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鲁西中生代高Mg闪长岩的成因:年代学与岩石地球化学证据   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
鲁西高Mg闪长岩分布较为广泛, 莱芜铁铜沟岩体和淄博金岭岩体是其典型代表.铁铜沟岩体早期苏长辉长岩和晚期辉石闪长岩、金岭黑云母闪长岩的LA-ICPMS U-Pb谐和加权平均年龄分别为(131.4±4.9)Ma(n=15)、(134.5±2.3) Ma(n=13)和(132.8±4.2)Ma(n=12), 它们代表了岩体的侵位结晶年龄——早白垩世.铁铜沟岩体晚期辉石闪长岩中浑圆状锆石的LA-ICPMS U-Pb谐和年龄为(2 513±54)Ma(n=8), 代表了华北克拉通基底的存在.该类岩石以高Mg# (> 60)、富钠、富含轻稀土元素、贫重稀土元素以及高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf)的明显亏损为特征, 显示埃达克岩(adakite) 的特征.该类岩石中地幔橄榄岩包体的广泛存在以及高Mg的特征表明原始岩浆的地幔成因, 而Sr-Nd同位素组成(Isr为0.704 75-0.707 72和εNd(t)值为-3.95--13.30)和高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf)的亏损以及太古代继承锆石的存在均暗示岩浆源区应有陆壳物质的涉入.铁铜沟岩体和金岭岩体闪长岩成分的差异应归因于岩浆源区性质的差异和部分熔融程度的不同.基于该类岩石的地球化学和所含包体, 同时结合华北克拉通东部中生代早期岩石圈演化历史, 可以认为鲁西中生代早白垩世高Mg闪长岩的形成应为拆沉的岩石圈(地幔+下地壳)与软流圈混熔的产物.   相似文献   

Alkaline picrites and basalts constitute 20–200 m of lavaflows and hyaloclastites in the middle part of an  相似文献   

The high-K alkaline volcano Muriah is situated in central Javaand has erupted two lava series, a younger highly potassic series(HK) and an older potassic series (K). The HK series has higherK2O contents for a given MgO content; greater silica undersaturation;and higher concentrations of LILE (Rb, Sr, Ba, and K), LREE(La and Ce), and HFSE (Nb, Zr, Ti, and P), than the K series.The HK series lavas have incompatible trace element patternssimilar in many respects to ocean island basalts. The K serieshas slightly higher 87Sr/86Sr (O70453 [GenBank] -O70498) and 18O (+6?2to + 8?4%o) and lower 143Nd/144Nd (0?512530–0?5126588)than the HK series (for which 87Sr/86Sr = 0?70426–0?70451,<518O = +6?52 to +7–0%o, and 1*3Nd/1*4Nd= 0?512623–0?512679),and higher LILE/HFSE and LREE/ HFSE ratios. A7/4 and A8/4 arehigh and do not show any systematic change from the K to theHK series. The proposed model for the Muriah lavas involvesthree source components: (1) the astheno-sphere of the mantlewedge of the Sunda arc, which has Indian Ocean MORB characteristics;(2) a metasomatic layer situated at the base of the lithosphere,which has characteristics similar to enriched mantle (i.e.,EMU); (3) subducted pelagic sediments from the Indian Ocean. Trace element and isotope data indicate that the characteristicsof the K series are produced by mixing of two endmember magmas:an undersaturated magma derived wholly from within-plate sourcesand a calc-alkaline magma derived from the subduction-modifiedasthenospheric mantle. The calc-alkaline magma is believed tobe contaminated by the arc crust before mixing. Low-pressurefractionation took place in the K series after mixing. Initiallithospheric extension in the Bawean trough (in which Muriahis located), may be responsible for decompressive melting ofthe metasomatic layer and thus the production of the HK serieslavas. The magmas erupted from Muriah show a transition fromintraplate to subduction zone processes in their genesis.  相似文献   

TheeasternNorthChinacraton(NCC)isanat urallaboratoryforthestudyoftheformationandev olutionaryhistoryoftheMesozoiccontinentallitho sphereduetoitsparticulartectonicpositionandthe Mesozoicigneousrockswidelyoccurringonit(Wangetal.,2005;Gaoetal.,2004;Peietal.,2004;Xu etal.,2004a,b,c,2003a,b,2000,1999;Zhanget al.,2002;Griffinetal.,1998;MenziesandXu,1998).However,thehigh Mgdioritesinwestern Shandonghaveimportantimplicationsinthestudyof therelationshipbetweenMesozoicmagmatismand thenatureoftheli…  相似文献   

Neogene plateau lavas in Patagonia, southern Argentina, eastof the volcanic gap between the Southern and Austral VolcanicZones at 46·5° and 49·5°S are linked withasthenospheric slab window processes associated with the collisionof a Chile Ridge segment with the Chile Trench at 12 Ma. Thestrong ocean-island basalt (OIB)-like geochemical signatures(La/Ta <20; Ba/La <20; 87Sr/86Sr = 0·7035–0·7046;143Nd/144Nd = 0·51290–0·51261; 206Pb/204Pb= 18·3–18·8; 207Pb/204Pb = 15·57–15·65;208Pb/204Pb = 38·4–38·7) of these Patagonianslab window lavas contrast with the mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like,depleted mantle signatures of slab window lavas elsewhere inthe Cordillera (e.g. Antarctic Peninsula; Baja California).The Patagonian lavas can be divided into a voluminous  相似文献   

Lithological observations and mineralogical analyses on pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and pyroxene and hornblende cumulates in xenoliths in the Mesozoic plutons of the Tongling region, Anhui Province, provide evidence for the magmatic underplating of mantle-derived alkali-olivine basalt at circa 140 Ma. The pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and cumulates were formed through the AFC process at depths ranging from 27 to 35 km.  相似文献   

We present compositional data on a 1,250-m-thick sequence of sparsely porphyritic lavas that comprise the Geikie Plateau Formation, part of the ~55-Ma break-up-related flood basalts in East Greenland. Major element compositions are relatively restricted (6.3–7.6 wt% MgO; 2.2–2.4 wt% TiO2), with two excursions to more evolved compositions (2.4–3.4 wt% TiO2) that are similar to the inferred parental magma of the nearby Skaergaard Intrusion. Major and trace element calculations show that fractional crystallisation is the principal control on magma compositions, and the cyclical sequential variations imply regular magma chamber replenishment events. Isotopic data indicate minor crustal assimilation, but with different contaminants for the main group (amphibolitic gneiss) and evolved cycles (granulitic gneiss). Rifting episodes may have allowed more primitive magmas to ascend to shallow crustal levels and subsequently fractionate to more evolved compositions in a separate chamber, which was perhaps similar to the source of the Skaergaard Intrusion.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   

Calcite grains from 19 composite dolomite-calcite marble samples from the Marmorilik Formation, West Greenland, have been analysed for Ca, Mg, and Fe with the microprobe in order to estimate metamorphic temperatures using the calcite-dolomite solvus geothermometer. The results show that there are large variations within single samples, and, insofar as any thermal gradient can be detected, it is the opposite of that indicated by mineral parageneses. Current practice in the application of the method is therefore questioned.  相似文献   

Olivine tholeiites (8–10 wt. % MgO) from Krafla show significantcorrelations between major elements (notably Fe) and incompatibletrace elements. In particular, the samples with the highestFe contents are the most enriched in elements such as K, Ti,and light rare earth elements (LREEs). The observed trends cannotbe explained by fractional crystallization of olivine, plagioclase,or clinopyrox-ene from a single primary magma, nor are theylikely to result from crustal contamination. The simplest explanationfor the compositional variations is that they result from imperfectmixing of primary melts, produced at different levels in theupwelling asthenosphere, which later underwent olivine fractionation.Nd and Sr isotopic data hint at the possibility that some mixingbetween two (plume and non-plume) mantle sources may also berequired. The average olivine tholeiite composition is comparedwith the average compositions of melts, predicted from parameterizationsof melting experiments, produced from mantle with differentpotential temperatures. The predicted compositions were correctedfor fractional crystallization before the comparison was made.The data compare well with the predicted average compositionof melt from mantle with a potential temperature of {small tilde}1580C. Differences between the observed and predicted compositions(notably higher Fe and lower Na in the Krafla basalts) are ascribedeither to errors related to the modelling or to the effect oftemperature- and velocity-structure of the mantle plume beneathIceland. The average REE composition of the olivine tholeiiteswas then inverted to obtain the variation of melt fraction withdepth. The predicted melt fraction rises from 00 at a depthof {small tilde} 140 km (consistent with a potential temperatureclose to 1580 C) to a maximum value of {small tilde} 03 atthe surface. The predicted melt thickness ({small tilde}22 kmwhen corrected for fractional crystallization) is consistentwith geophysical estimates of crustal thickness.  相似文献   

Kristen Hansen 《Lithos》1981,14(3):183-188
Mesozoic lamprophyre and carbonatite dykes from southern West Greenland, which are believed to have evolved from a single mantle-derived magma by crystal fractionation and liquid immiscibility, have initial Sr-isotopic ratios which are negatively correlated with the increasing contents of Sr, Nb and Zr through the suite. The isotopic variation is suggested to have resulted from contamination with radiogenic crustal Sr after the formation of the various rock types of the suite.  相似文献   

The heavy mineral placer deposits of the coastal sediments in south Maharashtra stretch for 12.5 km from Pirwadi in the north to Talashil in the south. The area is a sand bar represented by a narrow submergent coastal plain lying between the Achara and Gad Rivers. The sediments in the area are mainly sands which are moderately well sorted to well sorted. The heavy mineral concentration in the surficial sediments ranges between 0.69 and 98.32 wt % (28.73 wt % in average). The heavy mineral concentration shows an increasing trend from north to south. The heavy mineral suite consists predominantly of opaque minerals (ilmenite, magnetite and chromite), garnet, pyroxene, amphibole, zircon, tourmaline, rutile, staurolite, etc. Ilmenite grains are fresh whereas magnetite grains show the effect of weathering and alteration. The chromite grains are rounded to sub-rounded with alteration at the margin of the grains. The surficial textures of the opaque minerals show mechanical breaking that indicates limited distance of transportation. Ilmenite has TiO2 in the range between 40.04 and 46.6 wt %. Based on ore microscopy studies, the magnetite grains appear to be of two types: pure magnetite and titano-magnetite. Compositionally, the total magnetite fractions have Fe2O3 between 32 and 46 wt %, FeO between 19.0 and 25 wt % and TiO2 between 14.3 and 23.9 wt %. The chromite grains are an admixture of two varieties, ferro-chromite and magnesio-chromite. The chromite grains have 32.06–47.5 wt % of Cr2O3 with total iron between 23.86 wt % (4.73% Fe2O3 and 19.13% FeO) and 27.89 wt % (4.36% Fe2O3 and 23.53% FeO) and MgO between 12 and 40 wt %. The observed variations in the distribution of heavy minerals in the area are due to differences in the sediment supply, their specific gravity and oceanographic processes all of which result in a selective sorting of the sediments. The observed mineral assemblages of transparent heavy minerals (pyroxene, amphibole, tourmaline, kyanite, garnet, zircon and olivine) are suggestive of their derivation from a heterogeneous provenance comprising of igneous rocks, high grade metamorphic rocks and reworked Kaladgi sediments. The chromite grains appear to have been derived from ultrabasic rocks present in the upper reaches of the Gad River. The inferred reserves of ilmenite, magnetite and chromite are 0.175, 0.395 and 0.032 million tons, respectively.  相似文献   

The Fuchuan ophiolite is located in the northeasternmost segment of the Neoproterozoic Jiangnan orogen and consists mainly of harzburgites, with minor dunites, pyroxenite and gabbro veins and dykes. In order to investigate the genesis and tectonic setting of the Fuchuan ophiolite and chromitites, in situ analyses of unaltered chromites and silicates were carried out. Trace element analyses of unaltered chromites from the Fuchuan chromitites indicate the parental magma is of mid-ocean ridge basal...  相似文献   

Dunitic xenoliths from late Palaeogene, alkaline basalt flows on Ubekendt Ejland, West Greenland contain olivine with 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe), or Mg#, between 92.0 and 93.7. Orthopyroxene has very low Al2O3 and CaO contents (0.024–1.639 and 0.062–0.275 wt%, respectively). Spinel has 100 × Cr/(Cr + Al), or Cr#, between 46.98 and 95.67. Clinopyroxene is absent. The osmium isotopic composition of olivine and spinel mineral separates shows a considerable span of 187Os/188Os values. The most unradiogenic 187Os/188Os value of 0.1046 corresponds to a Re-depletion age of ca. 3.3 Gy, while the most radiogenic value of 0.1336 is higher than present-day chondrite. The Os isotopic composition of the xenoliths is consistent with their origin as restites from a melt extraction event in the Archaean, followed by one or more subsequent metasomatic event(s). The high Cr# in spinel and low modal pyroxene of the Ubekendt Ejland xenoliths are similar to values of some highly depleted mantle peridotites from arc settings. However, highly depleted, arc-related peridotites have higher Cr# in spinel for a given proportion of modal olivine, compared to cratonic xenolith suites from Greenland, which instead form coherent trends with abyssal peridotites, dredged from modern mid-ocean ridges. This suggests that depleted cratonic harzburgites and dunites from shallow lithospheric mantle represent the residue from dry melting in the Archaean.  相似文献   

Vico volcano has erupted potassic and ultrapotassic magmas,ranging from silica-saturated to silica-undersaturated types,in three distinct volcanic periods over the past 0·5Myr. During Period I magma compositions changed from latiteto trachyte and rhyolite, with minor phono-tephrite; duringPeriods II and III the erupted magmas were primarly phono-tephriteto tephri-phonolite and phonolite; however, magmatic episodesinvolving leucite-free eruptives with latitic, trachytic andolivine latitic compositions also occurred. In Period II, leucite-bearingmagmas (87Sr/86Srinitial = 0·71037–0·71115)were derived from a primitive tephrite parental magma. Modellingof phonolites with different modal plagioclase and Sr contentsindicates that low-Sr phonolitic lavas differentiated from tephri-phonoliteby fractional crystallization of 7% olivine + 27% clinopyroxene+ 54% plagioclase + 10% Fe–Ti oxides + 4% apatite at lowpressure, whereas high-Sr phonolitic lavas were generated byfractional crystallization at higher pressure. More differentiatedphonolites were generated from the parental magma of the high-Srphonolitic tephra by fractional crystallization of 10–29%clinopyroxene + 12–15% plagioclase + 44–67% sanidine+ 2–4% phlogopite + 1–3% apatite + 7–10% Fe–Tioxides. In contrast, leucite-bearing rocks of Period III (87Sr/86Srinitial= 0·70812–0·70948) were derived from a potassictrachybasalt by assimilation–fractional crystallizationwith 20–40% of solid removed and r = 0·4–0·5(where r is assimilation rate/crystallization rate) at differentpressures. Silica-saturated magmas of Period II (87Sr/86Srinitial= 0·71044–0·71052) appear to have been generatedfrom an olivine latite similar to some of the youngest eruptedproducts. A primitive tephrite, a potassic trachybasalt andan olivine latite are inferred to be the parental magmas atVico. These magmas were generated by partial melting of a veinedlithospheric mantle sources with different vein–peridotite/wall-rockproportions, amount of residual apatite and distinct isolationtimes for the veins. KEY WORDS: isotope and trace element geochemistry; polybaric differentiation; veined mantle; potassic and ultrapotassic rocks; Vico volcano; central Italy  相似文献   

We present elemental and isotopic (Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Os–He)data on primitive alkalic lavas from the Prinsen af Wales Bjerge,East Greenland. Stratigraphical, compositional and 40Ar–39Ardata indicate that this inland alkalic activity was contemporaneouswith the upper parts of the main tholeiitic plateau basaltsand also post-dated them. The alkalic rocks show a marked crustalinfluence, indicating establishment of new magmatic plumbingsystems distinct from the long-lived coastal systems that fedthe relatively uncontaminated plateau basalts. The least contaminatedlavas have high 3He/4He isotope ratios (R/RA 12·4–18·5),sub-chondritic 187Os/188Osi (0·120–0·126),low  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2001,105(2-4):165-181
In the Palaeoproterozoic Nagssugtoqidian orogen of West Greenland reworked Archaean and juvenile Proterozoic orthogneisses occur side by side and are difficult to differentiate in the field. Archaean gneisses have tonalitic to trondhjemitic compositions with relatively low Al2O3 and Sr, and may have been derived from magmas formed by melting of basaltic or amphibolitic rocks at moderate pressures. The Proterozoic rocks are on average more mafic, and it is likely that they crystallised from mantle-derived magmas. Felsic varieties of the Proterozoic igneous suite probably formed from the original magma by fractional crystallisation, in which hornblende played an important role, and at SiO2 > 65% Archaean and Proterozoic rocks have very similar major and trace element compositions (including REE), illustrating that different modes of origin may lead to very similar results.  相似文献   

Landslide and Tsunami 21 November 2000 in Paatuut,West Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large landslide occurred November 21, 2000 at Paatuut, facing the Vaigat Strait onthe west coast of Greenland. 90 million m3 (260 million tons) of mainly basalticmaterial slid very rapidly (average velocity 140 km/h) down from 1,000–1,400 maltitude. Approximately 30 million m3 (87 million tons) entered the sea, creatinga tsunami with an run-up height of 50 m close to the landslide and 28 m at Qullissat,an abandoned mining town opposite Paatuut across the 20 km wide Vaigat strait. Theevent was recorded seismically, allowing the duration of the slide to be estimated tocirca 80 s and also allowing an estimate of the surface-wave magnitude of the slideof 2.3. Terrain models based on stereographic photographs before and after the slidemade it possible to determine the amount of material removed, and the manner ofre-deposition. Simple calculations of the tsunami travel times are in good correspondencewith the reports from the closest populated village, Saqqaq, 40 km from Paatuut, whererefracted energy from the tsunami destroyed a number of boats. Landslides are notuncommon in the area, due to the geology with dense basaltic rocks overlying poorlyconsolidated sedimentary rocks, but the size of the Paatuut slide is unusual. Based onthe observations it is likely at least 500 years since an event with a tsunami of similarproportions occurred. The triggering of the Paatuut slide is interpreted to be caused byweather conditions in the days prior to the slide, where re-freezing melt water inpre-existing cracks could have caused failure of the steep mountain side.  相似文献   

TAMURA  Y. 《Journal of Petrology》1995,36(2):417-434
The Mio-Pliocene Shirahama Group, Izu Peninsula, Central Japan,a well-exposed submarine volcanic arc complex of lava flows,pyroclastic rocks and associated shallow intrusives, is characterizedby a tholeiitic series (basalt to dacite) and a calc-alkalineseries (andesite to dacite). Chemical variations in the tholeiiticseries and calc-alkaline series are consistent with crystalfractionation from basalt and magnesian andesite (boninite),respectively. Crystal–liquid phase relations of thesemagmas have been investigated by study of sample suites fromthese two series. Compositions of liquids in equilibrium withphenocrysts were determined by microprobe grid analyses, inwhich 49 points were averaged in 03 mm 03 mm groundmassareas. The liquid compositions, coupled with the phenocrystmineralogy of the same samples, define the liquid lines of descentof these volcanic arc magmas. Major findings include the following:(1) Crystallization of the tholeiitic series magma is consistentwith early stage crystallization in the simple system Fo–Di–Silica–H2O,with olivine having a reaction relation to augite and the tholeiiticliquid. (2) The later stage products of the tholeiitic seriesmagma are, however, crystal-poor (<10%) dacites with no maficminerals, suggesting that tholeiitic liquids, hypersthene andaugite were no longer on the cotectic (3) A characteristic ofthe calc-alkaline series magmas is the development of rhyoliticliquids. Hypersthene, augite, plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxideoccur in most calc-alkaline rocks studied, and hornblende andquartz can be found in about half of these. However, their differentiationpaths show that the cotectic relation between quartz and liquidended at a later stage, resulting in the resorption of quartzphenocrysts and ultimately in the formation of quartz-free magmas.(4) The late-stage liquids of both the tholeiitic and calc-alkalineseries have deviated from their cotectics, which cannot be explainedby fractional crystallization alone. The addition of H2O froman outside system is probably required to explain the differentiationpaths. (5) The formation of chilled margins, the in situ crystallizationof a magma chamber in the solidification zone, and/or the migrationof groundwater into the magma chamber are thought to be likelyprocesses affecting magmas during their migration and intrusioninto the crust. An extreme effect of H2O addition would be tolower the liquidus temperatures of all precipitating silicatephases far below their restorable range before eruption, resultingin the production of aphyric magmas. Even when a temperaturedecrease in the magma chamber causes a liquid to intersect theliquidus of a pre-existing phase, the addition of H2O shiftsthe cotectic toward SiO2, resulting in quartz being the lastphase to crystallize. The resorption of quartz is interpretedto be the result of a liquidus boundary shift caused by theaddition of H2O. The genesis of aphyric rhyolites is thereforeinferred to result from fractional crystallization followingaddition of H20. KEY WORDS: Shirahama Group; Japan; island arc; rhyolite; magma series  相似文献   

Major, trace element, and Sr isotopic data are reported forvolcanic rocks from the island of Alicudi, Aeolian Arc, SouthernTyrrhenian Sea. The island is constructed of basalt, basalticandesite to high-K andesite lavas, and pyroclastites, whichshow a continuum in the variation of many major and trace elements.Total iron, MgO, CaO, Ni, Co, Sc, and Cr decrease with increasingsilica, whereas incompatible elements Rb, Ba, Th, and LREE displaythe opposite tendency. Very significant positive correlationsare defined by incompatible elements on interelemental variationdiagrams. Sr isotopic ratios vary from 0–70352 to 0–70410.Overall, basalts (0–70352–O-70410) and basalticandesltes (0–70356–0–70409) are enriched in87Sr compared with high-K andesites (O–70352–O–70367),which display the lowest Sr isotopic ratios within the entireAeolian archipelago. Overall negative relationships exist between87Sr/86Sr and several incompatible trace element abundancesand ratios, such as Th, U, LREE, Zr, La/Yb, and Th/Hf. Otherelemental ratios such as La/Rb, Ba/Rb, and Sr/Rb show more complexbehaviour, even though negative correlations with Sr isotopicratios are observed in the basalts. The observed compositional variations are best explained interms of a model in which primitive calc-alkaline magmas evolvedby crystal-liquid fractionation to give a series of variouslydifferentiated liquids, which underwent different degrees ofinteraction with crustal material. The more mafic and hotterbasaltic liquids appear to have assimilated higher amounts ofmetamorphic wall rocks than did the cooler late erupted andesiticmagmas. This process produced significant variations of Sr isotopicratios, Rb, Cs, Rb/Sr ratios, and LILE/Rb ratios in mafic magmas,but had only minor effects on the abundances and ratios of otherincompatible elements such as Th, LREE, La/Yb, and Th/Hf. When compared with mafic rocks from other Aeolian islands, theAlicudi basalts are more primitive geochemically and isotopically.Going eastward, there is a decrease in Ni and Cr abundances,mg-number and Nd isotopic ratios which parallels an increaseof Sr isotopic ratios in basaltic rocks along the arc. Thesecompositional variations are typical of volcanic series whichhave undergone interaction with upper-crustal material, andsuggest that this process may have contributed significantlyto the regional geochemical and isotopic trends observed inthe Aeolian arc.  相似文献   

The investigated chromitite dike is located at the top of an upwelling mantle structure of the Oman ophiolite (Maqsad diapir), in undeformed dunites displaying evidence for magma impregnation and circulation, just below the paleo-ridge axis. The chromitite dike is undeformed, its shape is that of an upward widening tube. It exhibits an internal layering which is roughly perpendicular to the cavity axis and comprises a vertical succession of four main layers showing a graded-bedding. Chromitite magmatic structures are beautifully preserved and result from a progressive crystallization from small euhedral crystals to wide octahedron-shaped nodules; dissolution textures provide evidence for late magmatic desequilibrium; sedimentation structures include flattening of the largest nodules. The silicate matrix comprises poikilitic forsterite and a locally abundant association of primary pargasite and plagioclase and alteration minerals (vesuvianite-chlorite-dolomite); pargasite inclusions are very abundant in the chromite. Chromite composition changes from one layer to the other and from core to rim in the chromite nodules (chromium decreases and titanium increases); Ti contents are generally high (0.4 to 0.8 wt.% TiO2) with respect to podiform chromites. Platinum-group elements are not abundant but they show a strong fractionation at the scale of the orebody and of the main graded-bedded layers (Pd/Ir ratio varies from 0.5 to 11.5). REE patterns of chromitite parallel to those of gabbros and furthermore display a sea water related hydrothermal alteration (Ce negative anomaly).

The chromitite dike of Maqsad provides evidence for the crystallization of chromitite bodies in subvertical magma conduits below oceanic ridges; it corroborates the model of Cassard et al. (1981) and Lago et al. (1982) concerning the formation of chromitite pods in ophiolites which were later deformed and transposed into the horizontal plane due to the plastic flow prevailing away from the paleo-axial zone. Layering and chromite compositional variations are ascribed to a multicellular convective system segregating various stocks of chromite particles either in the upwelling flow of fresh magma or in the convective cells of fractionated residual magma in the confined part of the cavity. The estimated life-time for the magma influx is very short (<2 months). The parent-magma was probably of MORB-type and already fractionated (Ti-rich and PGE-poor), which is consistent with the strong evidence of magma-peridotite interactions in the core of the Maqsad diapir. Hydrous fluids were present during chromite crystallization (pargasite inclusions) suggesting that fluid-rich melts occur in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

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