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Vertical oscillations of the gas at the outer edge of the accretion disk in a semi-detached binary due to interaction with the stream of matter from the inner Lagrangian point L 1 are considered. Mixing of the matter from the stream from L 1 with matter of the disk halo results in the formation of a system of two diverging shocks and a contact discontinuity, or so-called “hot line”. The passage of matter through the region of the hot line leads to an increase in its vertical velocity and a thickening of the disk at phases 0.7?0.8. Subsequently, the matter moving along the outer edge of the disk also experiences vertical oscillations, forming secondary maxima at phases 0.2?0.4. It is shown that, for systems with component mass ratios of 0.6, these oscillations will be amplified with each passage of the matter through the hotline zone, while the observations will be quenched in systems with component mass ratios ~0.07 and ~7. The most favorable conditions for the flow of matter from the stream through the edge of the disk arise for component mass ratios ~0.62. A theoretical relation between the phases of disk thickenings and the component mass ratio of the system is derived.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the estimation of the removal efficiency of PM10 by large-scale precipitation under no-wind conditions in a background (rural) and urban areas. The changes in PM10 concentrations before, during and after the presence of rainfall were studied from 2007 to 2013. The study was conducted in two different locations identified with regard to air quality. DAVIS weather stations were used to determine the meteorological conditions. The concentration of PM10 was calculated with the use of the gravimetric reference method. Two hundred and ninety-nine measurement series were carried out. A linear relationship was found between the intensity and duration of rainfall and the value of the removal coefficient (ΔC). It was proved that except light rains, for the near-to-ground troposphere, the effectiveness of the removal of PM10C) did not assume different values at various locations for rainfall with the same intensity and duration. It was found that a temporary interaction of the effect of the purification by wet deposition was being minimised in areas characterised by low air quality. It was confirmed that intense rains resulted in the maintenance of higher values of air quality.  相似文献   

Temporal variation of PM10 using 2-year data (January, 2007–December, 2008) of Delhi is presented. PM10 varied from 42 to 200 μg m−3 over January to December, with an average 114.1 ± 81.1 μg m−3. They are comparable with the data collected by Central Pollution Control Board (National Agency which monitors data over the entire country in India) and are lower than National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQ) standard during monsoon, close to NAAQ during summer but higher in winter. Among CO, NO2, SO2, rainfall, temperature, and wind speed, PM10 shows good correlation with CO. Also, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 levels on Deepawali days when fireworks were displayed are presented. In these festive days, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 levels were 723, 588, and 536 μg m−3 in 2007 and 501, 389, and 346 μg m−3 in 2008. PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 levels in 2008 were 1.5 times lower than those in 2007 probably due to higher mixing height (446 m), temperature (23.8°C), and winds (0.36 ms−1).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a new compound [Mg(H2O)4(SeO4)]2(H2O) (monoclinic, P2 1/a, a = 7.2549(12), b = 20.059(5), c = 10.3934(17) Å, β = 101.989(13), V = 1479.5(5) Å3) has been solved by direct methods and refined to R 1 = 0.059 for 2577 observed reflections with |F hkl | ≥ 4σ|F hkl |. The structure consists of [Mg(H2O)4(SeO4)]0 chains formed by alternating corner-sharing Mg octahedrons and (SeO4)2? tetrahedrons. O atoms of Mg octahedrons that are shared with selenate tetrahedrons are in a trans orientation. The heteropoly-hedral octahedral-tetrahedral chains are parallel to the c axis and undulate within the (010) plane. The adjacent chains are linked by hydrogen bonds involving H2O molecules not bound with M2+ cations.  相似文献   

A new mineral barioferrite—a natural analogue of synthetic barium ferrite Ba Fe 12 3+ O19—has been identified in the central part of a metamorphosed barite nodule in the rock of the Haturim Formation (Mottled Zone) on the southern slope of Mount Ye’elim in Israel. The mineral is associated with barite, calcite, magnetite, and maghemite and occurs as tiny platy crystals up to 3 × 15 × 15 μm and their irregular aggregates. Barioferrite is black with streaks of brown, and its luster is submetallic. Its Calculated density is 5.31 g/cm3. The mineral is brittle; cleavage is absent. IR absorption bands (cm?1) are observed at 635 (shoulder), 582, 544, 433, and 405 (shoulder). Barioferrite is characterized by ferrimagnetic behavior. Under a microscope in reflected light, barioferrite is grayish white with brownish red internal reflections, the pleochroism is weak (from gray-white on R o to gray-white with a brown tint on R e), and the bireflectance is weak with distinct anisotropy. The reflectance values of R o/R e, % (λ, nm) are 24.51/22.80 (470), 24.17/22.25 (546), 23.65/21.68 (589), and 22.67/20.85 (650). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, wt %; the ranges are given in parentheses) is BaO 13.13 (12.5–13.8), Fe2O3 86.47 (85.5–87.5), and 99.60 in total. The empirical formula is Ba0.95Fe 12.03 3+ O19. Barioferrite is hexagonal with space group P63/mmc, a = 5.875 (3) Å, c = 23.137 (19) Å, V = 691.6 (5) Å3, and Z = 2. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å, (I, 5) (hkl)] are 2.938(46) (110), 2.770(100) (107), 2.624 (84) (114, 200), 2.420(44) (203), 2.225(40) (205), and 1.627(56) (304, 2.0.11). The holotype specimen of barioferrite is deposited at the Mineralogical Museum of St. Petersburg State University; its catalogue number is 1/19436.  相似文献   

Results of a study of a strong flare of H2O maser emission in the star-forming region Sgr B2(M) in 2004 are reported. The observations were carried out on the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. The main emission, with its flux density reaching 3800 Jy, was concentrated in a narrow radial-velocity interval (about 3 km/s) and was most likely associated with the compact group r, while the emission at VLSR > 64 km/s came from group q. After 1994, the variations of the H2O maser emission in Sgr B2(M) became cyclic with a mean period of 3 years.  相似文献   

The Bader topological analysis has been applied to ab initio computed electron densities of beryl, in order to clarify its mechanism of compression. Full structural optimization and total energy (E) calculations were performed at different cell volumes (V c). The pressure at each volume and the equation of state were estimated from the first and second derivatives of the resultant E(V c) curve. The total (negative) potential energy of the crystal, sum of both attractive and repulsive electrostatic terms, was found to systematically decrease (i.e., it moved to more negative values) up to the highest pressure considered (28.4 GPa), indicating that interelectronic and internuclear repulsions are not the only terms controlling the compressibility, at least in the pressure range investigated. Electronic kinetic energy increases as the cell volume is reduced, leading to a parallel increase of the total energy. Both structure at equilibrium and compressibility are therefore due to the balance between the opposing kinetic and potential energy terms. The Bader theory has been used to identify the topological atoms within the structure and to calculate their properties, with particular attention to the forces driving the structural relaxation at high pressure. On a qualitative basis, the obtained results are expected to be transferable to the discussion of compressibility of other mineral phases.  相似文献   

The Western Depression of the Liaohe Basin is the major exploration area of the Liaohe Oilfield, and its main source rocks consist of the third and fourth members of the Shahejie Formation (Es3 and Es4). These source rocks are widely distributed in the depression, with semi-deep lake and fan delta as the main sedimentary facies, brown oil shale and black gray-dark gray mudstone as the main rocks, and a total thickness of 270-1450 m. The kerogens are mainly of the types I and IIA, and partly of the type IIB and least of the type III. The Ro values range from 0.4%-0.8%, indicating an evolution stage from immature to mature. The maturity of Es4 source rocks is rela-tively high, reaching the early mature stage, but their distribution and thickness are lower than those of Es3. Besides, according to biomarker analysis, it is thought that the source rocks of Es3 and Es4 are characterized by mixed input, and most of the source rocks were formed in the brackish water-saline and strongly oxygen-free environment. Fur-thermore, the Qingshui, Niuxintuo and Chenjia sags are believed to possess greater potential for hydrocarbon gen-eration and expulsion, for they are source rocks with a larger thickness, have higher organic carbon contents, belong to better organic matter types and possess higher maturities.  相似文献   

A new potassium uranyl selenate compound K(UO2)(SeO4)(OH)(H2O) has been synthesized for the first time using the technique of evaporation from water solution. Its crystal structure has been solved by direct methods (monoclinic, P21/c,a = 8.0413(9) Å, b = 8.0362(9) Å, c = 11.6032(14) Å, β = 106.925(2)°, V = 717.34(14) Å3) and refined to R 1 = 0.0319 (wR 2 = 0.0824) for 1285 reflections with |F 0| > 4σ F . The structure consists of [(UO2(SeO4)(OH)(H2O)]? chains extending along axis b. In the chains, the uranyl pentagonal bipyramids are linked via bridged hydroxyl anions and tetrahedral oxoanions [SeO4]2?. Potassium ions are situated between these chains. No chains of that type have been observed in uranyl compounds earlier, but they had been detected in the structures of butlerite, parabutlerite, uklonskovite, fibroferrite, and a number of synthetic compounds.  相似文献   

Aeolian (wind) erosion is most common in arid regions. The resulted emission of PM10 (particulate matter that is smaller than 10 μm in diameter) from the soil has many environmental and socioeconomic consequences such as soil degradation and air pollution. Topsoil resistance to aeolian transport highly depends on the surface composition. The study aim was to examine variations in PM10 fluxes in a desert-dust source due to surface composition and topsoil disturbance. Aeolian field experiments using a boundary layer wind tunnel alongside soil composition analysis were integrated in this study. The results show variations in PM10 fluxes (ranging from 9.5 to 524.6 mg m?2 min?1) in the studied area. Higher wind velocity increased significantly the PM10 fluxes in all surface compositions. A short-term natural disturbance caused changes in the aggregate soil distribution (ASD) and increased significantly PM10 emissions. Considering that PM10 contains clays, organic matter, and absorbed elements, the recorded PM10 fluxes are indicative of the potential soil loss and degradation by wind erosion in such resource-limited ecosystems. The findings have implications in modeling dust emission from a source area with complex surfaces.  相似文献   

Freshwater marshes could be a source of greenhouse gases emission because they contain large amounts of soil carbon and nitrogen. These emissions are strongly influenced by exogenous nitrogen. We investigate the effects of exogenous nitrogen on ecosystem respiration (CO2), CH4 and N2O emissions from freshwater marshes in situ in the Sanjiang Plain Northeast of China during the growing seasons of 2004 and 2005, using a field fertilizer experiment and the static opaque chamber/GC techniques. The results show that there were no significant differences in patterns of seasonal variations of CO2 and CH4 among the fertilizer and non-fertilizer treatments, but the seasonal patterns of N2O emission were significantly influenced by the exogenous nitrogen. Seasonal averages of the CO2 flux from non-fertilizer and fertilizer were 987.74 and 1,344.35 mg m 2 h 1, respectively, in 2004, and 898.59 and 2,154.17 mg m 2 h 1, respectively, in 2005. And the CH4 from the control and fertilizer treatments were 6.05 and 13.56 mg m 2 h 1 and 0.72 and 1.88 mg m 2 h 1, respectively, in 2004 and 2005. The difference of N2O flux between the fertilizer and non-fertilizer treatments is also significant either in 2004 and 2005. On the time scale of 20-, 100-, and 500-year periods, the integrated global warming potential (GWP) of CO2 + CH4 + N2O released during the two growing seasons for the treatment of fertilizer was 97, 94 and 89%, respectively, higher than that for the control, which suggested that the nitrogen fertilizer can enhance the GWP of the CH4 and N2O either in long time or short time scale.  相似文献   

O K- and Ti L23-core-loss spectra of fresnoite Ba2TiSi2O8 (BTS) and Sr2TiSi2O8 (STS), which is isotypic to BTS, have been measured by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The energy-loss near-edge structures (ELNES) of the O K edge have been identified on the basis of theoretical simulations and interpretations of the X-ray absorption near-edge structures (XANES), which have been modelled in the framework of self-consistent full multiple-scattering (FMS) theory using FEFF8. Herewith, the K-absorption spectra of oxygen (E) and the local partial electron density of states (DOS) of all atoms have been calculated. For BTS, the observed spectral features in the O K-edge spectra are interpreted in terms of mixing between the central O p and neighbouring Ba 5d and 4f, Si 3p and 3d, and Ti 3d orbitals. The observed differences in the O K-edge spectra for STS and BTS can mainly be attributed to three properties: (1) The lack of high local partial Sr unoccupied DOS with 4f symmetry near the Fermi level compared to the high Ba 4f unoccupied DOS results in differences of overlapping O 2p – cation orbitals. (2) The differences in the ionic radii of Sr and Ba result in a larger unit cell for BTS and, thus, in larger oxygen-cation bonding distances. (3) In comparison to STS, the strength of the incommensurate 2-D structural modulation is significantly weaker in BTS, i.e. distortions of coordination polyhedra occur to a much lesser extent. All these effects alter the oxygen-cation hybridization and, hence, result in a variation of the O 1s p transition and consequently of the O K-edge spectral shape. The observed peak broadening in Ti L23 ELNES of STS compared to BTS is correlated with strong displacive modulations hosted in STS.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic stability constants for the hydrolysis and formation of mercury (Hg2+) chloride complexes
have been used to calculate the activity coefficients for Hg(OH) n (2–n)+ and HgCl n (2–n)+ complexes using the Pitzer specific interaction model. These values have been used to determine the Pitzer parameters for the hydroxide and chloro complexes and C ML). The values of and have been determined for the neutral complexes (Hg(OH)2 and HgCl2). The resultant parameters yield calculated values for the measured values of log to  ±0.01 from I  =  0.1 to 3 m at 25°C. Since the activity coefficients of and are in reasonable agreement with the values for Pb(II), we have estimated the effect of temperature on the chloride constants for Hg(II) from 0 to 300°C and I = 0–6 m using the Pitzer parameters for complexes. The resulting parameters can be used to examine the speciation of Hg(II) with Cl in natural waters over a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

Light hydrocarbons (LHs) are one of the main petroleum fractions in crude oils, and carry much information regarding the genetic origin and alteration of crude oils. But secondary alterations—especially biodegradation—have a significant effect on the composition of LHs in crude oils. Because most of the LHs affected in oils underwent only slight biodegradation (rank 1 on the biodegradation scale), the variation of LHs can be used to describe more the refined features of biodegradation. Here, 23 crude oils from the Dawanqi Oilfield in the Tarim Basin, NW China, eleven of which have been biodegraded to different extents, were analyzed in order to investigate the effect of slight to minor biodegradation on C6–C7 LHs. The study results showed that biodegradation resulted in the prior depletion of straight-chained alkanes, followed by branched alkanes. In slight and minor biodegraded oils, such biodegradation scale could not sufficiently affect C6–C7 cycloalkanes. For branched C6–C7 alkanes, generally, monomethylalkanes are biodegraded earlier than dimethylalkanes and trimethylalkanes, which indicates that branched alkanes are more resistant to biodegradation, with the increase of substituted methyl groups on parent rings. The degree of alkylation is one of the primary controlling factors on the biodegradation of C6–C7 LHs. There is a particular case: although 2,2,3-trimethylbutane has a relative higher alkylation degree, 2,2-dimethylpentane is more resistant to biodegradation than 2,2,3-trimethylbutane. 2,2-Dimethylpentane is the most resistant to biodegradation in branched C6–C7 alkanes. Furthermore, the 2-methylpentane/3-methylpentane and 2-methylhexane/3-methylhexane ratios decreased steadily with increasing biodegradation, which implies that isomers of bilateral methyl groups are more prone to bacterial attack relative to mid-chain isomers. The position of the alkyls on the carbon skeleton is also one of the critical factors controlling the rate of biodegradation. With increasing biodegradation, Mango’s LH parameters K1 values decrease and K2 values increase, the values of n-heptane and isoheptane decrease, and the indices of methylcyclohexane and cyclohexane increase. LH parameters should be applied cautiously for the biodegraded oils. Because biodegraded samples belong to slight or minor biodegraded oils, the values of n-heptane and isoheptane from Dawanqi Oilfield can better reflect and determine the “Biodegraded” zone. When the heptane value is 0–21 and the isoheptane value is 0–2.6, the crude oil in Dawanqi Oilfield is defined as the “Biodegraded” zone.  相似文献   

The investigation of the NH3 loss in the NH4+-vermiculite (Santa Olalla) by thermogravimetry, evolved gas analysis, chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy is reported here. The mass loss during heating takes place in two steps at about 650 and 825 °C. Additionally, the releases of H2O and NH3 occurs simultaneously. The experimental results indicate that the protons remaining in the interlayer space after NH3 removal trigger the H2O release. X-ray diffraction shows that during the decomposition of NH4+-vermiculite there are two domains with different interlayer spaces at ~9 and ~10 Å. As the decomposition proceeds, the intensity of the 9 Å peak increases at the expense of the second one. The change in the IR-stretching modes of the structural OH groups during heating indicates that the OH groups surrounded by 3Mg2+ or 2Mg2+Fe2+ are released at lower temperatures than those with environments like 2Mg2+Fe3+, 2Mg2+Al3+ or more complex ones.  相似文献   

During the formation and development of glacial meltwater runoff, hydrochemical erosion is abundant, especially the hydrolysis of K/Na feldspar and carbonates, which can consume H+ in the water, promote the formation of bicarbonate by dissolving atmospheric CO2, and affect the regional carbon cycle. From July 21, 2015, to July 18, 2017, the CO2 concentration and flux were observed by the eddy covariance (EC) method in the relatively flat and open moraine cover area of Koxkar Glacier in western Mt. Tianshan, China. We found that: (1) atmospheric CO2 fluxes ranged from ??408.95 to 81.58 mmol m?2 day?1 (average ? 58.68 mmol m?2 day?1), suggesting that the study area is a significant carbon sink, (2) the CO2 flux footprint contribution areas were primarily within 150 m of the EC station, averaging total contribution rates of 93.30%, 91.39%, and 90.17% of the CO2 flux in the snow accumulation, snow melting, and glacial melting periods, respectively. Therefore, the contribution areas with significant influences on CO2 flux observed at EC stations were concentrated, demonstrating that grassland CO2 flux around the glaciers had little effect at the EC stations, (3) in the predominant wind direction, under stable daytime atmospheric stratification, the measurement of CO2 flux, as interpreted by the Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon footprint tool, was 79.09% ± 1.84% in the contribution area. This was slightly more than seen at night, but significantly lower than the average under unstable atmospheric stratification across the three periods of interest (89%). The average distance of the farthest point of the flux footprint under steady state atmospheric conditions was 202.61?±?69.33 m, markedly greater than that under non-steady state conditions (68.55?±?10.34 m). This also indicates that the CO2 flux observed using EC was affected primarily by hydrochemical erosion reactions in the glacier area, (4) a good negative correlation was found between net glacier exchange (NGE) of CO2 and air temperature on precipitation-free days. Strong ice and snow ablation could promote hydrochemical reactions of soluble substances in the debris area and accelerated sinking of atmospheric CO2. Precipitation events might reduce snow and ice melting, driven by reduced regional temperatures. However, a connection between NGE and precipitation, when less than 8.8 mm per day, was not obvious. When precipitation was greater than 8.8 mm per day, NGE decreased with increasing precipitation, (5) graphically, the slope of NGE, related to daily runoff, followed a trend: snow melting period?>?snow accumulation period?>?early glacial ablation period?>?late glacier ablation period?>?dramatic glacier ablation period. The slope was relatively large during snow melting, likely because of CO2 sinking caused by water–rock interactions. The chemical reaction during elution in the snow layer might also promote atmospheric CO2 drawdown. At the same time, the damping effect of snow cover and the almost-closed glacier hydrographic channel inhibited the formation of regional runoff, possibly providing sufficient time for the chemical reaction, thus promoting further CO2 drawdown.  相似文献   

The production of organic matter and calcium carbonate by a dense population of the brittle star Acrocnida brachiata (Echinodermata) was calculated using demographic structure, population density, and relations between the size (disk diameter) and the ash-free dry weight (AFDW) or the calcimass. During a 2-year survey in the Bay of Seine (Eastern English Channel, France), organic production varied from 29 to 50 gAFDW m−2 year−1 and CaCO3 production from 69 to 104 gCaCO3 m−2 year−1. Respiration was estimated between 1.7 and 2.0 molCO2 m−2 year−1. Using the molar ratio (ψ) of CO2 released: CaCO3 precipitated, this biogenic precipitation of calcium carbonate would result in an additional release between 0.5 and 0.7 molCO2 m−2 year−1 that represented 23% and 26% of total CO2 fluxes (sum of calcification and respiration). The results of the present study suggest that calcification in temperate shallow environments should be considered as a significant source of CO2 to seawater and thus a potential source of CO2 to the atmosphere, emphasizing the important role of the biomineralization (estimated here) and dissolution (endoskeletons of dead individuals) in the carbon budget of temperate coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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