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There has always been a marked difference of opinion on the relative merits of the methods of bearings and of angles as applied to triangulation, though it is probable that the majority of writers prefer the method of bearings for first-order work. The subject was mentioned in a recent issue of this Review (vii, 47, 19).  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(55):28-29

The volume of this Review which has just been completed commenced with a memoir of the first Editor, the late Captain G. T. McCaw, C.M.G., O.B.E., M.A., who died in October 1942, and, in view of his great services to the Review and to the survey world in general, it is thought to be not in-appropriate that this, the first number of a new volume, should contain a list of his contributions to the Review. The power and versatility that they display are remarkable.  相似文献   


The subject of the training of European surveyors has received a great deal of attention in the course of the last two Empire Conferences, but little or no mention has been made of the native surveyor, his education, work, and prospects. The subject is very important, however, and the account of the training of Africans for the N. Rhodesia Survey, which appeared in vol. iii, no. 21 of the Empire Survey Review, was read with considerable interest. It may not be out of place, therefore, to introduce this paper on the means adopted in Malaya to recruit and train an efficient staff of subordinates or “Technical Assistants” as they are termed locally.  相似文献   


In the memoir of the late Capt. G. T. McCaw which appeared in the January number of this Review (vii, 47,2), reference was made to the part which the late Sir David Gill played in the origin of the work on the survey of the Arc of the 30th Meridian in Africa. This year is the centenary of Gill's birth, as he was born in June 1843, and it is therefore timely to give some account of his work during his long term of office as Her Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape which resulted inthe inception and completion of the Geodetic Survey of South Africa and the survey of the Arc to the southern shores of Lake Tanganyika. He died on 24th January 1914.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(100):242-243

Readers will notice that this issue of the Review is numbered 100 and, as it has always been published quarterly, this means that it has now been in existence for 25 years and so celebrates its silver jubilee.  相似文献   


In the survey world of Northern Rhodesia the most notable event in 1931 (apart, of course, from the birth of this Review) has been the completion of the aerial survey contracts undertaken for the Government by the Aircraft Operating Company. The results have justified expectations particularly with regard to the mapping of 63,000 square miles of the Territory on a scale of 1/250,000. Used in conjunction with the information obtained by ground methods by the Mining Companies, who have kindly consented to put their information at our disposal, a really reliable detailed map of a considerable portion of the Territory should be obtained. The mosaics of the six principal townships are also proving of value and contain a wealth of detail which would be difficult to obtain so accurately by ground survey except at great expense. On the other hand it is obvious that it would be a costly business involving a very large amount of ground control to prepare a closely contoured plan such as is required for detail purposes in connection with township lay-outs.  相似文献   


On the first of January 1949 the Survey Training Centre of the Royal Engineers became the School of Military Survey. In the previous two years over fifty Colonial Survey Officers or Probationers came to the Training Centre as students on various courses. Many of these have now taken their places in the Colonial Survey Service. More students may come in the future not only from the Colonies but also from the Dominions, for just as the Military Survey courses are open to the military officers of the Dominions so are the Colonial Survey courses open to the survey students from the Dominion Governments. Some information about the School and courses may be of interest to these potential students and to many readers of this Review, and these notes have been written with the intention of providing this information  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(32):105-110

The optical principle of the deflection prism may not be known to all readers. Though there is nothing of very modern origin in the optics of a prism, as a wedge of very acute angle it possesses special powers which admit of useful adaptation to certain types of instrument. This application is a development of comparatively recent times. It will not be out of place, therefore, to make some reference to it in this Review.  相似文献   


In 1945 I was sent down to Yambio in the southern Sudan to carry out a detailed large scale survey of an area scheduled for the headquarters of an extensive development programme known as the Zande Scheme. The area is not far from the Nile-Congo watershed and the ground is very uneven, covered by ant-hills, and clothed in tall grass and thick bush which includes trees nearly a hundred feet high. Surveys of this kind had not been executed, in the southern Sudan previously except in towns. Nearly all the available experience of cadastral survey work in the Sudan,was therefore based on the very open and flat conditions of the north, where chaining along the ground is the natural and best way of measuring distances within the accuracy required. Except for the geodetic base measurement gear there was therefore nothing in the way of catenary apparatus available, though it was obvious that this would probably be the best equipment for the conditions to be expected in the south. However I had been engaged for most of my survey career up to this time on surveys of a more exploratory nature on much smaller scales such as 1/250,000, and I was unwilling to start experimenting until I had gained some experience in large scale work.  相似文献   


So much has been written in the Empire Survey Review and other publications on the somewhat controversial subject of “Luminous or Opaque Signals in Geodetic and Primary Triangulation” that it may be of interest to give an outline of the types of signals used on such work in Southern Rhodesia, with particular reference to the completion of the Eastern Geodetic Circuit in 1935 and the type of signal that it has been decided to adopt for future work.  相似文献   


Field work for the 1/1,250 scale re-survey of Great Britain was fully described in an article by Brigadier R. P.Wheeler in the April, 1948, issue of this Review (ix, 68, 234–247). The object of this article is to outline the method’ of reproduction of these plans and of the resultant 1/2,500 scale plans of urban areas. The 1/2,500 series covering rural areas is a separate problem, one of revision rather than re-survey. Experiments are in hand now to find out the best ways to provide field material and produce the final plans on National Grid sheet lines. The 1/1,250 scale series will contain about forty thousand plans and the 1/2,500 series of the same areas about nine thousand. It is therefore important that production methods should be straightforward and maintain an economical balance between the use of men and machines.  相似文献   


The following account of the standardizing equipment of the Gold Coast Survey Department has been written, at the request of the Editor of the Review, because this equipment includes a completely enclosed standard of length 300 feet long which is believed to be one of the very few enclosed standards of this length in any of the Crown Colonies.  相似文献   


The late war has been responsible for many unusual situations—not the least of which was that of certain British Colonial Surv1ey Offices passing under the control of an Asiatic Invader, and it is thought that the story of one of them—the Survey Department of Malaya—will not be without interest to readers of this Review.  相似文献   


In a letter published in a recent issue of Nature, Prof. L. F. Bates and Mr J. C. Wilson, of University College, Nottingham, have described a new and novel method of determining the coefficient of thermal expansion of invar. Although this method is hardly likely to be applied to the measurement of the coefficient of expansion of long invar tapes, such as are used by surveyors, yet it is so novel and ingenious in itself that a short reference to it may not be out of place in this Review. One extremely interesting thing about it is that no measurements of a length, or of changes of length, are involved.  相似文献   


The survey of “mailos” or native estates in the Kingdom of Buganda has taken a prominent place in the annual programme of the Survey Department of Uganda for over 30 years past. The survey, which has covered some 17,000 square miles and is now practically complete, has some unusual features, and although it has no claims to refinement or to great precision, a short account of its history and workings may be of general interest. The system of land settlement introduced by Sir Harry Johnston has already been described in the Empire Survey Review (“The Surveyor and the Politician”, by H. B. Thomas, vol. ii, p. 28).  相似文献   

The multiresolution character of collocation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 An interesting theoretical connection between the statistical (non-stochastic) collocation principle and the multiresolution/wavelet framework of signal approximation is presented. The rapid developments in multiresolution analysis theory over the past few years have provided very useful (theoretical and practical) tools for approximation and spectral studies of irregularly varying signals, thus opening new possibilities for `non-stationary' gravity field modeling. It is demonstrated that the classic multiresolution formalism according to Mallat's pioneering work lies at the very core of some of the general approximation principles traditionally used in physical geodesy problems. In particular, it is shown that the use of a spatio-statistical (non-probabilistic) minimum mean-square-error criterion for optimal linear estimation of deterministic signals, in conjunction with regularly gridded data, always gives rise to a generalized multiresolution analysis in the Hilbert space L 2(R), under some mild constraints on the spatial covariance function and the power spectrum of the unknown field under consideration. Using the theory and the actual approximation algorithms associated with statistical collocation, a new constructive framework for building generalized multiresolution analyses in L 2(R) is presented, without the need for the usual dyadic restriction that exists in classic wavelet theory. The multiresolution and `non-stationary' aspects of the statistical collocation approximation procedure are also discussed, and finally some conclusions and recommendations for future work are given. Received: 26 January 1999 / Accepted: 16 August 1999  相似文献   


THE very interesting article on “Road-surveying in the East” by J. N. List appearing in NO. 6 of the Review suggests that the following notes on the methods of road location used in the Gold Coast may be of interest. These methods enter into considerably more detail than those described by Mr. List and are of proved economic value.  相似文献   


We regret that, owing to illness and the pressure of other demands on them in the same field, it has been necessary to interrupt the publication of the papers on cadastral subjects which Sir Ernest Dowson and Mr. Sheppard are contributing to the Review. We hope, however, to resume this valuable and interesting series in the January 1947 issue.— ED., E.S.R.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(54):331-332

Although the title of this paper may appear to some to refer to a rather humdrum subject which hardly deserves much serious thought or consideration, it is the writer's experience that the vital necessity for keeping clear records of survey work in a permanent form in which they can easily be referred to at any future time is not always sufficiently appreciated by those whose duties do not involve constant or frequent reference to the records of old work. Accordingly, the following notes and suggestions, which are based on practical experience, may be of service in drawing attention to a matter which is really of great practical importance.  相似文献   

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