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Few, most certainly, will dispute the value of Mr Black's paper describing a method of “Systematic Relaxation”, which appeared in a previous number of this Review. At the same time, however, it seems to the writer to be only fair to readers to point out that the application of the method to triangulation adjustment is really a treatment, from a slightly different aspect, of methods that have long been established.  相似文献   


Digital elevation model (DEM) matching techniques have been extended to DEM deformation detection by substituting a robust estimator for the least squares estimator, in which terrain changes are treated as gross errors. However, all existing methods only emphasise their deformation detecting ability, and neglect another important aspect: only when the gross error can be detected and located, can this system be useful. This paper employs the gross error judgement matrix as a tool to make an in-depth analysis of this problem. The theoretical analyses and experimental results show that observations in the DEM matching algorithm in real applications have the ability to detect and locate gross errors. Therefore, treating the terrain changes as gross errors is theoretically feasible, allowing real DEM deformations to be detected by employing a surface matching technique.  相似文献   


Introduction.—Although much has been written on the various branches of surveying, few text-books do more than give the problem of Map Maintenance a passing mention. It is true that probably the major problem of the surveyor, when considering the world as a whole, is the urgent need of any sort of accurate map for most of its surface, yet at the same time quite considerable areas have already been surveyed, and the maintenance of these areas forms a very formidable problem in itself. Moreover, it is not generally realized that problems of maintenance necessitate a complete reorientation of technical outlook in comparison with questions of an initial survey. Clearly, when maps are being made in the first instance, the primary requirement is an adequate framework, whose main essentials are accuracy; rigidity and permanence. The filling in of the topographical detail and the final reproduction are matters of necessarily secondary importance. Furthermore, as the time required for the field work is large in comparison with the office stages, there is little actual or apparent gain in reducing the time taken on drawing and reproduction. In these circumstances the problem of an initial survey is essentially mathematical in its technique, little attention being required for the final stages of drawing and reproduction, which can be carried out, by craftsmen, at the unhurried pace which it has been their privilege to maintain in the past.  相似文献   

G. M. T. 《测量评论》2013,45(23):49-53

That admirable annual, The Surveyor (Ceylon), was generously forwarded to us some months ago. In this issue, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 93, there is given the solution of a question on resection in an examination paper. Since the solution appears rather laboured and the problem is interesting in itself and by no means valueless, it seems not out of place to attempt a simpler and more obvious answer.  相似文献   

In the field of biomass estimation, terrain radiometric calibration of airborne polarimetric SAR data for forested areas is an urgent problem. Illuminated area correction of σ -naught could not completely remove terrain features. Inspired by Small and Shimada, this paper tested gamma-naught on one mountainous forested area using airborne Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar data and found it could remove most terrain features. However, a systematic increasing trend from far range to near range is found in airborne SAR cases. This paper made an attempt to use the relationship between distance to SAR sensor and γ-naught to calibrate γ -naught. Two quantitative evaluation methods are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that variation of γ -naught can be constrained to a limited extent from near range to far range. Since this method is based on ground range images, it avoids complicated orthorectification.  相似文献   


At the end of 1934 I visited Zanzibar at the invitation of the Government to advise on methods of cadastral survey and land registration suited to local conditions. Here I am only concerned with the former aspect of this problem. Although stated in general terms, it was in the tenure of the clove and, to a lesser extent, the coconut holdings that the need for these associated records had primarily appeared. My inquiry led to the submission of proposals for the direct use of vertical air photographs for a dual purpose cadastral survey of the Protectorate, which would not only satisfy the requirements of a Land Register, but also systematically furnish information of value to clove cultivation following earlier recommendations made by Professor R. S. Troup. Space does not permit of consideration of this associated objective here, but the possibilities which the method offers of providing concurrently an agricultural as well as a cadastral record is one of its claims to consideration.  相似文献   


A method for filtering of geodetic observationwhich leaves the final result normally distributed, is presented. Furthermore, it is shown that if you sacrifice100.a% of all the observations you may be (1−β).100% sure that a gross error of the size Δ is rejected. Another and, may be intuitively, more appealing method is presented; the two methods are compared and it is shown why Method 1 should be preferred to Method 2 for geodetic purposes. Finally the two methods are demonstrated in some numerical examples.  相似文献   


The modern abridged method of solution as applied to observation equations was given in an earlier number of this Review. The present article, applying the same abridged method to the solution of conditioned equations, shows how the weights of any functions of the adjusted values can be obtained as well as the corrections themselves. The case where the weights of adjusted functions are most frequently required in practice is that of a triangulation base extension figure. It is well known that the error generated in reaching the first side of the main triangulation proper from the measured base may be considerably greater than thereafter when sides are long and grazing shots rare. For this reason it is good practice to compute rigorously the probable error of the first main side from the base. It is usually found that the p.e. of the base itself is only a small fraction of the total. If the total p.e. of this first main side is too large, it may then be considered whether the extension figure should not be either completely reobserved or even redesigned to give a better result. Even if the observations themselves are all considered to be of equal weight (as is common practice nowadays with good instruments and good methods of observing), the weights of the adjusted functions will still differ from the mean, depending on the condition equations set up by the extension figure adopted.  相似文献   


At the end of the 1980s, the computer experts who had been in the vanguard of cartographic development lost their position due to the fact that computers became democratised. This may be ascribed to the 'Macintosh' effect. This in turn led cartographic companies back to the core of their professional know-how: it is cartographers themselves who now develop the scope of their profession, utilising all the resources provided by the new computer technology. But, if cartographers want to keep playing a major role in the geographic information arena, they have to determine and develop the specific elements of their discipline: if technology mobilizes all forces to the detriment of theory, then the discipline progressively weakens and ends in being swallowed by another discipline.

It is the cartographers' task to transform the spatial information from its verbal, social and numerical form into visual form for visual thinking; this visualisation provides for cognitive functions, communication functions, decision support functions and social functions. In order for maps to perform these functions cartographers should continue, now with digital tools, to safeguard data quality by monitoring the compilation stage during which they have to see to it that the heterogeneous datasets in databases will be made comparable, both from a geometrical, semantical, updatedness and completeness point of view. This main aspect of the cartographer's job can be called its engineering part. The other main aspect will remain the map design part, that leads to proper communication of the spatial information. Both aspects will remain the cartographer's domain if he/she succeeds in providing a theoretical basis for his/her work.  相似文献   


The Transverse Mercator Projection, now in use for the new O.S. triangulation and mapping of Great Britain, has been the subject of several recent articles in the “Empire Surpey Review. The formulae of the projection itself have been given by various writers, from Gauss, Schreiber and Jordan to Hristow, Tardi, Lee, Hotine and others—not, it is to be regretted, with complete agreement, in all cases. For the purpose for which these formulae have hitherto been employed, in zones of restricted width and in relatively low latitudes, the completeness with which they were given was adequate, and the omission of certain smaller terms, in the fourth and higher powers of the eccentricity, was of no practical importance. In the case of the British grid, however, we have to cover a zone which must be considered as having a total width of some ten to twelve degrees of longitude at least, and extending to latitude 61 °north. This means, firstly, that terms which have as their initial co-efficients the fourth and sixth powers of the longitude ω (or of y) will be of greater magnitude than usual, and secondly that tan2 ? and tan4 ? are likewise greatly increased. Lastly, an inspection of the formulae (as hitherto available) shows a definite tendency for the numerical co-efficients of terms to increase as the terms themselves decrease—e.g. terms in η4, η6, etc.  相似文献   


1. An air-photo survey of part of Southern Palestine was carried out in 1938, both field-work and plotting being executed by the same surveyor, a comparative newcomer to this type of work, who therefore equipped himself with Lieut Salt's valuable book (Professional Papers of the Air Survey Committee, no. 8, 1933) for guidance. The area covered was very broken barren country and the contours became the principal features of the map, so that a great many spot-heights were necessary and certain deviations in detail from the routine laid down in the Paper suggested themselves.  相似文献   


Field work for the 1/1,250 scale re-survey of Great Britain was fully described in an article by Brigadier R. P.Wheeler in the April, 1948, issue of this Review (ix, 68, 234–247). The object of this article is to outline the method’ of reproduction of these plans and of the resultant 1/2,500 scale plans of urban areas. The 1/2,500 series covering rural areas is a separate problem, one of revision rather than re-survey. Experiments are in hand now to find out the best ways to provide field material and produce the final plans on National Grid sheet lines. The 1/1,250 scale series will contain about forty thousand plans and the 1/2,500 series of the same areas about nine thousand. It is therefore important that production methods should be straightforward and maintain an economical balance between the use of men and machines.  相似文献   


In these days of ever-increasing highway speeds it is now almost universally recognized by highway engineers that transition or easement curves must be provided wherever there is an appreciable change in the horizontal curvature of a highway.  相似文献   


To the writer's knowledge nothing has been published, at the time of writing, on British maps as a selling medium in the period 1860–1940. The only exception proves the rule: D. G. Hindley's Advertising in Victorian England 1837–1901 (see Sources) mentions Chas Baker's 1887 ABC Guide to London and Large Pocket Map of London (see below), but does not place it in its context. This means that the subject can only be studied through the maps themselves, against a background of society at the time.  相似文献   


This paper continues the discussion started in an article of the same title (E.S.R., ×, 78, :353-66), on which a further letter was written in October, 1952. The amount of computation required originally was very considerable, and it was obviously impossible to publish it all. The recent letter was necessary to answer the suggestion that the agreement between errors put in and corrections obtained from the L.S. solution was not very close. It seemed sufficient to give the list of errors and corrections, leaving readers to judge for themselves. The correlation coefficient from the two sets of figures was 0.78, which looked quiteg90d. Unfortunately, it was not realized before that corrections from a L.S. solution cannot, legitimately, be compared with errors put in on directions unless a station correction is first applied to the errors to make the sum of the errors at each station equal to zero. This is one of the points about the direction method of adjustment which is not very easy to understand.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(32):105-110

The optical principle of the deflection prism may not be known to all readers. Though there is nothing of very modern origin in the optics of a prism, as a wedge of very acute angle it possesses special powers which admit of useful adaptation to certain types of instrument. This application is a development of comparatively recent times. It will not be out of place, therefore, to make some reference to it in this Review.  相似文献   


Although methods of map preparation and production in the nineteenth century are generally understood, in truth little is known in detail. A rare opportunity to further understanding of the methods of the day is offered by the analysis of the surviving working documents and correspondence related to the production of town maps for Lysons' Magna Britannia. As methods of compilation and preparation become clearer, some of the resultant town maps appear more original and carefully created than previously thought, forcing a reassessment of their value as historical evidence.  相似文献   

Summary Within potential theory of Poisson-Laplace equation the boundary value problem of physical geodesy is classified asfree andnonlinear. For solving this typical nonlinear boundary value problem four different types of nonlinear integral equations corresponding to singular density distributions within single and double layer are presented. The characteristic problem of free boundaries, theproblem of free surface integrals, is exactly solved bymetric continuation. Even in thelinear approximation of fundamental relations of physical geodesy the basic integral equations becomenonlinear because of the special features of free surface integrals.  相似文献   

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