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I. Introduction.—The literature of least squares is extensive and much of it is theoretical and prosy. I propose, therefore, in the present paper to scrape the jam off the bread, so to speak, and present the pabulum to the reader first; in other words, to give first the solution in as simple and neat a form as possible, then the proof, and finally an example and some notes. The problem is that of adjusting in plane coordinates a traverse beginning at a known point and closing on a known point, having also in the general case an angular closure. If, as I believe, the proof does not appear anywhere else in its present form and nowhere in the English language, I am at a loss to know why. It is not enough to say that the traverse is not a precise enough form of survey to warrant a practical application of the method of least squares. Nor does the admitted difficulty of assigning relative probable errors to linear and angular measurements, coupled with a tendency for the linear errors to be systematic, quite account for it. One has only to read what little there is on the subject of simple traverse adjustment in the English language to detect diversity, vagueness, and sometimes even uneasiness in the statements on it.  相似文献   


The survey of Sierra Leone was fortunate enough to be completed just in time before the economic blizzard (if I may be permitted a well-worn journalistic cliché) descended on West Africa in common with the rest of the world and largely curtailed such activities. I do not propose to deal here with its technical side to any great extent. An excellent account of bush surveying is to be found in the “Handbook of the Southern Nigerian Survey”, which account always filled me with the greatest awe and respect for the men working there, their output being vastly greater than anything we were able to achieve in Sierra Leone. Truly “there were giants … in those days”.  相似文献   


Recently it has become apparent that modern surveys will be increasingly influenced by the availability of additional data arising from the employment of radio techniques.  相似文献   


Survey Training for the Civil Engineer at the University has been discussed in four articles in the Review. (R. N. Ray, M.A., xii, 89, 104–110; H. Biesheuvel, B.Sc., xii, 90, 159–165; A. Stephenson, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.I.C.S., xii, 91, 217–222; K. R. Peattie, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.T.C., A.M.I.C.E., xii, 94, 376–379.) Cost of equipment for a large class and limitation of time in an already heavily loaded curriculum prevent the student acquiring enough training to undertake the survey work required on alarge engineering scheme. The schemes of training described in the four articles are greatly to be admired and it is hard to see how any improvement can be made.  相似文献   


The treatment of the diseases afflicting surveyors' instruments has many analogies with the treatment of those ills to which human flesh is heir. The troubles themselves are diversified enough and are, frequently, still further complicated by the mental attitude of the owner.  相似文献   


The comprehensive paper on the suspension of tapes by M. Hotine in the January, 1939, issue of the Empire Survey Review (v, 31, 2) did not contain any reference to this question, as was pointed out by A. J. Morley in a letter published on page 261 in the same volume (v, 34, 261). A brief analysis has been made by F. Yates of the theoretical effects of pulley eccentricity and misalignment (“Gold Coast Survey Department Records” VoL III, 1931, page 43) but I have not seen any further reference to the subject and have recently experienced the effects of such a defect in our own apparatus, so the followingnotes nlay be of interest. Before proceeding to details I will describe briefly those parts of the apparatus which are considered here and give a short summary of the whole paper.  相似文献   


Some time ago during a conversation in the Geographical Section, General Staff, the question of the ages of both Stonehenge and Woodhenge cropped up. As I was at that time stationed at Larkhill Camp, within easy reach of both, it was suggested that I might arrange to observe the azimuths of the axis lines of these two circles, in the hope that such information might be useful in determining which was really the older. This was done, but I regret that pressure of work has meant such a long delay before the resul ts have been made available.  相似文献   


Major Hotine (E.S.R., No. II, pp. 264–8) still finds the location of a reference spheroid to offer insuperable difficulties. I confess that my difficulty is to see his! In my previous article (E.S.R., No. 8) at the foot of page 76, I used the word “coincidence” in error for “parallelism”. This harmonizes the article and I am glad that Major Hotine has directed attention to the error.  相似文献   


That man is to be envied who can devote many of the best years of his life to the study of a special branch of science and make some advances in it. Such a man will usually receive recognition of the value of his labours from his fellows in the world of science, and this was certainly the case with Colonel Clarke. The excellence of his many years' work on geodetical subjects, such as thereduction of observations, formulre for the spheroid, figures of the earth, standards of length, and similar matters, was fully appreciated by scientific men during his lifetime, in this country as well as abroad. Curiously enough, his name does not appear in the “Dictionary of National Biography”, though he is, perhaps, the best known of British geodesists. A paragraph is devoted to him in recent issues of the “Encyclopredia Britannica”, but this paragraph is, in one respect, inaccurate. One may say that geodesy makes little appeal to the ordinary citizen, who usually would not know what it is all about.  相似文献   


I suppose most of you look at a map nearly every day and I expect you know a good deal more about them after following the blitzkriege of armies in Europe—and Africa. My advice is, go on learning, for a map has become the means of picturing allsorts of things closely connected with our lives ; modern methods of reproduction have made maps so picturesque and useful that they should be companions to all those who take the trouble to understand them.  相似文献   


I Have read with interest Mr. L. P. Lee's remarkably well-informed article in the January number (vii, 51, 190) on “The Nomenclature and Classification of Map Projections”. I agree with much of what Mr. Lee says, but I cannot think that he has always been happy in his choice of names.  相似文献   


In a previous Article (Empire Survey Review, ii, II) I described a simple graphical method for the elimination of latitude error in observations for azimuth. It was pointed out that the ideal method of adjustment of azimuths would be a simultaneous elimination of both latitude and refraction errors and, with that in view, a purely theoretical method of such an adjustment was demonstrated in the last paragraph of the article. It has now occurred to me that a fairly simple mathematical solution is possible.  相似文献   


At the suggestion of Mr. T. H. Corfield, who has himself given two solutions (E.S.R., No. 12, pp. 345–6) of Mr. A. J. Potter's problem, I venture to submit a third solution, which has at least the merit of simplicity.  相似文献   


Land cover is an important component of the earth system. Human induced surface alteration can affect earth systems directly, through loss or degradation of ecosystems, or indirectly through impact on the climate and biogeochemical cycles necessary to sustain life on earth. The significance of the earth's surface has made land use/land cover change an important issue in global change research. Alteration of land cover occurs at a variety of spatial scales, but as with many environmental change issues, the impacts of surface changes are often conceptualized at the global scale. In this study, we investigate the effects of land cover change on total reflected radiation and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in a 10,000 km2 local area in the High Plains of southwestern Kansas. Landsat MSS data from five years of record within the twenty‐year period 1973 to 1992 were classified into cool season crop, warm season crop, and pasture/prairie. Mean values of summer reflectance and NDVI from each cover type and for the study area as a whole were then analyzed for systematic change over the study period. Both reflectivity and vegetation index increased during the study period, although causes for the increase appear to be different. Results suggest that changes in mean surface reflectance in the study site are strongly influenced by land cover change, whereas changes in NDVI are more closely linked to 50‐day antecedent precipitation.  相似文献   


This paper is the substance of a talk on the Impact of Inflation on Cartography, given to the British Cartographic Society in January 1976. The difficulty of the subject is evident from the many causes of inflation and because of the speed at which inflation was and is affecting every aspect of life. However, the subject has a fascinating horror and is so pertinent that the contemporary value of such a paper is great.  相似文献   


It has long been recognised that the earliest cartographic images of British towns enjoyed a long life through the re-use and adaptation of copper plates and through plagiarism. However, the precise nature of the complex relationship between various images has remained unclear and it is, therefore, necessary to try to unravel exactly which plates were adapted and re-used and who copied who and when.  相似文献   


In the Empire Survey Review, no. 4, 1932, Mr. Clendinning has described a method of interpolating from traverse tables to seconds. Below is another method, due to Prof. Nekrassov, for use with traverse tables published by him. The method is described in The Geodezist, Moscow, 1936, no. I, pp. 47–52.  相似文献   


The following points occurred to me when reading the interesting paper on crustal equilibrium in E.S.R. No. 23. The principle of compensation or isostasy necessarily involves the idea of two different kinds of rock structure—one strong, the other weak or in extreme cases fluid; for example, there is the familiar case of the strong iceberg resisting change of shape in the liquid sea. In dealing with crustal problems of the earth then, we should make up our minds which part is to be considered as strong, e.g. the granite crust, and which part as weak or fluid, e.g. material at a depth x km. (say roo km.); by weak or fluid I mean that a possibility exists of horizontal movement.  相似文献   


During recent years a light apparatus has been made up in the Survey of India to provide a basis for minor triangulation. The idea originated with the writer when executing rough triangulation under war conditions, when the need was felt for checking work which had become liable to development of considerable error. The terrain was not such as to allow the measurement of an ordinary base of such a length as half a mile; nor were other facilities present. Accordingly a length of 200 feet was marked out, with the help of a 100-foot steel tape, on a fairly smooth site on rolling ground; and its subtended angle at a distance of about 1500 feet was measured carefully with numerous repetItIons. This 1500-foot length was in turn extended in a similar way to a 3-mile side of the triangulation. No great accuracy was looked for, but enough to rule out the possibility of gross mistake in the irregular triangulation.  相似文献   


I may say at once that this article has nothing to do with either the Gaiety chorus or the “Old Firm”: it is merely a statement of what seem to me the fancies in Dr. de Graaff Hunter's paper “Figures of Reference for the Earth”, E.S.R., No. 8,pp. 73–8. Many readers of the Review will share my gratitude to Dr. Hunter for his lucid presentation of the theory underlying the usual geodetic processes. I disagree with only one of his points, and its implications, but unfortunately that point is fundamental.  相似文献   

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