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Shortly after the inception of the Geodetic Survey of Canada in 1905, reconnaissance for primary triangulation was commenced in the Ottawa-Montreal area. About the same time, precise levelliilg operations were begun from a bench mark already established by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey near the International border at Rouses Point in Quebec.  相似文献   


The third season (1937) of the Geodetic Survey of Newfoundland has now ended, the second in which angular measurements were made. Approximately half of the basic project has been finished, and two more seasons will leave little of it incomplete.  相似文献   


Triangulation.—Apart from Simms' Geodetic Chain, Gordon's Chain, the Copper Queen Limb, and a section of the Victoria and Umtali Series, all the primary triangulation shown on the accompanying map has been executed since 1933. The work of Simms and Gordon has been remodelled, however, being greatly strengthened, and these chains are now called Simms' and Gordon's Series. For an explanation and plan of the above Series, see “A Note on the Trigonometrical Survey of S. Rhodesia”, in the Empire Survey Review, no. 27, vol. iv.  相似文献   


Crabs! Thousands of bright red crabs on a white foreshore; clinging black mud in tidal creeks with an overhanging tangle of tropical forest. These dominate one's memories of the Irrawaddy Delta in 1924. The Forest Department of Burma is the custodian of some 1,000 square miles of valuable forest reserves in the delta of this great river. The survey and production of “Forest” maps of this area was long overdue, postponed by reason of the immense expense and difficulty of a ground survey. Air survey, developed during the First World War, was ideally suited to this type of country but was still in its infancy, so that prolonged negotiations were necessary to persuade the Government of Burma to risk £25,000 on what appeared to them a doubtful proposition, as this was one of the first of the peace-time air surveys to be undertaken. Eventually, in July 1923 the contract was signed. Ronald Kemp, the first Chief Inspector of Civil Aircraft in India, gave up that post and formed an air survey company to carry out the photography as the first of his many survey contracts in India and Burma; I was in charge of the ground work and subsequent mapping.  相似文献   


To one brought up in Switzerland the call of mountains had always been irresistible, so in 1908 I counted myself lucky in being posted for my first field season in the Survey of India to the party which was that year to plane-table the Nilgiri Hills of the Madras Presidency. The ultimate goal was the Himalaya, not to be achieved for many years, and I well remember my feelings of acute jealousy when Kenneth Mason succeeded in joining the Kashmir party a year or two later. Still, there were compensations even in South India. The party moved southwards into Travancore the following year, and it fell to my lot to tackle a mysterious blank marked on the quarter-inch “Atlas” sheets of India “High waving mountains covered with impenetrable forests and overrun by wild beasts”. This was the catchment area of the Periyar Dam constructed some seventeen years previously by Col. Pennycuick, R.E. (if I remember rightly), for the purpose of diverting some of the monsoon rainfall of the Western Ghats to the dry Tinnevelly side of the watershed. The dam had formed a narrow many-armed lake running 21 miles into the “waving” mountains and ending at the fringe of the “impenetrable forest”. To that extent the communications problem was solved: by the use of dugouts. These the younger generation of the small jungle tribe living on the lake border had learnt to make and to paddle. I spent two interesting if lonely seasons there, first triangulating alone and then plane-tabling with a “camp” of eight Indian surveyors. The lake area was open country, if you can call 10-foot elephant grass open. Against Forest Department orders I more than once set a match to the grass in the evening and found several square miles clear for work by next morning. This simplified getting about, but the charred grass stalks made one black from head to foot. Apart from my own men I met no one whose language I could speak during those two seasons except some tea-planters from Pirmed on one occasion, my “O.C. Party”, Sackville Hamilton, who came to inspect, and Stoehr of the Sapper batch above me who came to shoot an elephant.  相似文献   


1. General.—The size of this Report has been curtailed as far as possible in the interests of economy of reproduction and stationery. The usual annexures giving details of the work in the Drawing Office, the Lithographic Reproduction Press, and the Trigonometrical Survey have been relegated to the Departmental Records for use as required.  相似文献   


As the name of the Coast and Geodetic Survey indicates, it is the agency of the United States Government which is responsible for geodetic control surveys. Originally our geodetic surveys were made for control of surveys of the coast and to provide a proper base for the nautical charts of the coastal waters. By Congressional action in 1871 these activities were expanded to furnish basic control for the interior of the country, including geodetic connections between the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States.  相似文献   


The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, an agency devoted to the public service of the United States, has just completed the 50th year in its second century of progress. The activities of the Survey in the fields of engineering, science, and higher mathematics provide facts needed in the planning and execution of many of the activities of the nation; our end-products are indispensable to the day-to-day operations of many lines of business and commerce. Thus this highly technical bureau directly aids the United States Department of Commerce in carrying out the mandate of Congress to promote, foster, and develop the industry and commerce of the United States.  相似文献   

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