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In this study, we identified and cloned the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus MT (Hp-MT) mRNA. We examined the gameto- and embryo-toxic effects and the expression of Hp-MT mRNA at various concentrations of phenol in H. pulcherrimus. We found that the normal embryogenesis rate was significantly inhibited when H. pulcherrimus was exposed to phenol (EC50 = 1565.86 ppb, 95% Cl = 1183.47-2037.84 ppb). The no observed effective concentration (NOEC) and the lowest observed effective concentration (LOEC) of the normal embryogenesis rate were < 10 ppb and 100 ppb, respectively. Hp-MT cDNA is 651 bp in length and encodes a protein of 64 amino acids. We found that the expression of Hp-MT mRNA was significantly increased with phenol treatment in a concentrationdependent manner. These results suggest that phenol at greater than 100 ppb has a toxic effect during the early embryonic stages of H. pulcherrimus, and MT mRNA may be used as a biomarker for risk assessment of phenol contamination.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of different Mediterranean habitats on spine and gonad colouring and gonadal index in the purple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea). Specimens were collected in winter 2012 in Posidonia oceanica meadows and rocky bottom areas at two sites in Southern Sardinia (Italy, Tyrrhenian Sea). Colorimetric analyses of spines and gonads were conducted with a digital colorimeter using CIELAB colour spaces, which defines the colour in terms of three coordinate values: lightness (L*), redness (a*) and yellowness (b*). Lightness and redness of the spines differed significantly between habitats, whereas colour spaces of the gonads did not. A careful analysis of the gonad index showed it to be significantly affected by habitat, registering higher values in rocky bottom locations. In conclusion, it seems that habitat does affect spine colour but not gonad colour. Spine colour seems to be site‐dependent, whereas the gonad index depends solely on the habitat.  相似文献   

池养乌苏里拟鲿雌雄鱼生长及周年性激素与性腺发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乌苏里拟鲿(Pseudobagrus ussuriensis)的种质资源保护和商品鱼养殖正在我国悄然兴起。本文首次研究了乌苏里拟鲿雌、雄鱼在池塘养殖条件下的生长规律以及性成熟鱼周年性腺发育与性激素变化特性。研究结果表明,乌苏里拟鲿随着年龄的增长,雌鱼和雄鱼之间的体质量、体长差异逐渐明显,雌鱼体长与体质量的关系式为:W=0.182 5L1.964 6(R2=0.944 5);雄鱼体长与体质量的关系式为:W=0.188 1L2.0059(R2=0.961 8)。在12月份(2龄鱼)至翌年10月份(3龄鱼)期间,雌、雄鱼丰满度呈下降趋势,成熟度、血清雌二醇(E2)和睾酮(T)水平均呈先升高后下降的变化规律。雌鱼的E2和T在5月份达到最高值,分别为(1 624.23±331.4)pg/mL和(1 320.85±279.12)pg/mL;雄鱼的E2在5月份达到最高值(323.17±147.36)pg/mL,而T的最高值则出现在4月份,为(758.33±100.47)pg/mL。雌、雄鱼性腺发育和成熟度基本同步,从外观和组织学观察对性腺的分期显示,2龄乌苏里拟鲿在12月份的精巢和卵巢已发育至第Ⅲ期,在次年6月份均达到第Ⅴ期。  相似文献   

The spatial structure of fishery resources influences stock dynamics and finally the fishery. Therefore, this aspect should be included as a key topic in the assessment and management of fisheries. The fishery of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in Galicia has been used as case study to demonstrate how the mismatch between biological, fishery and management scales causes failures in the governance, giving rise to over-exploitation. P. lividus is spatially distributed in nested biological units: patches, micro-stocks, local populations and metapopulations. Fishing operations are local exploiting micro-stocks; however management units in Galician comprise usually more than one local population. This pattern allows the depletion of several micro-stocks without any short-term signals in the exploitation rates over the complete managed territory. Management units should be redefined according to the boundaries of the local populations. In addition, the implementation of reserve networks or a rotation system could allow to effectively managing the resource at a fine-scale. Any of both regulations could also compensate the inverse density dependence that regulates recruitment and fecundity in this species.  相似文献   

南海北部及珠江口细菌生产力研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年2~3月和2004年8~9月两个航次中对珠江口及南海北部海域的异养浮游细菌生物量、生产力及其调控机制进行了观测研究.结果表明,营养物质的供应对调查区域真光层水体内的细菌生物量和生产力起着主要控制作用,从而导致冬季航次珠江口-陆架-外海调查断面表层细菌生物量和生产力呈现沿盐度梯度向外海逐渐降低的特征.就南海北部调查区域而言,冬季真光层异养细菌生物量(C)平均为(712±290)mg/m2,夏季平均为(937±397)mg/m2;真光层细菌生产力(C)冬季平均为(65.1±42.8)mg/(m2·d),夏季平均(52.5±28.6)mg/(m2·d).本调查中,南海北部海区IBP和IPP比值范围是4%~96%,平均为26%,IBP和IPP比值与初级生产力呈负相关,其分布特征与新生产力f比的分布趋势相反,显示了异养细菌在真光层物质循环过程中所发挥的作用在南海近岸富营养海域和外海寡营养海域之间的差异.  相似文献   

The effects of atmospheric nitrogen input on biological production in the Japan Sea have been investigated using a coupled physical-ecosystem model. Comparison between the cases with and without nitrogen deposition shows a relatively large effect on primary production in the southern Japan Sea during summer to autumn, when nitrogen deposition is high and nutrient is depleted in the surface layer. The atmospheric nitrogen deposition supports > 10% of the annual export production in the nearshore region along the Japanese coast. The importance of atmospheric input as a new nutrient will grow steadily with increasing deposition into the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

南海北部初级生产力遥感反演及其环境调控机制   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
选取VGPM模式对南海北部海域初级生产力进行反演,通过SeaWiFS和AVHRR提供的Chl a,K490,PAR和SST等遥感数据产品计算得到了模式所需的各项参数,结合现场实测数据对模式进行了修订和误差分析.在此基础上通过反演计算获得了南海北部海域7 a平均(1998~2004年)初级生产力逐月分布图像.研究结果表明,研究海域初级生产力(C)分布趋势为由沿岸带向陆架以及外海逐渐降低,其中沿岸带区高于400 mg/(m2·d),外海区大致在100~300 mg/(m2·d);初级生产力水平冬季最高[平均为608 mg/(m2·d)]、夏季最低[平均为292 mg/(m2·d)],春、秋季基本持平.控制初级生产力时空分布的因子主要有营养盐、温度、光照,其中又以季风和环流驱动下的营养盐变化对初级生产力的调控最为显著.  相似文献   

南海北部带鱼生长死亡与参数动态综合模式   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
根据我国近海带鱼分种研究结果,利用南海北部底拖网调查收集的带鱼属3鱼种的生物学资料,运用长度频率法估算了3鱼种的生长和死亡参数.带鱼、南海带鱼和短带鱼von Bertalanffy生长方程的渐近肛长分别为70.0,54.5和48.0 cm;生长系数分别为0.27,0.27和0.17;理论生长起点年龄分别为-0.60,-0.68和-1.10龄.用长度变换渔获曲线法估算的3鱼种总死亡系数分别为3.02,0.80和2.43;用经验公式估算的自然死亡系数分别为0.39,0.58和0.44;捕捞死亡系数分别为2.63,0.22和1.99.动态综合模式的分析结果表明,3鱼种都能承受较大的捕捞压力,资源利用的不合理之处是大量捕捞1龄以内的幼鱼;在最适利用状态下,带鱼、南海带鱼和短带鱼的开捕年龄分别应为3.0,2.0和2.7龄,对应的肛长分别为44,28和23 cm.  相似文献   

渤海及黄海北部冰情长期变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
统计分析上世纪50年代—2010年渤海及黄海北部海冰资料,对其年代际变化特征进行分析。上世纪50年代—90年代冰情总体呈缓解的趋势,2000年以来冰情略有加重。研究发现太阳活动与渤海及黄海北部冰情变化关系密切,太阳活动可能是渤海及黄海北部冰情长期变化重要影响因素。如果太阳黑子的周期长度比上一个周期长,那么周期内冰情较上一个周期严重。反之亦然。  相似文献   

Tritium (3H or T) has been produced mostly by atmospheric nuclear weapon tests, and entered the ocean in the form of water (HTO). As tritium exists as water itself, it has been regarded as an ideal tool to study the transport of water masses. In April 2001 we collected water samples in the western Japan Basin (WJB) for tritium and helium measurement. The timely sampling provided direct evidence of the bottom water formation, resulting in the drastic increase in tritium concentration from 0.3 TU in 2000 to 0.67 TU in 2001. Considering that the new bottom waters were found mostly in the WJB, it implies that maximum 1% of the whole bottom layer below 2600 m should be replaced with the surface water during the severely cold winter 2000—2001.3H-3He age, showing the elapsed time since the water left from the surface, can be used to calculate oxygen utilization rate by dividing AOU by the age. Under the condition of 90% oxygen saturation in the surface water, the integration of OUR in the water column below 200 m yields net oxygen consumption of 12 mol (O2) m-2 yr-1, which corresponds to the export production of 99 g C m-2 yr-1 . This estimate is comparable to a previous estimate based on satellite data and implies that the ratio of export to primary production (f -ratio) is as high as 0.5 in the WJB.  相似文献   

通过2012年夏季第五次北极科学考察期间在楚科奇海及其邻近海域现场调查所获得的数据分析研究了海域的粒度分级叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力。结果表明,叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的高值均出现在楚科奇海陆架区,并且远高于深海区。去程时调查海域水层平均叶绿素a浓度的变化范围为0.32~15.66mg/m3,平均(2.77±3.96)mg/m3,高值区出现在南部邻近白令海峡海域、北部阿拉斯加巴罗近岸和冰缘区;初级生产力的范围为50.11~943.28mg/(m2d),高值出现在冰缘水华区。返程时水层平均叶绿素a浓度的变化范围为0.07~1.52mg/m3,平均(0.41±0.40)mg/m3,高值仍出现在陆架区,但比去程时低了一个数量级;初级生产力的分布范围为12.31~41.35mg/(m2d),高值出现在陆架区。浮游植物粒度分级测定结果表明,在生物量较低的深海区,叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的粒级结构以微微型浮游生物(Pico级份)占优势(其贡献率分别为46.1%和56.9%),小型(Net级份)和微型(Nano级份)对总叶绿素a浓度的贡献差异极小,分别为26.6%和27.3%,对总初级生产力的贡献分别为23.8%和19.3%;而在生物量较高的水深小于200m的陆架区,Net级份叶绿素a浓度所占百分比最高,Pico级份次之,Nano级份最低,分别为59.8%、27.9%和12.3%,初级生产力的粒级结构中叶绿素a浓度所占百分比由高到低同样是Net、Pico和Nano,所占百分比分别为60.6%,32.2%和7.2%。  相似文献   

Biomass and primary productivity of benthic microalgae (BMA) and planktonic algae in Suo Nada, the western part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan were compared in terms of unit area with regard to their seasonal and spatial distribution in 2002. Judging from light compensation depth and water depth, the southwestern part of Suo Nada was considered to be a potential habitat for BMA. Whereas the contribution of sedimented planktonic algae was high in biomass at the sediment surface, BMA was obviously significant both in biomass and primary production in the shallow southwestern part. However, the contribution of BMA to the total biomass in the entire water column was 7% in winter and 2% in summer. The primary production of BMA varied between 4.0 and 74.0 mg C m−2 d−1 in the southwestern part, accounting for 2–12% of the whole water column primary production. The ecological roles of BMA in the Suo Nada ecosystem are discussed, such as reduction of benthic nutrient flux, oxidation of surface sediments and feed for higher animals.  相似文献   

A simple model of lower trophic level ecosystem has been created to analyze possible environmental control of primary production in eight sub-areas of the Seto Inland Sea. The primary production rates observed by Hashimotoet al. (1997a) in these sub-areas are well reproduced by the model, including horizontal processes such as horizontal transport of nutrients and vertical processes such as vertical mixing, light intensity and sinking of particulate matter. Without taking account of horizontal processes the model also successfully reproduces the observed primary production rates in some areas, but if fails to reproduce those in the others. This shows that the relative importance of the horizontal transport on the primary production differs are by area. Two time scales,T z andT H, are introduced to explain this difference.T z is a vertical cycling time of material, which is defined as the time during which the stock of the material in the water column is utilized for primary production;T H is the horizontal transit time of the material. The relative importance of the horizontal process is well explained by theT H/T z ratio; that is, the horizontal transport process is important in the areas where this ratio is small. Further the possible mechanisms of nutrient supply for the primary production in each sub-area are investigated using this model.  相似文献   

采用14C与15 N核素示踪方法,于2008年12月—2009年1月对东海和南海北部海域的初级生产力和新生产力的分布进行了研究,并对其环境制约机制进行了初步探讨。结果表明:调查海域叶绿素a质量浓度在空间分布上呈近岸高、外海低,表层高、真光层底部低的分布趋势。东海海域的积分初级生产力(IPP)和积分新生产力(INP)均低于南海北部海域,f比值为东海海域>南海北部海域,东海海域新生产力(NP)对初级生产力(PP)的贡献大于南海北部海域。浮游植物对氨盐的吸收速率(ρNH4)显著大于对硝酸盐的吸收速率(ρNO3)(P<0.05)。水柱平均新生产力与环境参数的相关性分析结果表明,营养盐是影响冬季调查海域新生产力的主要因素,温度和盐度为次要因素。  相似文献   

通过计算机图像测定系统测定、计算获得海冰细菌的大小、面积和碳含量,研究了北极巴伦支海和拉普捷夫海的浮冰中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布及其与海冰微藻生物量的关系.细菌在冰心中是非均匀分布的,至少有两种不同分布类型:第一类有单一的丰度峰值,在冰心底部或在冰心中部;第二类有两个丰度峰值.海冰中细菌的丰度为0.4×105~36.7×105个/cm3.不同类型海冰中的细菌大小变化极大,在多年冰中,最大的细菌与叶绿素a最大值出现在同一层,而在一年冰中,细菌大小几乎没有垂直变化.整柱冰心的细菌生物量变化为19.2~79.2mg/cm2,细菌与海冰微藻生物量之比为0.43~10.00.对固定冰比较和研究的结果发现,海冰冰心中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布差别极大.据此,分析了对目前海冰研究采样方法的局限性,并提出了规范采样方法的设想.  相似文献   

We know of no comparative assessment on the benefits and costs of long‐term covering and sheltering behaviors in sea urchins. The present study investigated the long‐term effects of conditions suitable for sheltering and covering behaviors on fitness‐related traits of sea urchins Glyptocidaris crenularis. In general, conditions suitable for covering and sheltering behaviors significantly affected the fitness‐related traits of G. crenularis in a long‐term laboratory study of 31 months. Glyptocidaris crenularis kept in conditions suitable for sheltering behavior (bricks with openings) showed significantly lower test size, body weight, organ (test, lantern, gonad and gut) weights, gonad index and slower gonad development than those kept in conditions suitable for covering behavior (presence of shells) and the control conditions (without conditions for covering and sheltering). However, the index of maximum pressure resistance of the test was significantly higher in G. crenularis kept in the sheltering conditions than those in the covering and control conditions. The present study provides new insight into the mechanisms of covering and sheltering behaviors and has implications for the conservation and aquaculture of sea urchins.  相似文献   

Standing stocks and production rates of phytoplankton and abundance of bacteria were investigated at 39 stations in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan during four crulses in October 1993, January, April and June 1994. Primary productivity was measured by the13C tracer method. Photosynthetic rate varied from 0.41 to 32.1 μgC/1/h with an average value of 4.67 μgC/l/h. Annual primary production was estimated to be 218 gC/m2/year. Annual primary production in this study was 1.8 times as high as the values which were previously reported at same area. The reason for the disagreement between our primary production value and previous values is not thought to be due to the difference of methods used for measuring primary production or the different Chl.a concentrations but to the method of estimating the primary production in the euphotic zone from thein vitro measurements. The distribution of bacterial cells in surface seawater was examined during the same cruises. Bacterial cell density ranged from 0.32 to 3.4×106 cells/ml. The density was relatively high in the eutrophic regions of Hiroshima Bay and Osaka Bay In addition, a high density of bacteria was also observed in an area within Suo Nada where Chl.a was relatively low. The disparity between Chla and bacterial density in Suo Nada suggests that bacterial abundance can be controlled by the availability of substrates other than phytoplankton exudate.  相似文献   

通过修订的VGPM模型,利用南海北部7年平均SeaWiFS和AVHRR遥感资料,分析了该海域河口上升流及反气旋涡等生境表层叶绿素浓度和初级生产力的周年变化,结果表明,季风驱动下的物理一生物海洋学耦合过程是控制研究海域浮游植物生物量和初级生产力时空变化的主导因素.浮游植物生物量和初级生产力随着季风、环流以及中尺度涡等物理...  相似文献   

本文讨论了2013年5月南海东沙天然气水合物区浮游植物生物量和生产力粒级结构特征及其环境影响因素。结果表明,研究海域表现出典型的低营养盐、低叶绿素a、低生产力特征,浮游植物叶绿素a和初级生产力具有明显的次表层最大值现象。东沙海域生物量和初级生产力粒级结构差异性显著,从生物量和生产力贡献度来看,表现为微微型浮游植物> 微型浮游植物> 小型浮游植物。生物量的垂直分布结果表明,春季不同粒级类群浮游植物在真光层内的分布存在明显不同,比如小型浮游植物在真光层内分布较均匀;微型浮游植物则主要分布于近表层或真光层中部,而微微型浮游植物则主要分布于真光层中部和底部。微微型浮游植物在纬度较低的热带贫营养海区之所以能够占主导优势,最主要的原因是其极小的细胞体积和较大的表面积使其有利于营养竞争。相关性分析表明,南海东沙浮游植物各粒级生物量与温度、pH显著正相关,与硅酸盐、磷酸盐显著负相关;浮游植物各粒级生产力与温度显著正相关,与盐度、磷酸盐显著负相关。磷酸盐含量是影响东沙海域浮游植物粒级结构差异的重要因素之一,同时,光辐照度和水体的真光层深度对东沙天然气水合物区不同粒径浮游植物的垂直分布起着更为重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

The general properties of sea ice and overlying snow in the southern Sea of Okhotsk were examined during early February of 2003 to 2005 with the P/V “Soya”. Thin section analysis of crystal structure revealed that frazil ice (48% of total core length) was more prevalent than columnar ice (39%) and that stratigraphic layering was prominent with a mean layer thickness of 12 cm, indicating that dynamic processes are essential to ice growth. The mean thickness of ice blocks and visual observations suggest that ridging dominates the deformation process above thicknesses of 30 to 40 cm. As for snow, it was found that faceted crystals and depth hoar are dominant (78%), as which is also common in the Antarctic sea ice, and is indicative of the strong vertical temperature gradients within the snow. Stable isotope measurements (δ18O) indicate that snow ice occupies 9% of total core length and that the mass fraction of meteoric ice accounts for 1 to 2% of total ice volume, which is lower than the Antarctic sea ice. Associated with this, the effective fractionation coefficient during the freezing of seawater was also derived. Snow ice was characterized by lower density, higher salinity, and nearly twice the gas content of ice of seawater origin. In addition, it is shown that the surface brine volume fraction and freeboard are well correlated with ice thickness, indicating some promise for remote sensing approaches to the estimation of ice thickness.  相似文献   

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