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New magnetic, seismic and bathymetric data show that the South Fiji basin is a structurally complex marginal basin. A gap in the identifiable magnetic anomaly lineations exist over the central part of the basin and prevents the unequivocal linking of the anomaly lineations (anomalies 7A to 12) associated with the ridgc-ridge-ridge triple junction in the north with an apparent single spreading centre of the same age in the south. This gap, which makes a detailed synthesis of the historical development of the basin difficult, may arise from post-spreading intraplate tectonics. If symmetric spreading is assumed, part of the oceanic lithosphere formed during the Oligocene episode of seafloor spreading has subsequently been consumed, presumably by subduction westward under Three Kings rise.  相似文献   

Bedford RD 《GeoJournal》1988,16(2):179-192
May 1987 is a month that will not be forgotten in the South Pacific. The first of two military coups d'etat led by Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka not only transformed the course of post-colonial political development in Fiji, but this event also had profound implications for international relations in the region. Co-incidentally, May 1987 was also the month when detailed results of Fiji's second national population census since Independence in 1970 became available. The 1986 census documents Fiji's population on the eve of a political revolution which has the potential to cause significant economic and social change. The demographic process most likely to be affected in the short-term by the coups is population movement, both within Fiji and to overseas destinations. This: paper examines developments in population movement between 1970 and 1986 with particular reference to an acceleration in levels of migration overseas by Indians and an exodus of Fijians from rural village communities for towns on Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. Trends in internal and international migration are evaluated at a range of spatial scales — national, regional and local. Some speculation on the effect of political and economic changes since May 1987 on these population movements attempts to provide a contemporary perspective on demographic developments over the last 15 years.  相似文献   

The orthodox archaeological sequence at the Sigatoka Dunes site (VL 16/1) in Fiji proposes three phases of occupation spanning Fijian prehistory, each associated with a period of dune stability. It has been taken as the standard model of Fijian prehistory for more than 30 years. Recently, however, it has been argued that there is no stratigraphic support for three discrete levels and that the occupation history was fragmented, complex, and continuous within a volatile dune system. We present new data, from optical and radiocarbon dating, to argue that a three‐phase model, although somewhat more complex in detail, remains the most robust interpretation of site history. The longest stable phase (Level 2) began 2500–2300 cal yr B.P. and is possibly associated with relatively low ENSO frequency. Substantial sand dune accumulation began after ˜1300 cal yr B.P. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Knowledge production, organisation and agglomeration economies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jan G. Lambooy 《GeoJournal》1997,41(4):293-300
The increasing attention for the economic value of the scientific work produced in universities has resulted in a multitude of concepts concerning the production and transfer of knowledge and possible linkages with the business community. Many universities are engaged in activities aimed at improving the economic development of their respective regions. They often participate in Science Parks, Techno Parcs, and Technopoles. They attempt to stimulate spin-offs and to promote the further use of the knowledge produced in their departments. The regional economic impact varies with the kind of knowledge involved. Only certain parts can be put to commercial use, more in particular the technological products of the knowledge output. Property rights of knowledge have to be defended, which makes it less easy to imitate or use the knowledge in other regions. The current trend to sell knowledge makes it necessary to build a strong organisational structure, especially in the first stages of the production of knowledge that is commercially applicable. Such an organisation requires huge funds and the establishment of strong teams of experts, to prevent valuable knowledge from premature dissipation. These teams and departments have better prospects in larger urban areas with a strongly differentiated economy, with agglomeration economies and lower transaction costs. In these regions it will be easier to have spin-offs (new firms) and to retain a linkage with entrepreneurs-alumni from the universities. An efficient organisation is an important precondition for successful universities and regions.  相似文献   

The New Hebrides back-arc troughs (southwest Pacific) are located between the New Hebrides trench-arc system and the active North Fiji marginal basin. They are restricted to the southern and northern segments of the arc and were generally related to effects of the Indo-Australian subducting plate (rolling-back and/or subduction of the d'Entrecasteaux ridge). A detailed bathymetric and magnetic survey over the northern back-arc troughs is used to propose a new model for the origin of the New Hebrides back-arc troughs. The northern troughs extend over a width of 60 km and are composed of N-S trending grabens and horsts, discontinuous along strike and associated with volcanism. The troughs are disrupted southward at 13° 30′S, where the Hazel Holme fracture zone intercepts the New Hebrides island arc. The E-W trending Hazel Holme fracture zone is an extensional feature bisecting the North Fiji basin. In its western end, the Hazel Hohne fracture zone is composed of a succession of horsts and grabens striking N90 ° –N100 ° E. Geometrical and structural relationships between the back-arc troughs and the Hazel Holme fracture zone suggest that both these extensional features result from the same process and are closely linked. The northern troughs-western end of the Hazel Holme fracture zone region is dominated by N130°–135°E trending magnetic lineations typical of oceanic crust. These lineations are oblique to the horsts and grabens systems, and are characteristic of the old North Fiji basin oceanic crust. Consequently we conclude that the northern back-arc troughs are partly developed on the North Fiji basin oceanic basement and that extensional tectonic processes postdate the oldest North Fiji basin oceanic crust. Morphological and structural evidence suggests that both the back-arc troughs and the Hazel Holme fracture zone are recent, still active and result from NE-SW extensional tectonics. Because other tectonic features throughout the North Fiji basin are related to the same stress field, it is inferred that such a NE-SW extension could be a large-scale deformation affecting the North Fiji basin. It is proposed that the back-arc troughs are primarily related to this recent extension within the North Fiji basin, but their locations along the arc are also influenced by the subduction of the d'Entrecasteaux ridge which produces, south of 13°30′S, nearly E-W trending compression and prevents the formation of troughs. Possibly, these recent extensional tectonic processes result from a major reorganization in the spreading process of the North Fiji basin, and could be as young as 0.6–0.7 Ma.  相似文献   

This paper examines the geographical changes associated with the agrarian reforms implemented in Chile between 1965 and 1973. The intentions and results of the Christian Democrat and Popular Unity agrarian reforms were very different; while the former was a limited programme of modernisation and liberalisation, the latter formed part of a revolutionary programme. Nonetheless, a study of the Maria Pinto commune in central Chile shows that, in both cases, the changes in spatial and social organization produced by the reforms had resulted from a complex interplay between a changing class structure and consequent shifts in material interests and political alignments.  相似文献   

Low-temperature (<13°C) diffuse hydrothermal fluids were sampled directly at the seafloor with a specially designed Hydro Bottom Station in the North Fiji Basin and analyzed for gases, major and minor elements, and a large number of trace metals. The fluids were significantly enriched in CO2, Si, Li, Rb, Cs, Ba, Mn, and several trace metals compared to ambient seawater, had high CH4 and H2S concentrations, and had a slightly decreased salinity. Calculated end-member concentrations of the low-temperature fluids show a strong similarity to the neighboring hot vents, implying that the diffuse fluids are hot vent waters diluted by seawater. According to the chemical composition, the sampled fluids derive from vapor-phase fluids produced by subseafloor boiling and phase separation. Compared to hot vents from other regions, Mn, Fe, and other trace metal concentrations are low. Subsurface metal sulfide precipitation during cooling and dilution with seawater has further decreased the dissolved metal contents of the diffuse fluids, thus creating a very favorable environment for the hydrothermal fauna, as indicated by a very low Fe/H2S ratio. Therefore, the fluids support high bioproductivity but no hydrothermal mineral precipitation. The emanation of the condensed vapor phase appears to have been stable during the past 10 years; however, the occurrence of metal sulfide particles in some fluid and sediment samples and small areas of dead fauna indicate that the hydrothermal system may be evolving toward the emanation of the stored brine phase.  相似文献   

斐济群岛具有厚而年轻的硅镁质地壳,其成矿作用与构造演化有着密切的联系。斐济群岛的地层主要由新生代海底碎屑型火山岩及相关沉积岩组成。碳酸盐岩和在中-晚中新世一次重要的构造运动中侵入的辉长岩-英云闪长岩质的深成岩也很发育。斐济群岛的矿床类型包括各种块状硫化物型矿床、斑岩型铜金矿、夕卡岩型铜多金属矿、浅成低温热液型金矿、沉积型锰矿、残积矿床、砂矿床等。斐济群岛的成矿期有4个不同的阶段(时期),这些阶段(时期)与构造运动紧密相关,反映了纵贯斐济群岛的各种矿化类型的空间和时间分布特征。  相似文献   

Peter Cromar 《Geoforum》1979,10(1):45-57
Concepts of economic power and organisation are rarely considered by historical geographers in their attempts to explain change in space economies. In this paper an attempt is made to use these concepts to explain and understand the changing geography of the Tyneside coal industry from 1751 to 1770, a time when the industry was dominant nationally. At the beginning of the period the Tyneside industry was itself dominated by a monopolistic group, the Grand Allies, a dominance partly maintained through control over the use of land. Their dominance was broken by a combination of technological and economic developments as exploited by a competing group of capitalists based on the emerging banking system. The monopoly of the Grand Allies was broken but replaced, in a more developed form, by the Limitation of the Vend, and by 1770 the geographical and economic structure of the industry had changed dramatically. Underpinning this changing geography was the interaction of social and political structures, including the interdependence of enterprises with a developing political economy. It is in this interaction that the understanding of change in space economies must be sought.  相似文献   

The pattern of Church of England dioceses has evolved over a period of 1,400 years. It reflects the practical response of the Church to the changing political and demographic patterns of the country. No ideal size and form of diocese was ever devised and few systematic attempts were made to achieve a degree of equity between them. The constitutional link between state and church has inhibited change for the last 80 years, although society has changed significantly. Nevertheless, rapid constitutional reforms, especially in the House of Lords, may be reflected in ecclesiastical reorganisation of the dioceses.
Anthony John ChristopherEmail:

The EU funded SIMDAT project is aimed at applying generic grid technology for the solution of complex application problems in several representative fields including automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical and meteorology. To satisfy the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the WMO Information Systems (WIS), the partners in the meteorology activity within SIMDAT (ECMWF, Deutscher Wetterdienst, the UK Met office, EUMETSAT and Météo-France), have developed grid-enabled software that provides generic distributed access to distributed meteorological data repositories via web-based portals, through a series of nodes organized in a mesh network. However, granting access to such an infrastructure, especially considering its fully distributed nature, is a serious challenge and a risk to the security of the overall grid infrastructure. SIMDAT solves this problem by implementing a security model based on a decentralized fine-grained access control mechanism that federates data providers and security issues using the notion of “trust domains”. In this paper we highlight the main features of the SIMDAT grid application and describe its security model in detail.  相似文献   

Indigenous sand tempers in prehistoric potsherds from Fiji, Vanuatu, and neighboring islands of the eastern Solomon outliers and northern Melanesian borderland have diverse compositions reflecting the varied geology of different islands in patterns controlled by regional geotectonic relations. Mineralogical compositions of noncalcareous temper sands reflect the nature of the bedrock sources on different islands. Temper analysis indicates that the ceramic assemblages recovered from most archaeological sites within the region were made locally or nearby, but also documents interisland ceramic transfer in widely varying volumes over distances as much as several hundred kilometers. Contrasts in island geology allow exotic wares to be identified without ambiguity but to varying degrees of specificity in terms of islands of origin. Rare sherds of New Caledonian wares have been collected in prehistoric context from several islands in Vanuatu, but there is as yet no temper evidence for prehistoric ceramic transfer between Vanuatu and Fiji. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of Viti Levu,Fiji, and its evolution as an island arc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Available geochemical and field data suggest that three different periods of igneous activity have occurred on Viti Levu. Rocks of the first period are island arc tholeiites; of the second, a calc-alkaline series; and of the third, shoshonites. Each period has a geochemical distinctiveness. The temporal sequence also corresponds to a spatial zonation analogous to that observed in many currently active island arcs. K2O and the larger trace elements increase south to north and with time, whereas iron enrichment and Na2O/K2O ratios decrease. Initial Sr 87/86 ratios average about 0.7041 in rocks of all periods. If Viti Levu magmas were genetically related to underthrust oceanic crust, as is argued for comparable ones of modern island arcs, then the island must have drifted or been rotated to its present position within the last 5–10 m.y.  相似文献   

For nearly twenty years the South African government has engaged in a policy of attracting industry to its internal ‘black states’, the bantustans. This case study of the Ciskei bantustan seeks to show that this politically motivated programme has been costly and ineffectual, both as regards its political objectives and economic development, however broadly defined.  相似文献   

The application of facility location problems in choosing the best location of relief distribution centers plays a salient role in emergency operations of large-scale disasters. On the premise that the service recipients are uniformly distributed along the network edges, this study investigates a combined mobile and immobile pre-earthquake facility location problem. A predefined number of locations are to be selected among a set of potential locations. Each facility is used in the relief distribution operation. It is incontrovertible that due to earthquakes, some network edges collapse and corresponding areas may lose their accessibility. Thus in this study, it is assumed that people on intact and accessible edges travel to the location of the distribution centers to receive the relief. For those who are located on collapsed or inaccessible network edges, the medium-scale unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) helicopters are utilized in the relief distribution operation. This study aims to develop a mathematical model which minimizes the aggregate traveling time for both people and UAVs over a set of feasible scenarios. Since the network problems are NP-hard, some metaheuristic algorithms are developed to solve the proposed model. In order to demonstrate the applicability of developed model, a case study based on feasible earthquake scenarios in Tehran is presented.  相似文献   

F.E.Ian Hamilton 《Geoforum》1984,15(3):349-364
The transition from growth to stagnation in the international economy has made industrial restructuring more essential, yet harder to achieve. Competition between the industrialized countries is changing the pattern of their comparative advantages, shifting industrial location within the North, a trend supported by the activities of multinational enterprises. This is more important than competition from less-developed countries in many industries. While current trends indicate greater specialization of industrialized countries in high-skill, and capital- and knowledge-intensive industries and of newly industrializing and developing countries on labour-intensive and raw-material-intensive industries, this trend is not necessarily inevitable or desirable.  相似文献   

在我国部分地区已开始利用工业固体废物建筑制品建造房屋,但仍存在不少问题,如与工业固体废物相关的料研、生产、应用和服务体系还不完善。本文针对上述问题进行了阐述,最后对以工业固体废物生产企业为骨干的住宅产业集团的前景、其社会效益与经济效益进行了说明。  相似文献   

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