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夏浩然  刘俊来 《地质通报》2011,30(01):58-70
石英集合体的结晶学优选可由位错滑移、双晶滑移、定向成核与生长等形成,其中位错滑移是塑性变形岩石中石英结晶学优选产生的最重要的机制。影响变形石英结晶学优选的因素有温度、应变速率、应变、差应力、水、复矿物岩石中各种矿物间的相互作用、初始结晶学方向等。系统总结了石英晶体变形与滑移系,结晶学优选的测量与表达,多种条件下石英的结晶学优选,以及在判断剪切方向、计算运动学涡度、判定变形温度、分析变形历史等方面的应用,并认为应用石英组构作运动学和动力学解析时需与其它微观、宏观现象相结合。  相似文献   

滇西羊拉大型铜矿床石英构造岩微观构造与动力学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构造岩的构造和组构是变形运动亦即岩石流动的直接记录。作者对滇西着拉铜矿区的石英构造岩进行了微观分析,认为矿区内的南北向、北西向构造活动较强,北东向构造活动近岩体增强,北西西向构造活动在矿区北部有较强的显示。动力学分析表明,矿区最大主应力方向晚期为西北-南东向北东向,东西向主压应力断续作用,导致岩石的脆性和韧性变形,石曲光轴优选方位形式及弗林指数k值的测算均说明变形方式以压扁为主。  相似文献   

通过对大别地区不同超高压岩石和同一超高压岩石中不同变形期次石英的变形特征的研究 ,探讨超高压岩石折返时的流变学特征和状态。运用野外构造解析、组构分析、透射电镜和应变分析发现 ,除榴辉岩中静态重结晶石英外 ,其它超高压岩石中石英均发生了强烈的塑性变形 ,波状消光、变形纹、变形条带等极为常见。石英石榴岩中石英交叉滑移位错的发育 ,说明经历了高温位错蠕变 ,其代表的差异应力为Δσ =78.92MPa。石英脉的变形是超高压岩石折返到中地壳以后的角闪岩相退变峰期产物 ,其差异应力为Δσ =2 5 .2MPa。超高压二云母片岩中石英典型的糜棱结构代表的差异应力为 :Δσ =5 9.6 1MPa。大别超高压岩石可能是在构造应力比较低的情况下区域隆升的结果  相似文献   

岩石的磁各向异性及其在地质上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了岩石磁各向异性的表示方法,三大类岩石磁各向异性的一般特征,控制因素及其在地质上的应用.介绍了鄂东南地区侵入岩的磁各向异性特征及其应用的研究成果.  相似文献   

根据我国东部煤田一些实例和高温高压变形实验模拟结果表明,含煤地层中石英C-轴组构普遍具有稀疏小圆环带型式,其环带轴具有显著的应力指向意义。稀疏小圆环带型式组构的形成与石英底面滑移系的运动有关,是点极密型式的过渡状态,与石英颗粒的塑性应变量较小有关。造成含煤地层中石英颗粒塑性应变量较小的原因,除构造变形强度较小外,还与岩石中普遍存在软弱矿物有关。软弱矿物的存在吸收了大部分塑性应变。  相似文献   

斜长石组构的显微测量方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马芳  金淑燕 《世界地质》1999,18(1):31-38
介绍了目前国外用费氏台测量斜长石组构的三种方法:(1)BPW图解法;(2)(010),(001)双面交点法;(3)(010)消光角法;并分析了其适用范围及各自的优缺点。最后总结了确定斜长石组构的应用意义;(1)确定滑移系;(2)判断剪切方向;(3)计算地震波速。  相似文献   

刘贵  周永胜  宋娟  何昌荣 《岩石学报》2012,28(3):1005-1016
本文以高温高压条件下石英闪长岩流变实验样品为研究对象,利用偏光显微镜进行微观结构观察,研究了样品在实验温度压力条件下的变形机制与斜长石结构对流变强度的影响;通过透射电镜能谱与电子探针,分析了熔体分布和成分特征,讨论了角闪石脱水熔融的影响因素与脱水熔融对岩石流变的影响。结果表明,随着温度升高,岩石从脆塑性过渡域逐渐向高温位错攀移和动态重结晶为主的塑性域转化。在高温条件下,角闪石出现了脱水与部分熔融,脱水熔融的熔体分布和成分体现出非均匀与非平衡熔融的特点,空间分布上,熔体主要出现在角闪石和黑云母矿物颗粒的边缘以及角闪石和长石颗粒之间的区域内;成分分布上,熔体的成分与参与熔融的矿物成分密切相关。角闪石边缘的熔体和黑云母边缘的熔体具有低硅铝、高铁镁特征,斜长石边缘的熔体具有高硅铝、低铁镁的特征,处于角闪石和斜长石颗粒中间的熔体,其成分间于斜长石与角闪石成分之间。实验中出现的非平衡非均匀部分熔融可以解释混合岩中的浅色体与暗色体的成因,富硅熔体可以形成富硅铝的花岗质岩石,而贫硅富铁镁的熔体可以形成基性岩。角闪石的脱水熔融程度依赖于样品的封闭条件,处于封闭环境的样品,角闪石不易脱水熔融,而处于开放环境时,角闪石脱水熔融显著。拆离断层带及其附近具备这样的开放环境,有利于角闪石发生脱水熔融。实验力学数据和微观结构显示,随机分布的斜长石对岩石强度影响并不明显,但斜长石的长轴方向与最大主应力方向呈大角度相交(近90°)会显著强化岩石的强度,这意味着岩石组构与主应力方向大角度相交或呈垂直方向时,不利于岩石变形和拆离断层的形成,反之,均匀岩石或岩石组构与最大主应力方向小角度相交,有利于岩石的变形,容易发育拆离断层。  相似文献   

利用20% 浓度的氢氟酸(HF)对橄榄石晶体不同方向之切面进行了腐蚀实验,以期建立三维立体构型。在晶体上选 取垂直任一结晶轴的单形,如(100),(010),(001)等平行双面,(110),(011),(101)等菱方柱和(111)菱方双锥进 行了腐蚀实验,由原子力显微镜记录各个切面腐蚀像。结果显示,相同切面上的腐蚀像具有固定的几何形状及角度,且在 晶面上的结晶学方向固定。各腐蚀像形状具有共性,即长轴为[010] 方向,短轴为[100] 方向。由不同切面腐蚀像的变化规律, 建立了橄榄石腐蚀像三维立体模型。相同腐蚀剂对不同晶面腐蚀的容易程度差异巨大,以蚀坑在DIC200× 下能清晰观察到 腐蚀像形态为标准,橄榄石各切面的腐蚀速率为v(010)>v(110)>v(100)>v(111)>v(101)>v(001)>v(011)。由橄榄石晶体腐蚀像的唯一 性及其结晶学定向,在橄榄岩切片中将橄榄石颗粒切面指数化,并获得其结晶学定向及结晶优选方向。由此,在大别山碧 溪岭石榴子石二辉橄榄岩中推断橄榄石[100] 主极密垂直面理面,[010] 主极密平行于线理面。腐蚀像所确定的晶体结晶优选 性为当地构造动力提供了一定有价值资料,开拓了腐蚀像的地质应用意义。  相似文献   

通过对α-石英自然晶面六方柱面(100)和(010)、菱面体正形面(101)与菱面体负形面(011)、以及介于上述自然晶面之间的切面进行腐蚀形貌的观察研究发现,石英晶体同种单形的晶面(切面)腐蚀坑形态相同,但方位可以有变化,不同单形的晶面(切面)腐蚀坑形态不同;同一单形的正形与负形腐蚀坑形状不同;蚀坑形态能够反映晶体的对称性。α-石英晶体各晶面(切面)的蚀坑形态在三维空间分布的投影图可用于岩石中α-石英晶体的定向及缺陷研究。这一观察研究对厘清α-石英晶体腐蚀形貌立体全方位的对称关系、指导岩石中α-石英晶体的定向研究具有理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

为了探讨柯石英的形成条件,利用河北省平山县西柏坡地区太古代阜平群中的黑云母片麻岩进行高温高压条件下的岩石变形实验。实验的温度为800 ℃,围压为0.2 GPa,应变量为10%,应变速率为10-5/s。实验结果表明,变形后样品中不同部位石英颗粒的激光拉曼光谱与标准的石英光谱相比较发生了明显的变化,具体表现为:挤压带中,石英颗粒的光谱出现了9个峰,而标准石英光谱为6个峰;在剪切带中,石英颗粒的谱线只有一个清晰的峰,在拉伸带中,石英颗粒的谱线无论峰的数目还是出现的位置都与标准石英光谱有着显著的区别,说明导致岩石变形的差应力对石英晶格结构的改造具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

矿物是岩石圈最基本的物质组成,其变形行为、特性和物理/化学过程直接影响着大陆岩石圈的力学强度和流变学性质。石英是地壳主要的组成矿物之一,对其变形机理及制约因素的研究,是理解地壳流变学性质的关键。石英中的道芬双晶在晶体形态上表现出沿c轴方向的6次对称,早期研究认为其只能形成于α-和β-石英的相变过程中,越来越多的研究发现,机械应力诱发的道芬双晶对温度和应力具有一定的依赖性。通过对高黎贡剪切带内变形石英的EBSD组构分析并结合前人的研究,发现石英道芬双晶对晶内塑性应变的分布及其不同滑移系的激活起着重要作用。α-石英晶体中菱面方向比方向具有更高柔度,即更适应变形。在外力作用下,石英道芬双晶通过菱面上的弹性性质差异,即相比方向,在压缩方向(σ1)上代表晶面方向的极点更多地聚集在方向,形成一种较为少见的菱面晶格优选取向。由此可见,道芬双晶是石英塑性变形过程中的一种特殊的流变弱化机制,其不仅使得晶体发生可恢复的结构弱化,还通过动态重结晶作用和颗粒边界...  相似文献   


Strong seismic anisotropy is observed in many subduction zones. This effect is attributed partly to subducting oceanic crust that is transformed into blueschist facies rocks. Because blueschist facies constituents such as glaucophane, epidote, and phengite show strong anisotropic elasticity, seismic anisotropy in subducting oceanic crust can be attributed to the lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of these minerals. We studied the deformation fabrics and seismic properties of phengite-rich epidote–glaucophane schists from the Franciscan Complex of Ring Mountain, California. The samples are composed mainly of glaucophane, epidote, and phengite. Some samples contain abundant phengite, the maximum being 40%. The LPOs of glaucophane showed that the [001] axes are aligned subparallel to lineation, and both (110) poles and [100] axes are aligned subnormal to foliation. The epidote [001] axes are aligned subnormal to foliation, with both (110) and (010) poles aligned subparallel to lineation. The LPOs of phengite are characterized by the maxima of [001] axes subnormal to foliation, and both (110) and (010) poles and [100] axes are aligned in a girdle subparallel to foliation. The phengite showed substantially strong seismic anisotropy (AVP = 42%, max.AVS = 37%). The glaucophane schist with abundant phengite showed significantly stronger seismic anisotropy (AVP = 30%, max.AVS = 23%) than the epidote–glaucophane schist (AVP = 13%, max.AVS = 9%). When the subduction angle of phengite-rich glaucophane schist is considered, the polarization direction of the fast S-waves for vertically propagating S-waves changed to a nearly trench-parallel direction for the subduction angle of 45?60°, and the S-wave anisotropy became stronger for vertically propagating S-waves with increasing subduction angles. Our data showed that phengite-rich blueschist facies rock can therefore contribute to the strong trench-parallel seismic anisotropy occurring at the subducting oceanic crust and at the slab–mantle interface in many subduction zones.  相似文献   

I. Romeo  R. Capote  R. Lunar  N. Cayzer   《Tectonophysics》2007,444(1-4):45-62
Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction (EBSD), which provides an easy way of acquiring large numbers of individual crystallographic orientation data from different phases, has been applied to the study of magmatic fabrics. Using this technique, the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of plagioclase, biotite, orthopyroxene, hornblende and quartz in natural tonalites and quartzdiorites (from the Santa Olalla Igneous Complex, SW Iberia) deformed during the magmatic stage have been determined. Plagioclase is the coarser phase defining the main fabric in each sample, whereas biotite can display either the same fabric as plagioclase or a completely different one. The differences between these two phases occur because: (1) smaller phases interact with the larger ones to produce more random orientations, (2) under simple shear, finer phases can completely rotate giving a girdle included in the XZ plane, (3) finer phases can more easily preserve relict fabrics, while the coarser phases are completely reoriented by the last stress tensor. The last phases to crystallize show weak to completely random CPOs (hornblende) or completely random distributions (quartz). The study was completed with a shape preferred orientation analysis using the Intercept Method in order to detect weak magmatic lineations, and numerical modelling simulations of theoretically equivalent simple shear situations for each sample.  相似文献   

本文通过对断裂构造岩显微构造特征的研究,进而对石英变形纹及光轴系统测量统计,进行岩组动力学分析,重建了断裂活动时的应力场特征及演化。并对断裂空间分布,断裂性质,运动方式、方向,生成环境及活动时期等作出推论。从而验证和进一步揭示了断裂的宏观构造特征。  相似文献   

Effects of dynamic recrystallization on lattice preferred orientation (LPO) in olivine were investigated through the combination of two SEM-based techniques, electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technique for crystallographic orientation measurement and backscattered electron imaging (BEI) for dislocation observation. Samples are experimentally deformed olivine aggregates in simple shear geometry. In the sample deformed at T=1473 K and high stresses (480 MPa), only incipient dynamic recrystallization is observed along grain-boundaries. Orientations of these small recrystallized grains are more random than that of relict grains, suggesting an important role of grain-boundary sliding at this stage of recrystallization. In the sample deformed at T=1573 K and low stress (160 MPa), dynamic recrystallization is nearly complete and the LPO is characterized by two [100] peaks. One peak is located at the orientation subparallel to the shear direction and is dominated by grains with high Schmid factor. The other occurs at high angles to the shear direction and is due to the contribution from grains with low Schmid factor. Grains with high Schmid factor tend to have higher dislocation densities than those with low Schmid factor. Based on these observations, we identify two mechanisms by which dynamic recrystallization affects LPO: (1) enhancement of grain-boundary sliding due to grain-size reduction, leading to the modification of LPO caused by the relaxation of constraint for deformation; (2) grain-boundary migration by which grains with lower dislocation densities grow at the expense of grains with higher dislocation densities. Based on the deformation mechanism maps and stress versus recrystallized grain-size relation, we suggest that the first mechanism always plays an important role whereas the second mechanism has an important effect only under limited conditions.  相似文献   

We describe a three-part approach for modeling shape preferred orientation (SPO) data of spheroidal clasts. The first part consists of criteria to determine whether a given SPO and clast shape are compatible. The second part is an algorithm for randomly generating spheroid populations that match a prescribed SPO and clast shape. In the third part, numerical optimization software is used to infer deformation from spheroid populations, by finding the deformation that returns a set of post-deformation spheroids to a minimally anisotropic initial configuration. Two numerical experiments explore the strengths and weaknesses of this approach, while giving information about the sensitivity of the model to noise in data. In monoclinic transpression of oblate rigid spheroids, the model is found to constrain the shortening component but not the simple shear component. This modeling approach is applied to previously published SPO data from the western Idaho shear zone, a monoclinic transpressional zone that deformed a feldspar megacrystic gneiss. Results suggest at most 5 km of shortening, as well as pre-deformation SPO fabric. The shortening estimate is corroborated by a second model that assumes no pre-deformation fabric.  相似文献   

长石显微变形机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩石的变形机制研究一直以来都是构造地质学研究的主题,特别是基于矿物变形的显微构造研究是流变学研究的基础。从近地表到下地壳,岩石的变形从脆性破裂逐渐过渡至韧性蠕变,这些变形过程会被记录在岩石中,形成相应的显微构造。一般来讲,从低温低压至高温高压的变形环境,单一矿物的显微变形机制经历从微破裂、到矿物的溶解-沉淀、到位错蠕变、到动态重结晶作用、到颗粒边界滑移或扩散蠕变等的连续转变,它们之间的转换往往是过渡并且相互影响的,通常也会耦合发生。长石是地壳中含量最丰富的造岩矿物,因此长石的变形行为会直接影响地壳的流变学性质,研究长石的显微变形机制对理解地壳流变学特性至关重要。长石还是一种非常特别的矿物,主要分为斜长石和碱性长石两个端元,由于它们所属晶系的不同,有着差异的变形行为,然而这两个系列的长石在一定的温压条件下又是可以相互转化的,这些物理差异性和化学行为的复杂性造就了长石非常复杂的显微变形特性。本综述从岩石的显微变形机制讲起,随后概述了长石的显微变形特征,尝试归纳不同温度条件下长石的显微变形表现,对比斜长石和钾长石的异同,总结不同显微变形机制对长石结晶学优选方位的影响,最后简单介绍了一下国际上显微变形研究方法和技术的进展。  相似文献   

商咏梅  周永胜  马玺 《岩石学报》2024,40(4):1285-1298

SKS测量结果显示松辽盆地快波方向分布较为复杂, 由于缺乏深部岩石变形资料约束, 制约了地震波各向异性成因解释。本文通过对松辽盆地南部双辽地区橄榄岩包体进行详细的岩石学、地球化学、显微结构、各向异性研究, 结果显示双辽地区橄榄岩包体的平衡温度为893~1152℃, 来源于岩石圈地幔。橄榄岩中橄榄石的晶格优选方位(CPO)类型主要为A型、D型和AG型, 其中, AG型和D型CPO可能形成于西太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲回撤导致的岩石圈变形, AG型橄榄石CPO也可能形成于熔体存在下的橄榄石变形。基于CPO计算获得的橄榄岩包体全岩VP各向异性(AVP)为4.79%~11.80%, 最大剪切波各向异性(AVSmax)为3.13%~7.93%。结合地球物理测量结果, 推断松辽盆地南部复杂的SKS各向异性的主要贡献可能来源于面理陡倾或直立的岩石圈地幔。


The probability density function of orientations of crystals generally cannot be measured directly without destruction of the specimen. Therefore it is usual practice to sample pole density functions of several crystal forms in diffraction experiments with a texture goniometer. Determining a reasonable orientation density function from experimental pole density functions is then the crucial prerequisite of quantitative texture analysis. This mathematical problem may be addressed as a tomographic inversion problem specified by the crystal and statistical specimen symmetries and the properties of the diffraction experiment. Its solution with maximum entropy preferred orientation portion and maximum uniform portion is proposed because it yields the most conservative orientation density function with systematically reduced correlation effects, thus avoiding artificial texture ghost≓ components caused by the specific properties of the diffraction experiment.  相似文献   

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