归方程,同时分析了湖泊水体叶绿素a的时空分布特征.研究表明,平原河网区浅水湖泊水体叶绿素a含量具有一定的时空差异性,冬季叶绿索a平均含量比夏季低,但冬、夏季叶绿素a含量空间分布具有一定相似性,整个区域呈现较明显的东高两低的分布趋势;湖泊水体叶绿素a含量与理化环境因子水温、pH、DO、CODMn呈显著正相关,水温可能是平原河网区浅水湖泊浮游植物生长的限制性因子:叶绿素a与NO2-N呈显著正相关,与NH4 -N无明显负相关,与NO3-N无显著正相关,与TN无显著相关,而叶绿素a的对数与TP的对数呈一定的正相关,与TN/TP的对数呈显著负相关.平原河网区浅水湖泊可能是一定程度的磷限制性湖泊.  相似文献   

广西区域测震台网监测能力评定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者收集和整理了广西区域测震台网的资料,查阅了广西台网的观测报告,确定了不同类型模拟观测仪器的放大倍数、数字化地震仪与有效监测距离的关系,从而确定了单台的监测范围。凡4个以上的台站同时能监测到的地区则为有效监测区。分1980年以前(初创时期)、1986年以前、1993年(九五改造前期)和2007年十五改造以后4个时期分别计算广西测震台网监测能力。由此了解广西区域测震台网的发展概况和监测能力不断增强的过程。  相似文献   

Observations of several hundredexotic seismic phases (herein defined) recorded in and near Long Valley caldera, California, have been cataloged. I discuss here four classes of such seismograms: (1) seismograms with missing S-waves, (2) seismograms with an unusual pre-S phase seen at the single station SLK northwest of the caldera, (3) seismograms with a strong pre-S phase as seen at a number of stations south of the caldera, and (4) a very large, very slow (<2 km/sec) post-S phase seen at the single station Benton. For each of these phenomena, it is not yet possible to pin down an unambiguous and unique theoretical explanation. However, for each, I have presented an explanation, summarizing current thinking, which involves nonplanar reflections/refractions within shallow-crustal anomalous zones which can reasonably be supposed to be magma bodies. If these explanations are even partially pertinent, then the investigation of exotic phases near complex regions like Mammoth Lakes and other volcanic areas is potentially a way to bring precise resolving power on the nature and geometry of local crustal anomalies.  相似文献   

The turbulent flow in the local scour hole around a single non-submerged spur dyke is investigated with both experimental and numerical methods. The experiments are conducted under clear-water scour regime with an impermeable spur dyke. The scour geometry and flow velocities are measured in details with a high-resolution laser displacement meter, electro-magnetic velocimetries and PIV (Particle image velocimetry). A 3D non-linear k-ε model is developed to simulate the complex local flow field around the scour area. The numerical model is formulated using FVM (Finite volume method) on a collocated unstructured mesh, capable of resolving complex geometries and boundaries. It is found that the simulation results are reasonably consistent with those of the experimental measurements. Based on the study results, the nature of the flow structure around a spur dyke with local scour hole is analyzed.  相似文献   

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