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Whenever the Government wants to receive new students to be trained as surveyors for the Government Service it is usual for the public to be informed by means of a Gazette Notice outlining the conditions of entry into the Survey School which is attached to the Land and Survey Department. Nowadays students are admitted through the Government Higher College at Yaba by means of the Entrance Examination of that college. It is one of the conditions that before a candidate applies to take this Entrance Examination he must have passed his Cambridge School Certificate Examination, the Matriculation Examination of any British University, or its local equivalent, and must possess also a certificate of character.  相似文献   

H.B.T.  C.A.B.  J.C.  J.H.C. 《测量评论》2013,45(99):232-237


Colonel C. G. Gordon, C.B., of the Royal Engineers, later known to the world as General Gordon, had already achieved the reputation of a man of action when, in 1874, he accepted service under the Khedive Ismail as Governor-General of the Equatorial Province of the Sudan. Envoys from Gordon visited Mutesa, the King of Buganda, in 1874 (Chaillé Long) and 1875 (E. Linant de Bellefonds), but not until nearly two years after his appointment was Gordon able to lead the final advance which was planned to carry the Egyptian flag to the shores of Lake Victoria. In January, 1876, he reached Mruli on the south side of the mouth of the Kafu river into the Nile, and here he established a fort and garrison while a force was sent forward under an Egyptian (Arab) officer, Nuehr Aga, to occupy posts as far south as the Ripon Falls. Gordon returned at once towards Dufile, where his presence was required, not intending again to visit the southern portion of his province.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(13):433-434

Suite 51 0JardineHouse ,1ConnaughtPlace ,Central,HongKongTel:( 852 ) 2 52 63 679Fax :( 852 ) 2 8684 61 2http:/ /www .hkis .org .hkTheHongKongInstituteofSurveyorsGeneralCouncil2 0 0 0 / 2 0 0 1OfficeBearersPresidentMrStephenLIULingHongSr.Vice_PresidentMrCHANHakJr.Vice_PresidentMrKennethCHAN…  相似文献   

M.H. 《测量评论》2013,45(85):326-327

Air.—Any good Guest Night tune which happens to fit to a first order, and remains more or less in tune after subsequent orders. “Coming down the Mountain” and “Kabul River” would do.  相似文献   

The author reviews the contributions of the “aerospace” disciplines (remote sensing, photogrammetry, photometry) in the training of cartographers at Moscow University. Changes in the present curriculum are advocated, leading to the emergence of a unified educational discipline referred to alternately as “remote mapping methods,” or “remote sensing and mapping.” Training in this discipline is designed to enhance the interpretation and map compilation skills of cartographers working with space imagery. Translated from: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, geografiya, 1984, No. 5, pp. 40-43.  相似文献   


The subject of the training of European surveyors has received a great deal of attention in the course of the last two Empire Conferences, but little or no mention has been made of the native surveyor, his education, work, and prospects. The subject is very important, however, and the account of the training of Africans for the N. Rhodesia Survey, which appeared in vol. iii, no. 21 of the Empire Survey Review, was read with considerable interest. It may not be out of place, therefore, to introduce this paper on the means adopted in Malaya to recruit and train an efficient staff of subordinates or “Technical Assistants” as they are termed locally.  相似文献   


In previous contributions to the Review the author outlined the development of hydrographic surveying in this country during the latter half of the 18th century. The surveys which Mackenzie, Spence and Bligh carried out at this time were largely inshore, covering areas within sight of land where prominent marks could be used for fixing by sextant resection. This was natural enough, for the accurate delineation of the hydrography of coastal waters and channels was an obvious starting point once the navigator had become convinced of the value of a precise hydrographic survey in his quest for safe navigation. It was soon apparent, however, that some of the offshore banks were equally dangerous from a navigation standpoint, particularly in the North Sea where many shoals and banks lay close to established and well-used shipping lanes. Time and time again vessels had foundered on these banks simply through a lack of accurate information about their true position and extent; on the existing charts they were either badly misplaced or oftimes not shown at all.  相似文献   


So much for the system. Now to describe the method of survey. Between 1902 and 1906 a chain of triangulation, extending from Zanzibar by way of the southern border of what is now Kenya Colony, and the northern and western shores of Lake Victoria to the Belgian Congo, had been surveyed by Anglo-German Boundary Commissions under G. E. Smith and Delmé Radcliffe as leaders. In 1902 a base line was measured near the middle of the Buganda Province by officers of the Uganda Survey Department. This was connected by triangulation to the Anglo-German chain, and several new chains were run across Buganda of an order of accuracy generally classified as that of tertiary triangulation. These chains are now known as the Uganda Main Triangulation, and form the backbone of the Buganda Cadastral Survey, popularly known as the “mailo” survey.  相似文献   


On the first of January 1949 the Survey Training Centre of the Royal Engineers became the School of Military Survey. In the previous two years over fifty Colonial Survey Officers or Probationers came to the Training Centre as students on various courses. Many of these have now taken their places in the Colonial Survey Service. More students may come in the future not only from the Colonies but also from the Dominions, for just as the Military Survey courses are open to the military officers of the Dominions so are the Colonial Survey courses open to the survey students from the Dominion Governments. Some information about the School and courses may be of interest to these potential students and to many readers of this Review, and these notes have been written with the intention of providing this information  相似文献   


The survey of “mailos” or native estates in the Kingdom of Buganda has taken a prominent place in the annual programme of the Survey Department of Uganda for over 30 years past. The survey, which has covered some 17,000 square miles and is now practically complete, has some unusual features, and although it has no claims to refinement or to great precision, a short account of its history and workings may be of general interest. The system of land settlement introduced by Sir Harry Johnston has already been described in the Empire Survey Review (“The Surveyor and the Politician”, by H. B. Thomas, vol. ii, p. 28).  相似文献   


Prior to the year 1931 there was no systematic training of Africans for land survey work in Northern Rhodesia, and those natives then in the employ of the Survey Department as assistants to the European surveyors in the field were no more than “capitaos”. Asurveyor, after his arrival in the colony, usually had to find his own native assistant, or chainman, and any native who appeared to have a commanding manner with his fellows, and who was clean and respectful, was eligible for the position. Preference in some cases was usually given to natives who had completed service in the native regiment or police, for their early training had taught them to obey orders, to conduct themselves well, and to control other natives.  相似文献   


Surveying in, the sense in which I propose to consider it this evening, is the technical term given to the science of admeasuring and delineating the physical features of the earth and of works executed or proposed upon its surface. I am in some difficulty over a precise definition which will satisfy everyone since, although “surveying” is generally understood in the English language to have the above meaning, there is a growing tendency to use the somewhat restricted term” land survey"; restricted since it implies omission of hydrographic, hydrological and other forms of measurement of natural features and of setting out. This is, of course, not so.  相似文献   

遥感数据监督分类中训练样本的纯化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文分析了训练样本对遥感数据监督分类结果的影响,提出了训练样本纯化的理论与方法,即根据样本像元的光谱和空间信息来剔除训练样本中不合要求的样本像元。一个例子的试验研究表明,训练样本纯化后,各类型间的发散度、样本像元的概率密度函数与高斯分布的拟合度以及分类结果的精度都得到不同程度提高。  相似文献   


Choice of Beacon.—The general question as to whether luminous or opaque signals should be used in ruling triangulation has recently been discussed in the Empire Survey Review (No.9, pp. 151–2 and No. 12, pp. 335–6). It may here be summarized that opaque beacons of suitable design are sufficiently accurate and offer the considerable advantages of being immediately available for subsequent work, of requiring little or no attention, and of being visible from all directions without rearrangement. Moreover, if of the tripod or quadripod type, they need not be dismounted during occupation of the station for observing, so that 0bservations by more than one observer are not interrupted. The only occasion for using luminous beacons arises from bad visibility, whether through atmospheric haze or lack of a suitable background or through the economic necessity of completing observations at night. These conditions are not peculiar to ruling triangulation. An ”all-round” type of luminous beacon—a pressure oil lamp or a rotating mirror system—can be used for nightwork or against a dark background, but single-direction luminous beacons are necessary to overcome haze.  相似文献   

分析了近景摄影测量课程集中实习中教学内容、实习手段及教学管理中存在的问题,提出将实习改革为综合型实习的措施,改进了教学管理手段,并被证明是有效的.  相似文献   

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