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Macrofossil analyses, pollen analyses, and 14C datings were carried out on profiles from a bog complex in southern Sweden. The development started with a Carex fen c. 6,000 B. P. which transformed to bog c. 1,000 years later. The bog has developed through three stages separated by highly humified peat layers, recurrence surfaces, 3 and 2m below the present bog surface, and formed c. 2,500 and 1,200 B. P., respectively. The fen formation and the initiation of the last two bog stages were contemporaneous with high water levels in lakes of the region. The transition to bog and the formation of the two highly humified peat layers may be related to low water levels in lakes. It is probable that changes in the development of the mire were caused by the climate, since varying water levels are thought to be dependent on variations in the climate.  相似文献   

On the basis of different photosynthetic pathways.there is an obvious difference in δ^13C values between C3 and C4 plants,In terms of this characteristic,we analyzed the organic carbon content (forestlands:1.81%-16.00%;farmland:0.45%-2.22%) and δ^13C values(forestlands:-23.86‰--27.12‰;farmland:-19.66‰--23.26‰)of three profile-soil samples either in farmland or in forestland near the Maolan Karst virgin forest,where there were developed plant C3 plants previously and now are C4 plants.Results showed that the deforestation has accelerated the decomposition rate of soil organic matter and reduced the proportion of active components in soil organic matter and thus soil fertility.  相似文献   

1IntroductionSoilorganicmatter (SOM)isakeysourceofnutrientsforplantgrowth ,itisessentialforthemaintenanceofsoilstructureanditcontributestotheabilityofsoiltoretainnutrientsandwater.AnimprovedunderstandingofSOMdynamicsiscentraltothedevelopmentofmoreenvironmentallysoundandsustainablepracticesofagriculturalmanagement (Collinsetal.,2 0 0 0 ) .Avarietyofcon ceptualmethodshavebeenusedtodescribetheprocessesofSOMaccumulationandturnover (Jen kinsonandRayner,1 977;Duxburyetal.1 989;Partonetal.,1 99…  相似文献   

Based on measurements of the concentrations of C, N, P, and chlorophyll-a, as well as on palynological analysis of the core Vdr 2011 of peaty sediments from the Vydrinaya River along the southern coast of Lake Baikal, the geochemical characteristics of eutrophy were compared to pollen indices of changes in the environment and the mode of marsh ecosystem transformations into various trophic states was specified. It was shown that geochemical parameters of the changes in the environment may be considered as the characteristics of trophic conditions in ecosystems in the course of paleo-reconstructions.  相似文献   

To assess whether the biochemical characteristics of peat can provide clues for past ecosystem changes or not, a study was carried out combining elemental analysis, micro-morphological counts and neutral monosaccharide determination of peat organic matter (OM) and the dominant living plants from a formerly cut-over peat bog in the Jura Mountains. Peat profiles (up to 50 cm depth) from two distinctive zones (bare peat, FRA and a regenerating stage, FRC) were compared with the reference profile (FRD) taken from an unexploited area of the bog. The results show contrasting OM composition along the profiles. In the upper sections of the FRD and FRC profiles, high C/N ratios and sugar contents (in the same range as in the source plants) and the large predominance of well preserved plant tissues indicate good preservation of primary biological inputs. In contrast, in peat from the FRA profile and deeper levels of the FRC profile, lower C/N ratios, lower amounts of sugars and a predominance of amorphous OM and mucilage suggest more extensive OM degradation. These features delineate a clear threshold between an uppermost “new” regenerating peat section and an “old” catotelm peat below. Nevertheless, even in the latter, the sugar contents remain relatively high (>80 mg/g) compared with other organic and mineral soils. Analysis of typical peat-forming plants and of bulk peat and fine grained fractions allowed identification of the following source indicators: xylose and arabinose for Cyperaceae; rhamnose, galactose and mannose for mosses; and ribose (and to a lesser extent, hemicellulosic glucose) possibly for microbial synthesis.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1988,3(6):631-643
Uraniferous peat was sampled from surface layers of a Holocene U deposit in northeastern Washington State. Dried, sized, and homogenized peat that contained5980 ±307 ppm U was subjected to a variety of leaching conditions to determine the nature and strength of U-organic bonding in recently accumulated organic matter. The results complement previous experimental studies of U uptake on peat and suggest some natural or anthropogenic disturbances that are favorable for remobilizing U. The fraction of U leached in 24 h experiments at 25°C ranged from 0 to 95%. The most effective leach solutions contained anions capable of forming stable dissolved complexes with uranyl (UO2+2) cation. These included H2SO4 (pH= 1.5) and concentrated (0.01M) solutions of sodium bicarbonate-carbonate (pH= 7.0–10.0), or sodium pyrophosphate (pH= 10). Effective leaching by carbonate and pyrophosphate in the absence of added oxidant, and the insignificant effect of added oxidant (as pressurized O2) strongly suggest that U is initially fixed on organic matter as an oxidized U(VI) species. Uranium is more strongly bound than some other polyvalent cations, based on its resistance to exchange in the presence of large excesses of dissolved Ca2+ and Cu2+. Measurements of the rate of U leaching indicate faster rates in acid solution compared to carbonate solution, and are consisten with simultaneous attack of sites with different affinities for U. Sulfuric acid appears a good choice for commercial extraction of U from mined peat.In situ disturbances such as overliming of peat soils, addition of fertilizers containing pyrophosphate, or incursions of natural carbonate-rich waters could produce significant remobilization of U, and possibly compromise the quality of local domestic water supplies.  相似文献   

The effect of soil organic matter (SOM) content and composition on sorption behavior of toluene for fluvo-aquic, red and black soils in China was investigated in batch experiments. Tested SOM was fractionated into two primary sorptive domains (‘soft’ and ‘hard’) to explain the dependence of sorption behavior on SOM composition. All the tested soils exhibited similar sorption kinetics and nonlinear sorption isotherms. Soils with high SOM content possessed a high sorptive capacity. Clay minerals also contributed to the sorptive capacity, especially for fluvo-aquic and red soils with low SOM content. In comparison, after removing most ‘soft’ SOM fraction from soils through hydrogen peroxide treatment, the residual ‘hard’ SOM fraction of three soil samples exhibited a slower sorption rate and a less sorption capacity compared to the untreated soil samples. The nonlinear degree of sorption was positively correlated with the content of ‘hard’ SOM for all soil samples. This is explained by the combined effect of SOM content and the composition on toluene sorption rates, sorption capacity and nonlinear degree of sorption of three typical soils in China.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of groundwaters from sites in two UK aquifers, the Penrith Sandstone of Cumbria and the Sherwood Sandstone of South Yorkshire, were investigated using excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy. Both aquifers are regionally important sources of public supply water and are locally impacted by pollution. The Penrith Sandstone site is in a rural setting while the Sherwood Sandstone site is in suburban Doncaster. Fluorescence analysis of samples from discrete sample depths in the Penrith Sandstone shows decreasing fulvic-like intensities with depth and also shows a good correlation with CFC-12, an anthropogenic groundwater tracer. Tryptophan-like fluorescence centres in the depth profile may also provide evidence of rapid routing of relatively recent applications of organic slurry along fractures. Fluorescence analysis of groundwater sampled from multi-level piezometers installed within the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer also shows regions of tryptophan-like and relatively higher fulvic-like signatures. The fluorescence intensity profile in the piezometers shows tryptophan-like peaks at depths in excess of 50 m and mirrors the pattern exhibited by microbial species and CFCs highlighting the deep and rapid penetration of modern recharge due to rapid fracture flow. Fluorescence analysis has allowed the rapid assessment of different types and relative abundances of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and the fingerprinting of different sources of organic C within the groundwater system. The tryptophan:fulvic ratios found in the Penrith Sandstone were found to be between 0.5 and 3.0 and are characteristic of ratios from sheep waste sources. The Sherwood Sandstone has the lowest ratios (0.2–0.4) indicating a different source of DOM, most likely a mixture of terrestrial and microbial sources, although there is little evidence of pollution from leaking urban sewage systems. Results from these two studies suggest that intrinsic fluorescence may be used as a proxy for, or complementary tool to, other groundwater investigation methods in helping provide a conceptual model of groundwater flow and identifying different sources of DOM within the groundwater system.  相似文献   

Nitrogen concentrations and isotopic compositions were measured by ion microprobe scanning imaging in two interplanetary dust particles L2021 K1 and L2036 E22, in which imaging of D/H and C/H ratios has previously evidenced the presence of D-rich macromolecular organic components. High nitrogen concentrations of 10-20 wt% and δ15N values up to +400‰ are observed in these D-rich macromolecular components. The previous study of D/H and C/H ratios has revealed three different D-rich macromolecular phases. The one previously ascribed to macromolecular organic matter akin the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from carbonaceous chondrites is enriched in nitrogen by one order of magnitude compared to the carbonaceous chondrite IOM, although its isotopic composition is still similar to what is known from Renazzo (δ15N = +208‰).The correlation observed in macromolecular organic material between the D- and 15N-excesses suggests that the latter originate probably from chemical reactions typical of the cold interstellar medium. These interstellar materials preserved to some extent in IDPs are therefore macromolecular organic components with various aliphaticity and aromaticity. They are heavily N-heterosubstituted as shown by their high nitrogen concentrations >10 wt%. They have high D/H ratios >10−3 and δ15N values ≥ +400‰. In L2021 K1 a mixture is observed at the micron scale between interstellar and chondritic-like organic phases. This indicates that some IDPs contain organic materials processed at various heliocentric distances in a turbulent nebula. Comparison with observation in comets suggests that these molecules may be cometary macromolecules. A correlation is observed between the D/H ratios and δ15N values of macromolecular organic matter from IDPs, meteorites, the Earth and of major nebular reservoirs. This suggests that most macromolecular organic matter in the inner solar system was probably issued from interstellar precursors and further processed in the protosolar nebula.  相似文献   

The major problems encountered in studying estuarine particulate organic matter (POM) are the characterization and quantitation of different kinds of materials (e.g. detrital and living matter, algal and bacterial matter…) each type contributing a specific role in the ecosystem. The study of the activity of the electron transport system (ETS) is proposed as a tool for resolving these problems. Results obtained in our laboratory with cultures of planktonic algae and bacteria provided us with numerical relationships between ETS activity and various organic components such as chlorophyll, carbon and protein. These relationships were: ETS activity/chlorophyll = 2.6, carbon/ETS activity = 17.3, protein/ETS activity = 9.6 in algae; carbon/ETS activity = 5.9, protein/ETS activity = 7.7 in bacteria (ETS activity expressed in /i2h−1 at 20°C; chlorophyll, carbon and protein in μg). Such data can be applied in field studies to characterize the living algal and bacterial matter and, by difference, the detrital organic matter. We report here a study of the Loire estuary as an example.  相似文献   

The peat-forming systems of the Okefenokee Swamp are viewed as modern progenitors of coal. Taxodium and Nymphaea-derived peat-forming systems were characterized in terms of (1) organic fractions and (2) the distribution of organic/inorganic sulfur in each organic fraction (water soluble, benzene/methanol soluble, humin, humic acid, fulvic acid). The humin fraction is the largest organic fraction in both environments, approaching 70% of the total organic matter in the Nymphaea-derived environment. Humin origins are discussed in terms of a humic acid precursor, and undecomposed plant material. It is suggested that each depth of peat represents a diagenetic history of events which the authors believe occurred primarily when the currently buried peat was at the surface. The sulfur content of both peat-forming areas is low (0.23–0.27%); organic sulfur is the dominant sulfur form. Humin contains 50–80% of the total sulfur and of this, 80% is organic sulfur. Ester-sulfate appears to be especially prevalent in the fulvic acid fraction. The sulfur content of freshwater-derived peats is similar in quantity and distribution to that found in low sulfur coals.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal populations through 1991–94 were investigated by taking cores and in situ observations from the submersible Shinkai 2000 in Sagami Bay, Japan (1450 m water depth). At this location, a strong spring bloom causes seasonal deposition of phytodetrital material to the sea floor. The population size of benthic foraminifera is mainly controlled by this seasonal flux of organic matter, which triggers rapid, opportunistic reproduction of the shallow infaunal taxa Bolivia pacifica and Textularia kattegatensis . We propose that these species have a one-year life cycle. The deep infaunal taxa Globobulimina affinis and Chilostomella ovoidea show less pronounced seasonal fluctuations in population size, and seem to have a life cycle longer than two years. The foraminifera migrate vertically through the sediment, down to the maximum depth to which the sediment is oxygenated. The seasonal flux of organic matter thus is the most important determinant of population size, microhabitats, and reproduction in Sagami Bay. Such foraminifera are extremely relevant in the functioning of the global carbon cycle, especially at the interface of the hydrosphere and lithosphere.  相似文献   

A transect of the St Marys River estuary from above the point of maximum salt wedge penetration to coastal salinities was conducted in July 1999. None of the parameters examined—dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, UV light absorbance at 254 nm, and Total Luminescence spectra—follow the rule of conservative mixing. The characteristics of the different molecular size fractions of the St Marys River natural organic matter (NOM), as well as the results of a laboratory mixing experiment, provided evidence that loss of larger molecular size compounds from riverine NOM may occur by coagulation at salinities up to 10. An apparent gain of carbon in the lower estuary was attributed to exports from abundant coastal marshes in this area. The Total Luminescence spectra of the riverine NOM can be described by two peaks, centered respectively around 340/445 nm, and 230/430 nm Excitation/Emission Wavelength Pair (EEWP), which are characteristic of humic materials of aquatic origin. The samples from the high salinity stations exhibit peaks at lower emission wavelength EEWP 320/424 nm, which can be considered as marine humic-like material. The presence of amino acid-tryptophan like peaks were observed, with EEWP 300/350 nm in some of the high salinity samples. This peak was of high relative fluorescence intensity. It is hypothesized that the intense biological activity of the salt marsh and near coastal area is responsible for the carbon addition as well as the appearance of the highly fluorescence amino acid-protein like material.  相似文献   

The Po River (Italy) experienced a 100-year flood in October 2000. Surface sediments (0-1 cm) from cross-shelf transects were collected in the Po prodelta area (Adriatic Sea) in December 2000, in order to describe the distribution of organic matter (OM) along the main sediment dispersal system immediately after the flood event. Stations were subsequently reoccupied in October 2001 and April 2002. This sampling program provided a special opportunity to characterize the initial surficial flood deposit and the evolution of its associated OM over the course of 2 years. CuO oxidation, elemental, δ13C, Δ14C, and grain-size analyses were carried out to characterize the source, age, and spatial variability of sedimentary OM. Statistical analysis (PERMANOVA) was then applied to investigate temporal changes in different portions of the Po prodelta area. Isotopic and biomarker data suggest that the sedimentary OM in the flood deposit was initially dominated by aged (Δ14CDec-00 = −298.7 ± 56.3‰), lignin-poor OM (ΛDec-00 = 1.96 ± 0.33 mg/100 mg OC), adsorbed on the fine material (clayDec-00 = 72.1 ± 4.8%) delivered by the flood. In the 2 years following the flood, post-depositional processes significantly increased the content of lignin (ΛOct-01 = 2.19 ± 0.51 mg/100 mg OC; ΛApr-02 = 2.61 ± 0.63 mg/100 mg OC); and coarse material (silt and sand), while decreasing the contributions from aged OC (Δ14COct-01 = −255.7 ± 32.8‰; Δ14CApr-02 = −213.2 ± 30.4‰) and fine fraction (clayOct-01 = 54.8 ± 9.5%; clayApr-02 = 44.6 ± 13.3%). The major changes were observed in the northern and central portions of the prodelta.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) distribution, lignin phenol signatures, bulk elemental compositions, fluorescence indices and microbial plankton (algae, bacteria, viruses) in a temperate river floodplain system were monitored from January to November 2003. We aimed to elucidate the sources and compositions of allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter (OM) in the main channel and a representative backwater in relation to the hydrological regime. Additionally, bacterial secondary production was measured to evaluate the impact of organic carbon source on heterotrophic prokaryotic productivity. OM properties in the backwater tended to diverge from those in the main channel during phases without surface water connectivity; this was likely enhanced due to the exceptionally low river discharge in 2003. The terrestrial OM in this river floodplain system was largely derived from angiosperm leaves and grasses, as indicated by the lignin phenol composition. The lignin signatures exhibited significant seasonal changes, comparable to the seasonality of plankton-derived material. Microbially-derived material contributed significantly to POM and DOM, especially during periods of low discharge. High rates of bacterial secondary production (up to 135 μg C L(-1) d(-1)) followed algal blooms and suggested that autochthonous OM significantly supported heterotrophic microbial productivity.  相似文献   

An analytical procedure has been developed for the in situ measurement of carbon isotope composition of organic matter, with a spatial resolution of 20-30 μm, using a Cameca IMS 1270 ion microprobe. Instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) of carbon isotopes was observed to be independent of primary ion beam intensity and sputtering time, but did depend on vacuum conditions and on the chemical composition of the sample. To evaluate such “matrix effects”, a set of 9 standards representative of the natural chemical variability of organic matter was prepared, with H/C atomic ratios and organic carbon contents (Corg) ranging between 0.04 and 1.74 and between 41 and 100 wt.%, respectively. Under the analytical conditions tested, IMF was not found to be influenced by the presence of silicate mineral impurities in the organic matter, but variations in IMF up to 5‰ were observed over the set of standards with the magnitude of IMF negatively correlated to the H/C ratios of samples. Aliphaticity ratios determined using Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy provided an in situ estimation of H/C ratios with a spatial resolution barely exceeding that of the ion microprobe and permit a correction for matrix effects with a standard error of ± 0.2‰ (1σ). Taking into account all sources of uncertainty, ion microprobe δ13C were accurately determined with a ± 0.7‰ (1σ) total uncertainty. The mechanism for the matrix effect of H/C ratios upon IMF is still to be determined but it is likely related to the difference in proportion of atomic vs. molecular carbon ions observed between samples of different H/C ratios.  相似文献   

Dissolution of cinnabar (HgS) in the presence of natural organic matter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cinnabar (HgS) dissolution rates were measured in the presence of 12 different natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) isolates including humic, fulvic, and hydrophobic acid fractions. Initial dissolution rates varied by 1.3 orders of magnitude, from 2.31 × 10−13 to 7.16 × 10−12 mol Hg (mg C)−1 m−2s−1. Rates correlate positively with three DOM characteristics: specific ultraviolet absorbance (R2 = 0.88), aromaticity (R2 = 0.80), and molecular weight (R2 = 0.76). Three experimental observations demonstrate that dissolution was controlled by the interaction of DOM with the cinnabar surface: (1) linear rates of Hg release with time, (2) significantly reduced rates when DOM was physically separated from the surface by dialysis membranes, and (3) rates that approached constant values at a specific ratio of DOM concentration to cinnabar surface area, suggesting a maximum surface coverage by dissolution-reactive DOM. Dissolution rates for the hydrophobic acid fractions correlate negatively with sorbed DOM concentrations, indicating the presence of a DOM component that reduced the surface area of cinnabar that can be dissolved. When two hydrophobic acid isolates that enhanced dissolution to different extents were mixed equally, a 20% reduction in rate occurred compared to the rate with the more dissolution-enhancing isolate alone. Rates in the presence of the more dissolution-enhancing isolate were reduced by as much as 60% when cinnabar was prereacted with the isolate that enhanced dissolution to a lesser extent. The data, taken together, imply that the property of DOM that enhances cinnabar dissolution is distinct from the property that causes it to sorb irreversibly to the cinnabar surface.  相似文献   

溶解有机质(DOM)是岩溶碳汇的关键部分和重要的碳源,但是对于DOM在岩溶含水层中的性质和代谢过程的研究仍然有限。本研究以重庆雪玉洞地下河为例,对洞穴有机碳的来源、组成以及微生物作用对季节补给源变化的响应进行探讨,为进一步了解微生物介导的有机碳转化过程提供研究基础。运用三维荧光EEM研究水体有色溶解有机质(CDOM)的性质和组分并反演地下河水中有机质的来源和组成,结合地下河水水化学特征和16S rDNA细菌群落及功能多样性的季节变化特征,以了解季节性补给源的变化对洞穴地下水DOM输入和性质的影响。结果发现,雪玉洞地下河水以微生物内源有机质为主(61%~77%),降雨是引起岩溶给地下河水中CDOM光谱特征变化的最重要因素,雨季外源有机质输入增加,地下河水中外源有机碳组分含量和芳香性、腐殖酸类物质增加,细菌群落多样性和代谢功能基因随之变化,洞穴中向外输出的外源有机碳增加;旱季地下河水滞留时间和蒸发作用增强,因而微生物对有机质的代谢降解过程更加充分,向洞外输出的有机碳以内源为主。本研究有助于增加对岩溶洞穴地下水系统中微生物对有机碳转化过程的理解。  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(19-20):2919-2928
Construction of the entrance tunnel to the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, a prototype repository in Sweden for research into the geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel, has resulted in increased transport of organic carbon from the surface into the groundwater. This increased input of organic matter has induced accelerated oxidation of organic carbon associated with reduction of iron(III) minerals as the terminal electron acceptor in microbial respiration. Hydrochemical modeling of major solute ions at the site indicates an apparent first-order decay constant for organic carbon of 3.7 ± 2.6/yr. This rapid turnover is not accompanied by an equivalent mobilization of ferrous iron. Thermodynamic calculation of iron mineral solubility suggests that ferrous clay minerals may form in hydraulically transmissive fractures. The conditional potentials for the oxidation–reduction of such phases coincide with measured redox potentials at the site. The calculated potential is sufficiently low so that such phases would provide reducing capacity against future intrusion of O2 into the groundwater, thus buffering a repository against oxic corrosion of the engineered barriers.  相似文献   

Sterane hydrocarbons (HCs) of bitumoids of organic matter (OM) from the Lower Cambrian Sinyaya formation of the northern slope of the Aldan anteclise were studied using the chromatography-mass spectrometry technique. Norlanostanes C29 and lanostanes C30 were first discovered in fossilized OM from Cambrian sedimentary basins. This report considers the features of sedimentation, diagenesis, and maturity of lanosteroid-containing organic matter. Lanostane HCs are recommended for usage as biomarkers of oilproducing rocks of the Sinyaya formation to determine the source of naphthides in the eastern part of the Siberian platform.  相似文献   

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