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The principal aspects of reconstruction of conditions and paths of fluid migration in massifs of crystalline rocks are considered. The spatiotemporal relationships between stress fields, brittle failure, and migration of radionuclides are discussed. The main attention is focused on the staged character of tectonic events, fluid circulation conditions, and the sequence of uranium mineral formation as determined with structural, geological, tectonophysical, petrophysical, petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical, microstructural, microthermometric, and radiographic methods. As is exemplified in uranium deposits and massifs of silicic igneous rocks, the comprehensive consideration of the tectonodynamics of fluid-conducting structural elements and radionuclide migration is necessary for providing insights into the localization and redistribution of uranium, the PT conditions of uranium ore formation, and the forecast for long-term safety of disposal of radioactive wastes in crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether the application of phosphate compounds (phosphorite rock, phosphate fertilizer) to polyminerallic waste rocks can inhibit sulfide oxidation and metal mobility (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Mn, Mg). Waste rocks comprised sulfidic carbonaceous shales and were sourced from the Century Pb-Zn mine, NW Queensland, Australia. The acid producing, Pb-Zn rich rocks consisted of major quartz, muscovite/illite, dolomite, siderite and kaolinite as well as smaller amounts of sulfide minerals (e.g. galena, sphalerite, pyrite). Laboratory leach experiments were conducted on finely granulated phosphate-treated waste rocks (>2 to <30 mm) over 13 weeks, whereas phosphate amendment of coarsely granulated waste rocks (sand to boulder size) was investigated using heap leach piles at the mine site over an 11 months period. Results of the laboratory experiments demonstrate that the treatment of finely granulated waste rocks with phosphorite rock produced leachates with near-neutral pH values due to calcite dissolution. This in turn did not allow the leaching of apatite, formation of secondary phosphate phases and phosphate stabilization to occur. Metal mobility in these amended wastes was restricted by the dissolution of calcite and the resultant near-neutral pH conditions. By contrast, the application of the water-soluble phosphate fertilizer MKP (KH2PO4) to polyminerallic sulfidic waste rocks during the short-term laboratory experiments led to the formation of phosphate coatings and precipitates and inhibited acid and metal release (Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn). At least in the short term, the application of phosphate fertilizers proved to be an effective method. However, results of the long-term field trials demonstrate that coarsely granulated waste rocks were not coated by secondary phosphate phases and that amendment by phosphorite rock or superphosphate fertilizer did not improve leachate quality compared to the unamended waste. Thus, phosphate stabilization appears ineffective in suppressing oxidation of sulfides in coarsely granulated mine wastes.  相似文献   

Conceptual geological repositories are generally used for disposing spent nuclear wastes containing both high and low level of nuclear radiation and heat. Due to its long-lasting effect, it is imperative to analyze its long-term effect on the surrounding rock. Before analyzing radiation and thermal effect, it is important to have structurally stable cavern because designing an opening in rock is a more difficult problem than designing the structure made of steel. Underground rocks are under stress because of the weight of the overlying rock, and in addition, an underground opening will produce a stress concentration and stress relaxation in the surrounding rock. If the induced stress in the surrounding rock exceeds its strength, the opening will fail either by fracturing or by deforming more than the tolerable limit. In this paper, the stability of four different shapes of excavation has been examined for conceptual geological repositories in Indian context. This has been done using equivalent continuum numerical model which has been incorporated in the commercial finite difference code-FLAC-3D. Effects of opening shapes on stress distribution, subsidence of crown and side wall, and their stability have been analyzed and discussed. The validation of FLAC3D software for its applicability in conceptual underground geological repositories has been done with a published literature.  相似文献   

Claystones are one of the types of geological formations that are considered for the isolation of radioactive wastes. The study of water transfer through these rocks comes up against a lot of difficulties. Among them is the problem of extracting representative samples of interstitial water from indurated claystones with very low water contents (usually less than 10% vol.). The vacuum distillation technique considered here for samples from the Tournemire site (Toarcian argillite formation), is one of the few usable techniques to extract water from this type of rock in order to perform stable isotope investigations on porewater. Tests have shown that the isotope water content is not only influenced by the yield of extraction and the temperature of distillation (as already known), but also by the rain size and the contact time between the crushed sample and the atmosphere. This affects particularly18O data.The first isotopic results on the Tournemire claystones suggest a meteoric origin for its interstitial water. Data show a depletion in heavy isotopes with respect to present day meteoric water, that could suggest a recharge under climatic conditions cooler than at present. A clear link appears between the isotope contents of water and the structural context: interstitial waters of rock samples taken in the fractured zone of the massif seem to have been affected by a secondary process (evaporation or water-rock exchange) leading to the enrichment in heavy isotopes.  相似文献   

核废物处置已成为当务之急,其目的是要保证人类与环境的安全。普遍采用的方法是地质处置,即保寻安全封闭的天然屏障。为此,岩石的研究就至关重要。目前,各国选用的岩石不一,并不断变化,主要为石盐、粘土和花岗岩。开发研究总趋势是建立地下实验室,进行现场试验。  相似文献   

This article is a study of the thermal effects associated with the emplacement of aged radioactive high-level wastes in a geologic repository, with emphasis on the following subjects: waste characteristics, repository structure, and rock properties controlling the thermally induced effects; thermal, thermomechanical, and thermohydrologic impacts, determined mainly on the basis of previous studies that assume 10-yr-old wastes; thermal criteria used to determine the repository waste loading densities; and technical advantages and disadvantages of surface cooling of the wastes prior to disposal as a means of mitigating the thermal impacts. Waste loading densities determined by repository designs for 10-yr-old wastes are extended to older wastes using the near-field thermomechanical criteria based on room stability considerations. Also discussed are the effects of long surface cooling periods determined on the basis of far-field thermomechanical and thermohydrologic considerations. Extension of the surface cooling period from 10 yr to longer periods can lower the near-field thermal impact but have only modest long-term effects for spent fuel. More significant long-term effects can be achieved by surface cooling of reprocessed high-level waste.  相似文献   

M. Langer 《Engineering Geology》1993,35(3-4):183-190
The need for storage caverns for oil and gas, and repositories for toxic chemical waste is increasing world-wide. Rock salt formations are particularly suitable for the construction of cavities for such purposes. Owing to its favourable geomechanical properties, rock salt remains stable over long periods of time without support, and it can be shown that the geological barrier of the host rock remains intact for a remarkably long time.

Safety analysis must be made for each proposed site based on site-specific data. The methods of doing this are well known and related technical recommendations exist in Germany. These recommendations apply to the planning, construction, operation and post-operational management of salt caverns used for the underground disposal of hazardous wastes. In particular, geotechnical site-specific safety verification, as required by the government's technical regulations on wastes (TA-Abfall) under the section “Underground Disposal”, is required. This safety verification must cover the entire system comprising the waste, the cavern and the surrounding rocks. For this purpose geomechanical models have to be developed. The steps which must be taken when carrying out geological engineering site explorations and when determining geotechnical parameters are discussed. In addition, recommendations are made for the design and construction of underground repositories.

For liquid-filled caverns, long-term sealing from the biosphere is of particular interest. In this instance it must be shown that the natural increase in pressure in the closed cavity due to long-term convergence does not exceed the fracture pressure. A special filled test (scale 1:1) has been performed to study this.  相似文献   

The last 10–15 years have produced a considerable amount of research into the geological disposal of radioactive wastes. This has had some very beneficial spin-offs for the geosciences. There are, however, a number of areas where it is difficult for earth scientists to provide quantitative information required for the types of long-term safety assessment being performed at present. With the likely increased stringency with which we may begin to treat other industrial wastes, much is to be learned from the radioactive waste experience. This article reviews some of the geological issues in constraining long-term predictions, discusses how geological data are used, and questions exactly what it is that we are trying to achieve in the management of these wastes and in the regulations concerning their disposal.  相似文献   

Summary. Because of its advantageous physical and mechanical characteristics, salt rock is considered an excellent host rock for nuclear waste disposal. Nuclear wastes in a salt rock repository will continue to emit radiation and thermal energy for decades after placement, resulting in a significant rise of the surrounding salt rock temperature. Consequently, study of the physical and mechanical characteristics of salt rock under different temperature conditions is essential to ensure the integrity of the salt rock repository and the safe isolation of nuclear wastes from the biosphere. Through a series of physical and mechanical tests on thenardite salt rock at different temperatures (ranging from 20 °C to 240 °C), it is found that the mechanical parameters have different reactions to a changing temperature. Tests show that the ultrasonic velocity of samples decreases with temperature increase and both the uniaxial compressive strength and axial strain increase with temperature, whereas the tangent modulus Et goes in an opposite direction. Meanwhile, the plastic strain increases gradually and strain-softening behavior of the samples becomes increasingly evident. In the pre-set angle shear tests, both the cohesion and internal friction angle increase with temperature. Results obtained in direct shear illustrate that both the peak shear strength and the ultimate shear strength increase with temperature. We conclude that the behavior of thenardite salt rock at high temperatures is still advantageous to the integrity of salt rock repository, assuring the safe isolation of nuclear wastes from the biosphere.  相似文献   

The estimation of the long-term stability of crystalline rock massifs with respect to natural and technogenic loads in the course of long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is a special area of surveys at underground research laboratories (URLs). In parallel with these surveys, data on uranium deposits—natural analogues of repositories of SNF consisting of 95% UO2—are used for obtaining insight into the dynamics of radionuclide migration and validating barrier properties of host rocks. Examples of URLs located in granitic massifs of Sweden (Äspö), Canada (Whiteshell), Switzerland (Grimsel), Japan (Mizunami), and Finland (ONKALO), as well as the El Berrocal (Spain), Palmottu (Finland), Sanerliu (China), and Kamaishi (Japan) deposits, are considered in the paper. The objects listed above are distinct in tectonic settings, geology, control of ore mineralization, redox conditions of uranium migration, and character and intensity of filtration and transportation, which predetermine the direction and specific features of research conducted therein. A variant in which a URL and a natural analogue are combined in one object is especially promising for validation of safe long-term isolation of SNF. The Antei vein-stockwork uranium deposit in the southeastern Transbaikal region, localized in Paleozoic granite at a depth of 400–1000 m and opened by mine workings at six levels, is such an object. Its geological features, stress-strain state, and infrastructure of mine workings offer an opportunity to study the entire spectrum of processes proceeding in near-and far-field of an SNF repository. The structural geology, mineralogy and petrography, and petrophysical and tectonophysical features of the deposit at its three lower levels are considered. The sequence of metasomatic alteration of rocks and the dynamics of formation of ore-bearing faults that crosscut prototectonic elements, as well as relationships of physicomechanical properties of rocks as a function of the intensity of their metasomatic alteration and the distance from master fault planes, have been established. A 3D geological model of the deposit in combination with estimated parameters of the present-day stress field and physicomechanical properties of particular rock blocks serves as the basis for prediction of the geomechanical behavior of the massif. The practical implications of the results obtained for assessment of the long-term safety of SNF repositories in granites are discussed.  相似文献   

Most evaluations of the contaminant retardation processes likely to be important in geological disposal (e.g. for high level radioactive waste (HLW)) consider only the present characteristics of fractures and associated mineral infills. Relatively little attention has been given to possible long-term changes in these features, and their influence on groundwater flow. The work reported here seeks to provide analogous evidence that such changes are not likely to be important and hence to improve confidence in the presently adopted evaluation methodology and its long-term applicability.

In the orogenic belt that is formed by the Japanese islands, there are wide areas of crystalline rock. The rocks in each area have a distinctive age sequence which is partly reflected in the characteristics of the fracture systems and associated mineral fillings that occur. These characteristics generally imply that groundwater and solutes can be conducted through fracture networks, except in the cases of fault zones or crushed zones. The structural and mineralogical features of these networks readily illustrate how certain contaminants might react and be retarded by the fracture fillings and open pore geometry, due to chemical sorption and/or physical retardation.

Here, we describe the fracture systems developed in crystalline rocks with different ages that are intruded into the Japanese orogenic belt. The aim is to build a model for the long-term fracturing process and hence to evaluate fracture ‘stability’. In particular, the comparisons are made between the fracture geometries and the frequencies observed in the 1.9–0.8 Ma Takidani Granodiorite (the youngest exposed pluton in the world), the ca. 67 Ma Toki Granite and the ca. 117 Ma Kurihashi Granodiorite located in central to northwest Japan. The observations show that all these crystalline rocks have similar fracture frequencies, with 1 to 2 fractures per meter in the massive part of rock bodies. Mineralogical studies and dating analyses of fracture fillings also suggest that fractures are relatively physically stable. Major new fractures tend not to be created in the massive part of rock bodies even when a pluton has been subjected to the regional stresses of plate movements with a duration of about 100 Ma. The results show the unique characteristics of the fracture forming process and the relatively stable geometries of fracture network systems in crystalline rocks distributed within the orogenic belt. This analogue also enables us to provide a model to build confidence in a technical approach applicable for modeling of hydrogeology and geology over long time scales under the orogenic stress field present in Japan. The model may also be useful for other stable tectonic settings as well as for a characterizing sites in crystalline rocks for the possible geological disposal of HLW and other toxic wastes.  相似文献   

If a mine waste pile is left open, an active chemical reaction of oxidation is often found due to the commonly high content of pyritic materials. The oxidation of pyrites is an exothermic process and the released heat will promote the flow of fresh oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere into the waste dump. As a result, oxidation reaction will accelerate and temperature within the dump can increase to as high as 60°C above the ambient temperature. The oxidation process also releases sulphuric acid and hydrogen ions into ground water to cause water contamination. Low‐permeability covers such as clay liners have been recently proposed to abate the oxidation process in mine wastes. The effectiveness of using low‐permeability materials to cover mine wastes in order to suppress the pyrite oxidation is examined. By conducting the theoretical analysis of the onset of convective air flow within waste rocks, the conditions under which soil gas flow is significant are identified. By comparing the results with previous field measurements and theoretical analysis for the uncovered conditions, it is shown that low‐permeability covers can effectively suppress soil gas flow and slow down the pyrite oxidation process in mine wastes. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Textile industry has become an essential part of modern society, and waste production is an inevitable outcome of the developmental activities. Present paper outlines a direct approach toward a real problem of managing spinney waste fibers generated during textile industry. Simultaneously, shortage in landfill disposal space is another trouble associated with dumping of these hazardous wastes. Direct incorporation of these wastes into cementitious materials faces some disadvantages, so a partial oxidative degradation treatment was performed for those wastes in laboratory-scale experiments. Slurry resulted from the degradation process was incorporated into a mixture of cement/sand as hydrating agent to produce a mortar composite. Mechanical integrity and weight stability of the mortar composite produced were evaluated at the end of setting and hardening period under different variables. Based on the experimental results, the nominated mortar composite could be considered as an added-value product suitable for various applications, for example inert matrix for immobilization of some low and intermediate levels radioactive wastes, decorative tiles, building bricks, light concrete.  相似文献   

The Zonguldak province is a coastal settlement area that has been suffering from serious natural and human-induced environmental problems sourced by its geology and geomorphology. Since the province locates at the heart of a coal-producing basin, the geo-environmental problems related to mining activities such as esthetic degradation, disposal of mining wastes and subsidence of the abandoned coal galleries are badly affecting every day life in Zonguldak province. Disposal of municipal wastes is also a big problem since only one municipality out of 32 has a sanitary disposal area. The rest of the municipalities dispose their solid wastes to rivers or to the sea. The province has also some health problems, which are pointed out in the literature, related to coal mining and geologic environment. These are cytogenetic damage in peripheral lymphocytes and pheumoconiosis (most commonly seen at coal workers), goiter and cancer. Landslides are the most important hazards in the area since 13% of the total surface of the Zonguldak is affected by landslides. In this study, considering the hazard potential special attention is given to deep landslides and using the stepwise forward conditional logistic regression technique, the landslide susceptibility map for the Zonguldak province is produced. The results showed that the most important independent variables governing the landslides are slope gradient, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks of Eocene and clastic and carbonate units of Cretaceous. The landslide map is used as a base map for the production of geo-hazard reconnaissance map on which areas subjected to other important geo-hazards (flood, earthquake and subsidence) are also shown to provide guidance for both existing settlement areas to take the necessary preventive measures and for new developing settlement areas to avoid the problematic areas.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the possibility of ETAAS analysis, and a technique of this analysis, of salt rocks, their insoluble residues, and organic fractions from these rocks for Au, Pt, and Pd (concentrations from 10–7 to 10–2 ppm). Various techniques for the decomposition of the samples are discussed, and the paper presents information on the extent of Au, Pt, and Pd adsorption from chloride complexes when the POLYORGS-IV complex-forming adsorption agent is applied. The determined atomization parameters of the elements in a graphite furnace are reported. Precious metals are proved to be concentrated in the insoluble residues of the salt rocks and in the slimes (salt wastes) when the salt rocks are processed. The forms in which precious metals are contained in the salt-bearing rocks are determined.  相似文献   

Underground cities and semi-underground settlements, most of which are 1500 years at least, exist in the Cappadocia Region of Turkey. These man-made rock structures are carved in soft tuffs and the best examples of long-term performance of man-made structures in the field of rock engineering. The tuffs also have good thermal isolation properties to be used as housing and storage of foods. In this article, the authors are only concerned with physical and short-term mechanical characteristics due to the wide-spectrum of the theme and the in situ characterization of the Cappadocia tuffs, and the results of investigations are presented. In addition, a critical overview on possible engineering geological problems at Cappadocia with mechanical aspects of historical and modern rock structures and their implications in rock engineering is made. From the experimental results in the field, it is evident that the engineering characteristics of these rocks do not show significant changes in vertical and horizontal directions. However, they are prone to atmospheric conditions. In addition, temperature and humidity measurements at different floors of the underground cities and various parts of semi-underground settlements indicated that variations in climatic conditions of the openings are very small when compared to those outside the ground surface.  相似文献   

Constitutive models for rocks and soils typically incorporate some form of strain softening. Moreover, many plasticity models for frictional materials use a nonassociated flow rule. Strain softening and nonassociated flow rules can cause loss of well-posedness of the initial-value problem, which can lead to a severe mesh dependence in simulations and poor convergence of the iterative solution procedure. The inclusion of viscosity, which is a common property of materials, seems a natural way to restore well-posedness, but the mathematical properties of a rate-dependent model, and therefore the effectiveness with respect to the removal of mesh dependence, can depend strongly on how the viscous element is incorporated. Herein, we show that rate-dependent models, which are commonly applied to problems in the Earth's lithosphere, such as plate tectonics, are very different from the approach typically adopted for more shallow geotechnical engineering problems. We analyse the properties of these models under dynamic loadings, using dispersion analyses and one-dimensional finite difference analyses, and complement them with two-dimensional simulations of a typical strain localisation problem under quasi-static loading conditions. Finally, we point out that a combined model, which features two viscous elements, may be the best way forward for modelling time-dependent failure processes in the deeper layers of the Earth, since it not only enables modelling of the creep characteristics typical of long-term behaviour but also regularises the initial/boundary-value problem.  相似文献   

Nuclear power is strategically and quantitatively an important contributor to global electricity generation capacity and produces a small amount of potentially highly hazardous wastes that require careful management. The accepted solution for disposing of higher activity and longer-lived radioactive wastes from the nuclear power industry and other sources is engineered emplacement in deep geological disposal facilities (GDFs), situated many hundreds of metres underground. The first purpose-built GDFs for the most active of these wastes (used nuclear fuel and high-level wastes) will be operational in about ten years time in a few countries, with most other countries (including the UK) developing such facilities during coming decades. This article reviews the conceptual basis for geological disposal, examines how long-term safety is provided, considers the geological challenges to developing GDFs and the uncertainties that have to be managed, and looks in more detail at some of the most advanced design concepts. Because the issue of forecasting GDF evolution and behaviour over very long time periods lies at the core of geological disposal, particular emphasis is placed on matching containment requirements with diminishing hazard potential over many thousands of years. The article concludes with a commentary on current developments in the UK geological disposal programme.  相似文献   

王金安  李飞  曹秋菊  鞠杨  毛灵涛 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3345-3352
为深刻理解构成断裂岩体长期抗剪强度的细观机制,对岩石断裂面的细观接触和损伤演化进行了试验研究。采用压剪方式和巴西劈裂方式制作出两类断裂岩石,在恒定法向力作用下对破坏岩石试件进行分级施加剪切力的蠕变试验。在加载前、中、后对断裂岩石分别进行CT和激光扫描,观察到不同蠕变阶段断裂岩石的细观接触和损伤状态,获得不同性质的断裂岩石抗剪强度特征。试验研究表明:构成断裂岩石长期抗剪强度的机制主要有两个:一是细观凹凸啮合体的抗剪断能力;二是表观凹凸接触体的抗摩擦能力。拉破裂岩石表面局部粗糙度相对较大,抗剪强度以第1种破坏机制为主,剪切破坏岩石表面宏观起伏度较大,抗剪强度是以第2种破坏机制为主。在蠕变剪切过程中,两种机制交织在一起,并随时间或剪位移的增加而相互转换。  相似文献   

百色盆地那读组层序分析与生储盖组合   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
彭军  郑荣才  陈景山 《沉积学报》2002,20(1):106-111
通过野外露头、钻井岩心、测井曲线和地震资料的综合分析,在识别出 4类不同成因类型和规模的层序界面基础上,将百色盆地那读组划分为 1个超长期、5个长期和 16个中期基准面旋回层序。并详细地讨论了层序与生储盖组合的关系,指出生储盖组合特征与长期基准面旋回关系最为密切,有利储层发育位置主要出现在长期基准面上升半旋回的早中期和下降半旋回的中晚期,转换面附近则是烃源岩和盖层的发育位置;各长期旋回层序的生储盖组合具不同特征,明显受基准面升降幅度、频率及其所影响的相组合、可容纳空间和A/S值变化控制;按生储盖组合在垂向和纵向上的配置关系,可划分为上生下储、下生上储、侧向运移等 3种基本组合类型。  相似文献   

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