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汪洋 《中国地质》2006,33(4):920-927
根据能量守恒原理和中国大陆实测热流数据,给出中国大陆地壳生热率上限值为1.3μWm-3。根据热流值和地下流体氦同位素组成资料,估算出中国大陆地壳生热率为0.58~1.12μWm-3,中位数为0.85μWm-3,相应的铀、钍、钾丰度范围分别是0.83~1.76μg/g、3.16~6.69μg/g和1.0%~2.12%。中国陆壳铀、钍、钾元素整体丰度值明显高于太古宇地壳,反映中国陆壳成分演化程度较高。同时,中国大陆地壳成分具有明显的横向非均匀性特征:东部地壳相对西北部富集铀、钍、钾等强不相容元素,褶皱带相对克拉通地区富集铀、钍、钾元素。基于大陆地壳SiO2含量与地壳生热率之间的正相关关系推断,中国东部地壳较西部富长英质组分,褶皱带地壳成分较克拉通富长英质组分。此区域性变化特征与基于地震波速资料推断的结果相符。基于中国大陆地壳生热率变化范围以及地震波速低于全球平均值的特征,推断Rudnick和Fountain(1995)、Rudnick和Gao(2003)、Weaver和Tarney(1984)、Shaw等(1986)以及Wedepohl(1995)的全球陆壳成分模型均高估了铀、钍、钾等强不相容元素丰度。  相似文献   

汪洋  汪集旸  邓晋福 《地球化学》2001,30(2):186-193
大地热流值是大陆地壳和岩石圈U,Th,K丰度的直接约束;根据地球化学元素丰度值推算出的大地构造单元的区域地壳热流值,必定不能大于区域的平均热流值,根据700余个实测大地热流数据,对目前发表的中国大陆地壳和岩石圈的化学成分模型进行了检验,结果表明,多数模型不能满足大地热充约束,如黎彤等的关于中国大陆及其内部构造单元的地壳和岩石圈成分模型,倪守斌等提出的新疆北部地壳生热率模型,以及高山等提出的扬子地台北缘地壳成分模型,这些模型的U,Th,K丰度值不太可靠,其他强不相容元素的丰度值的可信程度亦值得怀疑,而迟清华,鄢明才提出的华北地台地壳成分模型和高山等建立的中国东部及华北地台和秦岭造山带的地壳成分模型通过了区域大地热流的检验。  相似文献   

中国大陆主要地质构造单元岩石圈地热特征   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
根据中国大陆的800余个大地热流值数据,作者研究了中国大陆主要地质构造单元的地热特征。中国大陆热流的空间分布以及其他岩石圈热状态参数均表现出明显的横向变化;这些特征源于太平洋板块俯冲和印度-亚洲碰撞导致的新生代构造热活动。中国大陆各构造单元的地壳生热率亦表现出横向非均匀性,这意味着各构造单元的地壳平均成分存在显著的横向变化。研究表明,各主要构造单元的地壳力学强度和地震活动性均受其地热特征的影响。  相似文献   

大地热流值是表征地球热状态的重要参数,也是进行深部地温预测和评价一个地区地热资源的最基本数据。受钻孔测温的影响,盆地外的无钻孔测温地区缺少实测的大地热流值。目前的热流分布图都是依据相邻盆地的实测值进行插值绘制的,无钻孔区热流值可信度较低。由于岩石居里点与温度密切相关,可以通过居里面深度来研究地表热流值。本文依据东北地区现有的居里面深度分布图,结合实测的岩石热导率、岩石生热率数据和相应的地壳分层状况,计算了东北地区的大地热流值,重新绘制了中国东北地区精细的大地热流分布图。东北地区整体大地热流处于42.5~95 mW/m 2 之间,热流高值位于五大连池及敦化 密山断裂带海龙—牡丹江一带,松辽盆地内部、小兴安岭和长春 延吉缝合带也有局部的高热流值。热流高值与居里面隆起区域有较高的一致性,即居里面隆起处热流较高,而坳陷区热流较低。本次研究填补了中国东部地区热流实测值空白,为该区深部地温预测和地热资源评价提供了更加准确的参数。  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探主孔揭示的大陆地壳生热模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对大陆科学钻探主孔149块岩心样品进行了系统的岩石放射性生热元素U、Th和K的含量测试,同时结合该井浅部井段前人的实测数据,揭示了上地壳5km生热率的垂向分布。结果显示,以1650m为界,上下两段生热率均随深度呈增加趋势,与正常地壳生热率特征不同,显示出超高压变质带独特的生热率垂向变化特征。结合地壳的岩性分布,建立了苏鲁超高压变质带地壳的生热模型。该模型中,地壳厚32km,其中上地壳0-10km,由超高压变质岩片组成,按岩性又详细分为8层,生热率变化在0.49~1.73μWm^-3。中地壳10~20km,由片麻岩组成,生热率为生热率1.51μWm^-3。下地壳20~32km为麻粒岩,生热率0.31μWm^-3。整个地壳热流约31mW/m^2,其中上地壳12mW/m^2。上地壳厚度和热流分别占整个地壳的31%和39%。与华北和下扬子地壳生热模型相比,上地壳热流整个地壳热流的比例最低。这表明,苏鲁超高压变质带,作为中朝与扬子板块俯冲-碰撞的产物,其地壳生率垂向分布与正常大陆地壳(华北、下扬子)相比,具有显著的不同。  相似文献   

对中国大陆壳体的放射性生热元素丰度的大地热流检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者据《中国大陆壳体的区域元素丰度》一文给出的壳体放射性生热元素铀、钍、钾的丰度,计算出中国大陆三个主要壳体的平均热流值,将其与实测大地热流平均值进行对比。结果表明计算值不满足实测大地热流值的约束,这意味着该文给出的铀、钍、钾的丰度值偏高。我们认为,根据区域地震剖面地震波速推断岩性,再利用出露地表的相应岩石的成分估计地壳或地幔放射性生热元素丰度的方法,缺乏十分可靠的理论或实验基础。同时该文给出的中国大陆壳体的其他强不相容元素的丰度值是否可靠也值得商榷。  相似文献   

中国西部地区生态环境的优劣与大地热流的高低有良好的对应关系。大地热流较高的西南地区生态环境优良,孕育了我国最好的生物多样性;而大地热流较低的西北地区环境恶劣,生态脆弱,荒漠化严重。大地热流的脉动影响区域大气系统下垫面的热力背景和气流运动,从而影响降水的分布和区域气候的干湿程度;大地热流的高低决定了一个地区地表生态系统能量供给的下限,是生态系统演变过程中一个重要的物种限制因子,制约了一些地区生态系统物种的多样性,进而影响到区域生态系统的稳健性。对大地热流影响生态系统发育和演变机理的研究将为人类科学干预地表生态系统的演化、恢复与重建退化生态系统提供科学依据与技术方案。提出了西部生态环境整治的一些新的思路。  相似文献   

根据1990和2001年发布中国大陆大地热流数据,运用作者提出的“网状塑性流动”大陆动力学模型,通过统计分析和优化拟合,探讨了中国大陆大地热流分布的影响因素及其定量表述。研究表明:1影响热流分布的因素可区分为本底(背景)因素和构造因素两类,前者主要涉及地幔热流、地壳放射性热产生、传热介质和水热循环等非均匀分布,后者主要涉及塑性流动网络和相对稳定块体(稳块)的影响。2塑性流动网络是岩石圈下层网状塑性流动过程中剪切局部化的显示,它由两组塑性流动带(网带)共轭相交而成,作为基本的作用方式之一,控制板内构造变形。稳块是网状流动…  相似文献   


The relationships in ocean depth and heat flow with crustal age place valuable constraints on the thermal evolution of the oceanic lithosphere. This work aims to establish the relationships for the V-shaped Southwest Subbasin, the southwestern end of the South China Sea formed during 23.6–16 Ma. Using high-resolution multichannel seismic profiles and heat flow measurements, we calculate sediment-corrected topography and heat flow, which are then plotted against crustal age to establish their relationships. The results show that the post-spreading volcanism in the South China Sea influences less on the present-day heat flow than topography. In addition, the topography data are evidently deeper and heat flow data are much lower in the Southeast Asian marginal seas than other oceans. Previous explanation suggested that the abnormal features resulted from lateral heat loss, which would predict a deeper lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary and a high slope in topography and heat flow with age, contrary to the observations. Possible explanations for the abnormal features of the Southeast Asian marginal seas include (1) lack of long-time upwelling magma at the onset of spreading, and (2) reduced magma supply during the seafloor spreading.  相似文献   

中国花岗岩与大陆地壳生长方式初步研究   总被引:15,自引:15,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
中国大陆造山带花岗岩可分为东西两个区,西区的中亚造山带、秦祁昆造山带和青藏高原冈底斯造山带为与大洋发育有关的造山带花岗岩,东区主体的东北、华北和华南是形成于中国大陆拼合之后的燕山期造山带花岗岩。根据不同造山带花岗岩的形成背景、地质地球化学特征差异,以阿尔泰、东昆仑、华北燕山、东北和南岭造山带花岗岩为例讨论花岗岩与大陆地壳生长的关系,区分出中国大陆的5种大陆地壳生长方式:阿尔泰式是古亚洲洋背景上形成的古生代对流地幔物质、热输入和上地壳混合为主的方式;东昆仑式是元古代造山带TTG陆壳背景基础上古生代一早中生代对流地幔物质和热输入,改造元古宙造山带基底的方式;东北式是燕山期中亚造山带背景上对流地幔物质和热输入改造显生宙陆壳的生长方式;燕山式是燕山期对流地幔物质和热输入改造太古宙基底的方式;南岭式燕山期对流地幔输入大陆的是以热为主、物质为辅,大陆地壳生长是以陆壳物质再循环为主(零增长)的生长方式。它们构成中国大陆显生宙地壳生长的基本方式。  相似文献   

桐柏北部燕山期花岗岩对地壳深部物质组成的地球化学示踪   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
张宏飞  张利 《地球化学》1999,28(2):105-112
通过对桐柏北部燕山期老湾岩体和梁湾岩体花岗岩主元素、微量元素和Pb-Sr-Nd同位素地球化学的研究,分析了岩浆的物质来源,并用来指示地壳深部组成。结果表明,老湾 和梁弯花岗岩均属壳源型花岗岩,岩浆物质并不一自于北在底和华北克拉通南缘基底,而是来自南秦岭构造块体中桐柏杂岩的部分熔融。这表明在桐柏北部的深部地壳中,含有南秦岭的地壳物质,从而进一步证明了早期南秦岭陆壳向北俯冲并叠置于北秦岭块体之下的认识  相似文献   

高产热花岗岩是重要的壳内热源之一,我国华南陆缘花岗岩体分布广泛,为该区浅表热量的生成及聚集提供了可能。本文在简述区内花岗岩资源分布的基础上,系统分析了区内主要花岗岩体的放射性生热特征,并结合区内近些年施工的地热勘探深钻,对重点地热勘查区的深部地温场分布、地热通量、地壳热结构等进行了对比分析,提出了华南陆缘浅表地热资源的聚热模式。分析认为,华南陆缘地区具有“幔源供热 壳内生热 断裂传热 盖层保热”的四元聚热模式,其中,花岗岩体的放射性生热率是影响区内浅部地温场的主要因素之一,粤北—赣南岩体的生热率明显高于漳州地区的花岗岩体,其近似“热壳冷幔”型或“温壳温幔”型岩石圈热结构与漳州“热幔冷壳”型岩石圈热结构有一定的差异;断裂构造及盖层条件对于地下热量聚集及散失具有明显的控制作用。研究成果对于深入理解华南陆缘地热资源的成因、控热因素,以及今后该地区地热资源勘探开发实践具有一定的理论与指导意义。  相似文献   

There is a coupling of thermal, mechanical, chemical and fluidal processes in a continental shear zone. Both Xincheng-Xishui and Hetai shear zones are typical continental crust shear zones of greenschist facies environment. The representative mylonite zones of the shear zones are studied with whole rock major and trace element analyses. The chemical compositional variation tendencies in both shear zones are very similar and the gain-loss ratios of various components in the mylonitic rocks are reflected in the mass balance equations. The enrichment of those immobile high-field-strengh elements is considered to he related to the volume loss of the myionitic rocks in a shear zone. Based on the volume loss expression C_s/C_o=1/(1-V),the fractional volume losses (V)are 37.5% and 36.5%-42.3% respectively for mylonites and ultramylonites in the Xincheng-Xishui shear zone and 11% and 28% respectively for mylonites and phyllonites in the Hetai shear zone. The high volume loss and large removal of SiO_2 from  相似文献   

Based on conservation of energy principle and heat flow data in China continent, the upper limit of 1.3 μW/m3 heat production is obtained for continental crust in China. Furthermore, using the data of heat flow and helium isotope ratio of underground fluid, the heat productions of different tectonic units in China continent are estimated in range of 0.58–1.12 μW/m3 with a median of 0.85 μW/m3. Accordingly, the contents of U, Th and K2O in China crust are in ranges of 0.83–1.76 μg/g, 3.16–6.69 μg/g, and 1.0%–2.12%, respectively. These results indicate that the abundance of radioactive elements in the crust of China continent is much higher than that of Archean crust; and this fact implies China’s continental crust is much evolved in chemical composition. Meanwhile, significant lateral variation of crustal composition is also exhibited among different tectonic units in China continent. The crust of eastern China is much enriched in incompatible elements such as U, Th and K than that of western China; and the crust of orogenic belts is more enriched than that of platform regions. It can also be inferred that the crusts of eastern China and orogenic belts are much felsic than those of western China and platform regions, respectively, derived from the positive correlation between the heat production and SiO2 content of bulk crust. This deduction is consistent with the results derived from the crustal seismic velocity data in China. According to the facts of the lower seismic velocity of China than the average value of global crust, and the higher heat production of China continent compared with global crust composition models published by previous studies, it is deduced that the average composition models of global continent crust by Rudnick and Fountain (1995), Rudnick and Gao (2003), Weaver and Tarney (1984), Shaw et al. (1986), and Wedepohl (1995) overestimate the abundance of incompatible elements such as U, Th and K of continental crust.  相似文献   

The Late Archaean Closepet Granite batholith in south India is exposed at different crustal levels grading from greenschist facies in the north through amphibolite and granulite facies in the south along a ∼400 km long segment in the Dharwar craton. Two areas, Pavagada and Magadi, located in the Main Mass of the batholith, best represent the granitoid of the greenschist and amphibolite facies crustal levels respectively. Heat flow estimates of 38 mW m−2 from Pavagada and 25 mW m−2 from Magadi have been obtained through measurements in deep (430 and 445 m) and carefully sited boreholes. Measurements made in four boreholes of opportunity in Pavagada area yield a mean heat flow of 39 ± 4 (s.d.) mW m−2, which is in good agreement with the estimate from deep borehole. The study, therefore, demonstrates a clear-cut heat flow variation concomitant with the crustal levels exposed in the two areas. The mean heat production estimates for the greenschist facies and amphibolite facies layers constituting the Main Mass of the batholith are 2.9 and 1.8 μW m−3, respectively. The enhanced heat flow in the Pavagada area is consistent with the occurrence of a radioelement-enriched 2-km-thick greenschist facies layer granitoid overlying the granitoid of the amphibolite facies layer which is twice as thick as represented in the Magadi area. The crustal heat production models indicate similar mantle heat flow estimates in the range 12–14 mW m−2, consistent with the other parts of the greenstone-granite-gneiss terrain of the Dharwar craton.  相似文献   

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