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The ecohydrodynamics of the Gibraltar Strait and the Western Alboran Sea is investigated using a 3-D, two-way nested, coupled hydrodynamic/plankton ecosystem model, exploiting the MEDATLAS climatological database. A high-resolution model (~1 km) of the Gibraltar/Western Alboran region embedded within a coarse-resolution model of the West Mediterranean (~5 km) is implemented. The model seasonal climatology of the 3-D circulation and the flow characteristics at the Gibraltar Strait and the Alboran Sea are discussed, and their impact on the plankton ecosystem evolution is explored. An important ecohydrodynamic feature produced by the model is a permanent upwelling zone in the northwestern part of the Alboran Sea in agreement with observations. Model results show that both horizontal and vertical current intensity of the Atlantic Jet increases progressively at the strait to obtain maximum values in the northeastern Mediterranean entrance, inducing an upward displacement of the nitracline. The nutrient-rich water transport through the strait along with the generation of cyclonic vorticity in the northwestern Alboran Sea result in the accumulation of nutrients there and thus induce a permanent fertilisation of this area.  相似文献   

Cruises to Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea in US waters from late June in 2002 to early September in 2004 and the Russian–American Long-term Census of the Arctic (RUSALCA) research cruise in 2004 covered all major water masses and contributed to a better understanding of the regional physics, nutrient dynamics, and biological systems. The integrated concentration of the high nitrate pool in the central Chukchi Sea was greater in this study than in previous studies, although the highest nitrate concentration (∼22 μM) in the Anadyr Water mass passing through the western side of Bering Strait was consistent with prior observations. The chlorophyll-a concentrations near the western side of the Diomede Islands ranged from 200 to 400 mg chl-a m−2 and the range in the central Chukchi Sea was 200–500 mg chl-a m−2 for the 2002–2004 Alpha Helix (HX) cruises. Chlorophyll-a concentrations for the 2004 RUSALCA cruise were lower than those from previous studies. The mean annual primary production of phytoplankton from this study, using a 13C–15N dual-isotope technique, was 55 g C m−2 for the whole Chukchi Sea and 145 g C m−2 for the plume of Anadyr–Bering Shelf Water in the central Chukchi Sea. In contrast, the averages of annual total nitrogen production were 13.9 g N m−2 (S.D.=±16.2 g N m−2) and 33.8 g N m−2 (S.D.=±14.1 g N m−2) for the Chukchi Sea and the plume, respectively. These carbon and nitrogen production rates of phytoplankton were consistently two-or three-fold lower than those from previous studies. We suggest that the lower rates in this study, and consequently more unused nitrate in the water column, were caused by lower phytoplankton biomass in the Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea. However, we do not know if the lower rate of production from this study is a general decreasing trend or simply temporal variations in the Chukchi Sea, since temporal and geographical variations are substantially large and presently unpredictable.  相似文献   

Detailed data on seagrass distribution, abundance, growth rates and community structure information were collected at Orman Reefs in March 2004 to estimate the above-ground productivity and carbon assimilated by seagrass meadows. Seagrass meadows were re-examined in November 2004 for comparison at the seasonal extremes of seagrass abundance. Ten seagrass species were identified in the meadows on Orman Reefs. Extensive seagrass coverage was found in March (18,700 ha) and November (21,600 ha), with seagrass covering the majority of the intertidal reef-top areas and a large proportion of the subtidal areas examined. There were marked differences in seagrass above-ground biomass, distribution and species composition between the two surveys. Major changes between March and November included a substantial decline in biomass for intertidal meadows and an expansion in area of subtidal meadows. Changes were most likely a result of greater tidal exposure of intertidal meadows prior to November leading to desiccation and temperature-related stress.  相似文献   

张风菊  薛滨  姚书春 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1770-1782
湖泊沉积物碳埋藏及其驱动机制是陆地生态系统碳循环及全球变化研究的热点问题之一,但以往湖泊碳循环的研究大多局限于有机碳,较少考虑无机碳的地位和作用.我国干旱-半干旱地区湖泊众多、无机碳储量丰富,在区域碳循环过程中的作用日益突出,因此探讨这些地区湖泊沉积物无机碳埋藏变化对深入理解区域碳循环具有重要意义.本研究通过对内蒙古高原呼伦湖15个沉积岩芯样品无机碳含量(TIC)的测定,结合沉积岩芯210Pb、137Cs年代标尺,分析了1850年以来呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率时空变化,并揭示了影响呼伦湖无机碳埋藏的主要因素.结果表明,1980s之前,呼伦湖无机碳含量总体维持在相对稳定的低值,1980s之后开始快速增加,且近百年来呼伦湖平均无机碳含量在不同湖区差异不显著.1850年以来呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率变化范围约为7.10~74.29 g/(m2·a),平均值约为36.15 g/(m2·a),且大体上可分为3个阶段,即1900s以前相对稳定的低值阶段、1900s-1950s期间的快速增加阶段以及1950s以来的波动增加阶段,各阶段无机碳埋藏速率平均值分别约为10.40、26.29和41.00 g/(m2·a).空间上,呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率整体表现为中部高、南北两端低的分布格局,这可能与湖心水动力条件相对稳定,有利于碳酸盐沉积有关.此外,呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率与湖区温度变化呈显著正相关,而与周边人类活动影响关系不明显,表明在未来全球变暖背景下,呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率将进一步增加,湖泊在区域碳循环中的作用将更加显著.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the inorganic carbon system in the Pearl River estuary are examined based on data from five surveys during the spring, summer, fall, and winter seasons. Both total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TAlk) values in the freshwater end-members are high in the dry season (>2700 μmol kg−1 for DIC and >2400 μmol kg−1 for TAlk) and substantially lower in the wet season (DIC and TAlk were ∼1000 and 700 μmol kg−1, respectively). Riverine DIC flux and drainage basin weathering rates, however, are significantly higher in the wet season (611×109 mol yr−1 and 13.6×105 mol km−2 yr−1) than in the dry season (237×109 mol yr−1 and 5.3×105 mol km−2 yr−1).  相似文献   

There is scatter information of the inorganic carbon system in the coastal zones and it is important to increment our knowledge and understand the global carbon cycle. We investigated the distribution of inorganic carbon system parameters and its controls in the coastal waters of the north eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (GoC) during four cruises that took place in June 2006, November 2006, February 2007 and May 2007. The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the spatio-temporal distribution of inorganic carbon system parameters in waters of the north eastern shelf of the GoC using four cruises, each undertaken in one of the four seasons, (2) to calculate net ecosystem production (NEP) and (3) to examine factors controlling these distributions. The distribution of inorganic carbon system parameters in the north eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz showed temporal and spatial variability. River input, mixing, primary production, respiration, CO2 air-sea exchange, and remineralization were factors that controlled such distributions. The coastal zone of the GoC is autotrophic on an annual scale at a rate of 1.0 mmol m−2 d−1. Further measurements are needed it to improve the NEP calculation and to evaluated to intra-annual variability.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Bonifacio strait (south of Corsica) are investigated in a comprehensive study at long term from two set of data. First, by moored ADCP put in middle of the strait during six weeks (4 November 2004 to 7 January 2005), at a depth of 40 m and at few Kilometers from coast. Second, by velocity profiles obtained with a 314.4 kHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) during seven cruises (Cyrce) covering entirety strait. From moored ADCP data, a study is made on time correlation between wind stress and current. Shipboard ADCP data permits to obtain a general view in totality of strait and mostly to observe spatial variability. This study shows that the circulation is governed both by wind stress and by general circulation of Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

A particle-tracking model to simulate the dispersion of contaminants in the Strait of Gibraltar has been developed. The model solves the hydrodynamic equations off-line and tidal analysis is carried out to determine tidal constants for the two main constituents. Tidal constants and residuals are stored in files that are read by the dispersion model. A lagrangian approach is used to solve dispersion; diffusion and decay are simulated by a Monte Carlo method. A method for assessing the areas of the Strait with higher probability of being affected by contamination occurring after an accident in the shipping routes is given. Generally speaking, the fate of a pollutant discharge strongly depends on wind conditions. Winds from the east tend to retain contamination into the Strait. As a consequence, transverse mixing occurs and both Spain and Morocco coasts are affected by contamination. Under calm conditions and west winds, contaminants are flushed out of the Strait faster and transverse mixing does not occur. Thus, only part of Morocco coast has a higher probability of being affected by contamination.  相似文献   

李艳红  葛刚  胡春华 《湖泊科学》2022,34(2):528-537
为深入理解鄱阳湖水体溶解性无机碳(DIC)、碳同位素时空分布特征及其影响因素,继而了解鄱阳湖碳通量及其主要碳源贡献率,于2019-2020年典型水文季节对鄱阳湖湖区及"五河"入湖口进行样品采集分析,采用统计学方法初步分析鄱阳湖及入湖口水体中DIC及其同位素(δ13 CDIC)分布特征.结果 表明:(1)DIC浓度丰水期...  相似文献   

本文主要利用地震海洋学方法研究地中海直布罗陀海峡附近内孤立波的结构特征,此处内孤立波为第一模态下沉型,为中幅度和大幅度内孤立波,垂向振幅最大可达74.5 m,振幅随深度增加呈增大趋势,传播速度随振幅增大而增大,可以确定"真"最大振幅位置位于密跃层附近.由于类多普勒效应和孤立波与测量船之间存在夹角的原因,从地震剖面上得到的为视半高宽参数,需要进行校正后才能得到比较真实的半高宽参数,校正后半高宽最高可达到1721.8 m,但是校正后的半高宽与理论结果有些差距,这可能与内孤立波的发育稳定程度有关.随着内孤立波包不断向东运动,整体波宽变大,垂向速度变小.本文将地震海洋学方法拓展应用于地中海区域内孤立波分析,进一步证明了利用地震海洋学方法研究海水运动的可行性.  相似文献   

Analyses of shoreline and bathymetry change near Calais, northern coast of France, showed that shoreline evolution during the 20th century was strongly related with shoreface and nearshore bathymetry variations. Coastal erosion generally corresponds to areas of nearshore seabed lowering while shoreline progradation is essentially associated with areas of seafloor aggradation, notably east of Calais where an extensive sand flat experienced seaward shoreline displacement up to more than 300 m between 1949 and 2000. Mapping of bathymetry changes since 1911 revealed that significant variation in nearshore morphology was caused by the onshore and alongshore migration of a prominent tidal sand bank that eventually welded to the shore. Comparison of bathymetry data showed that the volume of the bank increased by about 10×107 m3 during the 20th century, indicating that the bank was acting as a sediment sink for some of the sand transiting alongshore in the coastal zone. Several lines of evidence show that the bank also represented a major sediment source for the prograding tidal flat, supplying significant amounts of sand to the accreting upper beach. Simulation of wave propagation using the SWAN wave model (Booij et al., 1999) suggests that the onshore movement of the sand bank resulted in a decrease of wave energy in the nearshore zone, leading to more dissipative conditions. Such conditions would have increased nearshore sediment supply, favoring aeolian dune development on the upper beach and shoreline progradation. Our results suggest that the onshore migration of nearshore sand banks may represent one of the most important, and possibly the primary mechanism responsible for supplying marine sand to beaches and coastal dunes in this macrotidal coastal environment.  相似文献   

One-dimensional vertical and three-dimensional fine-resolution numerical models of sediment transport have been developed and applied to the Torres Strait region of northern Australia. The one-dimensional model, driven by measured waves and currents, was calibrated against measured suspended sediment concentrations using a sequential data assimilation algorithm. The algorithm produced a good match between model and data, but this was achieved only by allowing some temporal variability in parameter values, suggesting that there were underlying uncertainties in the model structure and forcing data. Implications of the assimilation results to the accuracy of the numerical modelling are discussed and the need for observational programmes having an extensive spatial and temporal coverage is highlighted. The three-dimensional sediment model, driven by modelled waves and currents, simulates sediment transport over the shelf during the monsoon and trade-wind seasons covering 1997–2000. The model predicts strong seasonal variability of the sediment transport on the shelf attributed to seasonally varying hydrodynamics, and illustrates significant inter-annual variability of the sediment fluxes driven by extreme events. The developed model provides a platform for testing scientific hypothesis. With additional calibration, including uncertainty analysis, it can also be used in a management context.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of summer coastal upwelling in the Taiwan Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study dealt with the interannual variability of summer coastal upwelling in the Taiwan Strait, based on empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. Three datasets were used for the analysis: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sea surface temperature dataset from 1985 to 2005; hydrographic records at two coastal stations from 1970 to 2001; and cruise measurements in 1988 and 2004. The results indicated that the first mode (85.3%) of the spatial variance showed a persistent front, which was generally aligned northeast–southwestward in the western Taiwan Strait. This front separated colder water on the west side from warmer water on the east side. The eigenvector time series showed that the variability of this front with time was closely correlated with the change in the wind stress anomaly of the alongshore wind component, derived from 17 years of the European remote sensing (ERS) satellite and QuickScat wind dataset from 1992 to 2005. Records of water temperature and salinity anomaly at Pingtan Island (Is.) located in the northwestern Taiwan Strait, and Dongshan Is. located in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, showed that a negative temperature anomaly appeared along with a positive salinity anomaly in some years. This suggested a dominant influence of cold and saline upwelling water at the surface. The years of notable cooling events derived from the station measurements were generally consistent with the time series of the EOF Mode 1. The change in upwelling derived from cruise measurements further confirmed the change shown by the EOF Mode 1 time series. These 1985–2005 results indicated that for the entire western Taiwan Strait summer coastal upwelling was strong in 1987, 1993, and 1998, and that upwelling in the northwest and the southwest Taiwan Strait showed different behavior. A delayed ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) effect was suggested as a major mechanism for the interannual variability of Taiwan Strait coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

The generation of internal lee waves (ILW) in the Strait of Gibraltar takes place in the main sill where the tidal flow interacts with a submarine obstacle. The tidal flow is perturbed by subinertial phenomena of different nature summarized in the subinertial currents that can inhibit the ILW generation. The authors present an attempt to randomize the problem by the introduction of a Gaussian noise in the Taylor–Goldstein equation. The random number sets are generated from the statistical distribution of the previously isolated random part of the subinertial currents from experimental data taken in the area during the Gibraltar Experiment 94–96. The effect of the noise is translated into a continuous spreading of the spectrum around the solution of the noise-free problem. A stability analysis is carried out in order to determine the single neutral modes of oscillations and the phase space is divided onto regions of stability and instability as a function of the inflowing subinertial current. The methodology and results could be useful for the design and timing of oceanographic surveys in straits where the ILWs occur.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国家气候中心发展的一个全球海洋碳循环环流模式,并分析评估了该模式的基本性能.该模式是在美国地球物理流体动力学实验室(GFDL,Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)的全球海洋环流模式MOM4(Modular Ocean Model Version 4)基础上发展的一个垂直方向40层、包含生物地球化学过程的全球三维海洋碳循环环流模式,简称为MOM4_L40(Modular Ocean Model Version 4 With 40Levels).该模式在气候场强迫下长期积分1000年,结果分析表明,与观测相比,模式较好地模拟了海洋温度、盐度、总二氧化碳、总碱、总磷酸盐的表面和垂直分布特征.模拟的海洋总二氧化碳分布与观测基本相符,表层为低值区,其下为高值区,高值区域位于10°S—60°N之间,但2000m以上模拟值较观测偏小,2000m以下模拟值较观测偏大.总体来说,MOM4_L40模式是一个可信赖的海洋碳循环过程模拟研究工具.  相似文献   


The generation processes and potential energy sources of internal solitary waves (ISWs) in the southern Taiwan Strait are investigated by driving a high resolution non-hydrostatic numerical model with realistic background conditions. Two main types of ISWs are clarified according to their different energy sources. One is generated by the nonlinear disintegration of remote internal tides emanating from Luzon Strait, and the other type is generated by local tide-topography interaction at the continental slope. The basic properties and evolution processes differ between these two kinds of ISWs. The waves originated from the remote internal tides at Luzon Strait have amplitudes comparable to previous field observations. In contrast, the ISWs generated locally are much weaker than observed waves, even in the presence of a steady offshore background current, which intensifies the generation of onshore ISWs. The ISWs induced by remotely generated M2 internal tides are stronger than those induced by K1 internal tides, and the fraction of internal wave energy transmitted onto the shelf is not significantly influenced by the intensity of remotely generated internal tides.  相似文献   

A suite of management options for a prawn trawl fishery in Torres Strait, Australia was assessed for impacts on the benthic fauna using a dynamic management strategy evaluation approach. The specification of the management options was gained through consultation with stakeholders. Data for the model was drawn from several sources: the fleet data from fishery logbooks and satellite vessel monitoring systems, benthic depletion rates from trawl-down experiments, benthic recovery rates from post-experiment recovery monitoring studies, and benthic distribution from large-scale benthic surveys. Although there were large uncertainties in the resulting indicators, robust measures relevant to management were obtained by taking ratios relative to the status quo. The management control with the biggest effect was total effort; reducing trawl effort always led to increases in benthic faunal density of up to 10%. Spatial closures had a smaller benefit of up to 2%. The effect of closing a set of buffer zones around reefs to trawling was indistinguishable from the status quo option. Closing a larger area, however, was largely beneficial especially for sea cucumbers. When the spatial distributions of fauna prior to fishing were accounted for, fauna with distributions positively correlated with effort improved relative to those negatively correlated. The reduction in prawn catch under effort reduction scenarios could be ameliorated by introducing temporal closures over the full-moon period.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,83(1-2):155-166
Recently compiled databases facilitated estimation of basin-wide benthic organic biomass and turnover in the Strait of Georgia, an inland sea off western Canada. Basin-wide organic biomass was estimated at 43.1 × 106 kg C and production was 54.6 × 106 kg C yr−1, resulting in organic biomass turnover (P/B) of 1.27 × yr−1. Organic biomass and production for sub-regions were predictable from modified organic flux (r2 > 0.9). P/B declined significantly with increasing modified organic flux, suggesting greater biomass storage in high flux sediments. Biomass and production were highest, and P/B lowest near the Fraser River. Annual basin-wide benthic production was 60% of previously estimated oxidized organic flux to substrates, which agrees with proportional measurements from a recent, localized study.Deviations from expected patterns related to organic enrichment and other stressors are discussed, as are potential impacts to benthic biomass and production, of declining bottom oxygen, increasing bottom temperature and potential changes in riverine input.  相似文献   

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