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Currents in the northern Bay of La Paz were examined using an 8-month Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) record collected in the upper 185 m of the water column during 2007. Flow variability was dominated by tidal motions, which accounted for 43% (33% diurnal, 10% semidiurnal) of the total kinetic energy. The tidal motions had a pronounced vertical structure dominated within a shallow (∼30 m thick) surface layer by intense counterclockwise (CCW) rotary S1 diurnal radiational currents that were highly coherent with the counterclockwise seabreeze. Motions within the semidiurnal frequency band were primarily associated with significant counterclockwise S2 radiational tidal currents, which were also coherent with the seabreeze. Both S1 and S2 tidal ellipses in the upper layer were aligned perpendicular to the bay entrance with mean semi-major axes of 55 and 20 cm/s, respectively. Below the surface layer, tidal currents decayed rapidly to relatively weak, clockwise rotary barotropic motions. In contrast to those for radiational harmonics, tidal ellipses of the gravitational constituents (M2, K1 and O1) were oriented cross-bay. Energy within the diurnal frequency band in the surface layer was dominated by a coherent component (barotropic, phase-locked baroclinic and radiational), which accounted for roughly 65% (59% from S1 alone) of the total diurnal kinetic energy. Of the remaining diurnal band energy, 18% was associated with an incoherent baroclinic component and 17% with a background noise component. Below 30 m depth, the corresponding estimates are 40%, 32% and 28%, respectively. The persistent, surface-intensified CCW rotary currents observed at the mooring site are assumed to be forced by strong CCW seabreeze winds in the presence of a “slippery” low-density surface layer. This response may be further augmented by topographic narrowing at the bay entrance and by the close proximity of the diurnal and inertial frequency bands in the region.  相似文献   

太湖北部风浪波高计算模式观测分析   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
通过用无量纲分析和线性回归方法对2002-2003年太湖4测点1000多组波浪资料的分析,给出了太湖不同时段风浪平均波高(H)与风区长度(F)、水深(d)、风速(v)6个关系模式.在此基础上,开展了模式的误差分析及与前人模式对比.结果表明,太湖北部不同区域风浪平均波高的计算应选用不同计算模式,但是可用如下形式表示:其中,a1-a8为和地形及水生植物覆盖度等相关的参数.误差分析结果显示:离岸距离大于1km区域的参数a1-a8的取值分别为0.217456、1、0.15、0.6、0.09、0.6、1.0、0.0052,模式估算平均波高的误差小于24%;近岸区参数a7大于1,a8取0,a4取值介于0.6-0.72,a5介于0.00131-0.00168,模式估算平均波高的误差较大,表明近岸区波浪还需进行进一步的观测研究.  相似文献   

We analyzed records of eight seismic stations of the autonomous broadband seismograph network of a joint project between Utrecht University (the Netherlands), California Institute of Technology, and Centro de Investigación Científica y de Estudios Superiores de Ensenada (CICESE). These stations recorded the Mw 5.6 earthquake that occurred on 12 November 2003 at Salsipuedes basin in the middle of the Gulf of California 2 km west of the island Angel de la Guarda. This event was located at 29.16º N and 113.37º W, 30 km northeast of Bahia de los Angeles. A foreshock and hundreds of aftershocks were recorded in the 48 hours after its origin time. With the location of 29 earthquakes we identified the active segment, perpendicular to the main transform fault NW–SE of Canal de Ballenas, representing the transtensional boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. The direction of the active fault described is consistent with the normal fault mechanism reported by the National Earthquake Information Center (strike=39º, dip=34º, slip=–44º).From the duration magnitude of 456 aftershocks, we calculated a b-value of 1.14±0.28; furthermore, we calculated a seismic moment of (3.5 ±3.3) X1017Nm, a source radius of 3.7 ± 2.63 km, and a static stress drop of 3.94 ± 1.15 MPa (39.4 ± 11.5 bar.).  相似文献   


基于历史CTD数据和EW0210航次的部分地震测线, 在加利福尼亚湾首次发现了盐指型温盐阶梯, 并对其尺度和规模有了较为清晰的认识.经分析发现在该区域水深100~600 m范围内主要发育有层厚较大的温盐阶梯, 其中均匀混合层厚度可达几十米甚至上百米, 水平方向上连续性好, 界面处热通量主要集中在-0.1~-0.2 W·m-2, 盐通量主要集中在-1×10-7~-2×10-7m·s-1.受地形引起的内潮波或涡旋的影响, 阶梯层抖动剧烈, 上下起伏较大, 部分反射层垂向位移甚至可达80 m, 由此推测该阶梯结构可能将会被破坏.



亚中尺度过程连接了中尺度与小尺度过程, 在上层海洋物质垂向交换和能量传输方面起到重要的作用.在加利福尼亚湾及其邻近海域2002年采集的地震剖面上观测到了亚中尺度的涡丝, 锋面和涡旋结构.理论的涡丝垂向结构为一对偶极子次级环流, 由中间的高密度下沉流和两侧的低密度幅聚相向流构成, 密度结构呈人字形分布的多个相向倾斜密度锋.地震剖面上中尺度涡的亚中尺度涡丝由多组相对的叠瓦状倾斜反射体构成, 验证了涡丝内部密度锋的理论垂向结构.同时我们观察到亚中尺度涡旋的垂向结构及其涡丝结构, 其涡丝在地震剖面上呈现为近水平的括号状反射, 这种形态可能与旋涡星系的旋臂结构有一定相似性.随后计算了地震斜率谱和相对谱能量分布, 通过亚中尺度涡旋和其它区域在不同波数段的能量强度差异, 探讨了亚中尺度涡对能量耗散过程的影响.


Extensive CO2 vents have been discovered in the Wagner Basin, northern Gulf of California, where they create large areas with lowered seawater pH. Such areas are suitable for investigations of long-term biological effects of ocean acidification and effects of CO2 leakage from subsea carbon capture storage. Here, we show responses of benthic foraminifera to seawater pH gradients at 74–207 m water depth. Living (rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera included Nonionella basispinata, Epistominella bradyana and Bulimina marginata. Studies on foraminifera at CO2 vents in the Mediterranean and off Papua New Guinea have shown dramatic long-term effects of acidified seawater. We found living calcareous benthic foraminifera in low pH conditions in the northern Gulf of California, although there was an impoverished species assemblage and evidence of post-mortem test dissolution.  相似文献   

The present work aimed at studying the origin of particulate organic matter in Guanabara Bay and in some rivers of the Guanabara basin by using elemental composition, isotopic ratios (δ13C and δ15N) and molecular markers (sterols) in samples collected in two periods (winter and summer). Elemental and isotopic compositions were determined by dry combustion and mass spectrometry, respectively, while sterols were investigated by GC–FID and GC–MS. Higher sterol concentrations were present in the north-western part of the bay in winter (5.10–23.5 μg L–1). The high abundance of algal sterols (26–57% of total sterols), the elemental composition (C/N=6–8) and the isotopic signatures (δ13C=−21.3‰ to −15.1‰ and δ15N=+7.3‰ to +11.1‰) suggested the predominance of autochthonous organic matter, as expected for an eutrophic bay, although seasonal variation in phytoplankton activity was observed. Coprostanol concentration (fecal sterol) was at least one order of magnitude higher in the particulate material from fluvial samples (4.65–55.98 μg L–1) than in the bay waters (<0.33 μg L–1). This could be ascribed to a combination of factors including efficient particle removal to sediments in the estuarine transition zone, dilution with bay water and bacterial degradation during particle transport in the water column.  相似文献   

Previously unrecognized pulses of rhyolite volcanism occurred in the Salton Trough between 420 ± 8 ka and 479 ± 38 ka (2σ), based on high-spatial resolution U–Pb zircon geochronology. Presently, these rhyolite lavas, tuffs and shallow subvolcanic sills are buried to depths between ~ 1.6 and 2.7 km at ambient temperatures between 200 and 300 °C, and are overprinted by propylitic to potassic hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages consisting of finely intergrown quartz, K-feldspar, chlorite, epidote, and minor pyrite. Alteration resistant geochemical indicators (whole-rock Nd-isotopes, zircon oxygen-isotopes) reveal that these rhyolites are derived from remelting of MORB-type crust that was chilled and hydrothermally altered by deep-circulating hydrothermal waters. U–Pb zircon dating confirms the presence of Bishop Tuff in well State 2-14 at ~ 1.7 km depth, approximately 5 km NE of the geothermal wells that penetrated the buried rhyolites. These results indicate accelerated subsidence towards the center of the Salton Trough, increasing from 2.2 mm/a to 3.8 mm/a. Based on these results, the present-day Salton Sea geothermal field is identified as a focus zone of episodic rhyolitic volcanism, intense heat flow and metamorphism that predates present-day geothermal activity and Holocene volcanism by at least ~ 400 ka.  相似文献   

In agricultural basins of the southeastern coastal plain there are typically large disparities between upland soil erosion and sediment delivered to streams. This suggests that colluvial storage and redistribution of eroded soil within croplands is occurring, and/or that processes other than fluvial erosion are at work. This study used soil morphology and stratigraphy as an indicator of erosion and deposition processes in a watershed at Littlefield, North Carolina. Soil stratigraphy and morphology reflect the ways in which mass fluxes associated with cultivation transform the local soils. Fluvial, aeolian and tillage processes were all found to be active in the redistribution of soil. The soil transformations are of five general types. First, erosion and compaction in the cultivated area as a whole result in the thinning of Arenic and Grossarenic Paleudults and Paleaquults to form Arenic, Typic and Aquic Paleudults and Paleaquults. Second, redistribution of surficial material within the fields results in transitions between Arenic and Typic or Aquic subgroups as loamy sand A and E horizons are truncated or accreted. Third, aeolian deposition at forested field boundaries leads to the formation of compound soils with podzolized features. Fourth, sandy rill fan deposits at slope bases create cumulic soils distinct from the loamy sands of the source area or the darker, finer terrace soils buried by the fan deposits. Finally, tillage and fluvial deposition in upland depressions results in the gradual burial of Rains (poorly drained Typic Paleaquults) soils. Results confirm the importance of upland sediment storage and redistribution, and the role of tillage and aeolian processes as well as fluvial processes in the region. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Bahía Concepción is located in the eastern coast of the Baja California peninsula and it is shaped by northwestern–southeastern normal faults. These are associated with a 12–6 Ma rifting episode, although some have been reactivated since the Pliocene. The most abundant rocks correspond to the arc related Comondú Group, Oligocene to Miocene, which forms a mainly calc‐alkaline volcanic and volcaniclastic sequence. There are less extensive outcrops of sedimentary rocks, lava flows, domes and pyroclastic rocks of Pliocene to Quaternary ages. The Neogene volcanism in the area indicates a shift from a subduction regime to an intraplate volcanism related to continental extension and the opening of an oceanic basin. The Bahía Concepción area contains numerous Mn ore deposits, being the biggest at El Gavilán and Guadalupe. The Mn deposits occur as veins, breccias and stockworks, and are composed by Mn oxides (pyrolusite, coronadite, romanechite), dolomite, quartz and barite. The deposits are hosted in volcanic rocks of the Comondú Group and, locally, in Pliocene sedimentary rocks. Thus, the Mn deposits formed between the Middle Miocene and the Pliocene. The mineralized structures are associated with Miocene northwestern–southeastern fault systems, which are analogous to those associated with the Cu‐Co‐Zn‐Mn deposits of El Boleo. The Bahía Concepción area also bears subaerial and submarine hot springs, which are associated with the same fault systems and host rocks. The submarine and subaerial geothermal manifestations south of the bay are possibly related with recent volcanism. The geothermal manifestations within the bay are intertidal hot springs and shallow submarine diffuse venting areas. Around the submarine vents (5–15 m deep, 87°C), Fe‐oxyhydroxide crusts with pyrite and cinnabar precipitate. In the intertidal vents (62°C), aggregates of opal, calcite, barite and Ba‐rich Mn oxides occur covered by silica‐carbonate stromatolitic sinters. Some 10–30 cm thick crustiform veins formed by chalcedony, calcite and barite are also found close to the vents. The hydrothermal fluids exhibit mixed isotopic compositions between δ18O‐enriched meteoric and local marine water. The precipitation of Ba‐rich Mn oxides around the vent sites could be an active analog for the processes that produced Miocene to Pliocene hydrothermal Mn‐deposits.  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of California (NGC) is characterized by seasonal hydrography and circulation (cyclonic in summer and anticyclonic in winter), by intense tidal mixing in the midriff archipelago region (MAR), and by coastal upwelling on the eastern side from autumn to spring. We examined changes in larval fish assemblages (LFAs) in relation with hydrography and circulation during both phases of the seasonal circulation, as indicators of changes in the pelagic ecosystem. A canonical correspondence analysis defined LFAs (r>0.70), which were related with: (i) the coastal current on the mainland shelf, (ii) the central eddy and (iii) the MAR. In the early cyclonic phase, when the temperature and stratification were increasing and the coastal current was starting, demersal (Gobulus crescentalis, Lythrypnus dalli) and mesopelagic species (Benthosema panamense) dominated the NGC. The highest larval abundance was in the Current LFA area and the lowest in the MAR LFA area. In the mature cyclonic phase, the larval abundance increased in the NGC and species characteristic of eastern boundary current systems such as Opisthonema libertate and Engraulis mordax displaced the demersal species and became dominant, together with B. panamense in the Current LFA area; the latter species dominated in the Eddy LFA area. In the early anticyclonic phase, the direction of the coastal current reversed and the temperature and larval abundance decreased. E. mordax and B. panamense larvae continued dominating the NGC with higher abundance in the MAR than in the Current and Eddy LFA areas. In the mature anticyclonic phase, E. mordax larvae dominated in the Current and the Eddy LFA areas with the highest abundance in the former, while M. productus larvae (an eastern boundary current species) dominated in the Eddy LFA area. Results showed that in the NGC, the dramatically seasonal and predictable hydrographic and circulation features trigger the seasonal spawning of the dominant species. The biological richness of the coastal current area, in both circulation phases, suggested that this area has an important role in the pelagic ecosystem functionality of the NGC.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):274-281
Nine macroalgal blooms were studied in five coastal lagoons of the SE Gulf of California. The nutrient loads from point and diffuse sources were estimated in the proximity of the macroalgal blooms. Chlorophyll a and macroalgal biomass were measured during the dry, rainy and cold seasons. Shrimp farms were the main point source of nitrogen and phosphorus loads for the lagoons. High biomasses were found during the dry season for phytoplankton at site 6 (791.7 ± 34.6 mg m−2) and during the rainy season for macroalgae at site 4 (296.0 ± 82.4 g m−2). Depending on the season, the phytoplankton biomass ranged between 40.0 and 791.7 mg m−2 and the macroalgal biomass between 1 and 296.0 g m−2. The bulk biomass (phytoplankton + macroalgal) displayed the same tendency as the nutrient loads entering the coastal lagoons. Phytoplankton and macroalgal biomass presented a significant correlation with the atomic N:P ratio.  相似文献   

五里湖富营养化过程中水生生物及生态环境的演变   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
李文朝 《湖泊科学》1996,8(Z1):37-45
五里湖是太湖西北部一个小型浅水湖湾,是无锡市的饮用水源和主要风景游览区。50年代时,该湖基本保持着原始状态,全湖以大型水生植物占优势。湖水清澈见底,水质为中营养水平,溶氧接近饱和,对外来的N、P污染冲击具有很强的缓冲能力。底泥的氧化程度较高,磷和有机物含量仅为0.023%和0.75%。浮游藻类受到了大型水生植物的强烈抑制,年均数量为26.7×10~4个/L,以硅藻和隐藻为主;从春季至秋季,随着大型水生植物的增长,浮游藻类数量大幅度减少。浮游动物多达190种,年均数量为5660ind./L。大型底栖动物较多,以日本沼虾和螺、蚌类为主。鱼类资源十分丰富,63种鱼中以凶猛性鱼类占优势,并有较多的底栖性鱼类。 自50年代以来,大约有1/2的湖面被围垦,沿岸带生态条件被破坏,失去了最适合于大型水生植物生长的浅水区。加之60年代后期在全湖放养草鱼,水生植被遭到彻底毁灭。外源污染加剧,引起了水质的严重富营养化。围垦和修建水闸隔断了五里湖与太湖间的通道,限制了两个水体间的水流交换,妨碍了污染物的稀释扩散,使得来自无锡市区的污水成了五里湖的主要补给水源,加速了富营养化的进程。五里湖水质已达重富营养水平,透明度小于0.5m,缺氧较为严重。营养物在底泥中大量积累,TP和TOC含量分别增高了4.17倍和1.87倍。在春末  相似文献   

渤海湾地区前第三系构造样式分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过渤海湾盆地内黄骅坳陷等潜山地震剖面的精细解释,结合周缘隆起区露头区野外构造考察,对渤海湾地区前第三系主要发育的拉张构造、挤压构造、走滑构造、负反转构造、重力滑动构造等5种进行了研究,这些构造在南北向上大致以沧东断裂、北西西向上大致以张家口-蓬莱断裂和齐河-广饶断裂为界分为六个区,不同区之间的构造线走向及构造样式组合存在较大差异.渤海湾地区前第三系的这种构造样式分布格局可能是印支期华北板块与北部的西伯利亚板块、南部的扬子板块先后闭合碰撞以及燕山中、晚期滨太平洋构造域影响作用不断增强和深部岩石圈的大规模减薄作用的结果.  相似文献   

Wave measurement and modeling in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three recently measured wind and wave data sets in the northern part of Chesapeake Bay (CB) are presented. Two of the three data sets were collected in late 1995. The third one was collected in July of 1998. The analyzed wind and wave data show that waves were dominated by locally generated, fetch limited young wind seas. Significant wave heights were highly correlated to the local driving wind speeds and the response time of the waves to the winds was about 1 h. We also tested two very different numerical wave models, Simulation of WAves Nearshore (SWAN) and Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL), to hind-cast the wave conditions against the data sets. Time series model–data comparisons made using SWAN and GLERL showed that both models behaved well in response to a suddenly changing wind. In general, both SWAN and GLERL over-predicted significant wave height; SWAN over-predicted more than GLERL did. SWAN had a larger scatter index and a smaller correlation coefficient for wave height than GLERL had. In addition, both models slightly under-predicted the peak period with a fairly large scatter and low correlation coefficient. SWAN predicted mean wave direction better than GLERL did. Directional wave spectral comparisons between SWAN predictions and the data support these statistical comparisons. The GLERL model was much more computationally efficient for wind wave forecasts in CB. SWAN and GLERL predicted different wave height field distributions for the same winds in deeper water areas of the Bay where data were not available, however. These differences are as yet unresolved.  相似文献   

The transformation of natural tidal sea-level and currents is studied resulting from large-scale tidal power plant (TPP) dams in bays of the Sea of Okhotsk (SO). Some effects due to this transformation are estimated based on predictive modelling and a number of expected changes in amplitudes and phases, and spectral composition of tidal oscillations are described. Changes of morphometric properties of basins change the character of tidal motions even on significant distance from a dam. That is why, it is impossible to estimate this impact as usual boundary-value problems. The problem is solved based on “impedance” conditions on the open boundary of the model area, allowing to take into account the radiation of the additional perturbations induced by both waves reflected from the dam and nonlinear effects inside the area. In general, the transformation effects are proportional to the dam size and depend essentially on the dam location, the creation of which can change dissipative and resonance properties of the bays. The changes in tidal energetics of SO due to the dam construction are also considered to show noticeable reconstruction of horizontal energy fluxes and changes in the energy dissipation. Possible environmental consequences are related mainly to the transformation of tidal currents.  相似文献   

A set of four indices that quantify Lagrangian properties of the Gulf of California seasonal circulation were implemented from outputs of a three-dimensional numerical model. From trajectories of particles seeded over the entire Gulf, we calculated for 12 one-month periods the following indices: net and total distance traveled by the particles, the number of particles that are found within an area centered on the release positions after one month, and time taken by particles to escape from a 50-km-radius circle. These indices can be used for studies on transport of inert properties and passive planktonic organisms such as eggs and early-stage larvae; their use is illustrated for typical summer and winter conditions in the Gulf of California. These indices show the potential for connecting areas separated by a few hundreds of km along the eastern side of the Gulf, due to the strong seasonal up-gulf and down-gulf current. In the Northern Gulf, large displacements occur at the borders of the basin-wide seasonally reversing eddy that dominates the large-scale circulation (cyclonic in summer, anticyclonic in winter). On the other hand, the potential for self-recruitment areas is found as particles can be trapped for longer than one month within these eddies, as well as in smaller ones in the Northern Gulf, and near the coast of the peninsular side of the Southern Gulf, where current speeds are slow and many small capes and islands are present.  相似文献   

明晓星  杨平恒  谢世友  盛婷  罗丹 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1299-1309
地下水硝酸盐污染已成为一个普遍的环境问题.为研究重庆金佛山水房泉岩溶地下河系统的硝酸盐来源与转化,于2017年4-10月每24 d左右对地下河系统内的某酒店自来水、化粪池、1#落水洞、水房泉4个采样点开展监测,进行水化学和δ15Nnitrate、δ18Onitrate同位素分析.某酒店污水经化粪池处理后,由1#落水洞排入地下河,最后在水房泉排泄.结果表明:①水房泉NO3-浓度范围为4.65~10.20 mg/L,相对于我国生活饮用水标准处于较低水平;化粪池、1#落水洞、水房泉3个采样点电导率和NO3-、Cl-浓度的高值期与游客人数增多对应关系较好.②某酒店自来水δ15Nnitrate值为3.7‰~5.8‰、δ18Onitrate值为1.6‰~2.7‰,说明硝酸盐主要来源为土壤有机氮,处于自然背景值;1#落水洞δ15Nnitrate值为14.4‰~21.1‰、δ18Onitrate值为3.5‰~11.2‰,显示硝酸盐主要来源为粪肥污水;化粪池和水房泉的δ15Nnitrate值为3.7‰~17.0‰、δ18Onitrate值为-9.0‰~7.3‰,表明硝酸盐主要来源为土壤有机氮与粪肥污水,显示其硝酸盐主要污染源是酒店生活废污水.③某酒店自来水、水房泉地下水的硝酸盐转化过程以同化作用为主;化粪池污水以硝化作用为主,是岩溶地下河系统硝酸盐的重要来源之一;1#落水洞污水表现为反硝化作用.④基于SIAR模型对水房泉的硝酸盐来源进行定量解析,发现大气降水、土壤有机氮和粪肥污水的贡献率分别为28%、36%和36%左右.  相似文献   

《Geofísica Internacional》2014,53(4):435-456
The Rancho Nuevo semi-circular structure is a geomorphological structure defined by drainage patterns in coastal Sonora, about 160 km NW of Hermosillo. The structure is about 15 by 30 km, and it is cored by felsic to intermediate plutons (granodiorite, monzogranite, quartz-porphyry) covered by Miocene volcanic rocks. This work is focused on the deformation of the intrusives which cover most of study area.The plutons are a co-magmatic suite dated between 71 ± 1.1 and 67.9 ± 1.0 Ma (U-Pb zircon, LA-ICPMS). The most voluminous unit is a granodiorite characterized by conspicuous sigmoidal fractures at the scale of high resolution satellite images, along which rhyolite dikes were emplaced about 13.2 Ma. Magnetic fabric (AMS) and paleomagnetic data were collected from 27 sites in the granodiorite. Magnetic fabrics are weak but well developed, and are characterized by steep foliation planes with strikes that follow the sigmoidal fracture pattern and suggest NE-SW to NW-SE flattening after emplacement. The characteristic magnetization is of dual polarity, but it is dominantly reverse consistent with emplacement during chron C31r. The prevalent magnetization is southwest and moderately steep negative (ten sites), a discordant direction rotated clockwise about 41 ° ± 11 with respect to the expected Late Cretaceous reference direction, also indicating gentle southward tilt. There is, however, paleomagnetic evidence suggesting that the structure did not rotate as a rigid body, but it deformed internally instead. These data are interpreted to indicate that the Rancho Nuevo semicircular structure is a large-scale, dextral, brittle-ductile shear indicator. The age of the dikes and the fact that they are covered discordantly by rocks assigned to the tuff of San Felipe indicate that northwest, srike-slip, motion of Baja California peninsula (and thus the Pacific plate relative to North America) was accommodated by faults in coastal Sonora about 13 Ma ago.  相似文献   

As part of a continuing toxic microalgae monitoring program, 22 phytoplankton samples were collected from July to November 2010 at several sampling stations along the southern coast of the Baja California Peninsula. For the first time, the toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum was found along the southeastern and southwestsern coasts of the peninsula. P. bahamense var. bahamense was first observed off San José del Cabo, which is an extension of the range of this variety. Both varieties occur as solitary cells. P. bahamense var. compressum occurred at temperatures ranging between 24.5 °C and 31 °C, whereas var. P.bahamense occurred at 28.5 °C to 29 °C, indicating its tropical and subtropical nature. Occurrence of P. bahamense var. compressum along this coastline may be related to El Niño 2009-2010.  相似文献   

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