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In a known latitude Φ the azimuth A of a heavenly body, of known declination δ, is determinable if its altitude h is measured by a theodolite or other instrument. The azimuth of course is that for the instant of observation.  相似文献   


On page 480 of the last number of this Review Capt. E. H. Thompson, R.E., in his paper on “The Condition for the Construction of a Conformal Projection”, deals with a subject which, in the opinion of the present writer, is rather insufficiently explained or dealt with in any text-book on Geodesy or on Map. Projections that he has seen. The explanations or proofs usually given are probably adequate if it can be assumed that the reader has a fairly good knowledge of the properties of functions of the complex variable.  相似文献   


In the memoir of the late Capt. G. T. McCaw which appeared in the January number of this Review (vii, 47,2), reference was made to the part which the late Sir David Gill played in the origin of the work on the survey of the Arc of the 30th Meridian in Africa. This year is the centenary of Gill's birth, as he was born in June 1843, and it is therefore timely to give some account of his work during his long term of office as Her Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape which resulted inthe inception and completion of the Geodetic Survey of South Africa and the survey of the Arc to the southern shores of Lake Tanganyika. He died on 24th January 1914.  相似文献   


RELATIVE to discussions on the Wild theodolite in the E.S.R. the following contribution considers some properties common to that instrument and the Zeiss II; perhaps to the Tavistock also, with which, however, the writer has had no experience on precise triangulation.  相似文献   


IN the July issue of the Empire Survey Review, vol. ii, no. 13, pp· 424–8, there appeared a review of precise theodolite investigations carried out by the present writers; the original papers were published in the March, 1934, number of the Canadian Journal of Research of the National Research Council, Ottawa. The elaboration of some points which could not be given much space either in the original papers or in the review may be of interest.  相似文献   


The method to be described consists of the measurement of a short base and the computation of the distances to various points, to which rays have been drawn on a plane table. The angles at the two ends of the base are observed with a theodolite. This method will be referred to as the “Short Base Method”.  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(49):137-138

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(36):368-371

In the table appended there are given statistics of some recent ordinary traverses in the Gold Coast Colony. These have been executed by European (E) or African (A) surveyors, departmental (D) or licensed (L). They apply to Acquisitional, Concessionary, and Proprietary Surveys of various classes of property. The traverses consist either of self-closing circuits (C), or of circuits closing on lines of fixed length and bearing (F). The equipment comprises a theodolite, steel band, and temporary wooden pegs carrying vertical, partially driven nails as centring marks. The table is self-explanatory with the exception of the final column, where the significance of “K” will perhaps be explained by some member of the Department.  相似文献   


Many surveyors, even those of wide experience, would, if questioned, assert that, at any given pointing of a theodolite, all points in the field of view which lie on the horizontal wire are at equal angular altitudes above the horizon, provided that the horizontal wire is in correct adjustment to the trunnion axis.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(13):410-419

A Fully equipped theodolite is provided with plate levels, an alidade level, and a striding level. An instrument not so equipped has no title to be considered a “Universal Instrument”, that is to say, an instrument designed for every kind of both terrestrial and celestial measurement. Without a striding level, for example, nothing beyond relatively rough astronomical measures can be expected in general. Modern instruments, capable of giving considerable refinement in terrestrial measures, are frequently not furnished with a striding level; and it is sometimes assumed, with the tacit approval of the makers, that such instruments are equally capable of giving refined astronomical results. On the older type of instrument a striding level—rarely not supplied—could have been, and sometimes was, extemporized; it seems as if ignorance of astronomy of position has led, at least in part, to the construction of theodolites in such a manner as actually to render such extemporization difficult.  相似文献   


In Trinidad the magnetic needle is used on all secondary surveys. The term “compass surveys” was given, unfortunately, to these secondary surveys in order to distinguish them from surveys carried out in open country in the ordinary manner with the theodolite oriented by means of solar observations or by bearings obtained direct from the trigonometrical framework.  相似文献   


While at first sight there appears to be considerable difference in surveying practice between American and British engineers, the underlying principles are of course the same. Perhaps the major contrast is in terminology; for example, the term transit is invariably used for the (transit) theodolite, stadia for tacheometry, spiral for transition, elevation for reduced level, whilst the telescope is plunged, not transitted. These and other differences in nomenclature are at first misleading, but are soon in regular use by the visitor to the States.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article PHOTOGRAMMETRY. Volume 2 Advanced methods and applications. By K. Kraus with contributions by J. Jensa and H. Kager. Fourth edition, translated into English by P. Stewardson. Dümmler Verlag, Bonn, 1997. ISBN 3 427 78694 3. 240 x164 mm. 466 pages. lllustrated. Price DM 88. ERROR PROPAGATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING WITH GIS. By G. B. M. Heuvelink. Taylor & Francis, London, 1998. ISBN 0 7484 0743 X (hardback), 0 7484 0744 8 (paperback). 233 × 156 mm. xviii + 127 pages. Price £24.95 paperback. GOVERNMENTS AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION. By I. Masser. Taylor & Francis Ltd., London, 1998. ISBN 07484 0789 8 (cased), ISBN 07484 0706 5 (paperback). 246 × 170 mm. xi + 120 pages. 10 figures, 6 colour plates and 10 tables. Price £19.95 paperback. AN INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS. By I. Heywood , S. Cornelius and S. Carver. Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., Harlow, 1998. ISBN 0 582 08940 9. 245 × 187 mm. xiv + 279 pages. Black and white illustrations and colour plates. Price £18.99paperback. EUROPEAN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURES: OPPORTUNITIES AND PITFALLS. GISData series V. Edited by P. A. Burrough and I. Masser. European Science Foundation/Taylor & Francis Ltd., London, 1998. ISBN 0 7484 0755 3 (hardbac ISBN 0 7484 0756 1 (paperback). 252 × 173 mm. xv + 172 pages. 4 colour plates. Price £55–95 hardback, £26.95 paperback. INNOVATIONS IN GIS. Selected Papers from the Fifth National Conference on GIS Research UK (GISRUK). Edited by S. Carver. Taylor & Francis Ltd., London, 1998. ISBN 0 7484 0810 X. 252 × 174 mm. xxii + 246 pages. Numerous illustrations, including four colour plates. Price £69.95. SCALE IN REMOTE SENSING AND GIS. Edited by D. A. Quattrochi and M. F. Goodchild. Lewis Publishers, New York, 1997. ISBN 1 56670 104 X. 235 × 165 mm. 406 pages, 21 colour plates, including bibliographical references, index, many diagrams and illustrations. Price £48.00 hardback. PRACTICAL GEODESY: USING COMPUTERS. By M. Hooijberg. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1997. ISBN 3 540 61826 0. 273 x198 mm. xi + 308 pages. 69 figures and 21 tables. Price £49.00 hardback. GIS ONLINE: INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, MAPPING, AND THE INTERNET. By B. Plewe. OnWord Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1997. ISBN 1 56690 137 5. 179 × 228 mm. xv + 311 pages. 99 figures. World Wide Web site containing supporting material and update information: http://kaycnta.geog.byu.edu/gisonline Price £29.95 paperback. ANALYSIS OF SAR DATA OF THE POLAR OCEANS: RECENT ADVANCES. Edited by C. Tsatsoulis . and R. Kwok . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998. ISBN 3 540 62802 9. 241 × 160 mm. vi + 290 pages. 125 figures, including 26 in colour, and 18 tables. Price £95.50 hardback. IMAGES OF THE EARTH: A GUIDE TO REMOTE SENSING. Second edition. By S. A. Drury. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. ISBN 0 19 854997 0. 276 × 220 mm. viii + 203 pages. 201 illustrations, 2 tables. Price £25.00 paperback. EXPLORING GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS. By N. R. Chrisman. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997. ISBN 0 471 10842 1. 230 × 190 mm. xvi + 298 pages. 103 figures and 27 tables. Price £24.95 paperback.  相似文献   


The first instrument of the new design of the Geodetic Tavistock theodolite was received by the Geodetic Service of Canada early in 1939. It has now been well tried out both in field and laboratory, and a few minor changes have been accepted by the manufacturer. The reactions of field men and the results of laboratory tests may be of interest.  相似文献   


Most text-books on surveying limit their discussion of the correction of vertical angles for curvature of the earth and atmospheric refraction to the correction of angles taken with a theodolite during triangulation and omit any reference to those taken with a clinometer. This is rather illogical, as in well-observed triangulation, with all vertical angles measured in both directions, no correction for these effects is necessary, whilst in plane-tabling on small scales where sketching at considerable distances is frequently employed the application of corrections for these effects is essential.  相似文献   

J. C. 《测量评论》2013,45(52):248-254

Scale Correction Factor at a Point in Terms of X and Y.—Let dσ be a small line element of the curve ACB on the plane and ds the corresponding line element on the spheroid.  相似文献   


This article discusses the observation equations which may be solved graphically by plotting position lines using the method of zenith distance intercepts, or solved analytically by the method of least squares.

The general observation equation is modified for the particular case in which zenith distance is made equal to assumed co-latitude, thus simplifying the reduction of the observations.

Adaptation of the theory to use with a theodolite is discussed together with the effects of sources of error and the methods which are proposed for their elimination.

A routine of reduction is proposed and an example is given.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(11):294-297

Observations of the altitude of stars is a common method for the determination of local time. When the time is required with no great accuracy and when, therefore, simple instruments are employed, the method is particularly suitable. In the conduct of the observation with a theodolite there arise certain questions to which some reference may be made here with a view to lending some assistance to the student.  相似文献   


In survey work connected with Seismic (Geophysical) investigations, the nature of the operations is such that provisional points many miles apart have frequently to be located with a minimum of delay. When no map and no triangulation exists, the range finding method about to be described is very useful. The method can also be recomlnended for reconnaissance and exploration surveys. It was used by one of the R.A. Survey Regiments with success during the war. The essentials are a good theodolite and a steel tape.  相似文献   


The Primary Triangulation did not cover completely the eastern end of the Island and it was required to carry the net out to the coastline in this region. Two additional primary stations have now been selected to admit of this extension. The lines straddle the John Crow mountains, which were one of the great obstacles at this end, and one point is actually on the lighthouse t at the eastern extremity of Jamaica. Since observations are needed from one side only of the lighthouse, we have put a special bracket on the balustrade of the lantern gallery to support the theodolite; the beacon is plumbed upside down below this. I enclose three photographs to illustrate it.  相似文献   

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