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THE surveyor usually finds his employment to be an instrument wielded for military ends or in the furtherance of civil administrative policy and of those economic interests which are built upon security and good government. But he can often lend valuable and sometimes invaluable assistance in the framing of policy. The delimitation of interterritorial boundaries is one of the more obvious undertakings in which failure to enlist technical advice is liable to lead governments into grave and irreparable errors. The same considerations apply to the evolution of a land-settlement policy, and a moral may be pointed from a comparison of two such policies which have at different periods been adopted in the Uganda Protectorate.  相似文献   


When Colonel Lambton of Indian fame wanted funds for his Survey a leading melnber of the Finance Committee of Madras observed that “if any traveller wished to proceed to Seringapatam he need only say so to his palankeen bearer and he vouched he would find his way to that place without having recourse to Colonel Lambton's map”. Those who have had the privilege of dealing with finance branches will recognise in this quotation a powerful tradition and it is a measure both of the great march of events since Lambton's time and of the deterlnination of military surveyors not to lag behind them, in spite of finance committees, that good military maps are nowadays taken for granted and that the large survey organisations, required to produce them are accepted as a necessity. The struggle to maintain this position however goes on.  相似文献   

王建干 《四川测绘》2000,23(1):46-47
测量学是中等专科技术学校工民建专业的专业基础课 ,又是一门实践性很强的技能课 ,通过学习可以使学生了解和掌握测量的基本知识 ,基本理论和基本技能。学生毕业后无论从事造房盖楼还是修桥铺路 ,在工程开始后 ,遇到的第一件事就是施工放样 ,它直接关系到工程能否保证按图施工 ,且施工测量贯穿于工程施工的全过程 ,是保证工程质量的重要技术环节。因此 ,测量是他们的看家本领 ,到现场第一炮能不能打响 ,可以说很大程度上靠测量。从我们生产实践及对历届毕业生追踪调查情况看 ,毕业生在“对点” ,“量距” ,“扶尺” ,打桩”以及“测量技术在…  相似文献   

有关非OpenGIS规范的历史土地资源空间数据的整合、共享与互操作研究,是国土资源信息领域的一项重要基础研究。在分析国内外多源空间数据整合、共享与互操作模式特点和局限性基础上,提出了基于XML的历史土地资源空间信息映射模式,该模式符合XMLSchema语义规则框架体系,它的提出,旨在抛砖引玉,以期引起有关学者关注历史土地资源空间信息整合、共享与互相操作的研究。  相似文献   


In the remarks which follow, the word “scope” will have the meaning given in the Concise Oxford Dictionary—“Sweep or reach or sphere of observation or action, extent to which it is permissible or possible to range, opportunity, outlet, vent”. Another good definition is “field of action”. The object of the paper is to show that greater efficiency will be obtained if all types of survey work in a country, except possibly railway surveys, are done under the supervision of, or by the staff of, a Survey Department of wider scope than is normal.  相似文献   

许达伦 《四川测绘》2002,25(2):85-88
本文介绍土地利用现状更新调查作业方法、经验体会,对若干问题进行讨论。  相似文献   


The duties of an Extension Officer of the South African Division of Soil Conservation and Extension are many and varied. Briefly, he gives professional advice on all aspects of farming (except veterinary), technical advice on engineering and building construction applied to farming, he does surveys and advises on dams, contour banks, etc., carries out stocks improvement and seed inspections, enforces the Weeds Act, and last but not least, sees to the enactment of the Soil Conservation Act. In these duties it is considered that one officer and two assistants are necessary for every 200 farms. Johnny Coles, B.Sc., with one full time, and occasional part-time, assistance has, as extension officer in the Ixopo district in Natal, over 1,000 farms comprising 1,800,000 acres, and a considerable number of government-owned properties in his care. Many men in his position would, in desperation over the hopelessness of the task, let things slide. Not so Johnny Coles who set about finding ways and means of getting the work done somehow.  相似文献   

土地覆盖及土地利用遥感研究进展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
简要综述了国内外遥感技术在土地覆盖和土地利用方面研究的进展及新数据库的开发应用情况,并对本世纪该领域可能出现的新动向作了初步分析,为可持续发展决策提供客观准确的资料数据,可成为指导政府行为的重要依据.  相似文献   


Skillfully as those charged with the shaping and conduct of the crowded time-table of the Conference of Commonwealth Surveyors in 1947 managed their difficult task, physical inability to squeeze many good gallons’ measure into a pint pot relentlessly closured discussions and allowed no opportunity to collect and appraise the yield in any vat on the spot. We were very sensible of these effects in relation to our own and other papers on Land Registration. Our own paper too—owing to transient circumstances which overlapped the Conference—had to be presented in the stodgy form of a synopsis and—through accidents of travel—only reached some delegates, whose comments were particularly desired, on the eve of its presentation. Nevertheless the generous reception accorded to this and other ‘papers on the subject and the many stimulating points that were raised in their discussion, limited though this was, call’ for further consideration and digestion if the resultant lessons are to be elicited and put to practical use. We have, therefore, sought the approval of the Editor of this Review to pursue this purpose, so far as space permits, in this and later numbers. Our remarks should be read in conjunction with the relevant portions of the Proceedings of the Conference which are in the press but are not expected to be available for some months yet. We have especially in mind the observations of the following speakers: Mr. G. H. Curtis, Chief Land Registrar, H.M. Land Registry, London; Mr. John Dewar, previously Surveyor-General of Malaya; Mr. R. G. Dick, -Surveyor-General of New Zealand; Lt.-Col. Elkington, Divisional Officer, Ordnance Survey Office, London; Mr. F. M. Johnstone, Surveyor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia; Mr. E. A. Malby, Chief Superintendent Mapping Branch, H.~. Land Registry; and Major-General M. N. MacLeod, previously Director- General of the Ordnance Survey.  相似文献   

本文针对黄河口——莱州湾地区海岸线的变迁及陆地面积的增长,利用MSS陆地卫星图像和1∶5万地形图,对东经117°45′~119°45′、北纬37°00′~38°30′的地区进行了动态变化研究。计算出平均每年陆地增长的速度。  相似文献   

 国土资源遥感技术进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文简要回顾了中国国土资源航空物探遥感中心的遥感技术发展历程,着重介绍新一轮国土资源大调查实施以来的主要技术进展与应用成果,并对今后我国国土资源遥感技术的发展方向进行分析。  相似文献   


The Japanese began their administration by dividing the territory into two civil governorates. The Interior, the West Coast and Kudat formed one governorate, and the East Coast including Sandakan, Lahad Datu and Tawau the other.  相似文献   

国土资源卫星遥感数据应用评估系统构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从国土资源应用出发,在“指标-模拟-评估-指标修改-模拟-评估”模式的基础上,构建了由软件系统、硬件系统、技术标准和技术方法4部分组成的评估系统,建立了较为完整的卫星数据应用评价技术方法体系,为实现在卫星研制初期就真正开展天地一体的我国卫星研制和应用的发展路线,提供了新的思路和技术体系支撑。  相似文献   


The loss of land records registered on the Torrens system has often occurred before, but it is doubtful whether a loss has ever occurred in any colony greater than the loss of the records in Labuan and North Borneo.  相似文献   

张振宇  刘晓烨 《四川测绘》1995,18(3):130-132
本文对籍信息管理系统中有关地块分割与合并的方法进行了研究,给出了一种适合计算机处理又能满足实际需要的方法。  相似文献   

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