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The imposex incidence and TBT pollution were investigated along 4,700 km of Argentinean coast, including city harbors and proximal zones without marine traffic. We analyzed 1805 individuals from 12 gastropod species, including families Volutidae, Muricidae, Nassariidea, Calyptraidae, Marginellidae, and Buccinidae, and found the imposex phenomenon for the first time in six species. In high marine traffic zones, TBT pollution was registered and the percentage of imposex was high, while these occurrences were null in areas without boat traffic. The species that best reflect the degree of imposex were those inhabiting sandy/muddy or mixed bottoms. TBT determination and imposex incidence indicate that pollution was focused only in ports with high marine traffic or in areas where ship hulls are painted. This is the first report of an imposex-sediment approach to evaluate organotin contamination along the coast of a South American country.  相似文献   

The distribution and nutritional profiles of sub-tidal seagrasses from the Torres Strait were surveyed and mapped across an area of 31,000 km2. Benthic sediment composition, water depth, seagrass species type and nutrients were sampled at 168 points selected in a stratified representative pattern. Eleven species of seagrass were present at 56 (33.3%) of the sample points. Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata and Syringodium isoetifolium were the most common species and these were nutrient profiled. Sub-tidal seagrass distribution (and associated seagrass nutrient concentrations) was generally confined to northern-central and south-western regions of the survey area (<longitude 142.60), where mean water depth was relatively shallow (approximately 13 m below MSL) and where sediments were comprised primarily muddy sand to gravelly sand. Seagrass nitrogen and starch content, the most important nutrients for marine herbivores, were significantly correlated with species and with the plant component (above or below ground). For all seagrass species, the above-ground component (shoots and leaves) possessed greater nitrogen concentrations than the below-ground component (roots and rhizomes), which possessed greater starch concentrations. S. isoetifolium had the highest total nitrogen concentrations (1.40±0.05% DW). However, it also had higher fibre concentrations (38.2±0.68% DW) relative to the other four species. H. ovalis possessed the highest starch concentrations (2.76±0.12% DW) and highest digestibility (83.24±0.66% DW) as well as the lowest fibre (27.2±0.66% DW). The high relative abundance (found at 55% of the sites that had seagrass) and nutrient quality characteristics of H. ovalis make it an important source of energy to marine herbivores that forage sub-tidally in the Torres Strait. There were two regions in Torres Strait (north-central and south-western) where sub-tidal seagrass meadows were prevalent and of relatively higher nutritional value. This spatial and nutritional information can be used by local agencies to manage and to protect the ecological, economic and cultural values of the sub-tidal seagrass ecosystems and associated fisheries of the Torres Strait.  相似文献   

In streams, benthic bacterial communities are integral to multiple aspects of ecosystem function, including carbon and nitrogen cycles. Variation both in terms of bacterial community structure (based on taxonomic and/or functional genes) and function can reveal potential drivers of spatiotemporal patterns in stream processes. In this study, the abundance and diversity of 16S rRNA genes and abundance of nosZ genes, encoding for nitrous oxide reductase, were related to denitrification and environmental conditions. Denitrification rates varied among the three streams examined, and within a given stream there were significant longitudinal differences. Likewise, bacterial community structure based on analysis of the 16S rRNA gene also differed significantly among streams. However, variation in denitrification rate was not well correlated with environmental or biological variables measured. In addition, relatively large numbers of denitrifiers occurred when denitrification rates were low. In conclusion, although the streams differed in environmental conditions as well as bacterial community structure, these differences did not explain much of the spatial variation in denitrification rates.  相似文献   

The flow of carbon and nitrogen in sediments of the far northern and northern sections of the Great Barrier Reef continental shelf was examined. Most of the organic carbon (81–94%) and total nitrogen (74–92%) depositing to the seabed was mineralized, with burial of carbon (6–19%) and nitrogen (8–20%) being proportionally less on this tropical shelf compared with other non-deltaic shelves. Differences in carbon and nitrogen mineralization among stations related best to water depth and proximity to river basins, with rates of mineralization based on net ∑CO2 production ranging from 17 to 39 ( mean=23) mmol C m−2 d−1. The overall ratio of O2:CO2 flux was 1.3, close to the Redfield ratio, implying that most organic matter mineralized was algal. Sulfate reduction was estimated to account for ≈30% (range: 6–62%), and denitrification for ≈5% (range: 2–13%), of total C mineralization; there was no measurable CH4 production. Discrepancies between ∑CO2 production across the sediment–water interface and sediment incubations suggest that as much as 5 mmol m−2 d−1 (≈25% of ∑CO2 flux) was involved in carbonate mineral formation. Most microbial activity was in the upper 20 cm of sediment. Rates of net NH4+ production ranged from 1.6 to 2.7 mmol N m−2 d−1, with highly variable N2 fixation rates contributing little to total N input. Ammonification and nitrification rates were sufficient to support rapid rates of denitrification (range: 0.1–12.4 mmol N m−2 d−1). On average, nearly 50% of total N input to the shelf sediment was denitrified. The average rates of sedimentation, mineralization, and burial of C and N were greater in the northern section of the shelf than in the far northern section, presumably due to higher rainfall and river discharge, as plankton production was similar between regions. The relative proportion of plankton primary production remineralized at the seafloor was in the range of 30–50% which is at the high end of the range found on other shelves. The highly reactive nature of these sediments is attributed to the deposition of high-quality organic material as well as to the shallowness of the shelf, warm temperatures year-round, and a variety of physical disturbances (cyclones, trawling) fostering physicochemical conditions favorable for maintaining rapid rates of microbial metabolism. The rapid and highly efficient recycling of nutrients on the inner and middle shelf may help to explain why the coral reefs on the outer shelf have remained unscathed from increased sediment delivery since European settlement.  相似文献   

The Nihewan Formation, consisting of thick fluvio–lacustrine sediments with abundant mammalian faunas and Paleolithic remains, is widely distributed in the Nihewan Basin, northern Hebei Province, China. In this study the fluvio–lacustrine sediments of the Nihewan Formation and the loess–paleosol sequence evident in the Haojiatai Section were dated by recuperated OSL (ReOSL) of fine-grained quartz (Wang, X.L., Lu, Y.C., Wintle, A.G., 2006a. Recuperated OSL dating of fine-grained quartz in Chinese loess. Quaternary Geochronology 1, 89–100.). The preliminary ReOSL dating results show that: (i) the loess–paleosol sequence in the upper part of the profile started to develop at about 128 ka ago; (ii) the unconformity separating the loess–paleosol from the underlying Nihewan Formation represents a sedimentation break of about 130 ka. On the basis of the ReOSL dates and related stratigraphic evidence it is proposed that the ancient Lake Nihewan dried shortly after about 266 ka.  相似文献   

Problem on development control of marine source bed hold in Chinese petroleum industry progression. The Hongshuizhuang Formation,Tieling Formation and Xiamaling Formation in the Middle and Upper Proterozoic are important hydrocarbon source beds in northern North China, and investigation of their sedimentary environments and the controls has great significance for petroleum exploration in North China. Based on sedimentology (sequence stratigraphy), palaeoecology, sedimentary geochemistry, and sedimentary palaeogeography, their development pattern is discussed. All these studies indicate that the development controls of the hydrocarbon source beds include a favorite palaeogeographic location, exceeding propagation of biomes in low and middle latitudes, anoxic environments, enrichment of phosphorus element and the adsorption of clay minerals during the preservation of organic matter in the marine carbonates.  相似文献   

采用野外调查的方法,结合趋势对应分析(DCA)及典范对应分析(CCA)的手段,研究春季巢湖流域河湖水体浮游植物群落结构特征及其与环境因子的相关性.结果表明,共鉴定出浮游植物73种,分属8门(硅藻门、绿藻门、蓝藻门、隐藻门、金藻门、甲藻门、裸藻门和黄藻门).在巢湖水体中,硅藻门、蓝藻门及绿藻门的数量之和占总数量的93.5%,为优势种群;蓝藻门中的项圈藻占总数量的21.9%,成为优势种.巢湖流域出入湖河流水体中,硅藻门、蓝藻门及绿藻门的数量也最多,占总数量的82.6%,为优势种群;蓝藻门中的席藻和束丝藻数量分别占总数量的38.3%、32.6%,成为出入湖河流水体中的绝对优势种.DCA分析表明巢湖流域水体浮游植物群落存在明显的空间差异.CCA分析表明巢湖水体浮游植物空间分布主要受水温、浊度和硝态氮浓度的影响;南淝河和柘皋河浮游植物空间分布受叶绿素a和硝态氮浓度的影响;而裕溪河、兆河和白石山河、杭埠河和丰乐河、派河浮游植物空间分布则受叶绿素a和磷酸根浓度的影响.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a combined inversion of body wave receiver functions and surface wave dispersion measurements to provide constraints on the crustal structure of northern Egypt. The two techniques are complementary to each other: receiver functions (RFs) are sensitive to shear-wave velocity contrasts, while surface wave dispersion (SWD) measurements are sensitive to finite variations of shear-wave velocity with depth. A database of 122 teleseismic events digitally recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN) stations has been used as well. To enhance the resulting RFs at each ENSN station, the H-k stacking method was applied. A joint inversion process between the resulting receiver functions and the surface wave dispersion curves was applied as well. We have produced three averaged velocity structure models for distinct geographic and tectonic provinces namely Sinai, eastern desert, and western desert from east to the west respectively. These models will deeply help in estimation the epicenter distance of earthquake, focal mechanism solutions, and earthquake hazard analysis in northern Egypt. An obvious image of the subsurface structure has been determined which shows that generally the crustal structure of northern Egypt consists of three layers covered with a sequence of sediments that differs in thickness from across the region except in the Sharm area where the sedimentary cover is absent. The obtained results indicate that crustal thickness differs from east to west and reaches its maximum value of about 36 km at Siwa station (SWA) in the western desert and its minimum value of about 28 km at Sharm station (SHR) of the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. The Vp/Vs ratio varies between 1.71 and 2.07 in northern Egypt. Generally, the high values (1.93) of (Vp/Vs) at SWA station may reflect the well-known rich aquifer with fully saturated sediments of the Swia Oasis in the Western Desert. Moreover, the highest value (2.07) of (Vp/Vs) at BNS station may be attributed to the widespread recently discovered hydrocarbon fields at the Beni-Suef Basin along the Eastern Desert. Finally, an integrated geophysical and hydrological study of the dimensions and physical properties of the aquifer and hydrocarbon fields at SWA and BNS stations to confirm if they are sufficient to produce the elevated Vp/Vs ratios or not become essential and highly recommended.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations in the advection and mixing of water masses in the northern Benguela were studied in relation to the oxygen minimum zone over the Namibian shelf. The used data set consists of hydrographic and current measurements from an oceanographic mooring 20 nm off Walvis Bay, monthly CTD transects from the Namibian 23°S monitoring line and recent large-scale hydrographic surveys. The current time series showed an intermittent southward continuation of the Angola Current (AC) through the Angola–Benguela frontal zone (ABFZ) into the northern Benguela, commonly known as poleward undercurrent. In austral summer hypoxic, nutrient rich South Atlantic central water (SACW) from the Angola Gyre is transported into the northern Benguela, whereas during the winter season the oxygen rich Eastern SACW (ESACW) spreads northward. The water mass analysis reveals a mixing between both water masses in the northern Benguela between the ABFZ and the Lüderitz upwelling cell (27°S). The oxygen balance over the Namibian shelf depends to a high extent on the water mass composition of the upper central water layer, controlled by the large scale and local circulation. The deviation of the measured oxygen concentration from its mixing concentration, calculated with the source water mass properties, was used to quantify the oxygen consumption. A new local definition SACW was derived to exclude biogeochemical processes, taking place in the Angola Gyre. The oxygen deficit in the northern Benguela central water amounted to about 60–80 μmol l−1 at the shelf edge and increased up to 150 μmol l−1 on the shelf, due to local oxygen consumption. In the austral summer anoxic bottom waters are observed at the central Namibian shelf, which correlate to an SACW fraction >55%. Periods with high SACW fraction in the water mass composition were congruent with hydrogen sulphide events detected by remote sensing.  相似文献   

轮虫是水体中重要的浮游生物类群,对环境变化敏感,是水生态系统中食物链及微型食物网的关键环节.于2015年夏季(7月)和冬季(12月)对养殖池塘、水库、广州城市湖泊、珠江河口及珠江河段水域的轮虫和理化环境指标进行了调查分析,共发现轮虫26属、76种,其中裂痕龟纹轮虫(Anuraeopsis fissa)在7月河流水体占绝对优势,但12月数量明显减少.冬季珠江河段和河口水体群落多样性指数与均匀度指数较夏季高,群落结构较夏季稳定.调查水体轮虫丰度范围为33~2625 ind./L,城市湖泊夏季丰度较高,冬季有所下降,而养殖池塘轮虫丰度在冬季有所上升.群落结构相似性分析(ANOSIM)分析表明,不同类型水体之间差异显著,尤以湖泊与河流差异性最大,广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthra vulgaris)在湖泊贡献率最高,暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocerca pusilla)其次;裂痕龟纹轮虫在河流贡献率最高,优势种丰度差异是造成湖泊与河流群落结构差异的主要原因.统计分析表明,轮虫丰度与叶绿素a浓度呈正相关.冗余分析与ANOSIM分析发现广布多肢轮虫在流花湖等叶绿素a浓度较高的静态水体中易形成优势;裂痕龟纹轮虫和角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)在珠江河段等总氮和总磷浓度高的富营养化流动水体中易形成优势.综合轮虫群落结构和水质特征,广州市水体富营养化严重,耐污性轮虫种类多,应加强城市水生态系统保护和管理.  相似文献   

南海北部地壳密度结构:基于约束三维重力反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



准噶尔盆地北部基底结构与属性问题探讨   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
准噶尔盆地的基底结构与属性一直是地学界关注的焦点问题之一.横跨准噶尔盆地北部,走向近东西的克拉玛依—喀姆斯特地震剖面提供了该盆地北部详细的地壳与上地幔顶部的速度结构与构造,特别是基底顶界面的速度.沿剖面发现了数条走向近南北的“H”型超壳断裂,它们没有明显的断差,断裂处反射系数明显降低,介质的Q值减小,推测具“开裂”性质;利用盆地内1:20万重磁数据完成了重磁联合反演,获得了沿剖面的地壳与上地幔顶部的二维密度结构与二维磁性结构.根据在一定深度范围内介质的速度-密度-岩性之间的关系,确定了盆地北部基底岩性分布.结果表明,准噶尔盆地北部的基底多处为基性和超基性物质,推测为深部(上地幔)物质沿超壳断裂进入地壳内部并对地壳物质进行改造的结果.这一推断得到盆地内部高磁性、高重力异常的支持,也与盆地具有较高的地壳平均速度相一致.综合其他地球物理与地质资料综合分析,给出了综合地质解释剖面,建立了准噶尔盆地北部基底结构与属性的动力学模型.  相似文献   

危自根  陈凌 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3601-3614
本文通过对分布相对均匀的127个固定台站下方接收函数的H-κ叠加分析,并结合前人对97个线性密集流动台站的研究结果,获得了东北地区和华北克拉通北缘地壳厚度(H)与平均波速比(κ).结果表明研究区域地壳总体较薄,波速比变化复杂,地壳密度横向变化大,暗示着地壳在中—新生代经历了显著的不均匀破坏与改造.东北和华北北缘都存在明显的东西向差异.东北地区西侧兴蒙造山带地壳大致随着海拔增高逐渐增厚,H和κ分别主要在31~39 km和1.71~1.83之间变化,平均值分别为~35 km和~1.77;东侧吉黑褶皱带地壳厚度与海拔不成镜像关系,H和κ集中在28~37 km和1.72~1.89范围, 平均值分别为~33 km和~1.79.华北北缘西侧燕山带地壳由东往西逐渐增厚,H和κ主要在28~40 km和1.70~1.91范围内变化, 平均值分别为~34 km和~1.79.东侧辽东台隆地壳表现为中间厚四周薄,H和κ集中在29~35 km和1.71~1.83范围, 平均值分别为~32 km和~1.77.东北地区吉黑褶皱带相对薄的H和变化范围大的κ表明,该区域可能由于其自身的地壳结构复杂性和紧邻太平洋板块前缘从而在中新生代遭受到了与太平洋板块俯冲相关的更为强烈的地壳减薄与改造.华北北缘燕山带H和κ复杂的变化特征表明,该地区可能受到中亚造山带增生和太平洋板块俯冲的共同影响,从而发生了更为复杂的地壳改造变形.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that the stress state at passive margins is mainly dominated by ridge push and that other stress sources have only a limited temporal and/or spatial influence. We show, by means of numerical modelling, that observed variations in lithosphere structure and elevation from a margin towards continental interiors may also produce significant gravitational potential stresses competing with those induced by ridge push forces. We test this hypothesis on an actual case where abundant geological and geophysical datasets are available, the shelf of southern Norway and adjacent southern Norwegian mountains (or Southern Scandes). The modelling results are consistent with the main features of three key-observables: (1) undulations of the truncated geoid (reflecting variations in gravitational potential energy in the lithosphere), (2) significant stress rotations both offshore and onshore and (3) the seismicity pattern of southern Norway. The contribution of the Southern Scandes to the regional stress pattern appears to be far more significant than previously anticipated. In addition, the modelling provides a physical explanation for the enigmatic seismicity of southern Norway. Gravitational potential stresses arising from variations in the lithospheric structure between a passive margin and its continental borderlands, can exert a significant control on the dynamic evolution of the margin in concert with ridge push.  相似文献   

The development of accurate predictive models of toxic dinoflagellate blooms is of great ecological importance, particularly in regions that are most susceptible to their detrimental effects. This is especially true along the west Florida shelf (WFS) and coast, where episodic bloom events of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis often wreak havoc on the valuable commercial fisheries and tourism industries of west Florida. In an effort to explain the dynamics at work within the maintenance and termination phases of a red tide, a simple three-dimensional coupled biophysical model was used in the analysis of the October 1999 red tide offshore Sarasota, Florida. Results of the numerical experiments indicate that: (1) measured and modeled flowfields were capable of transporting the observed offshore inoculum of K. brevis to within 16 km of the coastal boundary; (2) background concentrations (1000 cells L−1) of K. brevis could grow to a red tide of over 2×106 cells L−1 in little more than a month, assuming an estuarine initiation site with negligible offshore advection, no grazing losses, negligible competition from other phytoplankton groups, and no nutrient limitation; (3) maximal grazing pressure could not prevent the initiation of a red tide or cause its termination, assuming no other losses to algal biomass and a zooplankton community ingestion rate similar to that of Acartia tonsa; and (4) the light-cued ascent behavior of K. brevis served as an aggregational mechanism, concentrating K. brevis at the 55 μE m−2 s−1 isolume when mean concentrations of K. brevis exceeded 100,000 cells L−1. Further improvements in model fidelity will be accomplished by the future inclusion of phytoplankton competitors, disparate nutrient availability and limitation schemes, a more realistic rendering of the spectral light field and the attendant effects of photo-inhibition and compensation, and a mixed community of vertically-migrating proto- and metazoan grazers. These model refinements are currently under development and shall be used to aid progress toward an operational model of red tide forecasting along the WFS.  相似文献   

陈越  潘保柱  吴利  胡恩  赵耿楠  张森 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1630-1641
浮游动物作为食物链中重要的初级消费者,其群落结构特征是水生态系统健康评价的重要指标之一.本研究于2017年秋季和2018年春季对渭河干流及秦岭北麓五条典型支流开展了系统的水环境及浮游动物群落调查.结果表明,渭河干流营养盐浓度整体高于秦岭北麓支流,干流浊度远高于支流.两次调查共鉴定出浮游动物种类数136种(原生动物65种,轮虫44种,枝角类15种,桡足类12种),其中2017年秋季渭河干流浮游动物种类数、密度和生物量分别为14种、9.02 ind./L和0.0051 mg/L,秦岭北麓支流为37种、42.78 ind./L和0.0229 mg/L;2018年春季渭河干流浮游动物种类数、密度和生物量分别为52种、292.89 ind./L和0.1734 mg/L,秦岭北麓支流为68种、70.15 ind./L和0.0508 mg/L.秋季渭河干流下游浮游动物种类数、密度和生物量最低,而春季随上、中、下游三者均依次增大;秋季秦岭支流中罗敷河浮游动物密度和生物量最高,而春季灞河最高.春、秋两季干支流间浮游动物优势种差异较小,但秋季优势种种类数少于春季.秋季渭河干流中游Shannon-Wiene...  相似文献   

Extensive coastal dune ?elds occur on the Quaternary strandplain associated with the São Francisco River mouth. Two different generations of dunes are identi?ed. One is inactive, already ?xed by vegetation, comprising parabolic dunes. The other generation is active, bordering the present‐day shoreline and transgressing over the inactive dune ?eld. Three morphological provinces in the active coastal dune ?elds are recognized. On the updrift side of the São Francisco River mouth, they are: (a) sand‐sheet with shrub coppice and shadow dunes; (b) isolated dunes of the barchan‐transversal type up to 5 m high, and interdune areas; and (c) a 23 m high compound dune, with superimposed small dunes. The same provinces are recognized on the downdrift side of the river mouth, with two important exceptions: the barchan‐transversal and compound dunes are replaced, respectively, by (i) zibar‐type dunes up to 5 m high, and (ii) a 19 m high precipitation dune, which is associated with numerous blowouts. The prevailing eastern winds from August to January favour the development of the aeolian bedforms and the migration of dunes. The shoreline orientation almost transversal to the winds and the great supply of ?ne‐grained sediments contribute to the formation of barchan‐transversal types and compound dunes in the updrift side. On the other hand, in the downdrift side the shoreline orientation is almost parallel to the prevailing winds. This fact, in association with a coarser grain size in the beachface, favours the formation of zibar‐type and precipitation dunes with numerous blowouts. The rate of migration of individual dunes is about 20 to 24 m per year. This study suggests that the aeolian sedimentation is a relatively recent phenomenon at the Quaternary strandplain of the São Francisco River. The ?rst generation of dune ?elds initiated some time after 3000 years BP and the second generation originated some centuries ago. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水体甲烷(CH4)主要通过气泡和扩散传输排放到大气,这两种途径在CH4总排放中的相对贡献及环境影响因子目前关注较少.本文以洞庭湖湿地3种生境类型(光滩、苔草、芦苇)为研究对象,通过静态箱法和扩散模型法估算洪水期CH4总排放通量、扩散排放通量和气泡排放通量,并分析其水体环境因子影响.结果表明:苔草地CH4总排放量最高,为6.49±3.12 mg(C)/(m2·h).在3个生境中,CH4扩散排放占总排放通量的1.34%~3.91%,气泡排放占96.09%~98.66%.扩散排放通量受水体pH、电导率和水温的影响,而CH4的总排放和气泡排放主要受水温的影响.当水温低于11.7℃时,水体CH4以扩散排放为主,但当水温高于11.7℃时,水体CH4主要通过气泡排放.但这一温度阈值是否同样适用于其他类型湿地还需要更多实验验证.本研究对于揭示中低纬度内陆湖泊水体CH4排放过程有重要意义.  相似文献   

Swarms of mafic-intermediate volcaniclastic bodies occur in the Minggang region of Henan Province, a tectonic boundary between the North Qinling and the North China Block, and emplaced at (178.31±3.77) Ma. These volcanic rocks are subalkaline basaltic andesites and contain abundance of lower crust and mantle xenoliths. Thus this area is an ideal place to reveal the lithospheric composition and structure beneath the northern margin of the Qinling orogenic belt. Geochemical data indicate that these mafic granulites, eclogites and metagabbros have trace elemental and Pb isotopic characteristics very similar to those rocks from the South Qinling Block, representing the lower part of lower crust of the South Qinling which subducted beneath the North China Block. Talcic peridotites represent the overlying mantle wedge materials of the North China Block, which underwent the metasomatism of the acidic melt/fluid released from the underlying lower crust of the South Qinling Block. Deep tectonic model proposed in this paper is that after the Late Paleozoic South Qinling lithosphere subducted northward and decoupled, the upper part of the lithosphere emplaced under the North Qinling and the lower part continuously subducted northward under the North China Block. In Early Mesozoic, the North Qinling Block obducted northward and the North China Block inserted into the Qinling orogenic belt in a crocodile-mouth shape.  相似文献   

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