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大容量气枪震源长江定点激发信号检测   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
地学长江计划安徽段实验是大容量气枪震源在长江的首次激发。本文对布设在气枪固定激发点附近的流动台和周边固定台接收到的气枪信号进行线性叠加,以分析近场、远场信号的时频特性,并利用叠加结果检测气枪信号的传播特性,分析不同环境因素对信号传播距离的影响。结果表明:1近岸首台可以接收到清晰的压力脉冲、气泡脉冲的体波和面波信号;2气枪信号主频为5Hz左右,随着震中距的增加,压力脉冲信号衰减很快,信号主频频带变窄;3对信号传播距离进行初步检测发现,最近的传播距离为180km,最远共有3个激发点传播达到260km,夜晚激发时信号传播距离较远。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源子波激发特性分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
大容量气枪水库激发作为陆地震源的可行性与有效性已经得到成功验证.为进一步提高气枪震源激发效果,本文通过水库气枪激发试验对单枪容量为2000 in3的气枪震源激发子波特征及规律进行了研究.依据近场水听器和远场短周期地震仪记录数据,分析气枪震源沉放深度、工作压力等不同激发条件对压力脉冲和气泡脉冲的影响.有助于人们根据不同尺度地下结构探测对震源激发信号的要求,调整气枪激发参数和激发环境,获得最佳激发效果.试验结果表明:(1)沉放深度对压力脉冲波形影响较小,其优势频率不随沉放深度而改变;(2)随着沉放深度从5 m增加到11 m,气泡脉冲的优势频率由5 Hz增加至7 Hz,其最大振幅亦近线性递增;(3)工作压力越大,激发压力脉冲能量越强,而对气泡脉冲的影响主要体现在主频降低.适合远距离深穿透地下结构探测的低频信号主要来自大容量气枪所激发气泡的反复振荡,由于气枪振荡过程非常复杂,本文通过较为简洁的数学和物理模型进行了解释.  相似文献   

利用新疆地震台网资料和功率谱密度法,以台站噪声的功率谱密度中值曲线作为评估台站噪声水平的依据,对6个台站的噪声水平进行了评估。对比不同台站的功率谱密度和气枪震源信号的识别情况发现,通过2000次叠加可识别气枪震源信号的台站的噪声水平均低于无法识别的台站,噪声功率谱密度最大差值为40d B,最小差值15d B。最后通过对噪声水平的评估判断,部分台站无法识别气枪震源信号的主要原因是台站噪声水平较高。  相似文献   

近年来出现的新型高密度地震观测系统——分布式光纤声波传感器(Distributed Acoustic Sensing,DAS)有望提高地震成像的空间分辨率。为探索该技术在监测介质动态变化方面的应用,在云南省宾川县布设了长约180m的传感光缆,对9.6km外的宾川大容量气枪震源的激发信号进行了监测。在为期2d的实验期间,对气枪震源进行了24次高重复激发,采用时频域加权相位叠加算法对多炮和多道记录进行叠加处理,得到了高质量的地震波信号,与共址观测的地震仪记录具有较高的一致性。通过此次观测实验,初步验证了利用DAS监测大容量气枪震源信号的可行性,未来有望将其推广应用于高分辨率4D地震成像研究中。  相似文献   

利用新疆地震台网资料和功率谱密度法,以台站噪声的功率谱密度中值曲线作为评估台站噪声水平的依据,对6个台站的噪声水平进行了评估。对比不同台站的功率谱密度和气枪震源信号的识别情况发现,通过2000次叠加,可以识别气枪震源信号的台站的噪声水平均低于无法识别气枪震源的台站,噪声功率谱密度最大差值为40dB,最小差值15dB。最后通过对噪声水平的评估,判断部分台站无法识别气枪震源信号的主要原因是台站噪声水平较高造成的。  相似文献   

气枪震源激发模式及应用   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
气枪震源是一种重要的人工地震震源。气枪阵列理论的提出,使得气枪阵列设计技术日趋成熟,并能够在石油勘探和地球物理探测中得到更加广泛的运用。气枪震源在不同领域中应用时,需要不同的组合和激发模式,以适应不同的探测要求。加强主脉冲和加强气泡脉冲,是目前两种主要的气枪激发模式。通过比较研究两种气枪激发模式,讨论各种激发模式在激发时间、气枪间距、频率、分辨率等方面的差异,为气枪震源的广泛运用提供依据。  相似文献   

利用固定台站分析长江激发气枪信号特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
地学长江计划安徽实验是以气枪震源为核心的大型主动源探测实验。通过在长江安徽段20个固定点定点激发气枪震源,并结合由109个固定台站、11条流动测线组成的观测网络,首次利用主动源实现了对长江流域安徽段约6万km~2面积的三维地下结构探测。本文利用固定台站对长江激发气枪信号进行了分析,结果表明,长江中气枪信号激发效果良好,固定台记录中气枪信号可识别的最远距离达300km。对气枪信号绝对振幅的研究结果表明:150km处的气枪信号约为10nm量级,200km处的气枪信号小于1nm;2气枪信号强度的空间分布存在一定的方位各向异性,可能与长江的几何形状有关;3台站背景噪声对于提取气枪信号至关重要,高质量的固定台网为识别nm量级气枪信号提供了保障。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源主动探测技术系统及试验研究   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
针对地下介质动态变化监测研究中的信噪比、震源可重复性和波速精确测量等关键问题,利用大容量气枪震源,构建了一套高性能的主动探测技术系统,该系统包括气枪震源激发和信号接收,并在河北、云南和新疆等地的内陆水库和人工水体等不同激发环境,开展了探索性试验研究。试验结果表明:①气枪震源激发频率低,能量强,具有高度的可重复性、可通过叠加提高信噪比、探测距离大、绿色环保等特征,是一种理想的低频震源;②该探测技术系统操作简单,易控制,自动化程度高,探测精度高,能观测到固体潮引起的连续变化,可应用于区域尺度地下介质动态变化监测和开展4D 地震学研究;③气枪震源激发产生的信号震相丰富,有较强的S波,为研究地壳介质特性、应力分布及其动态变化等提供了新的技术路线。  相似文献   

水库大容量气枪震源激发条件优化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过人工拾取震相,统计记录台站数、台站最远观测距离、接收能量等3个参数,自主研发了最优工况处理软件来研判工况激发效果,并确定棉花滩水库最优工况为水深25m,枪阵沉放深度9m,枪阵尺寸7m×7m。对定点300次激发的每10次累计叠加结果进行分析后发现,叠加1090次时激发效果快速增强,100150次时缓慢增强,160240次时快速增强,250300次时缓慢增强,即随着叠加次数的增加,激发效果增强,传播距离和记录台数也逐步增加。  相似文献   

水库大容量气枪震源激发条件优化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through manual pickup of seismic phases,the number of recording stations,the farthest observation distance of station and received energy are determined,then optimal operating condition processing software is developed to evaluate the excitation effect of operating conditions. The optimal operating conditions in the Mianhuatan Reservoir are determined using this software. They are: optimal water depth 25 m,airgun array sink depth 9m and airgun array size 7m × 7m. At the same time,accumulative stacking results for every 10 times are analyzed for 300 fixed-point excitations. It is concluded that the excitation effect shows a rapidly rising trend at 10 to 90 times stacking,a slowly rising trend at 100 to 150 times stacking,a rapidly rising trend at 160 to 240 times stacking,and a slowly rising trend at 250 to 300 times stacking. As the number of stacking increases,the propagation distance and the number of recording stations also increase gradually.  相似文献   

Large volume airgun arrays have been widely used in exploring and monitoring underground structures for nearly a decade. Nowadays, large volume airgun arrays adopt the synchronous excitation mode, and source characteristics are controlled by the source signal of a single airgun, which to some extent limits its application. In order to realize the asynchronous excitation of the airgun array, we developed a new firing system for the airgun array, and carried out a field experiment in the Binchuan Fixed Airgun Signal Transmission station to study the influences of the asynchronous excitation on the source signal. The experimental results show that:the newly developed airgun array firing system can ignite the airguns according to the setting time series with high precision. By designing the excitation time series, the asynchronous excitation can enhance the energy of airgun source signal at 3-5Hz, and reduce the energy of pressure pulse wave at 6-18Hz. The signal detection capability of the asynchronous excitation with time series mode is equivalent to the synchronous excitation.  相似文献   

基于单枪容量为250in3的BHS-2200LL井中气枪,在内径0.2、5.0m不同激发井中开展了气枪震源特征对比分析,研究表明:①5.0m井中气枪激发产生的信号优势频率集中在10~40Hz,比在0.2m井中的低,这主要是由于较大水体利于气泡的震荡;②在能量方面,5.0m井中激发信号的能量强于0.2m井中的,幅度上相差1个数量级,单次激发的传播距离可达9km;③2种激发环境下产生的气枪信号都具有较好的重复性。  相似文献   

In order to further deepen the understanding of seismic wave propagation characteristics induced by the large volume airgun source, experimental data from multiple fixed excitation points in Fujian Province were used to obtain the equivalent single excitation high signal-to-noise ratio velocity and displacement records through linear stacking and simulation techniques. Then the peak displacements of different epicentral distances were used to calculate the equivalent magnitude of the airgun source excitation at different fixed excitation points so as to establish the attenuation relationship between equivalent magnitude,epicenter distance and velocity peak. Our results show that:① Within 270 km of epicentral distance,for the large-volume airgun's single shot,the peak velocity range is about 700-4 nm/s,and the peak displacement range is about 200. 0-0. 2 nm;② The equivalent magnitude of the P-wave from the airgun source with a total capacity of 8,000 in 3 is 0. 181-0. 760,and the equivalent magnitude of the S-wave is 0. 294-0. 832. By contrast,the equivalent magnitude of the P-wave from the airgun source with a total capacity of 12,000 in 3 is 0. 533-0. 896,and the equivalent magnitude of the S-wave is 0. 611-0. 946. The S-wave energy is greater than the P-wave energy, and the excitation efficiency varies greatly with different excitation environment;③ The peak velocity increases with the equivalent magnitude,and decreases with the epicentral distance. The vertical component of the P-wave peak velocity is the largest among those three components,while the S-wave has the smallest vertical component and similar horizontal components. Hence,our research can provide an important basis for the quantitative judgment of the seismic wave propagation distance using the airgun and the design of the observation system in deep exploration or monitoring with airgun.  相似文献   

Based on the 2016 airgun experimental data of the Fujian Nanyi reservoir, we adopted the frequency domain water-level deconvolution method and cross-correlation time delay detection technique to study the influence of level scaling factor and the background noise level of the station on deconvolution calculation results, and analyze the effect of deconvolution on eliminating the influence of the source caused by different air-gun pressures. The results show that:(1) When the level scaling factor is smaller, the signal to noise ratio of the waveform after the deconvolution is smaller, and when the level scaling factor is over smaller, the identification error of travel time is greater. (2) When the SNR of the station record is higher, the recognition accuracy of travel time is higher, the influence of SNR on the reference station record is far greater than the far station, when the SNR of the far station record is more than 10, the error of travel time is within 6ms, but when the SNR of the reference station record is 30, the travel time error may reach to 20ms. (3) When the airgun source difference is big, the frequency domain water-level deconvolution method has better effect on eliminating the source influence, but the method error may be introduced when the source difference is small.  相似文献   

基于2016年福建南一水库气枪实验资料,利用频率域水准因子反褶积方法和互相关时延检测技术,研究水准比例因子及台站的背景噪声水平对反褶积计算结果的影响,并对反褶积法消除不同枪压引起的震源影响效果进行分析。结果表明:(1)水准比例因子越小,反褶积计算后的波形信噪比越小,当水准比例因子取值过小时,走时识别误差较大;(2)台站气枪记录的信噪比越大,走时识别精度越高,参考台记录的信噪比对结果的影响远大于远场台,当远场台记录的信噪比大于10时,走时误差一般小于6ms,而当参考台记录的信噪比为30左右时,走时误差可能达到20ms;(3)气枪震源差异较大时,频域水准反褶积方法去除震源效应的效果较好,而在震源差异较小时,可能引入方法误差。  相似文献   

祁连山气枪主动震源浮台漂移钢索悬吊控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地下介质动态变化监测研究中的信噪比、震源可重复性和波速精确测量等关键问题,利用大容量气枪作为主动震源,构建了一套高性能的主动源探测技术系统,该系统主要由气枪震源和信号接收部分组成。为了解决浮台偏离设定位置的问题 ,提出了浮台漂移控制技术。实验结果表明,该技术可以有效地解决气枪激发后浮台受到水流冲击作用而偏离设定位置的问题。本研究结果可为一定激发场地情况下的气枪主动震源重复探测工作所借鉴。  相似文献   

通过分析福建街面水库气枪实验的近场水听器记录,研究气枪子波时频特性及其受沉放深度和工作压力的影响,并结合气泡模型解释气泡振荡过程。数据分析表明:①气枪子波由主脉冲和气泡脉冲组成。主脉冲振幅大,持时短,频带宽,通常应用于浅部探测;气泡脉冲能量集中在低频段,垂直穿透深,水平传播远,通常应用于深部探测。②随沉放深度的增加,主脉冲振幅变化很小,气泡脉冲振幅增加,初泡比减小,气泡周期减小,低频段主频增加。沉放深度为10m时,主脉冲振幅和初泡比最大,可应用于浅部探测;沉放深度为25m时,气泡脉冲振幅很大,初泡比最小,可应用于深部探测。③工作压力增加时,主脉冲振幅、气泡脉冲振幅、初泡比、气泡周期等随之增大,低频段主频则减小。  相似文献   

In order to study the seasonal variation of large volume airgun signals in Hutubi, Xinjiang, we analyzed 2,936 signals of airgun source excitations during 2015-2016 received by a seismograph on the bank of the excitation pool. Firstly, the RMS value of the signal amplitude and the daily average temperature were compared after linearly superimposing the signal in days, to analyze the influence of the surface ice cover on the excitation energy release of the airgun source. The result shows that the ice cover will reduce the excitation energy, and the thicker the ice cover is, the more obvious the excitation energy reduces. Secondly, the time-frequency analysis method was used to analyze the influence of the surface ice cover on the signal frequency. It is concluded that the existence of the ice cover has little effect on the signal frequency, but it will affect the intensity of the signal around 4Hz between 1-2s after excitation. The cause of these phenomena is that the ice cover affects the bubble oscillation, which in turn affects the energy conversion. The study shows that when using the cross-correlation delay method to calculate the wave velocity, the signals can be divided into two periods according to the daily average temperature:with or without ice cover on the upper surface of the excitation pool. This can help eliminate the influence of the source variation and improve the accuracy of the monitoring results.  相似文献   

安徽气枪实验固定台层析成像初步结果   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为探索气枪震源在探测区域性地壳结构中的应用, 2015年10月10~20日在长江马鞍山-安庆段开展气枪流动激发实验(安徽实验),在20个固定点定点激发2973炮,中间流动激发1872炮,由周边109个固定台、700个流动台(包括11条测线)进行接收。为获取郯庐断裂带南端较为精细的地壳速度结构,本文利用安徽气枪实验中采集到的固定台数据进行初至P波震相拾取,对20个气枪源、52个台站、335个震相进行体波层析成像,验证了利用气枪震源进行体波层析成像的可行性,并得到了P波速度结构的一些初步结果:①利用大容量气枪震源可进行三维体波层析成像;②15km深度的成像结果显示出大区域高低速异常区的清晰轮廓,即从研究区中心向外整体呈现出低-超低-低-高的分布特征,与地质构造背景相关,具有显著的横向不均匀性;③秦岭-大别造山带显示出高速异常,与其深部超高压变质岩相对应,而长江中下游地区整体呈现低速异常,与其特殊的成矿背景相对应。  相似文献   

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