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The easternmost domain of the Borborema Province, northeastern Brazil, presents widespread, extensional-related high-temperature metamorphism during the Brasiliano (=Pan-African) orogeny. This event reached the upper amphibolite to granulite facies and provoked generalized migmatization of Proterozoic metapelitic rocks of the Seridó Group and tonalitic to granodioritic orthogneisses of the Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement. We report new geochronological data based on electron microprobe dating of monazite from metapelitic migmatite and leuconorite within the high-T shear zones that make up the eastern continuation of the huge E–W Patos shear belt. These data were also constrained by using the Sm–Nd isotopic systematic on garnet from a syntectonic alkaline granite and two garnet-bearing leucosomes. The results suggest an age of about 578 to 574 Ma for the peak of the widespread high-T metamorphism. This event is best recorded by Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock ages. The U–Th–Pb isotopes on monazite of the metapelitic migmatite show a younger thermal event at 553 ± 10 Ma. When compared to the Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock ages, the U–Th–Pb electron probe monazite ages seem to record an event of slightly lower temperatures after the peak of the high-T metamorphism. This may reflect the difference in the isotopic behavior of the geochronological methods employed. Otherwise, the U–Th–Pb ages on monazites could indicate an event not yet very well defined. In anyway, this paper reveals the partial or even complete re-opening and resetting of the U–Th–Pb isotopic system produced by the action of low-T Ca-rich fluid.  相似文献   

The coast of Ceará State in NE Brazil is covered by vast fields of active and stabilized coastal sand dunes. Its tropical climate is characterized by two seasons, wet and dry, with wind intensity determined by the meridional shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The wind power is negatively correlated with precipitation, and precipitation is negatively correlated with the difference between sea surface temperatures of the tropical Atlantic north and south of the equator. We present a model suggesting that during the Late Pleistocene wind power determined the mobility and stability of the dunes. Sand dunes accumulated during periods of high wind power (as it is today) and stabilized when wind power was low. Once the dunes were stabilized by vegetation they could not be activated even by increased wind power. Samples that were taken for luminescence dating from 25 stabilized dunes along the coasts of Ceará gave ages ranging from135 ka to < 100 yr. We postulate that these luminescence ages fall at the beginning of wet periods in NE Brazil characterized by low wind power. These paleoclimatic wet periods correlate well with the cold periods of stades in Greenland ice-core records.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of facies of sedimentary sequences that occur as discontinuous bodies in the Jundiaí region, west of the main Tertiary continental basins of the southeastern Brazil continental rift. Nine identified sedimentary facies, grouped into four associations, suggest the existence of an ancient alluvial fan system whose source area was the Japi mountain range (Serra do Japi). The deposits are considered Tertiary in age and chronocorrelated with those identified in the Atibaia region and at other sites up to 100 km east and northeast of Jundiaí. The depositional model adopted to explain the filling of the basin proposes that the alluvial fans, which directly derive from the source area, terminated in a braided channel longitudinal to the basin axis that flowed to northwest, in a similar configuration to that of the present day. This basin may have extended to the Atibaia region or formed a set of small basins laterally contiguous to the faults associated with the rift. Such occurrences show that the formation of rift basins was broader than the area presently occupied by the main deposits.  相似文献   

Metamorphic conditions are described for three major tectonic entities on the basis of geothermobarometry in a huge Neoproterozoic nappe complex that verges toward the southern border of the São Francisco craton. The uppermost Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, represented by its granulite facies basal portion, yields a maximum temperature and pressure of 890 °C and 11 kbar. Its metamorphic evolution is consistent with heating at the base of the crust as a result of an abnormally high geothermal gradient, probably due to underplating by the lithospheric mantle. The underlying Três Pontas-Varginha Nappe yields two somewhat distinct PT paths, both characterized by peak assemblages in the kyanite stability field. The basal kyanite-bearing granulites show higher peak pressure values (15 kbar at 840 °C) and a trajectory that continues in the kyanite stability field, whereas the upper sillimanite granulites show higher temperatures (880 °C at 13 kbar) and a steeper path toward the sillimanite stability field. Data for the Carmo da Cachoeira nappe reveal a steep trajectory, in which the elevated maximum pressure (18.5 kbar at 820 °C) was obtained from a garnet amphibolite that lies along its basal contact. The inverted metamorphic pattern previously observed across these sequences is confirmed by our thermobarometric data, which reveal that the highest temperatures were attained toward the top of the pile.  相似文献   

Raquel   《Geoforum》2001,32(4)
If we had to point out one single feature to define Brazilian cities today, it would be the existence of a dual built environment: a landscape produced by private entrepreneurs and contained within the framework of detailed urban legislation, and another one, three times greater, self-produced by the poor and eternally situated in an intermediate zone between the legal and the illegal. In addition to being an expression of economic and social disparities, this contrast has profound implications on the form and functioning of the cities. The sprawl of the precarious peripheries has lead to an absurd disconnection of poorly urbanized spaces and the city center where jobs, cultural and economic opportunities are concentrated. The effects of this persistent territorial exclusion are devastating and occur in both the peripheries and the city center. The purpose of this paper is to explore the nexus between the precarious and risky urbanization which took place in Brazilian cities and the urban violence that seems to be the most recent and visible face of this model, using the concrete example of different cities in the state of São Paulo. In order to construct the links it is first important to understand how patterns of economic development and population trends have contributed to the generation of risk urbanization and how planning and urban management policies interact with it.  相似文献   

Following the McCormick County, South Carolina, local magnitude 4.3 earthquake on August 2, 1974, continuous seismic activity has been observed in the area. The epicenters are located within 3 km from the Clark Hill reservoir. The shallow seismic activity appears to be related to water level fluctuations in the reservoir, and follows them by about two days. The frequency of earthquakes is related to the rate of change of water level, while the energy release is seen to depend on the water level itself. Pore pressure fluctuations at focal depths in a regime of high tectonic stresses is the suggested cause for the triggering of earthquakes.  相似文献   

Precambrian metaplutonic rocks of the São Gabriel block in southernmost Brazil comprise juvenile Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline gneisses (Cambaí Complex). The connection with associated (ultra-)mafic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks (Palma Group) is not well established. The whole complex was deformed during the Brasiliano orogenic cycle. Both metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks as well as metaplutonic rocks of the Cambaí Complex have been sampled for geochemical analyses in order to get constraints on the tectonic setting of these rocks and to establish a tectonic model for the São Gabriel block and its role during the assembly of West-Gondwana. The major element compositions of the igneous rocks (Palma Group and Cambaí Complex) indicate a subalkaline character; most orthogneisses have a calc-alkaline chemistry; many metavolcanic rocks of the Palma Group show signatures of low-K tholeiitic volcanic arc basalts. Trace element data, especially Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, of most igneous samples from both the lower Palma Group and the Cambaí Complex indicate origin at plate margins, i.e., in a subduction zone environment. This is corroborated by relative enrichment in LREE, low contents of Nb and other high field strength elements and enrichment in LILE like Rb, Ba, and Th. The data indicate the possible existence of two suites, an oceanic island arc and a continental arc or active continental margin. However, some ultramafic samples of the lower Palma Group in the western São Gabriel block indicate the existence of another volcanic suite with intra-plate character which possibly represents relics of oceanic island basalts (OIB). Trace element data indicate contributions from andesitic to mixed felsic and basic arc sources for the metasedimentary rocks. The patterns of chondrite- and N-MORB-normalized spider diagrams resemble the patterns of the igneous rocks, i.e., LILE and LREE enrichment and HFS depletion. The geochemical signatures of most igneous and metasedimentary samples and their low (87Sr/86Sr)t ratios suggest only minor contribution of old continental crust.A geotectonic model for the São Gabriel block comprises east-ward subduction and following accretion of an intra-oceanic island arc to the eastern border of the Rio de la Plata Craton at ca. 880 Ma, and westward subduction beneath the newly formed active continental margin between ca. 750 and 700 Ma. The São Gabriel block represents relics of an early Brasiliano oceanic basin between the Rio de la Plata and Kalahari Cratons. This ocean to the east of the Rio de la Plata Craton might be traced to the north and could possibly be linked with Neoproterozoic juvenile oceanic crust in the western Brasília belt (Goiás magmatic arc).  相似文献   

The Polish Geophysical Expedition to West Antarctica in the summer of 1979–1980 was organized by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the expedition was to carry out studies of deep structures of the Earth's crust by reflection, refraction and deep seismic sounding methods. Special attention was paid to tectonically active zones and to the contact zones between the blocks of the Earth's crust and the lithospheric plates. Geophysical measurements were carried out in the area extending between 61° and 65°S and between 56° and 66°W. The measurements covered the southern Shetlands, the Antarctic Peninsula, the Bransfield Strait, the Drake Passage, the Palmer Archipelago, the Gerlache Strait and the Bismarck Strait towards the southern Pacific.Deep seismic soundings were made along profiles with a total length of about 2000 km. Seismic reflection measurements were made along profiles about 1100 km long. A detailed analysis of the seismic wave field shows that the structure of the Earth's crust in this part of West Antarctica is very complex. Numerous deep fractures divide the Earth's crust into blocks of different physical properties. The thickness of the Earth's crust changes from 32 km in the region of the South Shetland Islands to 40–45 km in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula. A preliminary geodynamical model of this part of West Antarctica is presented.  相似文献   

The orogenic banded iron formation (BIF)-hosted Au mineralization at São Bento is a structurally-controlled, hydrothermal deposit hosted by Archean rocks of the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, Quadrilátero Ferrífero region, Brazil. The deposit has reserves of 14.3 t Au and historical (underground) production of 44.6 t Au between 1987 and 2001. The oxide-facies São Bento BIF is mineralized at its lower portion, where in contact with carbonaceous, pelitic schists, particularly in the proximity of sulfide-bearing quartz veins. Shear-related Au deposition is associated with the pervasive, hydrothermal sulfidation (mainly arsenopyrite) of the Fe-rich bands of the São Bento BIF. Auriferous, sulfide- and quartz-rich zones represent proximal alteration zones. They are enveloped by ankerite-dominated haloes, which reflect progressive substitution of siderite and magnetite within the BIF by ankerite and pyrrhotite, respectively. The São Bento BIF was intensely and extensively deformed, first into open, upright folds that evolved into tight, asymmetric, isoclinal folds. The inverse limb of these folds attenuated and gave way to sheath folds and the establishment of ductile thrusts. Mineralized horizons at São Bento result from early structural modifications imposed by major transcurrent and thrusts faults, comprising the Conceição, Barão de Cocais and São Bento shear zones. Dextral movement on the SW–NE-directed Conceição shear zone may have generated splays at a compressional side-stepping zone, such as the São Bento shear zone, which is the structural locus for the São Bento gold mineralization. Relaxation of the Conceição shear zone under more brittle conditions resulted in the development of dilatational zones where gold–sulfide–quartz veins formed. These structures are considered to have been generated in the Archean. Geochronological data are scarce, with Pb–Pb analyses of refractory arsenopyrite and pyrite from bedded and remobilized ore plotting on a single-stage growth curve at 2.65 Ga. A later compressional, ductile deformation of unknown age overprinted, rotated and flattened the original, N60E-directed structure of the whole rock succession, with development of planar and linear fabrics that appear similar to Proterozoic-aged structures. Fluid inclusion studies indicate low salinity, aqueous fluids, with or without CO2 and/or CH4, with extremely variable CO2/CH4 ratios, of probable metamorphic origin. Fluid evolution shows a paragenetic decrease in the carbonic phase from 10–15% to 5%, and increase in the H2O/(CO2 + CH4) and CO2/CH4 ratios, suggesting important interaction with carbonaceous sediment. Trapping conditions indicate a temperature of 300 °C at 3.2 kbar.  相似文献   

徐鸣  姚仲友  沈莽庭  高天山  周延 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2164-2178
通过建立描述成矿作用特征的构造和时间框架,探讨圣弗朗西斯科克拉通北部矿床的成因。许多太古宙的矿化作用发生在克拉通形成以前。铬铁矿、镍、金和祖母绿矿床是古元古代造山旋回形成的,那时克拉通合并到大西洋古陆。在中—新元古代,即罗迪尼亚(Rodinia)超级大陆的裂解期间,有拉张事件发生,其与磷矿和铀矿有关。金伯利岩金刚石矿化和金矿化是巴西利亚(Brasiliano)造山旋回形成的,其与西冈瓦纳大陆拼合同期。在寒武纪,该区存在长期和均一的地应力记录。同位素和磁性系统的重置,影响了在520Ma时候的依列斯(Irecê)盆地的新元古代沉积作用。这种重置归因于巴西利亚造山旋回结束时区域尺度流体的迁移和矿化作用。  相似文献   

The Vazante Group consists of Precambrian carbonate-dominated platform deposits that extend along more than 300 km in the external zone of the Brasilia Fold Belt of the São Francisco Basin in east central Brazil. The sequence is about 4.8 km thick and contains a preserved glaciomarine diamictite unit (containing dropstone) at the top and a lower diamictite unit at the bottom. Previous C- and Sr-isotope profiles suggested the correlation of the upper diamictite unit with the “Sturtian” glacial event (ca. 750–643 Ma). However, new Re–Os isotope data from the shales associated with the upper diamictites yield radiometric age estimates between 993 ± 46 and 1100 ± 77 Ma. U–Pb measurements on a suite of clear euhedral zircon crystals that were separated from the same shales associated with the upper diamictite and from the arkosic sandstone above the lower diamictite yield ages as young as 988 ± 15 and 1000 ± 25 Ma, respectively. Based on the Re–Os and U–Pb ages, the best age estimate of the Vazante Group is constrained to be 1000–1100 Ma and thus the two diamictite units are not correlative with the Sturtian glaciation(s) but most likely are records of glacial events that occurred during the late Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   

The Yaoundé belt (Cameroon) and the Sergipano belt (NE Brazil) belonged to a major and continuous Neoproterozoic orogen at the northern margin of the ancient Congo-São Francisco craton. The Yaoundé belt comprises schists, quartzites, gneisses and migmatitic gneisses grouped into three domains; the low-grade Mbalmayo Group in south and the medium- to high-grade Yaoundé and Bafia Group in north. The Sergipano belt is divided into six domains, the three southernmost of which are mostly made up of clastic and chemical metasedimentary rocks whereas the others are more diverse with a migmatite–gneiss complex, and two metavolcanicplutonic complexes. In general, the two belts show structural vergence and decrease of metamorphic grade towards the craton; three main deformation phases are recognized in the Sergipano belt in contrast with two described in the Yaoundé belt. The minimum age of Pan-African-Brasiliano collision in the Sergipano belt is constrained at 628 ± 12 Ma on syn-collision granites, whereas in the Yaoundé belt collision took place between 620 and 610 Ma, i.e. the age of granulite facies metamorphism. Sm–Nd isotope geochemistry and U–Pb age dating indicate that most clastic metasedimentary rocks in both belts were derived from sources to the north and, to a lesser degree, from the cratons to the south.  相似文献   

A low-angle thrust fault places high-PT granulites (hangingwall) of the Internal Zone of the Neoproterozoic Brasília Belt (Tocantins Province, central Brazil) in contact with a lower-grade footwall (External Zone) comprised of nappes of distal passive margin- and back-arc basin-related supracrustals. The footwall units were emplaced at  750 Ma onto proximal sedimentary rocks (Paranoá Group) of the São Francisco paleo-continent passive margin. The high-PT belt is comprised of 645–630 Ma granulite-facies paragneiss and orthogneiss, and mafic–ultramafic complexes that include three major layered intrusions and metavolcanic rocks granulitized at  750 Ma. These complexes occur within lower-grade metasedimentary rocks in the hangingwall of the Maranhão River Thrust, which forms the Internal Zone–External Zone boundary fault to the north of the Pirineus Zone of High Strain. Detailed lithostructural studies carried out in Maranhão River Thrust hangingwall and footwall metasedimentary rocks between the Niquelândia and Barro Alto complexes, and also to the east of these, indicate the same lithotypes and Sm–Nd isotopic signatures, and the same D1D2 progressive deformation and greenschist-facies metamorphism. Additionally, footwall metasedimentary rocks exclusively display a post-D2 deformation indicating that the Maranhão River Thrust propagated through upper crustal rocks of the Paranoá Group relatively late during the tectonic evolution of the belt. Fault propagation was a consequence of intraplate underthrusting during granulite exhumation. The results allow for a better tectonic understanding of the Brasília Belt and the Tocantins Province, as well as explaining the presence of the Pirineus Zone of High Strain.  相似文献   

An overview of the archaeological data produced over the last decades for Brazil, coupled with a background of recent paleoenvironmental studies, suggests that during the mid-Holocene vast areas of Central Brazil ceased to be occupied by human groups. Independent data from dated human skeletons, rock-shelter stratigraphy, and chronology of open-air sites converge to support the inference that these areas were depopulated or altogether abandoned. Paleoenvironmental data suggest that dryness events constitute the major cause behind the observed trends. This phenomenon expands the already perceived notion that climatic stresses had a major role in the shaping of human settlement patterns in marginal environments, such as deserts and high-altitude settings.  相似文献   

In this work we report 207Pb/206Pb LA-ICPMS ages of 152 detrital zircons from lower greenschist facies quartzites from Proterozoic basin successions of the southern border of the São Francisco Craton, southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. These are the intracratonic São João del Rei basin, the intraplate continental margin Andrelândia basin, and the Serra do Ouro Grosso sequence, developed on a crystalline basement older than 1.8 Ga, and deformed and metamorphosed during the Brasiliano Orogeny, ca. 0.59–0.50 Ga. The data constrain both the ages of the sources and the interval of sedimentation. The detrital zircons of the Serra do Ouro Grosso sequence were derived predominantly from the erosion of a Neoarchean crust, 2.5–2.8 Ga old, with only one grain showing a Paleoproterozoic age (2, 245±83 Ma) older than the Transamazonian event. Zircons extracted from a shelf quartzite of the lowermost sequence of the São João del Rei basin indicate derivation from the 1.8–2.2 Ga Transamazonian crust, with subordinate contribution from the 2.5–2.9 Ga Archean crust. The 1, 809±41 Ma age is interpreted as the maximum limit for sedimentation in this basin. The results confirm the regional correlation with the Espinhaço Rift successions. The zircons extracted from an autochthonous quartzite of the Andrelândia sequence yielded ages in the 1.0–2.2 Ga range, with a modal class at 1.2–1.3 Ga. Only two of the forty analyzed zircons yield Archean ages. The youngest zircon yields 1, 086±85 Ma. The zircons from the allochthonous quartzite yield ages between 1.0–2.7 Ga, with a modal class at 2.1–2.2 Ga. Only five of 45 analyzed grains yield Archean ages. The youngest zircon has an age of 1, 047±77 Ma. The results indicate that the detrital sediments deposited during the second marine flooding event of the Andrelândia sedimentation were mainly derived from the erosion of Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozic rocks. The 1, 047±77 Ma age is interpreted as the maximum depositional age for the described association.  相似文献   

Petrologic and geochronological work was carried out on a roadside outcrop of amphibolite facies orthogneisses near São Lourenço da Serra, about 50 km southwest of São Paulo City. These orthogneisses belong to the Embu Complex, within the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle mobile belts of SE Brazil. The outcrop consists of predominantly foliated biotite tonalites and granodiorites, which were cut by granitic veins and pegmatites prior to final deformation. SHRIMP U/Pb measurements on zircons from one granodioritic–tonalitic gneiss indicate magmatic crystallization of the protolith at 811±13 Ma (MSWD=1.0). Zircons with dates of ca. 2000 and ca. 1000 Ma in this rock are interpreted as inherited from older crust. One zircon analyzed from the gneiss and three zircons from a discordant pegmatitic vein indicate an event at 650–700 Ma, perhaps related to the intrusion of the pegmatites. A regression of Rb–Sr whole rock data for four biotite gneisses yielded an imperfect isochron, giving an apparent age of 821±68 Ma and an elevated initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.719±0.005. The elevated initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio and the inherited zircons indicate involvement of older crust in the genesis of the gneisses. Rb–Sr feldspar and whole rock pairs yield ca. 560 Ma tielines, giving the time of final cooling below 300–350 °C, and the cessation of medium-grade metamorphism and ductile deformation. These results document a series of tectono-thermal events spanning 250 million years during the Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle. They relate to ca. 800 Ma magmatic arc activity and later allochthonous terrane assembly during closure of the Adamastor Ocean, resulting in the accretion of Western Gondwana.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for the geological engineering survey of land degradation in urban environments using both remote sensing and geoprocessing tools. The area under study was the city of São Carlos, state of São Paulo, Brazil (urban and expansion area). The data presented here were obtained from earlier studies, photointerpretation and geological engineering mapping. The Envi 4.1 software package was used to prepare the digital orthophotos that served as a reference base for the information. Orthorectification of the Ikonos image (PSM, 1 m) was done and compared with other orthophotos from studies of environmental degradation in urban areas. The evolution of land degradation processes was analyzed based on the photointerpretation of aerial photographs taken on different dates and using Ikonos image. This study allowed to conclude that most of the degradation occurring in the city has been caused by unplanned land occupation, in disregard of environmental conditions, resulting in environmental degradation and thus impacting the quality of life of the urban population.  相似文献   

We localized crustal earthquakes in the Andean arc, between 35°S and 36°S, from December 2009 to May 2010. This research shows a seismicity increase, in a narrow longitudinal area, of more than nine times after the great Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake.The localized seismicity defines an area of ∼80 km long and ∼18 km wide and NNW to NNE trend. The Md magnitudes varied from 0.7 to 3.1 except for two earthquakes with Mw of 3.9 and 4.5, located in the northern end of the area. The focal mechanisms for these two last events were normal/strike-slip and strike-slip respectively.During 2011, a network of 13 temporary stations was installed in the trasarc region in Malargüe, Argentina. Sixty earthquakes were localized in the study region during an 8 month period.We explored how changes in Coulomb conditions associated with the mega-thrust earthquake triggered subsequent upper-plate events in the arc region. We assumed the major proposed structures as receiver faults and used previously published earthquake source parameters and slip distribution for the Maule quake. The largest contribution to static stress change, up to 5 bars, derives from unclamping resulting consistent with co-seismic dilatational deformation inferred from GPS observations in the region and subsidence in nearby volcanoes caused by magma migration.Three different Quaternary tectonic settings–extensional, strike-slip and compressional-have been proposed for the arc region at these latitudes. We found that the unclamping produced by the Maule quake could temporarily change the local regime to normal/strike-slip, or at least it would favor the activation of Quaternary NNE to N-trending dextral strike-slip faults with dextral transtensional movement.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope studies were carried out across units of a Neoproterozoic nappe system, south of São Francisco Craton. A temperature decrease toward the base of the system is found, consistent with a previously recognized inverted metamorphic pattern. The tectonic contact of the basal unit and the reworked southern São Francisco craton show a steep temperature gradient, suggesting that low temperature thrusting acted as the dominant tectonic process. The contrasts between the δ18O values of the Três Pontas-Varginha and Carmo da Cachoeira nappes and the differences among the samples and minerals are consistent with the preservation of sedimentary isotopic composition during metamorphism. The small differences in the δ18O values between the undeformed and the deformed calc-silicate samples (1.6‰) suggest that the δ18O value of mylonitization fluids was close to that which equilibrated with the metamorphic assemblage. The distinct δ18O values of metapelitic and calc-silicate samples and the great temperature difference from one type to the other indicate that no large-scale fluid interaction processes occurred during metamorphism. Oxygen isotopic estimations of both Três Pontas-Varginha undeformed rocks and Carmo da Cachoeira unaltered equivalents indicate δ18O values of up to 18‰. Comparison between these values and those from the ‘basement’ orthogneisses (8.3–8.5‰) indicates the latter are not sources for the metapelites.  相似文献   

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