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V. N. Chebrov A. A. Gusev V. K. Gusyakov V. N. Mishatkin A. A. Poplavskii 《Seismic Instruments》2010,46(3):275-285
The initial information and requirements for developing a seismologic observation system and data-processing and transfer
tools for a tsunami warning system and its functions and tasks are considered. The structure of the seismologic observation
system for the tsunami warning service (TWS) in the Russian Far East is proposed. A study of general technical and methodological
problems is carried out to increase the efficiency for urgent tsunami prediction from continuous seismic monitoring data of
territories of the Russian Far East and the world. Special attention is paid to the problem of tsunami prediction from seismologic
data on strong earthquakes in near zone of a protected territory (up to 200 km). 相似文献
Concentrations and seasonal variations of water chemistry, including dissolved and particulate forms of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Ni in rivers of Primorskii Krai are determined. It is shown that, unlike the macrocomposition, the effect of hydrological regime on the concentration of dissolved metal forms is controversial and depends on anthropogenic load, watershed landscapes, and pH variations. Elevated concentrations of dissolved metal forms are recorded in the beginning of spring flood and during low-water period. Beyond the limits of local impact of wastewater, the concentrations of dissolved forms of Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, and Cd in river waters of the region insignificantly differ from the clearest rivers of the World. 相似文献
台湾地震观测系统的发展与现状 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
台湾地处环太平洋地震带,在欧亚板块与菲律宾海板块相互碰撞作用下,地震活动强烈。为加强对台湾地区地震活动的监测工作,深入了解台湾地区的地震活动特性,减轻地震灾害,经过十几年的不断整合与建设,台湾地区已拥有“实时地震观测网”、“实时强地动观测网”、“自由场强震观测网”、“全球卫星定位系统GPS观测网”和“宽频地震网”,以及“强震预警系统”和“强震速报系统”等多套地震观测处理系统。为促进海峡两岸地震学界的深入认识和了解,增进两岸交流与合作,本文对台湾地区地震观测系统发展和现状做了较为详细的介绍。 相似文献
地震群测群防工作是我国防震减灾工作的重要组成部分,是国家鼓励、引导社会组织和个人开展地震群测群防活动的重要途径.本文在认真回顾山东省群测群防工作发展历程的基础上,结合山东省群测群防工作的实践经验,从5个方面归纳介绍了山东省群测群防工作的有效作法,并展望了进一步深入开展地震群测群防工作的发展空间. 相似文献
O. A. Girina 《Journal of Volcanology and Seismology》2012,6(3):142-149
Kamchatka is one of the most active volcanic regions on the planet. Large explosive volcanic eruptions, in which the ash elevates up to 8?C15 km above sea level, occur here every 1.5 years. Study of eruptions precursors in order to reduce a volcanic risk for the population is an urgent problem of Volcanology. The available precursor of strong explosive eruptions of volcanoes, identified from satellite data (thermal anomaly), as well as examples of successful prediction of eruptions using this precursor, are represented in this paper. 相似文献
L. L. Khudzinskiy 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2011,47(8):678-685
The results of microseismic monitoring in the adit of the neutrino laboratory (Institute of Nuclear Research, Russian Academy
of Sciences) in the Elbrus Region are presented. Three-component computer recording was carried out in the frequency band
10–120 Hz with 5-second averaging of the amplitudes of vibrations. We consider the results of processing the data yielded
by the monitoring in the adit during nine months since March 2008. The seismic field at the observation point is composed
of three main contributions: the local earthquakes associated with two main fluid-magmatic sources, which are located nearby
the adit; a slowly varying wave field, which is probably related to the same sources; and the industrial noise, namely, the
vibrations caused by the traffic of carriages and a weak stationary background noise. 相似文献
Alexander I. Malinovsky Vladimir V. Golozoubov Vladimir P. Simanenko Ludmila F. Simanenko 《Island Arc》2008,17(3):285-304
Abstract The Kema terrane is a suite of Barremian(?)–Aptian to Albian volcano-sedimentary rocks of Sikhote–Alin that are interpreted as deposits of the back-arc basin of the Moneron–Samarga island-arc system. Compositional features of the different-type deposits indicate a near-slope depositional environment influenced by volcanic processes. Studies of slump fold orientation testify to the accumulation of material from southeast to northwest by gravitational sliding. Compositional characteristics of terrigenous rocks suggest the major provenance for detrital material was an ensialic volcanic island arc. Petrochemical characteristics of basaltic rocks indicate that the formations studied were confined to the back part of the arc. 相似文献
A. A. Malovichko I. P. Gabsatarova R. R. Kashirgova S. M. Dolov 《Seismic Instruments》2012,48(3):256-269
Geodynamic conditions in the territory of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic are characterized by a high variety of processes: seismic events of different classes, including swarms of weak earthquakes and the technogenic phenomena (chemical explosion), local geodynamic processes around the Elbrus volcanic center, and various exogenous processes, such as landslides, mud flows, and rock-ice slides. The possibilities of researching all these phenomena with use of a regional network of digital seismic stations are considered in the present article. 相似文献
Rodey Batiza 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》1982,60(2):195-206
In this paper I present data on the abundances, sizes and crustal age for all volcanoes (volcanic islands and seamounts) which appear on published bathymetric charts of the Pacific Ocean. These new data shed light on the origin of non-hotspot volcanoes and are important, in combination with data on the chemical compositions of seamounts and volcanic islands, for estimates of the bulk composition of ocean crust. These data also provide firm constraints on off-ridge oceanic volcanism models. Results of this study show that the size-frequency distribution of Pacific volcanoes is Poisson-like and that the smallest volcanoes are much more abundant than large ones. This study shows clearly that the most abundant volcanoes on the Earth are the submerged oceanic volcanoes which comprise 5–25% of the oceanic volcanic layer. On Pacific crust of Eocene age and younger, the abundance of volcanoes (number of volcanoes per unit area) increases monotonically with increasing age. Assuming steady state, the production rate of new off-ridge volcanoes (number of volcanoes per unit area per unit time) is inversely proportional to the square root of the lithosphere age [1]. On crust older than Eocene, the number of volcanoes per unit area of crust decreases monotonically with increasing age, however the total volume of lava represented by these edifices increases with increasing age. Size frequency distributions of volcanoes on swaths of successively older crust indicate that these abundance patterns are partly due to the effect of sediment burial of small edifices on old Pacific crust as well as the effect of increased lithosphere thickness on seamount size. These general patterns are not appreciably changed by omitting from consideration known hotspot volcanoes [2] and volcanoes built at fossil constructional plate margins [3]. 相似文献
P.I. Tokarev 《Journal of Geodynamics》1985,3(3-4)
During the large explosions of the Bezymianny (1956), Shiveluch (1964) and Mount St. Helens (1980) volcanoes, 4.8·1012, 3.0·1012 and 8.2·1012 kg of resurgent and magmatic material were ejected respectively. The eruptions were preceded and accompanied by significant crustal deformations and by a great number of volcanic earthquakes. In all three cases, earthquakes with an energy of E = 109 J occurred 8–11 days before the eruption; their foci were at a distance of less than 5 km from the floor of the active crater and the power of earthquake swarms increased continuously and monotonously until the beginning of the eruption. The data obtained on deformations, earthquakes and volcanic activity may be used for the prediction of the place, time, energy and hazards of large explosions of andesitic volcanoes. 相似文献
A system of algorithms and software modules is described for automatic real time determination of epicenters and magnitudes
of potential tsunami earthquakes. Modules are compiled into a single software system called Tsunami Source Quick Location
(SS TSQL). The TSQL complex was successfully tested on dozens of real digital recordings. Currently, the TSQL complex is continuously
operated in a test mode within the first phase of the seismic subsystem of the Tsunami Warning System (SS TWS) in the Far
East of Russia. 相似文献
P. S. Badminov A. V. Ivanov B. I. Pisarskii A. I. Orgil’yanov 《Journal of Volcanology and Seismology》2013,7(4):265-276
The western flank of the Baikal Rift Zone contains the Oka hydrothermal system of the “volcanogenic type,” which is related to the occurrence of basaltic volcanism. It consists of springs for the discharge of thermal and subthermal waters confined to the intersections of faults of various settings at the boundary of two major lithospheric blocks. Helium isotope data were used to find heat flow for all springs of the hydrothermal system; this heat flow is comparable with that across the bottom of the Baikal southern basin. Predicted hydrotherm temperatures were calculated at the depths of their generation using silica and cation thermometers. The average depth of generation of the springs that form the Oka hydrothermal system is 2.8 km, which is 1.1 km nearer to the ground surface than the h of the hydrothermal occurrences around Lake Baikal. The spatial coincidence between the location of the hydrothermal system and the area of young volcanism provides evidence of a common source of heat, while the thermal parameters of the system, its gas and chemical compositions, correlate with the age of the volcanism. 相似文献
Valentine P. Utkin 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2009,52(12):1979-1992
This article is to reveal and corroborate the geodynamic conditions for the formation of Cretaceous sedimentary basins of the Russian Far East. The conclusions are based on the comprehensive analysis of the extensive mapping materials and special structural field studies. It has been found that sedimentary basins developed as rift-grabens were synchronous with formation of horsts separating the basins. The imbricated-thrust structures, which are morphologically similar to the subduction-related accretionary prisms but nevertheless different in nature, were formed within the transition zone between the uplifted structures and basins. A synsedimentary supply of a mantle-derived material into basins points to a temporarily continual extension of continental lithosphere. The lithospheric plates moved apart during the strike slip faulting with the subsequent involvement of convective mantle flows and plume diapirism (continental spreading?). Because of horizontal movement of lithospheric plates, horstlike uplifts were formed in the frontal zones. In sedimentary formations overlapping the lithospheric plates, the synsedimentary imbricated-thrust structures were developed, favouring a growth of the uplifts in lateral direction toward the axial zones of rift-grabens. Synchronously with basaltic volcanic activity in the rift-graben zones, basic-ultrabasic intrusive magmatism occurred within the limits of the contiguous uplifts. 相似文献