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The in situ records of a cruise in September 1995 off the Huanghe mouth and laboratory measurements indicate that the shear front off the river mouth results from the phase difference between the nearshore and offshore tides and plays significant role in the river-laden sediment dispersal. Two types of shear front, identified from the behaviors of currents inside and outside the shear front, alternate over tidal cycle, each of which lasts for ∼2–3 h. The dispersal patterns of suspended sediment at the stations inside and outside the shear front are distinctly different from each other. In addition, the gravity-driven hyperpycnal flow generated near the mouth is terminated within shallow water due to the barrier effect of shear front. A dispersal pattern of river-laden suspended sediment in the shear frontal zone is proposed to interpret the difference of sediment transport inside and outside the shear front. The fresh and highly turbid river effluents discharge to the sea during ebb tides and are transported northwestwards inside the shear front under the combined impacts of northward ebb currents, down-slope transport of hyperpycnal flow and confining action of shear front; after partially mixing with the ambient seawater the river effluents are then transported southeastwards outside the shear front along the flood currents, causing the intermittent increase in suspended sediment concentration and corresponding decrease in salinity outside the shear front. Over annual time scale the subaqueous slope has a geomorphological response to the ephemeral shear front. Most of the river-laden sediment deposit inside the shear front with a high accumulation rate, while erosion is dominant outside the shear front due to the lack of sediment supply.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(3-4):322-337
A simple model for wave-supported gravity flows is applied to sediment deposition off the mouth of the Po River at time scales ranging from a single major flood to steady-state clinoform progradation. Wave-supported gravity flows are a newly appreciated class of turbidity currents, which rely on the velocity shear produced by waves near the seabed to keep sediment in suspension. The modeling approach used here, which limits the gravity flow's sediment load via a critical Richardson number, is applicable to fine sediment transport near river mouths wherever wave energy is available to move abundant sediment offshore during floods. Results suggest this phenomenon can account for the majority of the fall 2000 flood deposit mapped by EuroSTRATAFORM investigators in the vicinity of the Po River prodelta and also for the rate of prodelta progradation observed off the dominant Pila outlet of the Po over a century time-scale. Model results predict that convergence of down-slope sediment transport by wave-supported gravity flows increases with bed slope but decreases with slope gradient, such that greatest deposition occurs near where steep slopes first stop increasing with distance offshore. Thus on profiles which reach maximum steepness near shore, like those off Tolle–Gnocca–Goro mouths today or off the Pila mouth 150 y ago, gravity-driven deposition occurs in shallower water. Over time, if deposition overwhelms subsidence, the prodelta becomes less steep near shore and steeper offshore, and the locus of deposition moves progressively into deeper water. If the prodelta is prograding across a relatively flat shelf, the shape of the prodelta eventually reaches a stable form which progrades seaward as a unit. This has occurred off the Pila; but subsidence has likely overwhelmed deposition off the Tolle–Gnocca–Goro, keeping steepest slopes and maximum deposition in shallower water.  相似文献   

Few hyperpycnal flows have ever been observed in marine environments although they are believed to play a critical role in sediment dispersal within estuarine and deltaic depositional systems. The paper describes hyperpycnal flows observed in situ off the Huanghe (Yellow River) mouth, their relationship to tidal cycles, and the mechanisms that drive them. Simultaneous observations at six mooring stations during a cruise off the Huanghe mouth in the flood season of 1995 suggest that hyperpycnal flows observed at the river mouth are initiated by high concentrations of sediment input from river and modulated by tides. Hyperpycnal flows started near the end of ebb tides, when near‐bottom suspended sediment concentration (SSC) increased rapidly and salinity decreased drastically (an inverse salt wedge). The median grain size of suspended particles within the hyperpycnal layer increased, causing strong stratification of the suspended sediments in the water column. Towards the end of flood tides, the hyperpycnal flow attenuated due to frictions at the upper and lower boundaries of the flow and tidal mixing, which collapsed the stratification of the water column. Both sediment concentration and median grain size of suspended particles within the bottom layer significantly decreased. The coarser sediment particles were deposited and the hyperpycnal flows stopped. The intra‐tidal behaviors of hyperpycnal flows are closely associated with the variations of SSC, salinity, and stratification of the water column. As nearly 90% of riverine sediment is delivered to the sea during the flood seasons when hyperpycnal flows are active, hyperpycnal flows at the Huanghe mouth and the river's high sediment loads have caused rapid accretion of the Huanghe delta. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTheYellowRivercarries1.6billiontonsofsedanmentload,rankedthefirstintheworld.Sedimentationinthelowerreachesresultedinfrequentlyshiftoftherivercourses.ThroughoutthehistoryofChina,theYellowRiverhasbeenassociatedwithfloodsandfamine,earningtherivername"China'ssorrow"(Hu,l996).Instabilityoftheriverchannel,especiallythedeltachannel,restraintstheeconomicdevelopmentofthearea.TheDongyingmunicipalgovernment,theShenliOilCorporationandtheYellowRiverMouthManagementBureauofYRCC(Yel…  相似文献   

Tidal straining effect on sediment transport dynamics in the Huanghe (Yellow River) estuary was studied by field observations and numerical simulations. The measurement of salinity, suspended sediment concentration, and current velocity was conducted during a flood season in 1995 at the Huanghe river mouth with six fishing boats moored at six stations for 25-h hourly time series observations. Based on the measurements, the intra-tidal variations of sediment transport in the highly turbid river mouth was observed and the tidal straining effect occurred. Our study showed that tidal straining of longitudinal sediment concentration gradients can contribute to intra-tidal variability in sediment stratification and to asymmetries in sediment distribution within a tidal cycle. In particular, the tidal straining effect in the Huanghe River estuary strengthened the sediment-induced stratification at the flood tide, thus producing a higher bottom sediment concentration than that during the ebb. A sediment transport model that is capable of simulating sediment-induced stratification effect on the hydrodynamics in the bottom boundary layers and associated density currents was applied to an idealized estuary to demonstrate the processes and to discuss the mechanism. The model-predicted sediment processes resembled the observed characteristics in the Huanghe River estuary. We concluded that tidal straining effect is an important but poorly understood mechanism in the transport dynamics of cohesive sediments in turbid estuaries and coastal seas.  相似文献   

A sediment budget is constructed for the slope and narrow continental shelf off the Sepik River in order to estimate the relative importance of turbid plumes versus bottom gravity transport through a near-shore submarine canyon in the dispersal of sediment across this collision margin. 210Pb geochronology and inventories of Kasten cores are consistent with the northwestward dispersal of sediment from the river mouth via hypopycnal and possible isopycnal plumes. Sediment accumulation rates are 5 cm yr−1 on the upper slope just off of the Sepik mouth, decreasing gradually to 1 cm yr−1 toward the northwest, and decreasing abruptly offshore (<0.2 cm yr−1 at 1200 m water depth). A sediment budget indicates that only about 7–15% of the Sepik River sediment discharge accumulates on the adjacent open shelf and slope. The remainder presumably escapes offshore via gravity flows through a submarine canyon, the head of which extends into the river mouth. The divergent sediment pathways observed off the Sepik River (i.e., surface and subsurface plumes versus sediment gravity flows through a canyon) may be common along high-yield collision margins of the Indo–Pacific archipelago, and perhaps are analogous to most margins during Late Quaternary low sea-level conditions.  相似文献   

To investigate how salinity changes with abrupt increases and decreases in river discharge, three surveys were conducted along six sections around the Yellow River mouth before, during and after a water regulation event during which the river discharge was increased from ∼200 to >3000 m3 s−1 for the first 3 days, was maintained at >3000 m3 s−1 for the next 9 days and was decreased to <1000 m3 s−1 for the final 4 days. The mean salinity in the Yellow River estuary area during the event varied ∼1.21, which is much larger than its seasonal variation (∼0.50) and interannual variation (∼0.05). Before the event, a small plume was observed near the river mouth. During the event, the plume extended over 24 km offshore in the surface layer in the direction of river water outflow. After the event, the plume diminished in size but remained larger than before the event. The downstream propagation of the plume (as in a Kelvin wave sense) was apparent in the bottom layer during the second survey and in both the surface and bottom layers during the third survey. The plume sizes predicted by the formulas from theoretical studies are larger than those we observed, indicating that factors neglected by theoretical studies such as the temporal variation in river discharge and vertical mixing in the sea could be very important for plume evolution. In addition to the horizontal variation of the plume, we also observed the penetration of freshwater from the surface layer into the bottom layer. A comparison of two vertical processes, wind mixing and tidal mixing, suggests that the impact of wind mixing may be comparable with that of tidal mixing in the area close to the river mouth and may be dominant over offshore areas. The change in Kelvin number indicates an alteration of plume dynamics due to the abrupt change in river discharge during the water regulation event.  相似文献   

The Eulerian residual transport velocity and the first-order Lagrangian residual velocity for weakly nonlinear systems have been used extensively in the past to depict inter-tidal mass transport. However, these could not explain the observed net surface sediment transport pattern in Jiaozhou Bay (JZB), located on the western Yellow Sea. JZB is characterized by strong tidal motion, complex topography and an irregular coastline, which are features of typical nonlinear systems. The Lagrangian residual velocity, which is applicable to general nonlinear systems, was simulated with the water parcel tracking method. The results indicate that the composition of the Lagrangian residual velocity at different tidal phases coincides well with the observed net surface sediment transport pattern. The strong dependence of water flushing time on the initial tidal phase can also be explained by the significant intra-tidal variation of the Lagrangian residual velocity. To investigate the hydrodynamic mechanism governing the nonlinearity of the M 2 tidal system, a set of nonlinearity indexes were defined and analysed. In the surface layer, horizontal advection is the main contributor to the strong nonlinearity near the bay mouth, while in the bottom layer, the strong nonlinearity near the bay mouth may result from the vertical viscosity and horizontal advection.  相似文献   

Liu  Guangliang  Liu  Zhe  Gao  Huiwang  Gao  Zengxiang  Feng  Shizuo 《Ocean Dynamics》2012,62(10):1443-1456

The Eulerian residual transport velocity and the first-order Lagrangian residual velocity for weakly nonlinear systems have been used extensively in the past to depict inter-tidal mass transport. However, these could not explain the observed net surface sediment transport pattern in Jiaozhou Bay (JZB), located on the western Yellow Sea. JZB is characterized by strong tidal motion, complex topography and an irregular coastline, which are features of typical nonlinear systems. The Lagrangian residual velocity, which is applicable to general nonlinear systems, was simulated with the water parcel tracking method. The results indicate that the composition of the Lagrangian residual velocity at different tidal phases coincides well with the observed net surface sediment transport pattern. The strong dependence of water flushing time on the initial tidal phase can also be explained by the significant intra-tidal variation of the Lagrangian residual velocity. To investigate the hydrodynamic mechanism governing the nonlinearity of the M 2 tidal system, a set of nonlinearity indexes were defined and analysed. In the surface layer, horizontal advection is the main contributor to the strong nonlinearity near the bay mouth, while in the bottom layer, the strong nonlinearity near the bay mouth may result from the vertical viscosity and horizontal advection.


1. INTROOUCnONFor a long time, the Lower Yellow River has been aggtading. As a result, the river bed becomesmuch higher than the adjacent land beyond the levees and poses a threat to the safety of the GreatNorthern Plain of China. Since the founding of the New China, great success has been achieved insafeguarding the levee for forty years. The trend of aggravation in lower reaches however is still Soingon and is at a rate even higher than before. That makes the flood control on the LO…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONFrom14toearly20century,thatisintheMingandQingDynastiesinChina,thereexistedapointofviewthatthecontinuoussiltation...  相似文献   

A numerical sediment transport model was embedded into a coupled wave-tide-circulation model to quantitatively estimate the suspended sediment fluxes (SSF) and distribution in different areas for the Yellow River derived sediment. The model is validated by comparing model simulated sediment deposition rates with those from observations. Simulated results show that the SSF of the Yellow River across two major sections (the Bohai Strait and the 37° N section) are highest during September and October, whereas for the 32° N section the flux is negligibly small (less than 0.1 kg/s). We demonstrate that the sediment flux is primarily driven by the buoyancy forcing of the Yellow River freshwater discharge and modulated by the wind-driven surface wave and circulation patterns in this region. The SSF across the Bohai Strait is about 30 % of the Yellow River discharge, while across the 37° N section it is 15.8 %. Therefore, about 70 % of the total discharged Yellow River sediments are deposited in the Bohai Sea, 14.1 % in the North Yellow Sea, and 13.9 % in the South Yellow Sea. There are two deposition branches in the Yellow Sea. The primary one is located off the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula and extends to the southwest off the coastline, which is consistent with the observed “Ω”-shape deposition pattern. This simulated tongue shape deposition pattern is isolated from the north by the strong resuspension off the eastern tip of Shandong Peninsula. The secondary branch extends to the middle of the South Yellow Sea and has been strengthened by resuspension process. The two deposition branches are separated by the wintertime Yellow Sea Warm Current in the bottom layer.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThefluvialprocesinanestuaryiscomplicatedundertheactionofrunof,tidalflow,windinducedcurentandwaveetc.Especialy,...  相似文献   

Water level records at two stations in the Guadalquivir Estuary (Spain), one near the estuary mouth (Bonanza) and one about 77 km upstream (Sevilla), have been analysed to study the amplification of the tide in the estuary. The tidal amplification factor shows interesting temporal variation, including a spring-neap variation, some extreme low values, and especially the anomalous behaviour that the amplification factor is larger during a number of periods. These variations are explained by data analysis combined with numerical and analytical modelling. The spring-neap variation is due to the quadratic relation between the bottom friction and the tidal flow velocity. The river flood events are the direct causes of the extreme low values of the amplification factor, and they trigger the non-linear interaction between the tidal flow and suspended sediment transport. The fluvial sediment input during a river flood causes high sediment concentration in the estuary, up to more than 10 g/l. This causes a reduction of the effective hydraulic drag, resulting in stronger tidal amplification in the estuary for a period after a river flood. After such an event the tidal amplification in the estuary does not always fall back to the same level as before the event, indicating that river flood events have significant influence on the long-term development of this estuary.  相似文献   

The sedimentology of the floor of the Amvrakikos Gulf, a river influenced, semi-enclosed relatively shallow-silled embayment, lying along the northeastern Hellenic coast of the Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea), is investigated with respect to its origin (terrigenous and/or biogenic), the prevailing oceanographic conditions and human interference. Nearshore (water depths approximately <10 m) sediments, especially along the northern margin of the Gulf, consist mostly of biogenic sands, as the result of water exchange between the freshwater lagoonal waters and the surface waters of the Gulf. An exception to this is the mouth area of the Arachthos River, which is dominated by the terrigenous riverine sediment influx. The offshore (water depths >10 m) bottom surficial sediments are fine-grained (silty and clayey) of terrigenous origin (>70%); this is attributed to the inter-seasonal, strong two-layer stratification of the water column in the Gulf which restricts benthic productivity by inhibiting the downward flux of surface eutrophic waters and the development of nearbed disoxic conditions in water depths >40 m. River damming has reduced also the riverine terrigenous sediment supply; this is more profound in the case of the Arachthos River where not only the deltaic evolution has been affected, but also the textural character of the seabed sediments of the mouth area has been altered; this is expected to influence the benthic communities of prodeltaic surficial sediment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the morphological development of the Yangtze River mouth, which has been diverting southeasterly (dextrally), according to historical (150 years) chart‐based digital evolution model and on‐site measured tidal flow data. We reveal a significantly narrowing of the northern river mouth branch from formerly >30 km wide to presently 10 km wide due to rapid siltation. Net siltation there, however, decreases gradually, which largely contrasts with the fact that the siltation has shifted to the southern river mouth area, as shown by many newly‐emerged estuarine islands, sandy shoals and bifurcated branches. Our data have further demonstrated that the ebb flow that dominates in the study area changes its direction gradually from east to southeast from the inner to outer river mouth area, and its duration is much longer than the flood flow in the inner river mouth area, but nearly equal at the river mouth area. Accordingly, the sediment transport pathway has been diverted from east to southeast. We examine whether the Coriolis Force could explain the dextral diversion of the ebb flow and the altered morphodynamical processes. Although too weak to strengthen the tidal flows, the Coriolis Force can drag the ebb flow southeasterly, and so influence sediment transport paths at the estuarine scale. The Coriolis Force is limited in the inner river mouth, but substantial at and in the outer river mouth area when gradually free of estuarine topographic constraints. The Coriolis Force causes an offset in propagation of in‐out flow directions at the river mouth area to form a slack water setting prone to estuarine siltation. Using the present approach also enables explanation of the morphological development of the Holocene Yangtze delta‐coast that extends to the southeast. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we carry out a theoretical analysis based on the general one-dimensional morphodynamic model for rivers in order to show how the morphological equilibrium of a fiver is influenced by water and sediment diversion/supply along the river. The results of the analysis show that large scale water diversions, like those along the Lower Yellow River, can cause the development of a convex riverbed profile in the long-term. Deposition will take place along the whole reach of the river, with an increasing deposition depth from downstream to upstream. The slope of the river bed increases from upstream to downstream. Furthermore, an analysis on the morphological time scale shows that this development in the Lower Yellow River will take a time period on the order of decades to centuries. The results of the analysis have been compared with observations in the Lower Yellow River. Since the second half of the 1980's large scale water diversions from the Yellow River have been taking place. The observations show that this has indeed led to significant sedimentation along the river.  相似文献   

High-frequency (HF) radar observations of surface currents were conducted for 3 months during summer 2002 in the Keum River estuary. A comparison between HF radar-derived currents and directly measured ones form a buoy showed that the regression slope is close to 1 and the correlation coefficient greater than 0.86, with an RMS difference less than 13 cm/s which is less than 17% of the tidal current. This fairly good agreement allows us to use HF radar observation in investigating the surface flow and circulation in this tidal-current-dominant coastal-plume area. To examine the spatial variation in tidal current characteristics, as well as currents associated with non-tidal forcing, the HF radar-derived currents were separated into tidal and sub-tidal frequency currents. The overall pattern of M2-current ellipse distribution in the study area showed a counterclockwise rotation, with the offshore maximum current direction to the northeast. Eccentricity, the direction of maximum current, and the phase of net motion of the ellipse changed near the estuary mouth and near the gap of the Saemangeum reclamation tide dyke due to the complex coastal geometry and the out-flowing jet during the ebb period.  相似文献   

The subaerial tidal sand area in the northern Jiangsu Province (Subei), stretching from Dongtai towards east with a fan shape, is an early developing stage of radial sand ridges distributed in the South Yellow Sea. Since 5000–6000 a BP, after the Holocene transgression maximum in the northern Jiangsu Province, subaqueous tidal sand bodies were exposed and changed into land gradually. The environmental magnetism analysis shows that subaerial tidal sand strata are formed by the convergent-divergent paleo-tidal current field. The sediment source of tidal sand strata came early from the Changjiang River and late from the Yellow River. Sea floor erosion by tidal currents also served as an important sand source. Drilling cores and ground-penetrating profile show that there exists no probability of sand supplying directly by a large river through the apical area of tidal sand ridges either on land or in the sea. Fluvial deposits supplied the tidal sand bodies by alongshore transportation, which corresponds to the conclusions obtained by the analyses of provenance and paleocurrent field. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 43236120 and 49676288).  相似文献   

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