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On the first of January 1949 the Survey Training Centre of the Royal Engineers became the School of Military Survey. In the previous two years over fifty Colonial Survey Officers or Probationers came to the Training Centre as students on various courses. Many of these have now taken their places in the Colonial Survey Service. More students may come in the future not only from the Colonies but also from the Dominions, for just as the Military Survey courses are open to the military officers of the Dominions so are the Colonial Survey courses open to the survey students from the Dominion Governments. Some information about the School and courses may be of interest to these potential students and to many readers of this Review, and these notes have been written with the intention of providing this information  相似文献   


In 1943, the Colonial Research Committee accepted a proposal submitted by the Colonial Survey and Geophysical Committee to the effect that a Central Colonial Survey Organization should be established to undertake geodetic surveys and topographical mapping, publish the work completed, hold the required equipment and maintain the necessary records. In order that such an organization, if approved, could commence to operate as soon as possible after the end of war, a detailed scheme for same was called for by the Colonial Research Committee.  相似文献   


The late war has been responsible for many unusual situations—not the least of which was that of certain British Colonial Surv1ey Offices passing under the control of an Asiatic Invader, and it is thought that the story of one of them—the Survey Department of Malaya—will not be without interest to readers of this Review.  相似文献   


IN the absence on leave of the Surveyor General, a full Report for the Colonial Survey Committee was prepared by Mr. R. W. E. Ruddock, the Deputy Surveyor General. The Department in Ceylon covers so many activities that it would be impossible to mention here more than a few.  相似文献   


This project, which is now well known to surveyors not only in Africa but all over the world, was first visualised by Sir David Gill, who for many years was H.M. Astronomer at the Cape Observatory. It is fitting to commence by giving in his own words his conception of the work, the part of which from South Africa to the Equator has now been completed. The following extracts are taken from the paper “On the Origin and Progress of Geodetic Survey in South Africa, and of the African Arc of Meridian”, by Sir David Gill,K.C.B., F.R.S.  相似文献   


In the memoir of the late Capt. G. T. McCaw which appeared in the January number of this Review (vii, 47,2), reference was made to the part which the late Sir David Gill played in the origin of the work on the survey of the Arc of the 30th Meridian in Africa. This year is the centenary of Gill's birth, as he was born in June 1843, and it is therefore timely to give some account of his work during his long term of office as Her Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape which resulted inthe inception and completion of the Geodetic Survey of South Africa and the survey of the Arc to the southern shores of Lake Tanganyika. He died on 24th January 1914.  相似文献   

G.T.M. 《测量评论》2013,45(32):96-105

Introductory.—From time to time the question of the relation between the metre and the foot is raised, most frequently perhaps from Africa. Had there been no more than a single metre to consider the question would no doubt arise but seldom: the most recent authoritative comparsion would be generally accepted. But actually it is the existence of two metres—the “ legal” and the “international”—which complicates the question, so much indeed that there is no metrological factor which has influenced survey, British and foreign, more than the relation between these two metres. The question was discussed in this Review (I, 6, 277, 1932), but memories grow shorter, attention is more diffused, and besides there is required a more explicit statement of the situation as it affects British surveyors, especially in Africa, whence the question has been raised anew. To illuminate it, unfortunately the need recurs to repeat some well-known facts.  相似文献   


Whenever the Government wants to receive new students to be trained as surveyors for the Government Service it is usual for the public to be informed by means of a Gazette Notice outlining the conditions of entry into the Survey School which is attached to the Land and Survey Department. Nowadays students are admitted through the Government Higher College at Yaba by means of the Entrance Examination of that college. It is one of the conditions that before a candidate applies to take this Entrance Examination he must have passed his Cambridge School Certificate Examination, the Matriculation Examination of any British University, or its local equivalent, and must possess also a certificate of character.  相似文献   


The following account of the standardizing equipment of the Gold Coast Survey Department has been written, at the request of the Editor of the Review, because this equipment includes a completely enclosed standard of length 300 feet long which is believed to be one of the very few enclosed standards of this length in any of the Crown Colonies.  相似文献   


Historical.—When my predecessor, Mr N. A. Middlemas, was seconded from the Survey Department of Malaya in 1925, the survey framework of the State was technically negligible.  相似文献   


The Secondary Triangulation of South Africa consists of a uniform network of triangles of from 5- to 10-mile sides, enmeshed in the Geodetic and Primary Triangulations. As a rule the Primary Triangulation is rigorously adjusted by least squares, and the Secondary made to conform to it by an approximately rigorous method which was introduced into the Trigonometrical Survey in 1920 by the late Dr van der Sterr.  相似文献   


Up to 31st March 1922, the work in Ireland with regard to the revision and supply of Ordnance Survey Maps was governed by similar rules to those existing at the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. No changes were made in the Irish Free State until the revision of Co. Waterford was completed on the 25-inch scale in 1923. It was then decided to depart from the usual procedure of taking up the work of the revision of Counties according to a cycle of years, and to revise those particular portions of the country in which extensive alterations had been carried out by reason of the division of properties by the Congested Districts Board and the Irish Land Commission. Accordingly, those portions of Counties Galway, Mayo and Roscommon which had undergone the greatest development were taken up for revision. In all eighty-nine sheets were specially revised and completed by 1928.  相似文献   


Photogrammetry, terrestrial and particularly aerial, with which the following will exclusively deal, is at the present time employed practically throughout the world for the preparation of maps to every scale. While at the time of the introduction of the system its use was limited to topographical maps, it has been extended in the last fifteen years to the production of cadastral maps. In spite of the conservative. attitude of the cadastral authorities of every country to all innovations, this method has been accepted more and more by such authorities. After the excellent pioneer work of Switzerland, which in the course of time is to produce cadastral maps of half the country (2,000,000 ha.) by means of photogrammetry, Germany, Holland, France, Italy, Spain, and other countries have followed this example, the method being employed in these countries in an ever-increasing degree for cadastral measurement. Although the decision for the use of the photogrammetric method for cadastral measurement has been made in some degree in Europe, the large Colonies, especially those of the British Empire, are still hesitant in this connexion. Investigations which follow hereunder have been made in order to ascertain how far this new method of measurement is useful for Colonial cadastral measurement.  相似文献   


In 1924, when my application for a position in the Survey Department of North Borneo had been accepted, a surprisingly large number of my friends thought that my destination was somewhere in Africa or South or Central America. Of course everyone had heard of the “wild man of Borneo.” To be quite candid, my own knowledge was limited to the position of the island. As this. country seems to be so little known, a brief outline of its history and of the development of the Survey Department may be of interest.  相似文献   


Early in 1946 a Central Survey organisation was set up with headquarters in London to undertake, in conjunction with the R.A:F., the air survey mapping of large areas of the Colonial Empire, in connection with Colonial Development programmes.  相似文献   


Reading the Empire Survey Review of 20 years ago, with the tales of raw jungle and untrodden country, as in Sir Charles Arden-Close's retrospective accounts, I am tempted to give a brief picture of surveying in the Colonies today, away from the beaten track.  相似文献   


THE article on Road-Surveying in the East by Mr. J. N. List in the Empire Survey Review, No.6, 263–74, is well worthy of perusal. From the beginning, with his apt quotation from Kipling, to the end where he compares the text-book ideal of road location with the indifferent compromise amidst difficulties that the British engineer in the East is lucky to be able to achieve, I felt in accord with his observations. Having spent four years on a similar kind of work, I consider that this article well deserves the appreciation of its author's profession.  相似文献   


When Colonel Lambton of Indian fame wanted funds for his Survey a leading melnber of the Finance Committee of Madras observed that “if any traveller wished to proceed to Seringapatam he need only say so to his palankeen bearer and he vouched he would find his way to that place without having recourse to Colonel Lambton's map”. Those who have had the privilege of dealing with finance branches will recognise in this quotation a powerful tradition and it is a measure both of the great march of events since Lambton's time and of the deterlnination of military surveyors not to lag behind them, in spite of finance committees, that good military maps are nowadays taken for granted and that the large survey organisations, required to produce them are accepted as a necessity. The struggle to maintain this position however goes on.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the future of the British national mapping agency in a society which is markedly different from that in which the Ordnance Survey Review Committee of 1979 worked. The objective is to ascertain which topographic information is needed, who should provide it, on what terms and through which mechanisms. Prior to making an attempt to answer these questions, the essential characteristics of Ordnance Survey (OS) are summarised as deduced from available documentary evidence; the changing attitudes to information as a commodity, the growing competition in British mapping and the government's stringent requirements from the Survey are also outlined as just three of the many complexities which affect OS. Building upon Smith's classic 1979 paper and subsequent experience, the rationale for government involvement in mapping is examined. It is concluded that the Survey has a continuing vital role though there are a number of steps which the OS should take in order to adapt to changing circumstances.  相似文献   


The subject of the training of European surveyors has received a great deal of attention in the course of the last two Empire Conferences, but little or no mention has been made of the native surveyor, his education, work, and prospects. The subject is very important, however, and the account of the training of Africans for the N. Rhodesia Survey, which appeared in vol. iii, no. 21 of the Empire Survey Review, was read with considerable interest. It may not be out of place, therefore, to introduce this paper on the means adopted in Malaya to recruit and train an efficient staff of subordinates or “Technical Assistants” as they are termed locally.  相似文献   

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