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霍元坤  吴志坚  陈拓  马巍 《冰川冻土》2011,33(4):908-913
为研究多年冻土区机车振动荷载作用下桥梁桩基的动力响应特征,选取了多年冻土区清水河特大桥的两个桥梁桩基进行现场强震动测试.对测试数据进行加速度响应及傅里叶谱响应分析,得出桥梁桩基的振动响应衰减规律及振动能量的分布规律.在此基础上,结合有限元结构分析软件,运用瞬态动力分析法,选取一个测试桩为实例进行二维动力响应的数值计算,...  相似文献   

The practical design of the cable-stayed bridge of the 3rd Macao-Taipa bridge is investigated by the finite element analysis program ANSYS, and 3-D elements BEAM188 and BEAM4 are adopted to create a dynamic calculation model. In order to analyze the material nonlinear seismic response of the cable-stayed bridge, the nonlinear behaviors of the ductile plastic hinges of the bridge towers are taken into account by employing the nonlinear rotational spring element COMBIN40. To simulate a major earthquake, three earthquake records were chosen using a wave-choosing program and input into the bridge structure along longitudinal and transversal directions. Comparisons of the linear and nonlinear seismic responses of the cable-stayed bridge are performed. In addition, a study of TMD primary control is carried out using element MASS21 and element COMBIN14, and it is indicated that the effects of mitigation monitoring are evident.  相似文献   

阻尼对行车荷载下大跨桥梁振动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵发章  王解军 《冰川冻土》2004,26(4):461-465
基于车桥相互作用,建立了车桥耦合单元,一个车辆模拟为4轴10个自由度模型,桥梁模拟为梁单元,推导出列车桥梁整体系统运动方程的有限元计算公式.采用随机数值模拟方法和功率谱密度函数生成随机轨道粗糙度.编制了计算程序,考虑各种不同的阻尼参数及车辆速度,对一座实际大跨斜拉桥的动力反应与冲击效应进行了分析研究.  相似文献   

钻头破碎岩石时会产生宽频的振动信号,不同频段的信号蕴含了不同的信息,由于高频段信号能量低、衰减大,不易检测,因此,就钻头破岩信号在低频段特征进行了研究,通过不同岩性岩样的微钻实验数据分析,发现破碎不同岩性的岩石产生的信号在低频段具有固定的频率特征。  相似文献   

高志华  石坚  张淑娟  罗丽娟 《冰川冻土》2009,31(6):1143-1149
冻土对温度敏感且性质易变, 而高含冰量冻土的性质更是极不稳定, 针对不同温度、 不同围压下50%的高含冰量重塑冻土进行了动三轴试验.结果表明: 动强度随着振次的增大线性减小, 和温度呈二次变化关系, 随着负温的增大而增大, 围压对动强度影响不大;残余轴应变随着振次的增大而增大, 呈幂函数的关系;随负温的增大而变小, 围压对残余应变影响也不大. 根据这些影响因素, 分别给出了高含冰量冻土的动强度和残余应变的计算公式, 这些结果可为该类土的动力特性研究提供参考.  相似文献   

强夯法是地基处理的重要方法之一,在进行强夯地基处理时要评价强夯振动效应,评价的基础正是强夯振动振幅和振动衰减规律。以昌平区沙岭新村工程场地为例,通过对回填场地进行强夯振动监测,分析了强夯振动最大振幅及其随距离的衰减规律,并用频率的四次多项式表示场地介质衰减指数。在场地介质作用谱和强夯激励谱的基础上,通过计算得到介质作用函数和强夯激励函数。通过不断积累强夯振动效应资料,建立起不同性质岩土体与场地介质作用函数之间的关系,进而明确工程岩土体的物理力学性质和动力学表现之间本构关系。  相似文献   

鉴于目前城市地下铁路隧道平行、交叠的情况逐年增加,且对多列车耦合荷载作用下地表振动规律尚不清楚,本文建立了大直径盾构隧道下穿双线地铁隧道三维数值分析模型,并通过现有运行列车参数建立了刚体列车模型以及实体轨道模型。采用Hertz接触模拟了运动列车轮与钢轨的接触,通过罚接触与硬接触模拟了隧道与围岩的非线性接触,利用无限元人工边界模拟了无限半空间。使用时域显式整体分析方法模拟了编组列车在隧道内的运行并与实测地表振动加速度结果进行了对比,结果表明本文建立的数值模型能够较好地反映出真实地铁列车运行时地表的振动响应。在此基础上,分析了多线隧道交汇段不同列车运行工况下地表竖向加速度的时频特性以及分布规律。  相似文献   

This paper presents the influence of various discontinuities, natural or artificial, on magnitude and frequencies of blast induced ground vibrations. These discontinuities were geological faults, a pond, a shaft incline, a trench and a pre-split plane interposed in the path of vibration propagation. In the post-trench region, ground vibrations in terms of peak particle velocity were significantly reduced and dominant frequencies in higher bands were consequently observed. Depth of trench with respect to blastholes were varied and consequent vibration characteristics were analyzed. The techniques of creating a trench and pre-split plane were successfully implemented in controlling vibration and in increasing the explosives charge to meet the scheduled production target of an opencast mine. Comparisons of ground vibration characteristics affected by a trench and a pre-split plane of the same depth are described in the text. The findings lead to the conclusion that such experimental data are necessary for production blasting in open cast mines under constrained conditions.  相似文献   

粉细砂地层加固处理工作一直是工程界研究的重点课题,采用传统注浆工法很难达到预期效果。针对此种情况,近年来提出振动注浆法,然而目前的振动注浆模拟试验与实际工况有较大出入,故创新设计了试验装置,可以满足自由调控振动频率,且振动效果与实际工况接近。通过室内静压注浆试验及声频振动注浆试验,对比注浆效果,得出以下结论:压力相同条件下,相比静压注浆,振动注浆可以有效增大注浆量且加固效果更优;振动频率的适当增加可以有效加快注浆速度,增大注浆量,这对于工期紧张的工程具有一定的实际意义,但频率过高并非完全有利于注浆效果,要根据实际工国家自然科学基金面上项目“声频振动钻进系统共振机理及能量传递规律研究”(编号:41672366);北京市优秀人才项目“声频振动钻进工艺技术研究”(编号:2013D009015000002)况选择最优注浆频率;高频振动下,振动时间的延长对注浆效果的增益较小。  相似文献   

Blasting is often a necessary part of mining and construction operations, and is the most cost-effective way to break rock, but blasting generates both noise and ground vibration. In urban areas, noise and vibration have an environmental impact, and cause structural damage to nearby structures. Various wave-screening methods have been used for many years to reduce blast-induced ground vibration. However, these methods have not been quantitatively studied for their reduction effect of ground vibration. The present study focused on the quantitative assessment of the effectiveness in vibration reduction of line-drilling as a screening method using a numerical method. Two numerical methods were used to analyze the reduction effect toward ground vibration, namely, the “distinct element method” and the “non-linear hydrocode.” The distinct element method, by particle flow code in two dimensions (PFC 2D), was used for two-dimensional parametric analyses, and some cases of two-dimensional analyses were analyzed three-dimensionally using AUTODYN 3D, the program of the non-linear hydrocode. To analyze the screening effectiveness of line-drilling, parametric analyses were carried out under various conditions, with the spacing, diameter of drill holes, distance between the blasthole and line-drilling, and the number of rows of drill holes, including their arrangement, used as parameters. The screening effectiveness was assessed via a comparison of the vibration amplitude between cases both with and without screening. Also, the frequency distribution of ground motion of the two cases was investigated through fast Fourier transform (FFT), with the differences also examined. From our study, it was concluded that line-drilling as a screening method of blast-induced waves was considerably effective under certain design conditions. The design details for field application have also been proposed.  相似文献   

针对曹妃甸工业园区液化天然气储罐地基加固过程中所引起的地面振动进行了深入研究,通过对现场强夯振动观测记录进行统计分析、频域分析以及规律拟合,给出了吹填砂场地上强夯所引起的地面振动衰减规律、振幅(振速)随夯击次数的变化规律以及强夯振动的主频变化规律,并就场地周围已存的海堤工程和天然气储罐工程进行了振动安全评估,为现场强夯施工参数的选取提供了理论支撑,同时也弥补了国内对于类似场地振动特性研究不足的局面。  相似文献   

下承式系杆拱桥的荷载试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了某系杆拱桥的荷载试验过程,讨论了其承载能力评定的方法,可供其他类似的桥梁参考。  相似文献   

桥位附近水流及局部冲刷的数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
将平面二维河道推移质冲淤数学模型和桥位局部冲刷经验公式有机地结合起来,计算整体河段泥沙冲淤和桥位局部地区泥沙冲刷,既考虑了局部流态对整体流场的影响,又反应了整体流场对局部流态的影响.文中以长江黄石大桥河段为例,计算其桥位冲刷,计算结果与模型测量资料基本一致,效果良好.  相似文献   

运用爆破振动测试与混凝土声波检测相结合的方法,对汤渡河水库大坝混凝土拆除爆破进行了有效的控制,在保证大坝安全的前提下,大大加快了施工进度,是一种行之有效的方法,对同类工程有较大的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

动应力-动应变关系作为反映路基填料土动力特性的重要参数,对其进行影响因素试验研究可为路基填料土的工程特性研究提供参考依据。本文借助动三轴试验手段进行砾类土动应力-动应变关系影响因素研究,采用应力控制的加载方式进行加载,分析了试验压力、土样含水率、土样压实度、荷载作用频率和初始静偏应力等5种条件和砾类土动力特性的作用规律,并总结砾类土动应力-动应变关系变化规律。研究结果表明:当动三轴试验的围压为30 kPa、土样压实度为96%、含水率为最佳含水率7.5%时,其动应力-动应变关系曲线接近应力轴,砾类土的动强度大;荷载作用频率为1、2 Hz变化时以及小于10 kPa的初始静偏应力对砾类土的动应力-应变关系影响较小;针对各影响因素下的动应力-动应变关系曲线,对其采用的双曲线模型拟合相关系数均大于0.96,说明该模型能够有效拟合其关系曲线;根据试验模型可知,试验中压力越大,参数ab值越小,同理,土样的压实度越大,ab值也越小。  相似文献   

分级循环荷载下低温冻结盐渍土动强度特性试验研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
赵福堂  常立君  张吾渝 《冰川冻土》2019,41(6):1397-1405
为了探究寒区路基盐渍土在交通荷载作用下的强度破坏机理,采用室内GDS动三轴试验系统,对天然重塑盐渍土进行了不同冻结温度、围压及振动频率下一系列动荷载试验,从破坏动应力、动黏聚力和动内摩擦角方面分析各试验条件对盐渍土的影响机制。结果表明:冻结温度和围压对破坏动强度影响明显,动载频率对破坏动强度影响较弱;随着温度的降低,破坏动应力和动黏聚力明显增大,而动内摩擦角有先增大后减小趋势;随着动荷载频率的增大,破坏动应力和动黏聚力变化不明显,但内摩擦角有减小趋势;围压与破坏应力呈线性相关,温度分别与破坏动应力、动黏聚力呈良好指数关系。  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - In this study, peak particle velocity (PPV) values for driving three piles with diameters of 40 cm, 50 cm, and 70 cm in a clayey...  相似文献   

粘性土的动力特性实验及数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
使用产自日本的DTC-306型多功能电液伺服动态三轴仪,对粉质粘土进行动三轴试验。在试验提供的各种参数和数据的基础上,利用有限元程序ABAQUS建立动三轴试件的三维有限元模型,模拟在循环荷载作用下粉质粘土的动力变形特性;并通过与动三轴试验相关数据的大量对比分析,验证了模型的可靠性。然后在建立的三维有限元模型的基础上,进一步用数值模拟的方法研究了土体动力变形与各影响因素间的关系,得出如下结论:初始弹性模量、阻尼系数、受荷形式对土的塑性变形影响最大,应力幅值、围压、频率、加荷周数次之,加载波形的影响最小,不同波形对塑性变形的影响取决于荷载最大值时历时的长短。有限元数值模拟方法在一定程度上可以替代动三轴实验。  相似文献   

The vibration analysis of a plate on an elastic foundation is an important problem in engineering. It is the interaction of a plate with the three-dimensional half space and the plate is usually loaded from both the upper and lower surfaces. The contact pressure from the soil can not be predefined. According to Lambs solution for a single oscillating force acting on a point on the surface of an elastic half space, and the relevant approximation formulae, a relation between the local pressure and the deflection of the plate has been proposed. Based on this analysis, the reaction of the soil can be represented as the deformation of the plate. Therefore, the plate can be separated from the soil and only needs to be divided by a number of elements in the analysis. The following procedure is the same as the standard finite element method. This is a semi-analytical and semi-numerical method. It has been applied to the dynamic analysis of circular or rectangular plates on the elastic half space, at low or high frequency vibration, and on rigid, soft or flexible foundations. The results show that this method is versatile and highly accurate.  相似文献   

王文鹏  秦晓东 《探矿工程》2010,37(12):61-64
某大型新建工程场地为近期吹砂填海方式形成,根据有关资料及勘察揭露,上部吹填层及原有细砂层存在地震液化及承载能力差的问题,设计采用高能级强夯进行处理。在地基处理区域处有一道永久防浪堤,根据设计要求,在进行强夯试夯过程中应采用一定的方法对振动影响进行测试,为设计提供相应的数据,进而确定强夯施工的范围。为解决上述问题,采用了振动衰减测试方法进行了强夯振动影响测试,对后期的大面积强夯施工提供了支持。通过该工程实例,介绍了振动衰减测试及其测试结果分析的方法。  相似文献   

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