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That special air maps might be necessary was realised as long ago as 1909 when the use of maps in connection with balloons was being discussed: but there was little progress and Bleriot's flight in the same year imposed a completely new outlook. At first, with the air speeds common in the early days, it was possible for the aviator to use standard topographical maps on scales such as half or one inch to one mile and navigate by the identification of prominent landmarks. It was soon realised however that certain features were more outstanding than others and this observation was incorporated in one of the very first attempts to produce an "aero" map made in 1912. In this the roads, railways and lakes were emphasised by hand colouring on a photoprint of the one inch Ordnance Survey sheet. The practice of using, or hand amending, existing topographical maps continued in the early days of the 1914-18 war but the growth of the R.F.C. and the R.N.A.S. emphasised the need for specific air maps. By the end of the war the R.N.A.S. had special air charts for use over the coastal areas of the British Isles, and a special aviation map of France had been produced for the R.F.C. These maps were probably the first ever made in quantity for use in the air but they did not differ radically from the existing topographical series except in the simplification of certain detail and the showing of additional data of value to the airman -aerodrolnes, landing grounds, dangers etc. Air speeds were still not very high and flying was largely confined to fine weather so that the main form of navigation continued to be by the direct reading of maps.  相似文献   


This paper describes the design and development of two trial 1:100 000 scale Ordnance Survey maps targeted specifically at the inexperienced and reluctant map users in the touring and holiday market. These are two maps which depart from the very high map specification designs normally offered by Ordnance Survey. The use of extensive consumer market research and the objective analysis of existing touring type maps on sale have enabled Ordnance Survey to publish two experimental maps, which will succeed or fail by consumer reaction alone.  相似文献   


Since 1899 cadastral mapping in the Sudan has been concentrated along the banks of the Nile from the Egyptian frontier to latitude 13°N., in the towns, and in the area of the Gezira, south of Khartoum, where cotton has been developed. These surveys were controlled by theodolite and steel tape either in the form of traverses or rectangulation. The early triangulation was used mainly to control topographical surveys, for it was essential to cover the whole country as rapidly as possible with a series of maps on scale 1: 250,000. As a consequence much of this early triangulation is of a relatively low order of accuracy, indifferently marked on the ground, and unfit for inclusion in a framework for medium and large scale mapping.  相似文献   


Image mapping using data from visible and infrared sensors has, as a major drawback, the frequent cloud cover experienced in many countries. This is one of the main reasons why topographic maps at 1:100,000 scale and larger are often outdated. The results of a study which investigated the possibilities of fusing up‐to‐date spaceborne microwave data with existing images from optical sensors for topographic map updating at a scale of 1:100, 000 are presented in this paper. A key issue researched was the influence of geometric distortions and corrections of remote sensing data on the results of pixel based digital image fusion. After having terrain‐geocoded and radiometrically enhanced imagery from the Landsat, SPOT, ERS‐1 and JERS‐1 satellites, the data were fused applying a variety of colour transformation techniques as well as statistical or arithmetic methods. Initially, the image fusion was implemented using images covering a test site in the north of The Netherlands in order to calibrate specified combinations and techniques in a rather flat area. With the experience gained, the remote sensing data acquired over the research site were processed. The research test site is located in a typical Developing Country in the humid Tropics, on the mountainous south‐west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. The results of the various applied techniques and image combinations were evaluated with reference to their capability to overcome the cloud cover problem. New combinations of techniques and images were developed as result of an optimisation process. The research produced two prototypes of annotated 1:100,000 scale image maps containing fused, cloud‐free optical/microwave imagery.  相似文献   


Most European countries have a national topographic map series at 1:100 000 scale, but currently Great Britain does not. The history of mapping at or around 1:100 000 in Britain is described briefly and consideration given as to why such a scale would be appropriate for a national series of mapping aimed at tourist and leisure users. The main focus of the article is to review a series of 1:100 000 scale maps of two sample areas of Great Britain, produced in the style of various western European medium scale topographic maps. Two further design examples are produced combining desirable characteristics of the maps examined. The results show both that many of the designs translate well to 1:100 000 scale maps of the British landscape and that there is considerable potential for a topographic base at this scale providing a basis for a national series aimed at tourist and leisure users.  相似文献   


Field work for the 1/1,250 scale re-survey of Great Britain was fully described in an article by Brigadier R. P.Wheeler in the April, 1948, issue of this Review (ix, 68, 234–247). The object of this article is to outline the method’ of reproduction of these plans and of the resultant 1/2,500 scale plans of urban areas. The 1/2,500 series covering rural areas is a separate problem, one of revision rather than re-survey. Experiments are in hand now to find out the best ways to provide field material and produce the final plans on National Grid sheet lines. The 1/1,250 scale series will contain about forty thousand plans and the 1/2,500 series of the same areas about nine thousand. It is therefore important that production methods should be straightforward and maintain an economical balance between the use of men and machines.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):111-136

During the German occupation of the Channel Islands, military geologists produced specialist maps to support their development as part of the Atlantic Wall: the line of fortifications marking the western boundary of German-occupied Europe. For Jersey, maps showed features of groundwater and quarry sites for building materials, primarily at a scale of 1 : 25 000. For Guernsey, maps at this scale were prepared to depict bedrock and superficial geology, and also maps which showed sites for building materials, water supply and features of military geology. For Alderney, maps at 1 : 10 000 showed bedrock geology, water supply, building materials plus tunnelling conditions, and military geology. Only a few contemporary copies of these maps were produced, hand-drawn upon printed topographical base-maps. Some are now preserved in Germany at the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, others in the USA at the National Archives and Records Administration. They include the only military geology maps, the earliest large-scale groundwater maps and arguably the earliest large-scale building resources maps, for any part of the British Isles.  相似文献   


Reconnaissance.—It has been possible to draw up a “paper scheme” for most of the primary triangulation by examination of large-scale topographic maps for possible obstructions to the proposed rays (after due allowance for curvature and refraction along the ray); the fact that certain of the proposed lines had been definitely observed in the existing primary or secondary triangulation was of course of material assistance. Since, however, all observations were to be to luminous beacons, requiring a close organization, it would have been unsound to draw up an observing programme on the strength of this paper scheme alone. The omission of a few key rays, subsequently found to be obstructed by timber, whose height cannot be appreciated from maps, or by local features which had grown up since the last triangulation, would have entailed some confusion in the observing programme, the establishment of additional stations for occupation during a later season, and the reoccupation of stations surrounding such additional points; in short, the probability of a year's delay in obtaining sufficient material for adjustment, and a considerable loss of economy. Arrangements were accordingly made for the paper scheme of the English main chain to be verified and amended on the ground by special reconnaissance parties in 1935, when in fact no instruments or beacons were available to commence observing in any case. In the same way, field reconnaissance of the Scottish main chain and of the Western figure (Wales and the S.W. peninsula) was completed in 1936 and a start made on the Eastern figure (East Anglia and S.E. England), so as to get the reconnaissance and station preparation well ahead of observing. Experimental reconnnaissance of a few secondary blocks—for which, as also for the primary reconnaissance of the flat enclosed East Anglian country, paper schemes are practically useless—was also commenced in 1936 and is being pushed ahead rapidly in 1937.  相似文献   


Up to 31st March 1922, the work in Ireland with regard to the revision and supply of Ordnance Survey Maps was governed by similar rules to those existing at the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. No changes were made in the Irish Free State until the revision of Co. Waterford was completed on the 25-inch scale in 1923. It was then decided to depart from the usual procedure of taking up the work of the revision of Counties according to a cycle of years, and to revise those particular portions of the country in which extensive alterations had been carried out by reason of the division of properties by the Congested Districts Board and the Irish Land Commission. Accordingly, those portions of Counties Galway, Mayo and Roscommon which had undergone the greatest development were taken up for revision. In all eighty-nine sheets were specially revised and completed by 1928.  相似文献   

The author outlines a method for quantitative analysis of the completeness of information presented on maps of varying scale, i.e., for determining, upon reductions in scale of an original map A, what magnitudes of loss in graphic detail will result in derivative maps B, C, D that are of equal relative completeness to the original. Empirical formulae are derived which describe intensities of selection typical of maps devoted to particular topics (stream networks, urban socioeconomic indices, etc.) and graphic methods are described which can be used to determine scale denominators at which specific reductions in the number of features can occur without losses in “completeness” or, conversely, the number of particular kinds of features that can be eliminated on maps (or portions of maps) upon reductions in scale without losses in completeness. Translated from: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, geografiya, 1985, No. 5, pp. 17–23.  相似文献   


Tepetates, altered indurated and sterile volcanic tuffs, are located among the neo‐volcanic belt in central Mexico. They are divided into three classes according to the erosion level: outcrop tepetates, discontinuous tepetates (in process of erosion), and underlying tepetates (related to fragile areas with high erosion risk). For local communities and peasants, the existence of tepetates is a heavy constraint, with the impossibility to cultivate the land as it is. In order to know the localization and extension of tepetates, we experimented with various classification techniques of a Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite image. Masking techniques were used, assisted both by a DEM and photo interpretation, in addition to radiometric segmentation to obtain a map of tepetates in a study area. The resulting map showed the location of outcrop tepetates well, in agreement with existing soil maps, but underestimated underlying tepetates and high‐risk erosion localities, due mainly to the heterogeneity of the classes at the scale used (30 m pixel).  相似文献   


During the Second World War, the German army developed the largest organization of any nation ever to contribute military applications of earth science in wartime. In the summer of 1940, its military geologists assisted planning for potentially the greatest amphibious assault to that time in history by preparing maps which analysed the terrain of southeast England in terms of coastal geomorphology, groundwater supply, quarry sites for construction materials and off-road trafficability. These specialist maps were generated at scales of 1:50 000, 1:100 000 or 1:250 000 by annotating topographical base maps, derived from the then current Ordnance Survey maps at most similar scale, with data derived from maps and memoirs published by the Geological Survey of Great Britain or larger-scale Ordnance Survey maps. They represent an early example of geotechnical mapping skills developed more fully in the German armed forces for operations elsewhere later in the war.  相似文献   


Innovations for the British Army during World War I included use of a military geologist to compile 'water supply' maps and to guide well drilling. Between June 1915 and November 1918, W. B. R. King served as a staff lieutenant at General Headquarters of the British Expeditionary Force deployed on the Western Front. He pioneered British development of water supply maps for parts of Belgium and northern France, in several different styles and at scales of 1 : 100 000, 1 : 250 000 and 1 : 40 000. These assisted planning for advances into enemy-occupied territory or the development of water supply infrastructure within the region held ultimately by five British armies: in total about 1,500,000 men with some 500,000 horses and mules, each man/animal requiring on average 10 gallons (45 L) per day of potable water. The maps guided emplacement of over 470 military boreholes to supply drinking water to British forces, especially in provinces underlain by Cretaceous Chalk: Picardy and Artois. German forces also made use of military geologists at the Front, but in much greater number: up to about 300 in total. Water supply tasks were given high priority, and German water supply maps were finally standardized like other medium scale German geotechnical maps at 1 : 25 000. Six geologists were deployed with the American Expeditionary Force late in the war, and for their sector of the Front compiled at least two water supply maps at 1 : 80 000, and 11 at 1 : 50 000 that were supported by explanatory reports. Wartime imperatives thus generated expertise in hydrogeology that became available for civilian use post-war, and laid the foundation for further military development during World War II.  相似文献   


In 1938 the committee to investigate the activities of the Ordnance Survey, presided over by Lord Davidson, issued its final report. One of the terms of reference of this committee was “to review the scales and styles of Ordnance Survey maps placed on sale to the public and to recommend whether any changes are desirable”.  相似文献   


Global land cover is one of the fundamental contents of Digital Earth. The Global Mapping project coordinated by the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping has produced a 1-km global land cover dataset – Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organizations. It has 20 land cover classes defined using the Land Cover Classification System. Of them, 14 classes were derived using supervised classification. The remaining six were classified independently: urban, tree open, mangrove, wetland, snow/ice, and water. Primary source data of this land cover mapping were eight periods of 16-day composite 7-band 1-km MODIS data of 2003. Training data for supervised classification were collected using Landsat images, MODIS NDVI seasonal change patterns, Google Earth, Virtual Earth, existing regional maps, and expert's comments. The overall accuracy is 76.5% and the overall accuracy with the weight of the mapped area coverage is 81.2%. The data are available from the Global Mapping project website (http://www.iscgm.org/). The MODIS data used, land cover training data, and a list of existing regional maps are also available from the CEReS website. This mapping attempt demonstrates that training/validation data accumulation from different mapping projects must be promoted to support future global land cover mapping.  相似文献   

The problem of fitting a pre-existing geoid on local GPS/LEV points is first taken into account, a possible way for its solution is proposed, based on techniques similar to the aerophotogrammetric absolute orientation.This approach is then used to compute themapping geoids of Sardinia and Calabria i.e. geoids with decimetric accuracy, needed for the heigthing of large scale maps. The pre-existing geoids EAGGI by Brennecke et al. (1983), and EGG2 by Denker et al (1993) are utilized, fitted on points of GPS/LEV traverses.The complete input-output data, the contour maps of both geoids, and a substantial checking on some Calabrian GPS/TRIG points of the entreprise IGM.95 are finally reported.  相似文献   


The Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) maps (1871–1877) are highly praised for their accuracy and completeness; however, no systematic analysis of their accuracy has been done to date. To study the potential of these 1:63,360 maps for a quantitative analysis of land cover changes over a period of time, I have compared them to 20th century topographic maps. The map registration error of the PEF maps was 74.4 m using 123 control points of trigonometrical stations and a 1st order polynomial. The median RMSE of all control and test points (n = 1104) was 153.6 m. As a case study of land cover changes, the area of coastal dunes as shown on the PEF maps was compared with that shown on British Mandate 1:20,000 topo-cadastral maps from c. 1930. In five of the six areas analysed, the yearly dunes movement rate was above the estimated annual error due to data resolution (2.96 m/year). The rate of dune movement south of Acre was found to be between 3.9 and 6.3 m/year (depending on the method used for map registration) between 1874 and 1930. Care should be taken when analysing historical maps, as it cannot be assumed that their accuracy is consistent at different parts or for different features depicted on them.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):313-320

The potential of unclassed animated choropleth maps as a solution to false patterns of geographic change arising from data classification is investigated. Old concerns about unclassed choropleth maps may be mitigated through map interactivity that offers four advantages over traditional data legends, and previous insights from testing static choropleth maps do not necessarily translate to animated cartography. Data from user testing revealed unclassed animated choropleth maps neither help nor hurt the ability of map readers to understand patterns of geographic change. However, the unclassed map (1) appeared 'less jumpy' to participants and was perceived to run at a slower pace (despite running at the same number of frames per second), and (2) subtle geographic shifts (e.g., seasonal unemployment cycles) were more readily noticed on the unclassed maps. Preliminary results also suggest classed data emphasise stability over time – while their unclassed counterparts improve our ability to see changes. This paper also outlines animated simultaneous contrast as a new perceptual issue in the creation of animated choropleth maps.  相似文献   


In spite of the world depression, the effects of which are now being severely felt in this Territory, the Departmental activities were almost a record in regard to output. Not only were applications for land in excess of previous years, but the issue of deeds, the surveys of farms and plots, the work on mineral areas, and the preparation and issue of maps, plans, and diagrams were well above previous years.  相似文献   


In text-books on surveying the rangefinder is usually dismissed in one sentence, which merely remarks on its inaccuracies and places in the category of scientific curios an instrument which should be most valuable to the plane-tabler in certain types of country. It is to combat this effect and to help topographers in their arduous work that these notes have been written. They are written from experience gained on topographical survey, on a scale of 1/125,000, in a tropical dependency where reduction of cost is of primary importance.  相似文献   

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