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中国西部河谷型城市地域结构与形态研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
河谷型城市是城市主体在河谷中形成和发育的一类城市。文章讨论了中国西部河谷型城市地域结构的现状、特征及演化过程。中国西部现代河谷型城市中心一般布局在河流隘口处、河流交汇处和河谷地形宽阔处,然后沿河谷向外围廷伸。它的地域结构及其形态演化可分为孕育期与生长期、突变形、稳定发展期和成熟期几个阶段。  相似文献   

县域旅游产业集群化发展规划初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着旅游业快速发展,我国县域旅游产业发展逐步由旅游景区散点式开发向旅游产业集群发展过渡.少数县域通过对旅游产业系统性分析,进行了旅游产业集群化发展规划和实施尝试,对县域旅游产业提升产生比较深远的影响.目前,旅游发展规划大多还停留在旅游产品开发和市场运营层面,县域旅游产业集群化发展规划相关研究还处于理论探讨阶段,通过对县域旅游产业集群化发展的优势特征、规划内涵和实施进行分析,探索县域旅游产业集群发展途径,为我国县域旅游产业发展提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

Chris Philo 《Area》2000,32(1):11-19
Summary This paper provides a 'geographical reading' of Michel Foucault's book, The Birth of the Clinic (1963 in French; 1976 in English). It is argued that this book is a remarkable work of medical geography, despite remaining almost entirely unreferenced and unnoticed in the literature. The emphases in the book, particularly on medicine discovering the hidden spaces of the body, suggest possible new foci for medical geography, as well as placing a new cast on more established ones.  相似文献   

The geomorphology of Heard Island-McDonald Island is primarily the product of close interplay between volcanism, glaciation, and vigorous marine processes in a stormy sub-Antarctic environment. The dominant landform is the strato-volcano Big Ben (2745m), which is the highest mountain on Australian territory outside Antarctica. Other volcanic landforms include scoria cones, domes, open vertical volcanic conduits, lava flows and lava tubes. Volcanic activity is ongoing from the summit of Big Ben, and from Samarang Hill on McDonald Island. Early, but unproven, glacial sediments may exist within the Late Miocene - Early Pliocene Drygalski Formation, which forms a 300m high plateau along the northern coast of Heard Island. Growth of the present glaciers, some of which reach sea level, has been a response to progressive growth of the volcanoes. A variety of erosional and depositional glacial landforms is present, including major lateral moraines and extensive hummocky moraines. Vigorous longshore drift and an abundant sediment supply have produced a large spit at the downdrift end of the island, and formed bars from reworked glacigenic sediment that now impound proglacial estuarine lagoons, some of which have grown rapidly over recent decades as tidewater glaciers have retreated. Integrated study of the volcanic, glacial and coastal sequences offers the possibility of constructing a well-dated record of climate change. Research into the geomorphology, surficial sediments, and contemporary geomorphological processes, including glaciofluvial sediment flux, is also important as an aid to environmental management on land, and to management of the adjacent marine environment.  相似文献   

Kevin R. Cox. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2002. xiv and 382 pp., maps, diags., photos., and index. $36.95 paper (ISBN 0‐631‐22679‐6) Reviewed by Douglas Reardon, Department of History, Geography, and Global Studies, Coppin State College, Baltimore, MD  相似文献   

Results from investigating the geosystems of Cisbaikalia in its western and eastern parts (Primorskii Range and Barguzin Range, respectively) are presented. For studying three macroslopes of these mountain ranges (having an easterly aspect for the Primorskii Range and a westerly and south-easterly aspect for the Barguzin Range), the regional background and the main factors of the landscape differentiation of the study areas were analyzed. Structural features of topological geosystems are revealed, and large-scale maps of key areas are compiled (at a scale of 1:50 000). Maps of the landscape-typological structure were created on the basis of the structural-dynamic and facies analysis of landscapes. It is established that the main factors influencing the landscape diversity are the aspect and steepness of the slopes, the composition and structure of rocks, the absolute height, the amount of atmospheric precipitation, and anthropogenic impacts. It is determined that the influence of the lithomorphic factor is widespread throughout the study areas, the hydromorphic factor is also important, the cryomorphic factor occurs additionally in the goletz zone, and the xeromorphic factor is only observed on the Baikal Range and on the coastal plain in some areas of Priolkhonie. The dynamic aspect of the landscape structure and the relationships between geosystems are displayed in map legends.  相似文献   

We have gained new insight into the dynamic late Holocene paleohydrology and paleolimnology of Kluane Lake by reconstructing lakewater δ18O using sediment cellulose as an oxygen-isotope archive. Our data suggest that the lake was regularly open hydrologically between 5000 and 1000 cal year BP, although with substantially lower water levels and with greater evaporative loss in relation to inflow than under contemporary conditions. During part of this period the lake was meromictic and may have undergone intermittent hydrologic closure, but southward drainage to the Pacific Ocean via the Alsek River system was generally maintained. Isotopic evidence confirms that Kluane Lake underwent complete hydrologic closure 430–300 cal year BP (AD 1520–1650) after a major advance of Kaskawulsh Glacier blocked southward drainage. Closure persisted as the lake overtopped the Duke River fan, initiating northward drainage to the Bering Sea via the Yukon River system. Although incision of the new outlet channel led to a rapid decline in lake level, northward discharge via the Kluane River has been maintained for the past three centuries because of abundant inflow from the Slims River. Substantial quantities of glacial meltwater and seasonal runoff continue to drain via the Slims River from Kaskawulsh Glacier and its catchment in the St. Elias Mountains. During this period Kluane River has also become an important route for migrating anadromous salmon. The modern isotope hydrology of Kluane Lake confirms that its current positive water balance is highly dependent on discharge from Slims River. Declining glacial meltwater contributions to Slims River will likely lead to lower water levels in Kluane Lake over the coming decades and possible re-establishment of intermittent or perennial hydrologic closure.  相似文献   

论2020年我国国土规划的基本目标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国土规划是国家从空间侧面进行宏观经济调控的重要手段,其主作用在于促进国土全面、均衡、合理利用。我国2020年国土规划的基本目标应为:均衡化国土利用格局基本形成;较大幅度提高居民生活的综合环境质量和舒适程度;建成高效、资源节约型国民经济体系格局,基本进入传统资源消费“零增长”阶段。  相似文献   


This article considers the spatial and material implications of drinking water regulation in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. Responding to water contamination and scarcity events in remote NT communities, we argue that the politico-bureaucratic edifice of uniform drinking water governance and service provision across the NT is a state-curated fiction. The article outlines the available legislative protections for drinking water supply in the NT, which include minimum quality standards, water allocation mechanisms, testing regimes, and so on. These are shown to vary significantly between geographic locations and we argue that this produces a racialised ‘archipelago’ of differentiated islands of drinking water governance (Bakker 2003. “Archipelagos and Networks: Urbanization and Water Privatization in the South.” The Geographical Journal 169 (4): 328–341). Using the Gulf country town of Borroloola as a case study, the article then examines the colonial and land rights bases of this spatial variegation, and its significance for drinking water infrastructure provision and remediation. In doing so, we consider how the entropic materialities of ageing infrastructures work to further confound effective drinking water regulations and their practical enactments. The article argues that it is crucial to understand the limits of drinking water regulation in the NT, in order to elucidate the racialised distribution of potential environmental harms, and to mitigate further toxic inheritances.  相似文献   

郭锐  陈东  樊杰 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2518-2526
有序、高效的空间规划体系是现代化治理体系和治理能力的重要内容。当前,中国不同空间性规划打架、上下层级规划不衔接的问题突出,多规合一的空间规划仍处于改革和试点的阶段。回顾中国空间规划体系建构的阶段过程,按照空间层级和规划类型,提出适合中国国土面积和区域单元特征的中国特色空间规划体系,结合福建和贵州省空间规划试点案例,梳理空间规划体系中5个层次的衔接内容,包括“三区三线”底图与空间布局总图的衔接、“三区三线”底图与专项分幅总图的衔接、空间布局总图与专项分幅总图的衔接、专项分幅总图与部门专项规划的衔接、上下层级规划之间的相互衔接。同时从数据基础、学科体系、人才培养、规划流程4个方面指出未来进一步健全和完善空间规划体系应该克服的难点问题和努力方向。  相似文献   

The inventory of implemented investment projects was used as the basis for compiling a smallscale map to display the main features of industrial and transport development of the territory of post-Soviet Russia. An exceptional territorial differentiation of industrial construction is revealed, which implies primarily its overconcentration in Moscow oblast as well as in the north-west (St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast). The northern and eastern regions of the country are characterized by focal industrial development and the dominance of mining enterprises. In Asian Russia, large-scale industrial construction is allocated to Kuzbass, and Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, but the “density” of development is small. In many areas, new enterprises are similar in their specialization to the economic profile of a given area. Signs of territorial-production integration of enterprises in the specific conditions of the Russian market are identified. The new economic conditions saw the emergence of new sectors and production facilities: development of oil and gas resources on the shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Caspian, Baltic, Pechora and Black Seas; gas liquefaction plants, and automobile assembly enterprises. Only a quarter of the new industrial enterprises are located in regional capitals. The dispersion of industries within separate regions is determined by the high proportion of extractive enterprises, the formation of special economic zones outside the regional centers, and by the low cost of land and labor in small towns and villages. The new “village” industry has a broad spectrum of specialization and is not limited to processing agricultural raw materials. Analysis of the structure of the new industrial construction did not reveal any signs of its ecologization. Two thirds of the new facilities refer to basic, environmentally “aggressive” sectors. Most of the newly built transport infrastructure facilities are specialized in satisfying the export requirements of the country’s economy, rather than in enhancing connectivity of its territory. Intensive construction of ports and pipelines leads to the concentration of anthropogenic pressure on the water areas and the coasts, in particular the Baltic, Black and Azov Seas. The resulting map reveals new foci and areas of change in the natural environment and its large-scale transformation.  相似文献   

The Great Silk Road is a trade route linking the East and West which gave impetus to the development of ancient society, and Kazakhstan is the heart of the trade route. At the initial stage, intensive transaction of goods took place between the West and East through The Great Silk Road. This paper reviewed the history of development of the Silk Road and suggested that today to construct the "New Silk Road", Kazakhstan should face many issues, and take many steps to become a Eurasian hub through taking full of advantages. Above all, developing mechanisms of integration and sustainable development is our urgent need.  相似文献   

周永博  沙润  卢晓旭  侯兵  丁正山 《地理科学》2012,(11):1311-1320
遗产旅游地意象是遗产旅游中主体与客体互动的桥梁,具有重要研究价值。与现场环境中的旅游者不同,身处惯常环境中的潜在旅游者往往是在信息传播帮助下形成其旅游地意象,在此过程中,时空距离和文化认同发挥着非常重要的作用。以苏州园林为例开展遗产旅游地意象扩散的实证研究,旨在探索遗产旅游地意象扩散的基本规律,为遗产旅游地意象传播提供理论导向。研究根据近万个江苏省内样本数据,分析苏州园林旅游地意象扩散的空间格局,提出遗产旅游地意象圈层模式和引力模型,为当代信息技术与遗产旅游发展双重背景下的遗产保护、文化传承和市场开拓提供依据。  相似文献   

The paper examines the acceptance of birth control practices in India, and examines the relationhsip of these patterns to levels of economic development. A study of selected couples with markedly low incomes revealed that fertility tended to increase until a certain level of per capita income was reached. From this level onward, fertility and desired family size goals declined with increasing economic status. The study reveals an association in India between those less developed states and poor acceptance of family planning. The level of medical and administrative personnel for family planning services is superior in the more developed states and, logically, adoption of family planning practices is also higher. In higher-income states, characterized by relatively higher spatial mobility and literacy rates, the spread of family planning practices is relatively rapid. In less developed states, characterized by poorly developed centralized systems of communication and distribution, a lower spatial mobility of people, and a lower diffusion of knowledge through personal contact, family planning methods tend to spread very slowly or become less and less popular. A classification of Indian states as related to their acceptance of formal family planning policy and governmental efforts has been helpful in developing regionally-oriented program strategies for the future. Such strategies would take into account varying socioeconomic, cultural and administrative infrastructure differences in order to better assure delivery of services. As India also faces a shortage of trained physicians and personnel for the National Family Planning program, a regionally-based spatial allocation policy must be formulated that will divert some family planning personnel from states with high-acceptance patterns to the more densely populated, less developed regions of the country.  相似文献   

Humus horizons associated with thirteen solifluction lobes on a single slope were radiocarbon dated at fixed distances behind the risers, as well as ahead of the lobes. The dated horizons, together with stratigraphic observations of planar discontinuities inside the lobes and shallow burial of vegetation ahead of the lobes, all suggest rapid advance of lobe fronts. We infer that lobe advance at this site results from slow accumulation of soliflucted material behind a relatively rigid riser, progressive steepening of the riser and build-up of stress, and finally rupture of the front and its collapse onto the slope. Rebuilding of the lobe usually then takes place. The time for a full cycle of development is estimated to be in the order of a few hundred years. Long-term frontal movement appears inversely related to lobe size, and is mainly controlled by soil moisture and sediment characteristics. These findings call into question the usefulness of solifluction lobe advance rates for paleoclimate reconstructions, at least at this site.  相似文献   

The level of Kluane Lake in southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, has fluctuated tens of metres during the late Holocene. Contributions of sediment from different watersheds in the basin over the past 5,000 years were inferred from the elemental geochemistry of Kluane Lake sediment cores. Elements associated with organic material and oxyhydroxides were used to reconstruct redox fluctuations in the hypolimnion of the lake. The data reveal complex relationships between climate and river discharge during the late Holocene. A period of influx of Duke River sediment coincides with a relatively warm climate around 1,300 years BP. Discharge of Slims River into Kluane Lake occurred when Kaskawulsh Glacier advanced to the present drainage divide separating flow to the Pacific Ocean via Kaskawulsh and Alsek rivers from flow to Bering Sea via tributaries of Yukon River. During periods when neither Duke nor Slims river discharged into Kluane Lake, the level of the lake was low and stable thermal stratification developed, with anoxic and eventually euxinic conditions in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

领域与地盘:中西方权地观之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯璐璐  刘云刚 《地理科学》2019,39(7):1055-1062
通过对中西权地观中情感属性、权力属性、空间属性对比,提出地盘作为关系的空间投影发挥作用。根据塑造地盘的关系属性的不同,将地盘分为情感型地盘、工具型地盘及混合型地盘3类。地盘体系中讲究人情、信任与求和,通过模糊正规权力的空间边界对抗空间阻力,形成缓冲我与非我的圈层结构。  相似文献   

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