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我国普通球粒陨石岩石学,化学组成及分类的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对69个普通球粒陨石进行了岩石学及化学组成的研究,在此基础上提出橄榄石成分(mol%Fa)-铁纹石中钴含量两维分类参数,69个球粒陨石包括25个H、20个L、17个LL、2个介于H与L之间及5个介于L与LL之间的类型。根据矿物学的分类参数及化学组成的研究,普通球粒陨石母体至少有5个,即H、H/L、L、L/LL及LL,而不是3个(H、L及LL)。每群球粒陨石的不同岩石类型之间化学成分无重大的变化,表明球粒陨石的变质作用是在封闭体系的条件下发生的。本文给出了普通球粒陨石不同化学群和不同岩石类型的平均化学成分。  相似文献   

南极格罗夫山普通球粒陨石的岩石学和矿物学特征及分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从南极格罗夫山地区回收的11个陨石均具有球粒结构,确定为普通球粒陨石。研究了这些陨石的岩相学特征和矿物化学特征,进行了化学群-岩石类型的划分。结果表明,在所研究的11个普通球粒陨石中,4个为H群,6个为L群,1个为LL群。其中GRV 020010(LL3)和GRV 021481(H3)的两个陨石是稀少的、在我国尚末见过的非平衡普通球粒陨石。进行了陨石磁化率的测试,初步探讨了磁化率在陨石化学群分类中的作用。  相似文献   

对我国新近降落的九十普通球粒陨石进行了岩石学和矿物学的研究,在此基础上划分了9个球柱陨石的化学-岩石类型,它们是南通(H4)、枣阳(H5),肇东(L4),启东(L-LL5)、饶阳(L4)、射阳(L6)、广南(L6)、随州(L6)及导河(L4)球粒陨石。  相似文献   

普通球粒陨石数量约占球粒陨石的80%,对其开展研究有助于揭示早期太阳系的演化。本文使用扫描电镜和电子探针对三块普通球粒陨石的岩石学、矿物学和地球化学特征进行了分析,重点讨论了复合球粒的成因。研究表明,三块陨石均具典型的球粒陨石结构,其中GRV 050191与GRV 051993分别为LL3型和H3型陨石,球粒结构清晰且丰富;NWA 15005为H5型陨石,球粒可分辨,基质出现重结晶。GRV 050191与GRV 051993中矿物成分变化较大,橄榄石有成分环带,NWA 15005中矿物成分均一。根据陨石岩石矿物学特征,GRV 050191、GRV 051993和NWA 15005冲击变质程度分别为S2、S1和S3,风化程度为W1、W1和W2。复合球粒是由两个或多个球粒熔融形成的,本次研究发现的3个复合球粒,其中2个属于包封型复合球粒(CPC-1和CPC-3),1个为伴生型复合球粒(CPC-2)。SiO2-FeO-MgO相图数据表明,复合球粒形成温度窗口约为100℃。根据复合球粒中橄榄石的FeO含量变化推测越早形成的球粒,其FeO含量越低,橄榄石化学成分变化趋势表明...  相似文献   

普通球粒陨石是目前发现数量最多的陨石,对认识早期太阳星云演化和太阳系物质成分具有重要的意义。Northwest Africa (NWA) 15004是一块非洲西北部新发现的普通球粒陨石。本次研究使用光学显微镜、电子探针以及扫描电镜等分析仪器对该陨石进行详细的岩石学、矿物学及球粒特征研究。结果表明该陨石球粒轮廓较为模糊,基质重结晶明显,橄榄石平均Fa值为25.4 mol%(PMD为2.65%),低钙辉石的平均Fs值21.3 mol%(PMD为3.95%),硅酸盐矿物化学成分较为均一,根据岩相学及矿物学特征将其划分为L5型普通球粒陨石。橄榄石和辉石颗粒发育波状消光和面状破裂,且观察到有熔融囊的出现,表明该陨石受到S3以上的冲击变质作用。球粒的成因和形成的星云环境需要准确的球粒类型划分,球粒按结构类型分类较多,但其化学成分均一,该陨石所有球粒的橄榄石辉石的Mg#约为74.5,均为Ⅱ型富铁球粒,结合“CIPW标准”计算基质化学成分均为A5型球粒。利用共生单斜辉石和斜方辉石矿物对成分特征计算得到NWA 15004陨石热变质平衡温度为814℃,说明该陨石母体经历了较高程度热变...  相似文献   

陨石年代学研究中常用定年工具包括短半衰期和长半衰期放射性同位素体系,其中前者可以给出陨石形成的相对年龄,而后者则可以给出绝对形成年龄。在长半衰期体系中,PbP-b法是目前能获得高精度可靠年龄的最有效方法。普通球粒陨石Sem arkona是最不平衡的LL3.0型陨石,受后期热变质的影响很小,因此其年龄研究对反演陨石起源有重要意义。在本文中,对Sem arkona中球粒用不同的化学浸洗流程,并测定浸洗溶液和残渣中UT-hP-b同位素组成,其中浸洗后的残渣均给出相对较高的206Pb/204Pb比值,表明其中含有较多的放射成因Pb同位素组成,这些残渣构成PbP-b等时线,给出年龄为(4566.9±5.8)M a,M SW D=26,与207Pb/206Pb模式年龄在误差范围内一致。尽管Sem arkona陨石可能经历了后期蚀变的影响,但前人对陨石变质温度的研究结果表明,热变质温度并未足以使球粒中Pb同位素体系重置,因此获得的年龄代表Sem arkona陨石球粒的形成年龄。  相似文献   

陨石的物理性质在陨石母体的演化过程中起到了重要作用。地球上的风化作用也会对陨石的一些物理性质造成显著影响。为了探讨风化对普通球粒陨石物理性质的影响,本文以库姆塔格普通球粒陨石为研究对象,使用密度仪、磁化率仪、热导仪、分光光度计等测量了其不同部位的物质性质,如颗粒密度,体积密度、孔隙度、磁化率、热导率、反射光谱强度等。研究结果表明:H型普通球粒陨石的颗粒密度、孔隙度、磁化率以及反射光谱强度会随着风化程度的加深而降低,而热导率和体密度受风化作用的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

1916年3月23日中午在河北省任邱县议论堡未家村陨落了一块球粒陨石(北纬38°40′,东经116°08′)于1975年才由北京天文馆收集和保存,重约300克,陨石表面为褐黑色的熔壳所包裹,断口面呈褐黑灰色,次生氧化作用非常明显。X射线粉晶衍射分析和显微镜下的薄片观察表明,任邱球粒陨石主要由橄榄石、斜方辉石、斜长石、金属镍-铁(以铁纹石为主)及陨硫铁组成。整个陨石显示细—中粒的全晶质结构,局部呈变斑晶结构,  相似文献   

宁强碳质球粒陨石含有大量聚集的球粒(13.7体积%)和非常低的难熔包体丰度(~2±1体积%),属于异常的CV球粒陨石(氧化亚群)。相对于典型的CV3球粒陨石,宁强具有低的难熔包体和较高橄榄石集合体(8.2体积%)及聚集的球粒丰度,相对于CV3氧化亚群,宁强具有较多的金属Fe-Ni及磁铁矿,高的磁铁矿(3.3体积%)/金属Fe-Ni(0.5体积%)比值(6.6),并有作为主要金属相的镍铁矿(Ni_3Fe),表明宁强球粒陨石类似于CV3氧化亚群。  相似文献   

The data available show that some Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites are similar to Cl meteorites.Tehy contain a lot of phyllosilicate aggregates and the oxygen isotopic composition of the whole-rock samples is approximate to that of C1 chondrites,so they are named after quasi-C1(Q-C1)chondrites Unlike Cl metcorites,the Q-Cl chondites possess chondrule structrue,and the compositions of hih temperature condensates(chondrule fragments,mineral grains or aggregates)show that the oxygen fugacity varied within a wide range in the surroundings where they were formed,similar to the variation range from E.H.L,LL to C group chondrites.It is inferred that the Q-C1 chondrites could be formed at the edges far from the equator in the whole asteroid region of the solar nebular disk.where the nebula was lower in density and the condensates were lower in accretion velocity,so that the hydration of chon drules and matrix occurred during the late stage of nebular condensation.The discovery of the Q-Cl chondrites and the fact that the earth and other terrestrial planets contain water indicate that at the edges far from the equator in the terrestrial reigion of the solar nebular disk,a large amount of water was incorporated into the lattice of minerals in the condensates as a result of hydration during nebular condensation,and then found its way into the interior parts of the Earth and other terrestrial planets due to accretion.  相似文献   

在南极格罗夫山普通球粒陨石的风化等级划分中出现了和Wlotzka(1993)标准矛盾的现象。部分普通球粒陨石的金属和陨硫铁氧化不足20%,然而硅酸盐却发生了蚀变。如果考虑金属的氧化量,这种风化程度应为W1,如果考虑硅酸盐的蚀变,这种风化程度应为W5。对于存在如此大的差异本文给出了折衷的解决办法——对金属和硅酸盐同时进行风化等级划分。金属的风化等级划分为W_m0-W_m4五个,硅酸盐风化等级划分为W_s0-W_s3四个。依据新方案,GRV 021588、021636、021772和021957等4块无法用Wlotzka(1993)标准来确定风化等级的陨石的风化等级均为W_m1-W_s1。而陨石GRV 023312的风化等级为W_m3-W_s0,其相当于Wlotzka(1993)标准中的W3。  相似文献   

The Ningqiang meteorite is a fall carbonaceous chondrite, containing various Ca-, Al-rich inclusions that usually escaped from secondary events such as high-temperature heating and low- temperature alteration. However, it has not yet been classified into any known chemical group. In order to address this issue, 41 elements of the bulk Ningqiang meteorite were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atom emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) in this study. The Allende (CV3) carbonaceous chondrite and the Jilin (H5) ordinary chondrite were also measured as references, and our analyses are consistent with the previous results. Rare earth and other refractory lithophile elements are depleted in Ningqiang relative to both Allende and mean CK chondrites. In addition, the REE pattern of Ningqiang is nearly flat, while that of Allende shows slight enrichment of LREE relative to HREE. Siderophile elements of Ningqiang are close to those of mean CK chondrites, but lower than those of Allende. Our new analyses indicate that Ningqiang cannot be classified into any known group of carbonaceous chondrites, consistent with previous reports.  相似文献   

The properties of ordinary chondrites (OC) reflect both nebular and asteroidal processes. OC are modeled here as having acquired nebular water, probably contained within phyllosilicates, during agglomeration. This component had high Δ17O and acted like an oxidizing agent during thermal metamorphism. The nebular origin of this component is consistent with negative correlations in H, L, and LL chondrites between oxidation state (represented by olivine Fa) and bulk concentration ratios of elements involved in the metal-silicate fractionation (e.g., Ni/Si, Ir/Si, Ir/Mn, Ir/Cr, Ir/Mg, Ni/Mg, As/Mg, Ga/Mg). LL chondrites acquired the greatest abundance of phyllosilicates with high Δ17O among OC (and thus became the most oxidized group and the one with the heaviest O isotopes); H chondrites acquired the lowest abundance, becoming the most reduced OC group with the lightest O isotopes.Chondrule precursors may have grown larger and more ferroan with time in each OC agglomeration zone. Nebular turbulence may have controlled the sizes of chondrule precursors. H-chondrite chondrules (which are the smallest among OC) formed from the smallest precursors. In each OC region, low-FeO chondrules formed before high-FeO chondrules during repeated episodes of chondrule formation.During thermal metamorphism, phyllosilicates were dehydrated; the liberated water oxidized metallic Fe-Ni. This caused correlated changes with petrologic type including decreases in the modal abundance of metal, increases in olivine Fa and low-Ca pyroxene Fs, increases in the olivine/pyroxene ratio, and increases in the kamacite Co and Ni contents. As water (with its heavy O isotopes) was lost during metamorphism, inverse correlations between bulk δ18O and bulk δ17O with petrologic type were produced.The H5 chondrites that were ejected from their parent body ∼7.5 Ma ago during a major impact event probably had been within a few kilometers of each other since they accreted ∼4.5 Ga ago. There are significant differences in the olivine compositional distributions among these rocks; these reflect stochastic nebular sampling of the oxidant (i.e., phyllosilicates with high Δ17O) on a 0.1-1 km scale during agglomeration.  相似文献   

Petrography and mineral chemistry of 24 ordinary chondrites from the Grove Mountains, Antarctica, have been studied in order to identify their chemical-petrographic types. These samples were selected from a total of 4448 Grove Mountains (GRV) meteorites collected during the 19th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition so as to make an estimation of the large GRV meteorite collection. The chemical-petrographic types of these meteorites are presented below: 1 H3,2 H4, 4 H5, 2 H6, 1 L4, 7 L5, 5 L6, 1 LL4 and 1 LL6. The new data weaken the previous report that unequilibrated ordinary chondrites are unusually abundant in the Grove Mountains region. However, this work confirms significant differences in distribution patterns of chemical-petrographic types between the Grove Mountains and other  相似文献   

The hydroxyl in phyllosilicate minerals is the most common occurrence of water in primitive meteorites. Direct hydrogen isotopic analysis of this water component using an ion microprobe has been made in some glassy or phyllosilicate spherules from the Al Rais (CR) and Orgueil (CI) chondrites. The spherules from Al Rais show large deuterium excesses (δD = +200 -+800‰) relative to terrestrial standards, whereas deuterium-enrichments in the spherules from Orgueil are much smaller (δD = +40 - +130‰). The phyllosilicate spherules are products of  相似文献   

The hydroxyl in phyllosilicate minerals is the most common occurrence of water in primitive meteorites.Direct hydrogen isotopic analysis of this water component using an ion microprobe has been made in some glassy or phyllosilicate spherules from the A1 Rais (CR) and Orgueil (CI) chondrites. The spherules from A1 Rais show largedeuterium excesses (δD= 200- 800‰) relative to terrestrial standards, whereas deuterium-enrichments in the spherules from Orgueil are much smaller (δD= 40- 130‰). The phyllosilicate spherules are products of aqueous alteration of glassy precursors. In A1 Rais the phyllosilicate spherules have relatively higher δD values than the glassy ones, indicating that water introduced during aqueous alteration was deuterium-enriched. The deuterium-enrichments in the phyllosilicate spherules from Orgueil could result from isotopic exchange under thermodynamic conditions within the solar nebula. The much larger δD excesses of the A1 Rais spherules, however, cannot be attributed to the similar process;instead, an interstellar origin needs to be invoked.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Analysis of the thermal metamorphism of the ordinary chondrites is a key premise for gaining insights into the accretion and heating of rocky bodies in the early solar system....  相似文献   

南极格罗夫山陨石GRV 020043是一块特殊的球粒陨石,虽与普通球粒陨石有着相似的矿物组合,但矿物成分超出普通球粒陨石范围.主要矿物组合及其模式含量(vol%)是:斜方辉石40、橄榄石24、透辉石8、斜长石10、 Fe-Ni合金14、陨硫铁4 vol%、及少量铬铁矿和磷灰石.主要组成矿物成分均一,如斜方辉石(Fs10...  相似文献   

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