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Drop-calorimetry measurements performed on CaTiO3 perovskite between 400 and 1800 K have shown the occurrence of two overlapping phase transitions at 1384 and 1520 K. The 1384 K transition shows a λ-type C p variation with a very sharp C p decrease after the transition; in contrast, the 1520 K transition exhibits a unusual λ shape with a long high-temperature tail spanning more than 400 K. By comparison with previous structural studies, we suggest that the 1384 K transition may be due to an orthorhombic Pbnm to orthorhombic Cmcm transition and that the peak centered at 1520 K represents the effects of overlapping orthorhombic to tetragonal and tetragonal to cubic phase transitions. The large anomaly of specific heat above 1520 K suggests that the cubic phase produced may be strongly disordered up to the melting point.  相似文献   

Orthorhombic MgSiO3 perovskite is thought to be the most abundant mineral in the mantle of the Earth. Its bulk properties have been widely studied, but many geophysical and rheological processes are also likely to depend upon its surface and grain boundary properties. As a first step towards modelling these geophysical properties, we present here an investigation of the structures and energetics of the surfaces of MgSiO3-perovskite, employing both shell-model atomistic effective-potential simulations, and density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations. Our shell-model calculations predict the {001} surfaces to be the energetically most stable surfaces: the calculated value of the surface energy being 2.2 J/m2 for the MgO-terminated surface, which is favoured over the SiO2-terminated surface (2.7 J/m2). Also for the polar surfaces {111}, {101} and {011} the MgO-terminated surfaces are energetically more stable than the Si-terminated surfaces. In addition we report the predicted morphology of the MgSiO3 perovskite structure, which is dominated by the energetically most stable {001} and {110} surfaces, and which appears to agree well with the shape of grown single crystals.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy on natural calcium metatitanate perovskite (dysanalyte) reveals the following twin laws in the orthorhombic (space group Pbnm) phase: reflection twins on the {110} and {112} planes, and 90° rotation twins about the [001] axis (referred to as [001]90° twin). Single crystals that were heattreated and quenched from above 1585 K exhibit a dramatic change in domain structure compared with the starting material and specimens quenched from T < 1470=" k.=" mutually=" perpendicular=" {110}=" and=">90° twins are observed throughout the crystal, forming a cross-hatched domain texture. 1/2[001] antiphase domains, which are very rarely observed in the starting material, also become dominant in the crystal. This change in domain structure is interpreted as due to a structural phase transition in perovskite at a temperature below 1585 K. From the point symmetry elements that describe the twin laws and the translational elements that relate the antiphase domains, the most likely phase near 1585 K is tetragonal with space group P4/mbm. These results are consistent with high-temperature powder X-ray diffraction study. On the other hand, density of the {112} twins is increased significantly in the crystal quenched from 1673 K. Twin domains are either bound by mutually perpendicular {110} and (001) walls, or by {112} walls with {110} twin domains within the polygonal {112} domains. Both twin density variation and domain morphology suggest that the crystal may be cubic at this temperature. Microstructure of a single crystal deformed at 1273 K and 3.5 GPa (within the orthorhombic stability field) is morphologically quite distinct from that of the heat-treated specimens. Dislocations dominate the microstructure and often interact with twin domain boundaries.A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center  相似文献   

At high pressures, CdGeO3 pyroxenoid transforms to garnet, then to ilmenite, and finally to perovskite. Enthalpies of transition among the four phases were measured by high temperature calorimetry. The entropies of transition and slopes of the boundaries were calculated using the measured enthalpies and free energies calculated from the phase equilibrium data. Pyroxenoid and garnet are very similar energetically. However garnet is a high pressure phase because of its lower entropy and smaller volume. The pyroxenoid-garnet transition has a small positiveP-T slope. Ilmenite is intermediate in enthalpy between garnet and perovskite, but is lower in entropy than both phases. Therefore the garnet-ilmenite transition has a positivedP/dT, while a negativedP/dT is calculated for the ilmenite-perovskite transition. The thermochemical data for the CdGeO3 phases are generally consistent with the observed high pressure phase relations. The high entropy of perovskite relative to ilmenite, observed in several ABO3 comounds including CdGeO3, is related to the structural features of perovskite, in which relatively small divalent cations occupy the large sites of 8–12 fold coordination. The thermochemistry of the CdGeO3 polymorphs shows several similarities to that of the CaGeO3 system.  相似文献   

Summary The structural changes occurring in the clinopyroxenes with composition Di100, Di90En10 and Di80En20, due to the Ca-Mg substitution in the M2 site, have been studied. Evidence is given that with increasing Mg content a small percentage of the atoms converts from the M2 position to a new M2 position which is solely occupied by Mg. The maximum conversion of M2 to M2 found in this study is 7%. The closest parallel to the M2 geometry is found in the ZnSiO3 pyroxene (C2/c). The presence of this new site causes significant changes in the tetrahedral configuration, because the M2 atoms are not bonded to 03. The intermediate compositions, Di90En10 and Di80En20, may be thought of as the coexistence of two structural models: diopside and ZnSiO3 pyroxene (C2/c).
Kristallstrukturen Ca-reicher Klinopyroxene der CaMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6-Reihe
Zusammenfassung Es wurden die strukturellen Änderungen von Klinopyroxenen der Zusammensetzungen Di100, Di90En10 und Di80En20, die durch den Mg-Ersatz für Ca verursacht werden, untersucht. Es zeigt sich, daß mit steigendem Mg-Gehalt ein kleiner Teil der Atome der M2-Position zu einer neuen M2-Position wechselt; diese wird ausschließlich durch Mg besetzt. Der größte in dieser Arbeit gefundene Übergang von M2 nach M2 beträgt ca. 7%. Die stärksten Parallelen zur Geometrie um M2 werden im Pyroxen ZnSiO3 (C2/c) gefunden. Die Besetzung dieser neuen Position verursacht bedeutende Änderungen im Tetraederverband, da die M2-Atome nicht an O3 gebunden sind. Die Pyroxenstrukturen mit den intermediären Zusammensetzungen Di90En10 und Di80En20 können als Überlagerung zweier Modelle betrachtet werden: Diopsid und ZnSiO3-Pyroxen (C2/c).

Abbreviations En Enstatite - Di Diopside - Hd Hedenbergite - Fs Ferrosilite - ClEn Clinoenstatite - Di100 pure diopside - Di90 Di90En10 (mol.-%) - Di80 Di80En20 - brg bridging With 6 Figures  相似文献   

High-pressure phase transitions of CaRhO3 perovskite were examined at pressures of 6–27 GPa and temperatures of 1,000–1,930°C, using a multi-anvil apparatus. The results indicate that CaRhO3 perovskite successively transforms to two new high-pressure phases with increasing pressure. Rietveld analysis of powder X-ray diffraction data indicated that, in the two new phases, the phase stable at higher pressure possesses the CaIrO3-type post-perovskite structure (space group Cmcm) with lattice parameters: a = 3.1013(1) Å, b = 9.8555(2) Å, c = 7.2643(1) Å, V m  = 33.43(1) cm3/mol. The Rietveld analysis also indicated that CaRhO3 perovskite has the GdFeO3-type structure (space group Pnma) with lattice parameters: a = 5.5631(1) Å, b = 7.6308(1) Å, c = 5.3267(1) Å, V m  = 34.04(1) cm3/mol. The third phase stable in the intermediate P, T conditions between perovskite and post-perovskite has monoclinic symmetry with the cell parameters: a = 12.490(3) Å, b = 3.1233(3) Å, c = 8.8630(7) Å, β = 103.96(1)°, V m  = 33.66(1) cm3/mol (Z = 6). Molar volume changes from perovskite to the intermediate phase and from the intermediate phase to post-perovskite are –1.1 and –0.7%, respectively. The equilibrium phase relations determined indicate that the boundary slopes are large positive values: 29 ± 2 MPa/K for the perovskite—intermediate phase transition and 62 ± 6 MPa/K for the intermediate phase—post-perovskite transition. The structural features of the CaRhO3 intermediate phase suggest that the phase has edge-sharing RhO6 octahedra and may have an intermediate structure between perovskite and post-perovskite.  相似文献   

The clinopyroxenes spodumene (LiAlSi2O6), LiScSi2O6 and ZnSiO3, all with space group C2/c at ambient conditions, were studied under high pressures by single-crystal X-ray diffraction in a diamond-anvil cell. Changes in the evolution of the unit-cell parameters, optical properties and the appearance of h + k odd reflections characteristic of a primitive lattice, indicate that all three pyroxenes undergo phase transitions. The transitions are mostly displacive in character, and are non-quenchable. Transition pressures are 3.19 GPa in spodumene, ∼0.6 GPa in LiScSi2O6 and 1.92 GPa in ZnSiO3. The space group of all three high-pressure phases was determined to be P21/c by structure refinement to single-crystal X-ray intensity data collected in the DAC. In the ZnSiO3 clinopyroxene the intermediate P21/c phase further transforms to a second C2/c phase (HP-C2/c) at 4.9 GPa (confirmed by structure refinement). The volume change at this transition is about 2.6%, three times larger than in the first phase transition, and typical of the P21/c→ HP-C2/c phase transitions found previously in MgSiO3, FeSiO3, etc. These results therefore provide the first direct evidence that the HP-C2/c and the HT-C2/c structures of pyroxenes are distinct polymorphs with the same space group. The phase transition from C2/c to P21/c symmetry in spodumene and LiScSi2O6 therefore occurs because the polymorphs stable at ambient conditions are isotypic to the high-temperature C2/c phases of clinopyroxenes such as pigeonite and clinoenstatite. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 2000  相似文献   

The aluminate sodalites M 8[Al12O24](XO 4)2, with M=Ca, Sr and X=S, Cr, Mo, W, are discussed in terms of their general structural characteristics. Special emphasis is given to the non-bonded O...O interactions between the cage anions and the sodalite framework, on one side, and to attractive cage anion — cage cation interactions, on the other side. Values for pseudocubic cell parameters, spontaneous deformation, superstructure multiplicities, transition temperatures and associated enthalpies, as well as symmetry information are given.  相似文献   

A new high pressure phase with the composition Ca2AlSiO5.5 has been synthesized using an MA-8 apparatus operating at 1700° C and 16 GPa. The phase possesses a structure analagous to CaSiO3 perovskite but with half the Si atoms replaced by Al, and charge balance provided by vacancies in the oxygen sub-lattice. The unit cell possesses a lattice parameter, ao = 3.706 ± 0.003 Å (room P and T value), based on a simple cubic perovskite structure. However, electron diffraction shows that a superstructure has developed parallel to one of the {111} cubic planes with a wavelength of 10.70 Å (equals 5 × ¦d111¦), so that the Ca2AlSiO5.5 cell must be described formally as rhombohedral with a = 11.12 Å and = 27.27 degrees. This rhombohedral cell is metrically cubic, since the distortion of the cubic cell is not determinable from X-ray diffraction patterns obtained so far. The calculated density of this high pressure phase Ca2AlSiO5.5 is 3.64 gm·cm-3. This low density is related in part to the large proportion of oxygen vacancies present in the structure. Because of the low density, this phase is unlikely to be a significant mineralogical constituent of the lower mantle, unless the phase is characterized by extreme compressibility. However, the identification of the phase may be of significance in showing how A12O3 can be accommodated in silicate perovskite via replacement of SiVI in octahedral sites accompanied by production of one oxygen defect for every 2 Al atoms substituted. The possibility that this mode of substitution might be relevant to the incorporation of Al2O3 in MgSiO3 perovskite warrants further study.  相似文献   

An order parameter treatment of the phase transitions in leucite, KAlSi2O6, at approximately 950 and 920 K: (cubic) I41 acd(tetragonal) I41 a(tetragonal) is presented in terms of Landau theory and induced representation theory. The Al-Si order with decreasing temperature is taken as the primary order parameter to which other distortions (K+ ion displacements, strain components, etc.) couple linearly. The expected Al-Si ordering behavior and the associated K+ ion displacements for both transitions are derived and the resulting twin domain orientations are listed. The sequence of phase transitions results from a coupling of 3 + and 4 + representations. The Landau free energy for the five-dimensional reducible representation has been simplified to two components resulting in a linearquadratic coupling of the components. Possible phase diagrams are derived by free energy minimization. The cubic tetragonal transition is first-order, whereas the tetragonal-tetragonal transition may be second order. A tricritical point exists at which the first-order transition changes to second-order.  相似文献   

MX-1 tridymite is one of the room-temperature polymorphs of SiO2 tridymite and has an underlying monoclinic structure (Cc) with incommensurate modulations along a * and c * (Hoffmann et al. 1983; Löns and Hoffmann 1987). With increasing temperature up to 500° C, MX-1 is reported to experience at least five structural phase transitions. However, its structures and the relationships to other tridymite polymorphs are unclear. We present here a 29Si MAS NMR study of the room-temperature incommensurate structure of MX-1 and its structural phase transitions up to 540° C. Our results suggest that at room temperature, all the Si sites in MX-1 tridymite are in positions with similiar ∠Si-O-Si of ~150° and are consistent with the presence of two incommensurate modulations proposed by Hoffmann et al. (1983). Simulations of the spectra yield modulation amplitudes of 1.33 and 0.87 ppm, corresponding to 0.009 and 0.006 Å for Si-Si. The maximum atomic displacements along a and b due to the modulations appear to be ~0.01–0.02 Å. The structural phase transitions of MX-1 are significantly different from those of MC tridymite below 220° C. Our high temperature results confirm that MX-1 tridymite transforms to the H5 phase at about 65° C. The most important transition occurs near 110° C, where the H5 phase transforms to a phase yielding a single, narrow NMR peak, indicating the disappearance of the superstructure and possibly the onset of the dynamic averaging. The NMR lineshapes of H5 are consistent with the metrically orthorhombic unit cell and commensurate superstructure of 2a, 2b and 10c proposed by Graetsch and Flörke (1991). The phase present above 110° C is probably similar to the OC phase, but has a mean ∠Si-O-Si of ~152.0° at 113° C, 152.9° at 185° C and 154.1° at 500° C. The transitions at ~160 and 220° C for MX-1 are subtle and probably due to impurity MC. Analysis of the modulations in the OS phase of MC tridymite indicates that their amplitudes are of the order of 0.02 Å, significantly less than the value 0.3 Å proposed by Nukui et al. (1979).  相似文献   

Sr2Fe2O5 is a typical oxygen-deficient perovskite and adopts brownmillerite phase (Ibm2, Z = 4) at ambient conditions. Its high-pressure structural behavior has been investigated by both synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction with diamond anvil cell technique and first principles calculations. Experimental results clearly show that the brownmillerite Sr2Fe2O5 transforms into a tetragonal perovskite-type phase at 12.0 GPa and room temperature, and then into a Sr2Mn2O5-type phase (Pbam, Z = 2) at 23.3 GPa after high-temperature annealing. The Sr2Mn2O5-type phase is stable up to at least 60 GPa and it further undergoes a reversible transition to a lower symmetry phase at 79.1 GPa and ~2,000 K. The results from theoretical calculation not only confirm that the tetragonal phase of Sr2Fe2O5 is isostructural with the high-temperature structure of Ba2In2O5 (I4/mcm, Z = 4), but also predict a series of phase transitions from brownmillerite phase to Ba2In2O5-type phase at 6.9 GPa, and then to Sr2Mn2O5-type phase at 19.7 GPa, which coincides with present experiment results. Isothermal pressure–volume relationship of the Sr2Mn2O5-type phase can be well described by the Birch–Murnaghan Equation of State with V 0 = 111.6(10) Å3, B 0 = 122(9) GPa, B 0  = 4(fixed) experimentally and V 0 = 115.8(3) Å3, B 0 = 92(4) GPa, B 0  = 4(fixed) theoretically. The transition mechanism from brownmillerite to Ba2In2O5-type phase is the displacement of four-coordinated Fe3+ ions to higher coordinated positions upon compression. In addition, a semiconductor-to-metal crossover is predicted from brownmillerite to Ba2In2O5-type or Sr2Mn2O5-type phase.  相似文献   

Summary In order to define the limits of expansion of the M2 polyhedron in theC2/c clinopyroxenes of formulaX M2MgM1 [Si2O6] as the mean ionic radius in the M2 site increases, the join CaMgSi2O6–SrMgSi2O6 (Di–SrPx) has been investigated atP=1 atm and between 1090°C and 1350°C. The extent of the clinopyroxene solid solutions is limited to the compositional range Di100–Di70SrPx30. Within this range the unit-cell parameters of the clinopyroxenes show a linear variation with the increase of Sr content. The comparison of the variations caused in the unit-cell dimensions by the increase of the mean ionic radius in the M2 site (Di–SrPx series) with those caused by the decrease of the mean ionic radius in M2 (Di–En series) displays a different trend ofb in the two series. This different trend ofb suggests a different mechanism of the structure deformation in the two solid solution series. The narrow extent of the Di–SrPx solid solutions atT=1200°C shows that the increase of the mean ionic radius in the M2 site is restricted to the range 1.12–1.16 Å.
La substitution Ca–Sr dans les clinopyroxènes le long du joint CaMgSi2O6–SrMgSi2O6
Résumé Le joint CaMgSi2O6–SrMgSi2O6 (Di–SrPx) a été étudié entre 1090°C et 1350°C à 1 atm dans le but d'établir quelles sont les limites de l'expansibilité du polyhèdre M2 dans les clinopyroxènesX M2MgM1 [Si2O6] (group spatialC2/c) avec l'augmentation du rayon jonique moyen dans le site M2. La solution solide est limitée à l'intervalle de composition Di100–Di70 SrPx30. Dans ce domaine les paramètres de la maille varient d'une façon linéaire avec la teneur croissante de Sr. Si on compare les variations de la maille, déterminées par le rayon jonique moyen croissant dans le site M2 (série Di–SrPx), avec celles causées par la diminution du rayon jonique moyen dans le site M2 (série Di–En), on observe une tendance différente du paramètreb dans les deux séries. Ceci indique un mécanisme différent de la déformation structuralle dans les deux séries de solutions solides. Puisque àT=1200°C le domaine des solutions solides Di–SrPx est étroit, l'augmentation du rayon ionique moyen dans le site M2 est bornée à l'intervalle 1.12–1.16 Å.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Infrared and Raman spectra of the quartz, rutile and amorphous forms of GeO2 have been recorded under pressure and/or temperature, in order to study the crystalline to crystalline — or amorphous — transformations of this compound in the solid state. X-ray diffraction data shown that crystalline quartz-GeO2 subjected to high pressure amorphizes. Infrared data are consistent with a gradual amorphisation of this compound at static pressures between 6 to 12 GPa at 300 K. With increasing pressure, the Ge-O distance appears to remain constant and amorphization is associated with a progressive change in the coordination of germanium atoms from fourfold to sixfold. This apparent change in coordination is not quenchable at room pressure. On decompression, the Ge in the amorphous form returns to tetrahedral coordination. The anharmonic parameters for the Raman modes of the quartz and rutile forms of GeO2, have also been estimated from pressure and temperature shifts. These data have been used to calculate heat capacities and entropies of the two polymorphs at different pressures, with the Kieffer vibrational model. The calculated heat capacities at room pressure are within 1% of the experimental values between 20 and 1500 K. The calculated entropies are used to estimate the phase boundary in the (P, T) plane. The slope of the curve at room pressure (17 bar/K) is in good agreement with experimental values.  相似文献   

A methodology based on the Hartree–Fock theory is used to study pure MgSiO3 crystals as well as Al doping in perovskite and ilmenite modifications of this mineral. Atomic displacements in the neighbourhood of the defect are obtained for cases when the Al substitutes for either Mg or Si host atoms. The atomic relaxation is due to the changes produced upon the chemical bonding within the defective region and in some occasions obeys the Coulomb electrostatic interaction. Band structure properties are briefly revised for the pure and doped minerals. The occurrence of Al-bound hole polaron is predicted in the ilmenite mineral. The results of output are compared to the available reports on the same subject in both experimental and theoretical fields of the investigation.  相似文献   

Kosmochlor (NaCrSi2O6) was synthesized by the flux method from melts along the join Na2O·2 SiO2-Na2O·Cr2O3·4 SiO2 at 1000° C in air, and isolated by dissolving the glassy matrix with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids. The join CaMgSi2O6-NaCrSi2O6 was studied at 1 atmosphere in air by the quenching technique at temperatures between 900° and 1450° C, using mixtures of kosmochlor and diopside crystals or diopside glass as starting materials. The phases are diopside solid solution, kosmochlor, spinel (Mg-chromite), eskolaite (Cr2O3) and glass. The maximum solubility of kosmochlor in diopside is 24 wt percent at 1140° C, while diopside is not soluble at all in kosmochlor, resulting in the existence of a wide range of immiscibility. Petrologic significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structures and energies of SiO2 stishovite, MgO periclase, Mg2SiO4 spinel, and MgSiO3 perovskite were calculated as a function of pressure with the polarization-included electron gas (PEG) model. The calculated pressures of the spinel to perovskite phase transitions in the Mg2SiO4 and MgSiO3 systems are 26.0 GPa and 27.0 GPa, respectively, compared to the experimental zero temperature extrapolations of 27.4 GPa and 27.7 GPa. The two oxide phases are found to be the most stable form in the pressure range 24.5 GPa to 31.5 GPa, compared to the experimental zero temperature extrapolation of 26.7 GPa to 28.0 GPa. The volume changes associated with the phase transitions are in good agreement with experiment. The transition pressures calculated with the PEG model, which allows the ions to distort from spherical symmetry, are in much better agreement with experiment than those calculated with the modified electron gas (MEG) model, which constrains the ions to be spherical.  相似文献   

 Raman spectra of diopside were collected from atmospheric pressure to 71 GPa. The pressure dependences of 22 modes were determined. Changes occurred in the spectra at three different pressures. First, at approximately 10 GPa, the two Raman modes at 356 and 875 cm−1 disappeared, while the mode at 324 cm−1 split into two modes, diverging at this pressure with significantly different pressure shifts; second, at approximately 15 GPa, a small (1 to 2 cm−1) drop in several of the frequencies was observed accompanied by changes in the pressure dependency of some of the modes; and third, above 55 GPa, the modes characteristic of chains of tetrahedrally coordinated silicon disappeared, while those for octahedrally coordinated silicon appeared. The first change at 10 GPa appears to be a C2/c to C2/c transition involving a change in the Ca coordination. The third change above 55 GPa appears to be a change in the silicon coordination. At 15 GPa, it is suggested that a change in compressional mechanism takes place. Received: 14 November 2000 / Accepted: 9 January 2002  相似文献   

The single-crystal acoustic velocities of α- and β-quartz were measured by Brillouin spectroscopy to a maximum temperature >1,500°C at room pressure. From these velocities, the single-crystal elastic moduli were calculated up to 1,050°C, exceeding the temperature range of previous measurements by 350°C for the elastic moduli and by 710°C for acoustic velocities. The ordinary refractive index (n o) of α- and β-quartz was measured from room temperature to 800°C. In the temperature interval from ∼950 to 1,000°C a subtle change in the temperature derivative of the longitudinal acoustic velocity was observed in platelet geometry for all measured directions. The high-temperature acoustic velocity data may indicate the presence of a second phase, presumably β-cristobalite, that nucleates below 1,000°C.
Dmitry L. LakshtanovEmail:

The pressure dependence of the cristobalite Raman spectrum has been investigated to 22 GPa at room temperature, using single-crystal Raman spectroscopy with a diamond-anvil cell. We observe a rapid, first-order phase transition on increasing pressure, consistent with the cristobalite I?II transition revealed in previous x-ray diffraction experiments. The phase transition has been bracketed at 1.2±0.1 GPa on increasing pressure and 0.2±0.1 GPa on decreasing pressure. The pressure shifts II) of 11 Raman bands in the high-pressure phase (cristobalite have been measured. Evidence for an unusual hybridization of modes at 490–500 cm?1 is found. Changes in the Raman spectra also reveal an additional phase transition to a new phase at P ≈ 11 GPa, which remains to be fully characterized.  相似文献   

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