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基于2005-2010年间OTD/LIS闪电观测数据,评估了同期全球闪电定位系统(World Wide Lightning Location Network,WWLLN)的平均探测效率,分别就全球和三大闪电高发区的闪电活动特征,对WWLLN的探测效率进行了讨论分析。OTD/LIS探测得到的全球闪电密度最高值在非洲地区,为160.7km-2·a-1;而WWLLN探测到的闪电密度的最高值在北美洲为15.7km-2·a-1。由于WWLLN探测系统子站在全球布网不均匀,在全球不同区域,WWLLN的探测效率不同。在东南亚地区,WWLLN的探测效率为8.62%;在非洲地区,WWLLN的探测效率为1.86%;在南北美洲,WWLLN的探测效率为7.18%。除此之外,随着月份的变化,不同地区WWLLN的探测效率也不尽相同。如在东南亚,12月的探测效率最高为13.78%;非洲地区2月探测效率最高为2.49%;南北美洲地区,10月探测效率最高为8.44%。随着站点的逐年增多和定位方法的改进,WWLLN的探测效率也在不断提高。3大闪电高发区WWLLN的探测效率呈现明显的逐年增高。  相似文献   

利用星载闪电探测仪OTD(optical transient detecter)和LIS(lightning imaging sensor)所获取的1995年6月—2006年4月的卫星闪电资料,结合NOAA Optimum Interpolation SST 海温资料,分析我国近海海域的闪电分布时空特征以及闪电活动与该海域海温之间的相关性。结果表明:我国近海闪电密度平均值为3.39 fl·km-2·a-1,其中,南海和渤海的闪电活动相对频繁,随着与海岸线间距离以及纬度的增加,该海域闪电密度逐渐下降;在春季和冬季,黑潮主干海域的海温值相对较高,该处闪电活动也明显强于同纬度的东海近海和太平洋海域,表明黑潮海域是强闪电活动区;在季节变化上,我国近海海域闪电活动与同海域海温呈明显正相关,相关系数达0.797,闪电活动与海温变化体现出了一致的变化趋势;而在年际变化上,我国近海海域闪电活动与该海域海温的线性相关不显著,说明我国近海海域海温的年际变化并不是引起该海域闪电活动年际变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

全球雷电活动研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷电是发生在大气圈中伴随雷暴天气出现的一种瞬时高电压、大电流、强电磁辐射的灾害性天气现象。雷电活动对航空、航天、石油、化工、通讯等关系着国计民生的行业有着重要影响,因此越来越受到人们的关注。本文是关于近年来全球雷电专家对雷电活动研究成果的总结与归纳,主要是对雷电活动的探测手段、全球雷电活动特征、各种天气背景条件下(台风及中尺度对流系统等)雷电活动特征、雷电活动对气候变化的响应与影响等方面的研究进展,尽量完整及时的呈现出学界对雷电活动的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

This study investigates diurnal variations of precipitation during May–August, 1998–2012, over the steep slopes of the Himalayas and adjacent regions(flat Gangetic Plains–FGP, foothills of the Himalayas–FHH, the steep slope of the southern Himalayas–SSSH, and the Himalayas-Tibetan Plateau tableland–HTPT). Diurnal variations are analyzed at the pixel level utilizing collocated TRMM precipitation radar and visible infrared data. The results indicate that rain parameters(including rain frequency, rain rate, and storm top altitude) are predominantly characterized by afternoon maxima and morning minima at HTPT and FGP, whereas, maximum rain parameters at FHH typically occur in the early morning. Rain parameters at SSSH are characterized by double peaks;one in the afternoon and one at midnight. Over HTPT and FGP,convective activity is strongest in the afternoon with the thickest crystallization layer. Over FHH, the vertical structure of precipitation develops most vigorously in the early morning when the most intense collision and growth of precipitation particles occurs. Over SSSH, moist convection is stronger in the afternoon and at midnight with strong mixing of ice and water particles. The results of harmonic analysis show that rain bands move southward from lower elevation of SSSH to FHH with apparent southward propagation of the harmonic phase from midnight to early morning. Moreover, the strongest diurnal harmonic is located at HTPT, having a diurnal harmonic percentage variance of up to 90%. Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns exhibit obvious diurnal variability and correspond well to the distribution of precipitation.  相似文献   

为进一步加强星地闪电观测资料运用,本文基于2020年6—8月FY-4A/LMI闪电数据(LMIG)和浙江省ADTD-2C三维闪电定位数据,对比分析两套闪电数据的时空分布特征,并结合雷达和云顶亮温资料,分析了2020年7月15日浙江省雷暴过程两套闪电观测资料的演变规律。结果表明:2010年6—8月,浙江省LMIG与三维闪电比值为1∶44.43;两套资料闪电月分布和空间分布总体一致;就日分布而言,LMIG呈现双峰结构,三维闪电则为单峰结构。两套数据时间匹配窗口大于1.8 s、经纬度匹配窗口大于0.5°时,匹配率趋于稳定;与LMIG匹配的三维闪电高度主要集中在16 km以下,闪电强度主要集中在50 kA以下。2020年7月15日浙江省午后雷暴天气,LMIG与三维闪电比值为1∶25.44;LMIG首次闪电及峰值时间均滞后于三维闪电首次闪电及峰值时间;此外两套闪电资料时间演变与雷暴发展有较好的对应,空间变化与云顶亮温低值区也有较好的对应。  相似文献   

Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are severe disaster-producing weather systems. Radar data and infrared satellite image are useful tools in MCS surveillance. The previous method of MCS census is to look through the printed infrared imagery manually. This method is not only subjective and inaccurate, but also inefficient. Different from previous studies, a new automatic MCS identification (AMI) method, which overcomes the above disadvantages, is used in the present study. The AMI method takes three steps: searching potential MCS profiles, tracking the MCS, and assessing the MCS, so as to capture MCSs from infrared satellite images. Finally, 47468 MCSs are identified over Asia and the western Pacific region during the warm seasons (May-October) from 1995 to 2008. From this database, the geographical distribution and diurnal variation of MCSs are analyzed. The results show that different types of MCSs have similar geographical distributions. Latitude is the main control factor for MCS distribution. MCSs are most frequent over the central Tibetan Plateau; meanwhile, this area also has the highest hail frequency according to previous studies. Further, it is found that the diurnal variation of MCSs has little to do with MCSs’ size or shape; MCSs in different areas have their own particular diurnal variation patterns. Based on the diurnal variation characteristics, MCSs are classified into four categories: the whole-day occurring MCSs in low latitude, the whole-day occurring MCSs in high latitude, the nocturnal MCSs, and the postmeridian MCSs. MCSs over most places of mainland China are postmeridian; but MCSs over the Sichuan basin and its vicinity are nocturnal. This conclusion is coincidental with the hail climatology of China.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the recent progress in studies of the diurnal variation of precipitation over con- tiguous China. The main results are as follows. (1) The rainfall diurnal variation over contiguous China presents distinct regional features. In summer, precipitation peaks in the late afternoon over the south- ern inland China and northeastern China, while it peaks around midnight over southwestern China. In the upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River valley, precipitation occurs mostly in the early morning. Summer precipitation over the central eastern China (most regions of the Tibetan Plateau) has two diurnal peaks, i.e., one in the early morning (midnight) and the other in the late afternoon. (2) The rainfall diurnal variation experiences obvious seasonal and sub-seasonal evolutions. In cold seasons, the regional contrast of rainfall diurnal peaks decreases, with an early morning maximum over most of the southern China. Over the central eastern China, diurnal monsoon rainfall shows sub-seasonal variations with the movement of summer monsoon systems. The rainfall peak mainly occurs in the early morning (late afternoon) during the active (break) monsoon period. (3) Cloud properties and occurrence time of rainfall diurnal peaks are different for long- and short-duration rainfall events. Long-duration rainfall events are dominated by strat- iform precipitation, with the maximum surface rain rate and the highest profile occurring in the late night to early morning, while short-duration rainfall events are more related to convective precipitation, with the maximum surface rain rate and the highest profile occurring between the late afternoon and early night. (4) The rainfall diurnal variation is influenced by multi-scale mountain-valley and land-sea breezes as well as large-scale atmospheric circulation, and involves complicated formation and evolution of cloud and rainfall systems. The diurnal cycle of winds in the lower troposphere also contributes to the regional differences  相似文献   

汪小康  崔春光  刘柯  王晓芳 《气象》2024,50(4):393-406
基于国家级气象站逐小时降水资料,采用百分位阈值的极端降水定义方法,统计研究了中国1951—2021年4—10月小时降水时空分布和日变化特征。结果表明,中国主雨季极端降水阈值东南大、西北小,存在四个分别位于华南、环渤海、长江中下游和四川盆地的大值区,随着极端性增强,北方小时降水阈值的增大较南方更显著,大值中心北移。月尺度上,小时降水的最高频次月份由南向北从5月推迟至8月,华西地区最晚(9—10月),随着极端性增强,最高频次月份由6月、7月推迟到7月、8月,且地区差异减小。日变化特征上,全国范围内小时降水频次占比,呈现午后到夜间的谷峰主循环和后半夜到上午的次循环,且随着极端性增强,主循环振幅增大,次循环峰值减小。不同地理位置看,四川盆地的极端小时降水峰值时刻出现在凌晨,其他三个大值区则与全国平均较为一致,日变化振幅从南到北逐渐减小,西部最大。小时降水峰值时刻具有空间聚集的特征,夜间峰值主要集中在南方沿海和华北、东北,早晨—上午峰值集中在中部、东部、西南和西北部分地区,空间分布中出现的逐渐推迟和突变特征与海陆分布和大地形密切相关。小时降水峰值时刻空间占比与频次占比的日变化特征类似,均有上午峰值平缓、夜间峰值陡峭的特征,这是因为不同站点到达夜间峰值的时刻接近,而到达上午峰值的时刻不同;两者主要区别在随着极端性增强,频次占比夜间主峰值显著增大,而峰值时刻空间占比主峰值几乎不变,这是因为频次的变化主要是由同一些站点上的次数变化导致,而非不同站点之间的差异。  相似文献   

The diurnal variation in the vertical structure of the raindrop size distribution(RSD) associated with stratiform rain at Kototabang, West Sumatra(0.20°S, 100.32°E), was investigated using micro rain radar(MRR) observations from January 2012 to August 2016. Along with the MRR data, the RSD from an optical disdrometer and vertical profile of precipitation from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission were used to establish the microphysical characteristics of diurnal rainfall.Rainfall during 0000–...  相似文献   

选取代表华北地区经常出现的三类飑线系统--拖曳层状型(TS)、先导层状型(LS)、平行层状型(PS)的3次强雷暴过程为研究对象,利用天津塘沽多普勒雷达资料、京津冀ADTD型地闪监测网资料和北京探空资料,在对资料进行全面质量控制的基础上,运用粗网格化分析方法,分别以飑线系统整体和飑线系统上局部的强回波块为研究对象,探讨6分钟内地闪频数与雷达回波顶高的关系,找寻雷电预警指标.结果表明:3次过程中,出现在云顶达到8~12km 对流云塔中的地闪频数分别为85.8%、78.9%和80.5%;无论是在飑线系统整体,还是飑线系统上强回波块中,6分钟内地闪频数与对流云回波顶高高于11km或12km的回波面积有正相关关系;而且在飑线系统内的地闪活跃区,回波顶高高于11km的回波面积对地闪活动激烈程度具有预警意义.  相似文献   

近45年湖北省雷电日数的时空变化特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用1961~2005年湖北省71个气象台站常规地面气象观测资料,对该省雷电日数的时空变化特征进行了统计分析。结果表明:湖北省年雷电日数在23~53d,年平均雷电日数为36d;通过小波分析发现,湖北省1980年以前为雷电相对较多时期,1980年以后为雷电相对较少时期;一年中任何一天都有可能出现雷电天气,平均初雷日在2月下旬,终雷日在10月上旬;春季和夏季雷电日数占全年雷电日数的88.5%,秋、冬季占全年雷电日数的11.5%;雷电日数月际变化呈双峰型,主峰、次峰分别出现在7月和4月;一年中7月、8月雷电日数最多,约占全年雷电日数的47%;鄂西南、鄂东地区年雷电日数最多,属高雷区,其它地区属多雷区;近45年湖北省雷电日数呈现明显减少趋势,平均初雷日有所推迟,平均终雷日则有所提早。  相似文献   

北京城市热岛效应的昼夜变化特征分析   总被引:17,自引:9,他引:17  
利用最新获取的1998年3月~2001年12月北京地区自动站资料,对北京城市热岛效应进行了细致、完整的研究。选取城区的官园站和郊区密云站的气温差作为城市热岛效应强度指标。在验证了资料可靠性的基础上,研究了热岛强度昼夜变化的年、季、月及日变化特征,以及几种极端天气事件的逐时及平均热岛强度的变化,最后制作了连续3年的月平均逐时热岛强度变化的三维立体图。  相似文献   

The retrieved results in this paper by GMS-5/VISSR thermal infrared data with single time/dual channel Split-Window Algorithm reveal the characteristics of diurnal and seasonal variation of clear-sky land surface temperature (LST) of several representative land surface types in China,including Tarim Basin,Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau,Hunshandake Sands,North China Plain,and South China.The seasonal variation of clear-sky LST in above areas varies distinctly for the different surface albedo,soil water content,and the extent of influence by solar radiation.The monthly average diurnal ranges of LST have two peaks and two valleys in one year.The characteristics of LST in most land of East Asia and that of sea surface temperature (SST) in the south of Taiwan Strait and the Yellow Sea are also analyzed as comparison.Tarim Basin and Hunshandake Sands have not only considerable LST diurnal cycle but also remarkable seasonal variation. In 2000,the maximum monthly average diurnal ranges of LST in both areas are over 30 K,and the annual range in Hunshadake Sands reaches 58.50 K.Seasonal variation of LST in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is less than those in East Asia,Tarim Basin,and Hunshandake Sands.However,the maximum diurnal range exists in this area.The yearly average diurnal range is 28.05 K in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in 2000.The characteristics of diurnal,seasonal,and annual variation from 1998 to 2000 are also shown in this research. All the results will be valuable to the research of climate change,radiation balance,and estimation for the change of land surface types.  相似文献   

根据2007—2013年宁波市每日8次地面观测气象资料,运用罗氏法和统计分析法计算大气混合层高度,分析其在霾日和非霾日的不同日变化特征。结果表明宁波市霾日与非霾日混合层高度均呈白天高,夜晚低的日变化特征,夏季两者差值的日变化波动最明显,波峰时间比其他季节晚3 h。混合层高度日变化趋势与风速、气温、能见度趋于一致,霾等级越重,混合层高度越低。霾日与非霾日的气温差值除冬季呈正变温外,其他季节呈负变温,冬季14时差值最小,夜间加大,春夏季凌晨差值最小,14时最大,秋季波动不明显;风速差值除冬季夜间为正值外,其余季节为负值,秋冬季差值最小、夏季最大。大气处于不稳定状态时,混合层高度随着稳定度增加而逐渐处于稳定状态时,随着稳定度增加而降低,中性大气是宁波易致霾的大气层结。霾日与非霾日大气稳定度表现不一致,中午霾日中性大气占多数,非霾日则是不稳定大气;夜间霾日稳定—弱稳定大气和中性大气所占比例相当,非霾日稳定—弱稳定大气占多数。另外,PM_(2.5)浓度在霾日和非霾日均为白天低、夜间高的日变化特征,但霾日波动大,波峰时间晚于非霾日2 h,峰值浓度也高于非霾日2.7倍;早晨或下午到上半夜是霾日的PM_(2.5)浓度两个上升时段,上午为下降时段;非霾日的两个浓度缓升(降)时段分别出现凌晨和下午(上午和前半夜)。研究成果有助于预报员了解大气混合层高度及其对霾的可能影响,从而提高霾预报预警能力。  相似文献   

Lightning-generated nitrogen oxides(LNOx) have a major influence on the atmosphere and global climate change.Therefore, it is of great importance to obtain a more accurate estimation of LNOx. The aim of this study is to provide a reference for the accurate estimation of the total LNOx in the mainland of China based on cloud-to-ground lightning(CG)location data from 2014 to 2018. The energy of each CG flash was based on the number of return strokes per CG flash, t...  相似文献   

Short-duration heavy rainfall(SDHR) is a type of severe convective weather that often leads to substantial losses of property and life. We derive the spatiotemporal distribution and diurnal variation of SDHR over China during the warm season(April–September) from quality-controlled hourly raingauge data taken at 876 stations for 19 yr(1991–2009), in comparison with the diurnal features of the mesoscale convective systems(MCSs) derived from satellite data. The results are as follows. 1) Spatial distributions of the frequency of SDHR events with hourly rainfall greater than 10–40 mm are very similar to the distribution of heavy rainfall(daily rainfall 50 mm) over mainland China. 2) SDHR occurs most frequently in South China such as southern Yunnan, Guizhou, and Jiangxi provinces, the Sichuan basin, and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, among others. Some SDHR events with hourly rainfall 50 mm also occur in northern China, e.g., the western Xinjiang and central-eastern Inner Mongolia. The heaviest hourly rainfall is observed over the Hainan Island with the amount reaching over 180 mm. 3) The frequency of the SDHR events is the highest in July, followed by August. Analysis of pentad variations in SDHR reveals that SDHR events are intermittent, with the fourth pentad of July the most active. The frequency of SDHR over mainland China increases slowly with the advent of the East Asian summer monsoon, but decreases rapidly with its withdrawal. 4) The diurnal peak of the SDHR activity occurs in the later afternoon(1600–1700 Beijing Time(BT)), and the secondary peak occurs after midnight(0100–0200 BT) and in the early morning(0700–0800 BT); whereas the diurnal minimum occurs around late morning till noon(1000–1300 BT). 5) The diurnal variation of SDHR exhibits generally consistent features with that of the MCSs in China, but the active periods and propagation of SDHR and MCSs difer in diferent regions. The number and duration of local maxima in the diurnal cycles of SDHR and MCSs also vary by region, with single, double, and even multiple peaks in some cases. These variations may be associated with the diferences in large-scale atmospheric circulation, surface conditions, and land-sea distribution.  相似文献   

湖北地区云地闪电时空分布特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王学良  刘学春  黄小彦  史雅静 《气象》2010,36(10):91-96
为揭示湖北地区云地闪电时空分布特征及雷电活动规律,以满足雷电灾害防护和雷击风险评估工作需要,采用湖北不同地理位置的13个雷击探测仪组成的闪电监测定位系统获取的2006年3月至2009年2月的云地闪电资料,从闪电的极性分布、日变化、月变化、强度、闪电密度、累计概率分布等方面进行统计分析。结果表明:云地闪电中负闪电占闪电总数的96.2%;正闪电占闪电总数的3.8%;闪电频次的日变化呈明显的单峰单谷型,一日中,最大值出现在15—16时,最小值在09—10时;一年中,4—8月闪电次数占全年闪电总数的95.9%,其中7—8月闪电次数最多;正、负闪电的强度主要集中在10~50 kA,大于30 kA的累积概率在50%以下,大于60 kA的累积概率8.1%,大于100 kA的累积概率1.6%;拟合出湖北地区大于某雷电流强度累积概率方程,经统计分析,实测值与计算值相关系数达0.99998。闪电密度分布呈明显的地域性差异,鄂东南的嘉鱼县、咸宁、黄石、鄂州市一带为闪电高密度区,鄂西的远安县、当阳市附近为闪电次高密度区。山区与丘陵、平原交接地带,即地表状况发生明显变化的地带,是雷电多发地带。鄂西南山区县市雷电日数较多,闪电密度不一定随之增加,其原因可能是山区县市土壤电阻率较大和山区局地小气候环境共同影响的结果。  相似文献   

东太平洋冷舌区海表面温度日变化特征的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分辨太阳辐射日变化, 利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG/IAP) 气候系统海洋环流模式 (LICOM), 模拟了东太平洋冷舌区海表面温度 (SST) 的日变化特征并研究了弱混合对其影响。采用理想的太阳辐射日变化强迫上层垂向分辨率为10 m的海洋模式LICOM, 模拟出了SST日变化一些特征, 同时海洋的上层流场也产生明显日变化。模拟的SST日变化振幅水平分布与观测接近, 且受太阳辐射日变化振幅水平分布调制。在赤道中东太平洋区, 模拟的SST日变化振幅 (约为0.3~0.4℃) 比观测偏小约0.1~0.2℃。模拟的SST日变化峰值出现在15~16 时 (当地标准时间), 落后于太阳辐射峰值2~3个小时, 接近观测。进一步减弱混合后, 模拟的日变化振幅增加约0.1℃, 更接近观测。这说明在东太平洋冷舌区SST日变化主要受太阳辐射日变化和垂直混合影响。此外, 混合减小后, 在太阳辐射日变化调制下, 平均态 (如混合层、温度和流场) 也出现明显变化。在赤道东太平洋冷舌区北侧, 弱混合导致混合层变浅, 变浅使热量堆积进而使平均SST升高约0.3℃; 在赤道东太平洋冷舌南侧, 经向平流加强导致平均SST降低约0.2℃。  相似文献   

The diurnal variations of gaseous pollutants and the dynamical and thermodynamic structures of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABE) in the Beijing area from January to March 2001 are analyzed in this study using data from the Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Field Experiment (BECAPEX). A heavy pollution day (22 February) and a good air quality day (24 February) are selected and individually analyzed and compared to reveal the relationships between gaseous pollutants and the diurnal variations of the ABL. The results show that gaseous pollutant concentrations exhibit a double-peak-double-valley-type diurnal variation and have similar trends but with different magnitudes at different sites in Beijing. The diurnal variation of the gaseous pollutant concentrations is closely related to (with a 1-2 hour delay of) changes in the atmospheric stability and the mean kinetic energy in the ABL.  相似文献   

用VLF/VHF信号大容量采集系统观测云地闪电放电过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了一种高分辨、大容量闪电VLF/VHF信号记录系统,报道了一次包含12次对地回击、平均回击间隔70ms、持续时间超过800 ms的地闪放电过程的VLF/VHF辐射波形全景以及分析结果.这一个典型事例揭示了一些有趣的现象:(1)这次过程的头5 ms出现了强烈的VLF双极性大脉冲序列,标志着云内初始击穿过程启动;对应于一系列VLF辐射事件出现了强烈的VHF辐射爆发,总体上看,前380 ms期间VHF辐射异常强烈,呈现为间歇式准连续辐射,之后强烈VHF辐射则更多地表现为分立脉冲式爆发特征.(2)与回击主电流峰期间VHF辐射较弱不同,地闪最强的VHF辐射来自初始击穿过程和回击后云内放电通道扩展或者新通道形成过程;在初始击穿阶段和回击间歇期,出现了不止一次强烈的VHF辐射爆发并不伴随明显的VLF辐射.(3)回击间歇期间一类云中放电过程产生一系列半宽为3~4μs左右、出现频率约105Hz的VLF快脉冲串,整个脉冲串持续时间约1ms,频谱峰值区域在60~90 kHz,并伴随较强的VHF辐射,这些特征都与直窜先导特征一致.很可能这是一种云内K事件.(4)还给出了江淮地区地闪过程回击VLF/VHF辐射波形的统计特征,统计还显示当相继两次回击间隔小于40 ms时后面回击幅度倾向于比前面回击弱,当回击间隔时间大于100 ms时,后面回击比前面回击强的可能性大.  相似文献   

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