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G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(12):346-352

19. Formulae.—In Nos. 6, vol. i, and 9, vol. ii, pp. 259 and 156, there has been described a new method for dealing with long geodesics on the earth's surface. There the so-called “inverse” problem has claimed first attention: given the latitudes and longitudes of the extremities of a geodesic, to find its length and terminal azimuths. It remains to discuss the “direct” problem : a geodesic of given length starts on a given azimuth from a station of known latitude and longitude; to find the latitude and longitude of its extremity and the azimuth thereat. The solution of this direct problem demands a certain recasting of the formulae previously given. In order of working the several expressions now assume the forms below.  相似文献   


In the E.S.R., viii, 59, 191–194 (January 1946), J.H. Cole gives a very simple formula for finding the length of long lines on the spheroid (normal section arcs), given the coordinates of the end points. In the course of the computation the approximate azimuth of one end of the line is found, the error over a 500-mile line being of the order of 3″ or 4″. If the formula is amended so that the azimuth at the other end of the line is used in computing the length of the arc, the error is then less than 0″·1 over such a distance. An extra term is now given which makes this azimuth virtually correct over any distance. Numerical tests show that Cole's formula for length and the new one for azimuth are very accurate and convenient in all azimuths and latitudes.  相似文献   


The purpose of this note is twofold; first, to criticize the “azimuth” section of the paper “Some Notes on Astronomy as Applied to Surveying”, by R. W. Pring (E.S.R., July 1952, xi, 85, 309–318),and secondly, out of these criticisms to develop an alternative method of making observations for azimuth. It will be apparent that this method owes much to the ideas put forward by Mr. Pring.  相似文献   


This extremely simple and elegant method of computing geographical co-ordinates, given the initial azimuth and length of line from the standpoint, was published by Col. A. R. Clarke in 1880. There is no other known method giving the same degree of accuracy with the use of only three tabulated spheroidal factors. Clarke himself regarded this as an approximate formula (vide his remark in section 5, p. 109, “Geodesy”); but as this article demonstrates, it is capable of a high degree of precision in all occupied lati tudes when certain corrections are applied to the various terms. These corrections are comparatively easy to compute, require no further spheroidal factors, and some of them may be tabulated directly once and for all.  相似文献   


The idea elaborated is that of making an oxtra-meridian altitude observation at a specific pre-chosen altitude, viz. an altitude equal to the known latitude of the place of observation; the reduction of the observation, to obtain the azimuth angle, is thereby simplified quite considerably.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(3):127-128

If the geographical co-ordinates, Φ0, L 0, and the azimuth A 0 at a station O of a triangulation undergo corrections, ?Φ0, ?L 0 and ?A 0, the geographical co-ordinates, Φ, L, and the azimuth A have to be re-computed for all the vertices throughout the whole triangulation. This is a tedious operation. It may be vastly simplified, however, by the employment of differential formulae. The derivation of these formulae would consume considerable space, so that the results alone are given here.  相似文献   


1. In geodetic work a ‘Laplace Point’ connotes a place where both longitude and azimuth have been observed astronomically. Geodetic surveys emanate from an “origin” O, whose coordinates are derived from astronomical observations: and positions of any other points embraced by the survey can be calculated on the basis of an assumed figure of reference which in practice is a spheroid formed by the revolution of an ellipse about its minor axis. The coordinates (latitude = ?, longitude = λ and azimuth = A) so computed are designated “geodetic”.  相似文献   


The perfect pairing of east and west observations for azimuth, put briefly, should consist of combinations of simultaneous observations of stars of the same altitude and of the same declination. Needless to say, this is a counsel of perfection, and in practice the surveyor has usually to rely on some sort of an approximation to this ideal. It is only on very rare occasions that the necessary time is available and the atmospheric conditions favourable enough to obtain this perfect harmony of observations. Assuming that the latitude of the azimuth station and the atmospheric refraction are accurately known, the necessity of pairing would not arise, and the grouping of the observations into two sets of east and west stars with a varying discrepancy between the members of the individual pairs would be quite unnecessary. In general one might say, when an azimuth observation is taken, neither the latitude nor the atmospheric refraction is known accurately, and the question arises as to whether there is any simple method of eliminating or reducing these two causes of error.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(9):156-163

The Arc of the Geodesic.—In the first part of this paper a method was given for computing the azimuth of a geodesic. The method gives the convergence of the geodesic correctly up to the second power of e the eccentricity. The formula (9), however, also depends on the assumption that σ, the arc-length of the geodesic, can be obtained with sufficient accuracy from the Supplemental Dalby Theorem, that is to say, by a purely spherical computation. It is, therefore, needful to show that this supposition is justifiable; a means must in fact be indicated for verifying the assumption.  相似文献   


In a previous Article (Empire Survey Review, ii, II) I described a simple graphical method for the elimination of latitude error in observations for azimuth. It was pointed out that the ideal method of adjustment of azimuths would be a simultaneous elimination of both latitude and refraction errors and, with that in view, a purely theoretical method of such an adjustment was demonstrated in the last paragraph of the article. It has now occurred to me that a fairly simple mathematical solution is possible.  相似文献   


In the original geodetic series in Southern Rhodesia—completed by Mr Alexander Simms in 1901—the geographical coordinates of all stations were referred to the point SALISBURYas origin. The coordinates of SALISBURY were fixed by interchange of telegraphic signals with the Royal Observatory at the Cape for longitude, combined with astronomical determinations of time, latitude, and azimuth (see Vol. III, “Geodetic Survey of South Africa”).  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(16):105-107

If the horizontal circle of a theodolite is tilted, the azimuth of a point in the field will be affected. The tilt may be a mere question of dislevelment but it may be also due to a deviation of the vertical which the level on the instrument cannot measure. In either case the effect on azimuth or bearing is of the same nature, which is worth consideration for more than one reason. That it has previously been investigated elsewhere is no valid reason against renewed consideration here, particularly as the consequences are probably unknown to some readers.  相似文献   

Summary The discrepancy between precision and accuracy in astronomical determinations is usually explained in two ways: on the one hand by ostensible large refraction anomalies and on the other hand by variable instrumental errors which are systematic over a certain interval of time and which are mainly influenced by temperature.In view of the research of several other persons and the author’s own investigations, the authors are of the opinion that the large night-errors of astronomical determinations are caused by variable, systematic instrumental errors dependent on temperature. The influence of refraction anomalies is estimated to be smaller than 0″.1 for most of the field stations. The possibility of determining the anomalous refraction from the observations by the programme given by Prof. Pavlov and Anderson has also been investigated. The precision of the determination of the anomalous refraction is good as long as no other systematic error working in a similar way is present.The results, which are interpreted as an effect of the anomalous refraction by Pavlov and Sergijenko, could also be interpreted as a systematic instrumental error. It is furthermore maintained thatthe latitude and longitude of a field station can be determined in a few hours of one night if the premisses given in [3, p.68]are kept. It has been deplored that the determination of the azimuth has not been given the necessary attention. It is therefore proposed to intensify the research on this problem. The profession has been called upon to acquaint itself better with the valuable possibilities of astronomical determinations and to apply them in a useful and appropriate manner. At the same time, attention has been called to the possibility of improving astronomical determinations with regard to accuracy as well as effectiveness.  相似文献   


One method of reducing a series of pointings taken upon a close circumpolar star is to average the recorded horizontal angles and to obtain the average of the separate star azimuths by applying a curvature correction to the azimuth calculated from the average of the hour angles of the various pointings.  相似文献   


The procedure for aerotriangulation on the Wild A5 and similar plotting instruments is well known. The first overlap is set up in absolute orientation on well spaced plan and height control and successive overlaps are set up relatively, each to the previous overlap, by eliminating want of correspondence and preserving the height agreement of points falling in the common portion of successive overlaps. When each overlap is correctly set, the co-ordinates of selected points are measured on the instrument (machine co-ordinates). These co-ordinates differ from true ground co-ordinates only in origin, azimuth and scale, provided the settings and measurements are precisely done on error-free models, precisely connected together. However, such ideal conditions are never obtained, and the errors in azimp.th, scale and height datum increase with the number of overlaps added along a strip.  相似文献   


Malaya.—The geographical positions of points in the “Primary Triangulation of Malaya”, published in 1917, depend upon latitude and azimuth determinations at Bukit Asa and on the longitude of Fort Cornwallis Flagstaff, Penang, the latter being supposed to be 100° 20′ 44″.4 E. This value was obtained by Commander (later Admiral) Mostyn Field in H.M.S. Egeria 1893, by the exchange of telegraphic signals with Mr Angus Sutherland at Singapore, Old Transit Circle. The longitude, 103° 51′ 15″.75 E., accepted for Singa- pore in order to arrive at this determination of Fort Cornwallis Flagstaff, was based upon that of an Observation Spot, 103° 51′ 15″.00 E., fixed in 1881 by Lieutenant Commander Green, United States Navy, by meridian distance from the transit circle ofMadras Observatory, the corresponding longitude of the latter being taken as 80° 14′ 51″.51 E.  相似文献   


25. A very complete exposition of the Clarke formulæ has been made in a paper entitled “Latitudes, Longitudes and Azimuths—Clarke's Method”, by G. T. McCaw, which was cyclostyled by the G.S.G.S. in 1922. In the present article the writer carries the theme a step further by indicating more fully the maximum possible values of the various small errors, tabulating them when possible, and also giving examples of the computation of long lines which require the inclusion of the various corrective terms. The formulæ for these corrective terms have been expanded to include higher power terms for investigational purposes. References are given to the page and formula number from McCaw's paper: his notation has been slightly altered, but this is fully explained in the present text. The azimuth used in the Clarke formulæ is that of the geodesic and not that of the plane curve.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to describe a new and easy method of determining the (astronomical) latitude and azimuth at any place and to explain the line of approach and the formulae. It will be seen that the method should be useful to a wide circle of land surveyors. One of its principal advantages is that identification of the star is not necesssary and it can be used when no star chart or star catalogue is available.  相似文献   


In E.S.R., viii, 56, 70, Brigadier K. M. Papworth has given expressions for the angular corrections, known as (tt) corrections, in the Lambert NO.2 Projection, derived from empirical considerations based on actual detailed calculations. Apparently some difficulty has been experienced in offering a proof. In view of the widespread use of the Lambert Projection in World War II, it is hoped that the following proof will be found to be of more than academic interest.  相似文献   


A method of applying azimuth control to a survey is given in which the precision with which the astronomical position must be determined is proportional to tan (altitude) instead of tan (latitude) as in the orthodox method. By using the method with stars of low altitude the observational difficulties are greatly reduced, especially in high latitudes. Methods of observation and reduction are discussed which make it possible to avoid altogether special observations to determine the astronomical position.  相似文献   

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