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The Kurosegawa Terrane is an anomalous, disrupted, Paleozoic and Mesozoic lithotectonic assemblage characterized by fragments of continent and continental margins. It is located in Southwest Japan where it lies between two Mesozoic subduction complex terranes. The Kurosegawa Terrane is an exotic and far-travelled geologic entity with respect to its present position. Limestones of the Kurosegawa Terrane formed along a continental margin yield fusulinacean fossils Cancellina, Colania and Lepidolina. Accordingly, the Kurosegawa Terrane was once situated within the Colania-Lepidolina territory in the East Tethys-Panthalassa region at a palaeo-equatorial latitude, possibly close to the eastern margin of the South China and/or Indochina-East Malaya continental blocks. These blocks had rifted from Gondwana by late Devonian. They drifted northwards, passing through the Colania-Lepidolina territory in mid-Permian time, and amalgamated with the proto-Asian continent during the late Triassic. Subsequently, during the Cretaceous, parts of the allochthonous continental blocks and their associated tectonic collage were transpressed, dispersed, and displaced from the southeastern periphery of Asia towards the north. As a result, the Kurosegawa Terrane is formed as a disrupted allochthonous terrane, characterized by a serpentinite melange zone, lying between the adjoining Mesozoic subduction complex terranes.  相似文献   

The Kurosegawa belt forms a relatively narrow terrane that can be traced continuously throughout southwest and central Japan. The major constituent continental fragments of the Kurosegawa belt include Early Paleozoic granitic rocks, high-grade metamor-phic rocks, Carboniferous metamorphic rocks (epi-dote-amphibolite facies), Triassic-Early Jurassic metamorphic rocks (pumpellyite-actinolite facies), serpentinites of unknown age, Silurian–Devonian volcanoclastic rocks intercalated with limestones, and Permian–Jurassic shallow marine sediments (e.g., Ichikawa et al., 1956; Maruyama et al., 1984; Faure, 1985; Yoshikura et al., 1990; Aitchison et al., 1991, 1996; Hada et al., 1992, 2001; Isozaki et al., 1992). These diverse rock suites are highly disrupted, form-ing lenticular bodies within the Late Permian accre-tionary complex (AC) which collectively are covered by younger (Cretaceous) marine to brackish water sediments (e.g., Aitchison et al., 1991; Isozaki et al., 1992). We characterize the tectono-stratigraphic ar-chitecture and low-grade metamorphism of the accre-tionary complex preserved in the Kurosegawa belt of the Kitagawa district in eastern Shikoku, Southwest Japan, in order to understand its internal structure, tectono-metamorphic evolution, and assessments of displacement of continental fragments within the complex.  相似文献   

丁望 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):366-374
近年来,深海大洋钻探已证实在洋陆俯冲带的浅部,板块边界断裂高度集中在特征性岩层中,然而对于这种断裂高度集中化现象是否发生在俯冲带深部仍然缺乏充分的认识,因此对日本中部侏罗纪燧石-碎屑岩杂岩体中一个露头宽度约50 m的断裂带进行了调查。该断裂带沿古俯冲带深部的板块边界延伸而出的逆冲断层发育,断裂带中的剪切变形集中在数层黑色有机质黏土岩中,表现为沿交织鳞片状叶理的分散剪切,剪切方向分为左行走滑和逆冲走滑,可能形成于俯冲带中的滑动分异或左行斜俯冲过程。体现滑动集中化的拆离面切割了黑色有机质黏土岩层,拆离面表现为左行滑动。利用碳物质拉曼光谱测量了拆离面上及黑色有机质黏土岩层中的碳物质。结果表明,相对于黑色有机质黏土岩,拆离面中的碳物质具有更高的成熟度,表明在左行滑动过程中产生了快速的摩擦升温。野外观测和实验结果表明,这一古断裂带记录的俯冲带深部板块边界断裂高度集中在黑色有机质黏土岩层中,发育于其中的拆离面的左行剪切可能产生于深部地震性滑动。  相似文献   

Island chains off western Kyushu are the surface exposure in the northern margin of the Taiwan–Sinzi Folded Zone that spreads along the arc–trench system in the back-arc side from SW Japan to Taiwan. Intermittent igneous activity between the Middle Miocene and Holocene occurred on these islands and widely covered or intruded sedimentary rocks of Early–Middle Miocene. Geochemistry of the volcanic rocks from the Hirado, Ikitsuki and Takushima islands believed to relate to the back-arc opening along the East China and Japan Seas shows a temporal change in source material. Submarine to sub-aerial volcanism occurred on Hirado Island at 15 Ma during the final opening stage of the East China Sea producing tholeiitic basalt and associated andesite–dacite. These eruptives show low incompatible element contents and high FeO*/MgO ratios and reflect a tholeiitic differentiation trend. High Sr and Pb and low Nd isotopic ratios suggest the involvement of EM2-like lithospheric mantle and crustal material in the formation of these syn-opening volcanic rocks. Post-opening alkali basalt volcanism occurred at 9–6 Ma on the islands is characterized by OIB-like higher large ionic lithophile elements (LILE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) compared to 15 Ma basalts in this region and Quaternary basalts along the volcanic front. They have variable range of incompatible element concentrations and ratios along with variable Sr, Pb and Nd isotopic ratios suggesting the involvement of both lithospheric and asthenospheric sources at variable melting degrees (from 4% to less than 15%). The observation that the isotopic compositions of Quaternary alkali basalts south of the studied area are even more depleted suggests an increase in the involvement of asthenospheric source with time.  相似文献   

赵文峰  龙潇  王小春  等 《江苏地质》2022,46(4):358-365
近年来,深海大洋钻探已证实在洋陆俯冲带的浅部,板块边界断裂高度集中在特征性岩层中,然而对于这种断裂高度集中化现象是否发生在俯冲带深部仍然缺乏充分的认识,因此对日本中部侏罗纪燧石-碎屑岩杂岩体中一个露头宽度约50 m的断裂带进行了调查。该断裂带沿古俯冲带深部的板块边界延伸而出的逆冲断层发育,断裂带中的剪切变形集中在数层黑色有机质黏土岩中,表现为沿交织鳞片状叶理的分散剪切,剪切方向分为左行走滑和逆冲走滑,可能形成于俯冲带中的滑动分异或左行斜俯冲过程。体现滑动集中化的拆离面切割了黑色有机质黏土岩层,拆离面表现为左行滑动。利用碳物质拉曼光谱测量了拆离面上及黑色有机质黏土岩层中的碳物质。结果表明,相对于黑色有机质黏土岩,拆离面中的碳物质具有更高的成熟度,表明在左行滑动过程中产生了快速的摩擦升温。野外观测和实验结果表明,这一古断裂带记录的俯冲带深部板块边界断裂高度集中在黑色有机质黏土岩层中,发育于其中的拆离面的左行剪切可能产生于深部地震性滑动。  相似文献   

The Chinese Altai, as a key portion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), is dominated by variably deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and granitic intrusions. Its Early Paleozoic tectonic setting has been variously considered as a passive continental margin, a subduction-accretion complex, or a Precambrian microcontinent, and two representative competing tectonic models have been proposed, i.e., open-closure versus subduction-accretion. Recent studies demonstrate that the high-grade metamorphic rocks previously considered as fragments of a Precambrian basement have zircon U-Pb ages (predominantly 528 to 466 Ma) similar to those of the widely distributed low-grade metasedimentary rocks named as Habahe Group in the region, and all these meta-sedimentary rocks were dominantly deposited in the Early Paleozoic. Petrological evidence and geochemical compositions further suggest that these meta-sedimentary rocks were probably deposited in an active margin, not a passive continental margin as previously proposed. The detrital zircons of sediments and igneous zircons from granitoids including the inherited ones (mainly 543–421 Ma) mostly give positive ?Hf(t) values, suggesting significant contributions from mantle-derived juvenile materials to the lower crust. A modeling calculation based on zircon Hf isotopic compositions suggests that as much as 84% of the Chinese Altai is possibly made up of “juvenile” Paleozoic materials. Thus, available data do not support the existence of a Precambrian basement, but rather indicate that the Chinese Altai represented a huge subduction-accretion complex in the Paleozoic. Zircon U-Pb dating results for granitoids indicate that magmatism was active continuously from the Early to Middle Paleozoic, and the strongest magmatic activity took place in the Devonian, coeval with a significant change in zircon Hf isotopic composition. These findings, together with the occurrence of chemically distinctive igneous rocks and the high-T metamorphism, can be collectively accounted for by ridge-trench interaction during the accretionary orogenic process.  相似文献   

Pre-Cretaceous metasedimentary rocks occurring in the Inner Zone of the Southwest Japan Arc can be divided into three major groups, namely, high P/T metamorphic (Renge and Suo belts), low P/T metamorphic (Hida-Oki, Ryoke and Higo belts), and accretionary terranes (Akiyoshi, Maizuru, Mino-Tamba, and Ashio belts). Major and trace element compositions of most of the sedimentary rocks are typical of relatively mature sedimentary rocks, although abundances of ferromagnesian elements also suggest the presence of a significant mafic to intermediate igneous component. The sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages (> 2.0 Ga) have high εSr values and major and trace element geochemical signatures typical of mature sediments, whereas those with younger model ages (< 1.45 Ga) have low εSr values and immature geochemical characteristics. With the exception of Hida samples, the sedimentary rocks from other districts have geochemical and isotopic features intermediate between the rocks with old and young Nd model ages. Some of the Hida samples have old Nd model ages, but others are influenced by younger rock fragments and have immature geochemical features. Based on combined isotopic and geochemical evidence, Inner Zone sedimentary rocks with older Nd model ages are interpreted to have been derived from felsic upper continental crustal materials such as Sino-Korean or northwest Yangtze craton granitoids. Compositions of rocks with younger Nd model ages reflect addition of mafic to intermediate detritus, such as island arc basalts and andesites. The rocks with intermediate Nd model ages may have formed in and around the Asian continental margin. The Hida metasedimentary rocks may have been derived from several terranes of varying age and geochemical composition.  相似文献   

刘飞  李观龙  薄容众  杨经绥 《地质通报》2021,40(8):1247-1264
丁青蛇绿岩位于班公湖-怒江缝合带东段,被宗白增生杂岩分为东、西2个蛇绿岩体,面积分别约为400 km2和150 km2。宗白增生杂岩由异地体亚宗混杂岩和上部原地体陆缘碎屑沉积岩组成。亚宗混杂岩由低变质岩带、砾岩带、玄武质凝灰岩夹薄层泥硅质岩带和作为主要基质的泥页岩夹薄层杂砂岩组成,其中泥页岩基质被中侏罗世辉长岩脉侵入。辉长岩脉发育双侧冷凝边,走向90°~110°不等,主量、稀土和微量元素成分均介于富集型洋中脊玄武岩和洋岛玄武岩之间,结合εNd(t)=1.88~2.41和(87Sr/86Sr)t=0.70912 ~ 0.70919,指示宗白辉长岩岩浆为大洋岩石圈地幔底部地震波低速带(LVZ)顶部富集挥发分和不相容元素的洋岛玄武岩型熔体,与源自LVZ下部亏损软流圈地幔的正常洋中脊玄武岩型熔体混合的产物,形成于弧前扩张脊与俯冲带相互作用的板片窗环境。  相似文献   

The eastern segment of Central Asian Orogenic Belt underwent not only a long evolution history related to the Paleo-Asian Ocean during Paleozoic but also the tectonic overprinting by the westward subduction of Paleo-Pacific Ocean crust during Mesozoic. When the subduction of Paleo-Pacific Ocean crust started has been long debated issue for understanding the tectonic evolution of the eastern Asian continental margin. The eastern margin of the Jimusi Block (Wandashan Terrane) preserved complete records for the accretionary process of the westward subduction of Paleo-Pacific Ocean crust. Comprising the Yuejinshan Complex and Raohe Accretionary Complex (RAC), the Wandashan Terrane is located in the eastern margin of Jiamusi Block, NE China, and is considered to be an accretionary wedge of the westward subducting oceanic crust. To reconstruct the marginal accretion processes of the Jiamusi Block, the structural deformation of the Wandashan Terrane was investigated in the field and the geochronology of the Dalingqiao and Yongfuqiao formations were studied, which were formed syn-and-post RAC accretion respectively. The Yuejinshan and Raohe complexes were discontinuously accreted to the eastern margin of the Jiamusi Block. Contrary to the previous consideration of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, this study suggests that the Yuejianshan Complex in southwest Wandashan Terrane probably accreted from Late Carboniferous to Middle Permian, which was driven by unknown oceanic crust subduction existing to the east (present position) of the Jiamusi Block at that time. The siltstones of the Dalingqiao Fm. yield the youngest zircon U-Pb age of 142 ± 2 Ma, indicating the emplacement of the RAC not earlier than the Late Jurassic. Thus, the RAC might start to accrete from the Jurassic and emplace during 142–131 Ma, resulted from the Paleo-Pacific subduction which started from the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

南海东北部海域水深、沉积厚度大、沉积速率高和有机质含量丰富,为马尼拉增生楔中天然气水合物成藏提供了必要的气源,且相应适宜的温压条件以及构造背景也有利于天然气水合物的形成与赋存,其中马尼拉俯冲带俯冲前缘以及增生楔中的断裂系统成为天然气水合物成藏的非常重要的运移通道。通过对地震剖面中断裂系统和三维地貌图的精细解释,分析了马尼拉海沟俯冲带存在的海沟前缘正断层、海沟轴部的盲断层以及增生楔中的盲冲断层或逆冲断层,直到最后发育成隔断叠瓦状岩片的逆冲断层组,这些断裂系统反映出增生楔上天然气水合物的含气流体的形成、运移及聚集过程,成为天然气水合物成藏的运移通道。  相似文献   

华熊地块马超营断裂走滑特征及演化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对华熊地块南部的马超营断裂带的几何样式、组成特征及其变形特点等研究结果表明,马超营断裂带经历了韧性变形和脆性变形期。韧性变形分布于该断裂带的南侧,并发生了绿片岩相的动力变质作用,其中的S-C组构特征所指示的运动方向在其南北两侧,分别为向南和向北逆冲,呈现正花状特点,反映了该断裂带具有走滑逆冲性质的断裂。韧性变形主要发生于前印支期。燕山期,全面陆-陆碰撞期间其主要表现为脆性变形特征。脆性变形主要发育于其北侧,北东向的康山-七里坪断裂、红庄-陶村断裂是其次一级的派生断裂。通过对北东向断裂运动方向和前人的成果分析,以及这些构造的平面分布样式对比认为该断裂为一条左行走滑特征的断裂带。在此基础上,结合区域动力学背景,进而讨论了它的演化特征。  相似文献   

Comparative data on tectono-stratigraphic complexes of the Ultra-Tamba terrane (Inner Zone of Japan) and upper structural level of the Samarka terrane in the Jurassic accretionary prism of Sikhote Alin are considered. Structural, lithological, petrographic data and age constraints characterizing rock associations of the terranes show that the latter are similar to a great extent, and consequently the Ultra-Tamba terrane can be regarded as an element of the Tamba-Mino-Ashio accretionary prism of the Jurassic but not Permian age, as it was thought earlier. The considered data substantiate confident structural correlation of both fragments of the Jurassic prism and of two regions in general.  相似文献   

The Xianshuihe fault zone is a seismo-genetic fault zone of left-lateral slip in Southwest China. Since 1725, a total of 59 Ms ≥ 5.0 earthquakes have occurred along this fault zone, including 18 Ms 6.0–6.9 and eight Ms ≥ 7.0 earthquakes. The seismic risk of the Xianshuihe fault zone is a large and realistic threat to the western Sichuan economic corridor. Based on previous studies, we carried out field geological survey and remote sensing interpretation in the fault zone. In addition, geophysical surveys, trenching and age-dating were conducted in the key parts to better understand the geometry, spatial distribution and activity of the fault zone. We infer to divide the fault zone into two parts: the northwest part and the southeast part, with total eight segments. Their Late Quaternary slip rates vary in a range of 11.5 mm/a –(3±1) mm/a. The seismic activities of the Xianshuihe fault zone are frequent and strong, periodical, and reoccurred. Combining the spatial and temporal distribution of the historical earthquakes, the seismic hazard of the Xianshuihe fault zone has been predicted by using the relationship between magnitude and frequency of earthquakes caused by different fault segments. The prediction results show that the segment between Daofu and Qianning has a possibility of Ms ≥ 7.0 earthquakes, while the segment between Shimian and Luding is likely to have earthquakes of about Ms 7.0. It is suggested to establish a GPS or In SAR-based real-time monitoring network of surface displacement to cover the Xianshuihe fault zone, and an early warning system of earthquakes and post seismic geohazards to cover the major residential areas.  相似文献   

Nd model ages using depleted mantle (TDM) values for the sedimentary rocks in the Inner Zone of the SW Japan and western area of Tanakura Tectonic Line in the NE Japan allow classification into five categories: 2.6–2.45, 2.3–2.05, 1.9–1.55, 1.45–1.25, and 1.2–0.85 Ga. The provenance of each terrane/belt/district is interpreted on the basis of the TDMs, 147Sm / 144Nd vs. 143Nd / 144Nd relation, Nd isotopic evolution of the source rocks in East China and U–Pb zircon ages. The provenance of 2.6–1.8 Ga rocks, which are reported from Hida–Oki and Renge belts and Kamiaso conglomerates, is inferred to be the Sino–Korean Craton (SKC). The 2.3–1.55 Ga rocks, mostly from Ryoke, Mino and Ashio belts, are originally related with the SKC and/or Yangtze Craton (YC). The provenances of the sedimentary rocks with 1.45–0.85 Ga, from the Suo belt, Higo and some districts in the Mino and Ashio belts, are different from the SKC and YC. Especially, the Higo with 1.2–0.85 Ga is considered as a fragment of collision zone in East China. Akiyoshi belt probably belongs to the youngest age category of 1.2–0.85 Ga.Some metasedimentary rocks from the Ryoke belt have extremely high 147Sm / 144Nd and 143Nd / 144Nd ratios, whose main components are probably derived from mafic igneous rocks within the Ryoke belt itself and from the adjacent Tamba belt.  相似文献   

Abstract. Rare earth, major and trace element geochemistry is reported for the Kunimiyama stratiform ferromanganese deposit in the Northern Chichibu Belt, central Shikoku, Japan. The deposit immediately overlies greenstones of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) origin and underlies red chert. The ferromanganese ores exhibit remarkable enrichments in Fe, Mn, P, V, Co, Ni, Zn, Y and rare earth elements (excepting Ce) relative to continental crustal abundance. These enriched elements/ Fe ratios and Post-Archean Average Australian Shale-normalized REE patterns of the ferromanganese ores are generally analogous to those of modern hydrothermal ferromanganese plume fall-out precipitates deposited on MOR flanks. However in more detail, Mn and Ti enrichments in the ferromanganese ores are more striking than the modern counterpart, suggesting a significant contribution of hydrogenetic component in the Kunimiyama ores. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that the Kunimiyama ores were umber deposits that primarily formed by hydrothermal plume fall-out precipitation in the Panthalassa Ocean during the Early Permian and then accreted onto the proto-Japanese island arc during the Middle Jurassic. The presence of strong negative Ce anomaly in the Kunimiyama ores may indicate that the Early Permian Panthalassa seawater had a more striking negative Ce anomaly due to a more oxidizing oceanic condition than today.  相似文献   

Abstract. Inorganic chemical compositions are determined for a series of rocks crossing an Early Jurassic stratiform manganese ore deposit in a chert‐dominant sequence at Katsuyama, in the Mino Terrane of central Japan. The lithology in the vicinity of the manganese ore bed is classified into lower bedded chert, black shale, massive chert, manganese ore and upper bedded chert, in ascending order. The rocks surrounding the manganese deposit are anomalously high in certain elements: Pb (max. 29 ppm), Ni (1140) and Co (336) in the lower bedded chert, Mo (438), As (149), Tl (29) and U (12) in the black shales, V (210) and Cr (87) in the massive chert, and MnO and W (24) in the manganese ore. The aluminum‐normalized profiles reveal a distinct zonation of redox‐sensitive elements: Pb‐Zn, Ni‐Co‐Cu(‐Zn) and U‐Cr in the lower bedded chert, Mo‐As‐Tl in the black shale, V(‐Cr) in the massive chert, and Mn‐Fe‐Ba‐W in the manganese ore, in ascending order. The lower and upper bedded cherts and manganese ore generally exhibit flat rare earth element patterns with positive Ce anomalies, whereas the uppermost part of the lower bedded chert, the black shale and massive chert have flat patterns with weak or nonexistent negative Ce anomalies and weak positive Eu anomalies. The strong enrichment in Ni, Co, W, Tl and As detected in the Katsuyama section is not recognized in other sediments, including those of anoxic deposition origin, but is identified in modern ferromanganese nodules, suggesting that metal enrichment in the Katsuyama section is essentially due to the formation of ferromanganese nodules rather than to deposition in an anoxic environment. The observed elemental zonation is well explained by equilibrium calculations, reflecting early diagenetic formation and associated gradual reduction with depth. The concentration profiles in combination with litho‐ and biostratigraphical features suggest that formation of these bedded manganese deposits was triggered by an influx of warm, saline and oxic water into a stagnant deep ocean floor basin in Panthalassa at the end of the middle Early Jurassic. Paleoceanographic environmental controls thus appear to be important factors in the formation and preservation of this type of stratiform manganese deposit.  相似文献   

Abstract. Chemistry and sulfur isotopes are analyzed for a series of rocks in the chert‐dominant sequence around the stratiform manganese ore deposit of the Noda‐Tamagawa mine in the northern Kitakami Terrane, northeast Japan. The sequence is litholog‐ically classified into six units in ascending order: lower bedded chert, lower black shale, massive chert, manganese ore, upper black shale, and upper bedded chert. The rocks around the manganese ore deposit exhibit anomalous enrichment in Ni (max. 337 ppm), Zn (102) and U (30) in the upper part of lower bedded chert, Mo (122), Tl (79) and Pb (33) in the lower black shale, MnO, Cu (786) and Co (62) in the manganese ore, and As (247) and Sb (17) in the upper black shale. The aluminum‐normalized profiles reveal zonal enrichment of redox‐sensitive elements around the manganese bed: Zn‐Ni‐Fe‐Mo‐U(‐Co), Tl‐Pb(‐Mo), Mn‐Fe‐Cu‐V‐Cr‐Co(‐Zn) and As‐Sb in ascending order. The uppermost part of the lower bedded chert and black shale exhibit negative Ce/Ce* values, whereas the massive chert, manganese ore and lower part of the upper bedded chert display positive values. The isotopic δ34S values are 0±6 % in the lower part of the lower bedded chert, ‐19 to ‐42 % in the upper part of the lower bedded chert, ‐36 to ‐42 % in the lower black shale, ‐28 to ‐35 % in the massive chert, manganese ore and upper black shale, and ‐23±5 % in the upper bedded chert. Thus, there is a marked negative shift in δ34S values in the lower bedded chert, and an upward‐increasing trend in δ34S through the manganese ore horizon. The present data provide evidence for a change in the paleoceanographic environmental resulting from inflow of oxic deepwater into the stagnant anoxic ocean floor below the manganese ore horizon. This event is likely to have triggered the precipitation of manganese oxyhydroxides. The redistribution of redox‐sensitive elements through the formation of metalliferous black shale and manganese carbonate ore may have occurred in association with bacterial decomposition of organic matter during early diagenesis of initial manganese oxyhydroxides.  相似文献   

Accretionary complexes record the histories of changes in physical properties of sediments from unlithified sediments to lithified rocks through the deformation processes along subduction interface. The trench sediment suffered various deformation of particulate flow, pressure solution deformation and cataclastic faultings from ductile to brittle regime during accretion in subduction zone. Tectonic mélange is a characteristic rock in on-land accretionary complexes. The dominant deformation mechanism of tectonic mélange formation is pressure solution on the basis of microscopic observation. However, brittle slickenlines are also commonly observed on mélange foliations at the outcrop scale. Although the slickenlines as a brittle failure is common on the surface of the pressure solution foliation, the relationship of their kinetic are still uncertain. Detailed observations of slickenlines suggest that they are formed by reactivation of the mélange foliations, which indicates that the slickenlines are developed after formation of block in matrix texture characterized in mélange. In addition, mélange foliations are cut by faults related to underplating of oceanic materials. Therefore, formation of slickenlines occur before underplating in a relatively deep portion along subduction interface. On the basis of P-T conditions reported from other parts of the Cretaceous Shimanto Belt, the mélange formation and underplating is inferred to have occurred around the seismic front or within the seismogenic zone. The change in deformation mechanisms from pressure solution to brittle failure may be the first change in physical properties from plastic to brittle around seismic front.  相似文献   

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