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Preferential settling of smectite on the Amazon continental shelf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seventy-five surface and subsurface sediment samples collected on the Amazon continental shelf were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) in the grain-size fractions smaller than 2 μm. The groups of clay minerals thus identified were smectite, kaolinite, illite, and mixed-layer illite/smectite. Calculation of relative abundance shows a predominance of smectite (37%) in the whole area, followed by kaolinite (27%), illite (23%), and a small percentage of mixed-layer illite/smectite (12%). The distal, northwest region of the continental shelf is characterized by a high abundance of smectite (41%), high salinity values, and high sediment accumulation rates (10 cm year−1), whereas the proximal region is characterized by a comparatively low abundance of smectite (30%), low salinity values, and low sediment accumulation rates (<1 cm year−1). This trend of increasing abundance northwestwards documents a preferential settling of smectite in the distal and more saline regions of this estuarine system. Received: 17 September 1999 / Revision accepted: 17 January 2000  相似文献   

Dissolved material and recent sediment from the Amazon continental shelf have been analyzed for hydrocarbons to study the sources and potential fate of the transported organic matter. Dissolvedn-alkanes are present at low concentrations (ppb level) and are dominated by lipids from marine phytoplankton with carbon number maxima (Cmax) at C18/C22 and an even-to-odd carbon predominance < C30 (CPI17–27 from 0.18 to 0.54). In the sediments, bimodal distributions ofn-alkane chain length suggest a mixed input of terrestrial (Cmax at C27/C29/C31 and CPI25–33 from 0.75 to 1.82) and phytoplanktonic/microbial (Cmax at C20 and CPI15–25 from 0.38 to 0.62) organic matter. Sesquiterpenes were the most significant cyclic compounds in all the dissolved samples analyzed reflecting a contribution from resinous trees to the terrestrial organic pool. On the other hand, enhanced concentrations of these compounds in the dissolved phase on the northwest portion of the Amazon shelf, contrasting with decreased concentrations in the sediment samples, suggest that dissolved lipids are released from solid phase in the intensely stirred seabed. Structured organic matter in the sediment has been characterized as being composed of, on average: 19% plant cuticles, 25% woody tissue, 13% pollens and spores, 24% amorphous material, 7% bituminite and 12% altered organic material.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to separate various fractions of phosphorus in surface sediments of the Amazon continental shelf and compare them with other areas of the Brazilian shelf. Surface sediments were collected from the river-mouth transect (RMT) and open-self transect (OST). The extraction techniques available in the literature have been used to separate the following forms: Fe-PO4, Al-PO4, Ca-PO4, and associated organic matter. The results indicate that the concentrations of phosphorus are uniform in the study area and may be compared with many other nonpolluted environments. Among the inorganic forms, Ca-PO4 is dominant in all the samples, and Fe-PO4 is present in lower concentrations. Al-PO4 is more significant on the Amazon continental shelf than other parts of the Brazilian coast and other coastal environments of the world.  相似文献   

The AMANDES project aims to study transports from the Andean mountains to the Atlantic Ocean through the Amazon system. This requires realistic estuarine modelling in this area strongly forced by tides and river discharge. As none of the existing models for this region would fit the actual needs of the project, a specific new generation model has been implemented.The model is based on the hydrodynamic finite element model T-UGOm. In a first step, we limit our investigations to tidal dynamics. As the Amazon estuary is a very shallow macro-tidal area, it is necessary to improve the available bathymetries and to develop a precise bottom friction parametrisation.In this paper, we discuss the implementation of a high resolution regional model. This allows us to develop a precise and accurate tidal model: for instance, the overall root mean square error on complex differences is reduced from 54 cm in a standard model to 27 cm in our best model. Such precise and accurate tidal modelling is a prerequisite for modelling particle transport.  相似文献   

A factor analysis of 180 bottom sediment samples from the east-central Bering Sea continental shelf identifies five factors that account for 95% of the variation in the 17 whole ø size classes that were used as variables. Factor I represents coarse sediments that have been bypassed in areas of active water circulation. Factors II and III represent fine and very fine sands that have been hydraulically sorted, reworked, and mixed. Factor IV represents coarse to medium silt that has been segregated from areas of relatively high energy. Factor V represents both the production of sediments finer than medium silt and deposition within the lowest-energy environment in this area.Modern and palimpsest sediments are areally prevalent over this section of the shelf. Relict sediments occur in only a few small areas. The dispersal of sediments is affected by surface and tidal currents as well as wave action. Ice rafting is not an important geological agent. Data from the eastcentral Bering Sea shelf indicate that sediments on subarctic continental shelves are not necessarily characterized by an abundance of rocky sediments or gravel.  相似文献   

The distribution of benthic foraminiferal microfauna recovered from two offshore transects on the Amazon shelf was studied. Eight box-core samples were collected along the inner, middle, and outer parts of the continental shelf. Each box-core sample was divided into 10 subsamples, of 1- to 5-cm intervals, in order to investigate the foraminiferal microhabitat preferences. The variations of salinity, oxygen, lithology, and sediment accumulation rates were used to evaluate ecological patterns. Four benthic foraminiferal assemblages identified in the study area characterize a record of oceanographic changes from early Holocene to the present. An abundant assemblage, with opportunistic species, was found near the river mouth. Two assemblages were identified northwest of the river mouth, with dominant epifaunal and infaunal species, respectively. A relict assemblage was encountered northwest of the river mouth.  相似文献   

Analytical results of bottom sampling of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean affected by the Amazon River show a concentration of material smaller than 2 μ along the shore northwest of the mouth of the Amazon River for 2000 km. A zone having a high percentage of material coarser than 20 μ extends outward from the Amazon River and along the outer continental shelf northwestward for 2000 km. Areas having high carbonate percentages are encountered only on the outer shelf and in deep water.  相似文献   

Continental shelves off major river deltas or estuaries act as an interface between terrestrial environments and marine depo centers like the Amazon Fan. In order to understand sedimentary processes on the Amazon sub-aquatic delta and outer shelf, Late-Quaternary erosional and depositional structures have been investigated with an ultra high-resolution seismic survey system (4 kHz). The wavy morphology of the outer shelf implies the presence of tidal sand ridges or meandering channels. In the latter case, the local presence of channel fill deposits suggests several cut-off loops (ox bows). The inter-channel areas are consequently interpreted as levees, which reach their maximum height of 10 m in the area between the Amazon river mouth and the Amazon canyon. The morphology of terraces in front of the sub-aquatic delta reflect erosional processes which presumably occurred during accelerated sea level rise at the beginning and the end of the Younger Dryas. A carbonate platform is present in the northwestern survey area close to the shelf break. Its water depth of 120–130 m implies an evolution during the last glacial maximum. The asymmetric shape of the Cabo Norte Shoal on the topset of the sub-aquatic delta is typical of bottom current produced shoals. The steeper northwestern flank lies in the lee position of the northwest flowing coastal current. Southeast of the shoal the <10 m thick uppermost sequence of presumably Holocene age consists of lobes that dip with the same apparent angle as the foreset towards the offlap break. Within the area 20 km northwest of the shoal the uppermost sequence forms a smooth depression and may be erosionally truncated at the seafloor. Here, the prograding direction includes a northwest component. A shale diapir, which rises from a transparent underlying sequence, marks the transition to an area where the upper sequence is not resolved in the data.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that variations of the Amazon plume are forced primarily by wind is further explored through a series of simplified numerical model simulations. The wind's role in the change in plume structure and the nature of this change are investigated for two events: a shift in wind direction from westward to southeastward and a reduction in magnitude of the westward wind speed. Under winds with a southeastward component, the plume is confined to below 5°N; this simulation represents a rare but illustrative event showing how the balance of forces is quickly adjusted under changing winds. The freshest portions of the plume expand eastward, but are confined near the river mouth, as observed. The cross-shelf and alongshelf dynamic balances are similar in magnitude to those with westward wind stress, but the balance between the equatorial jet and buoyancy-driven cross-shelf flow is altered, controlling a new along-shelf position of the front. During wind-relaxation events, the plume widens near the mouth as a result of strong, eastward cross-shelf velocities associated with an equatorial Kelvin wave.  相似文献   

Early diagenetic properties of Amazon shelf muds are dominated by nonsulfidic Fe and Mn cycling, resulting in relatively little S deposition compared to previously studied marine margin environments. Despite abundant potential reactants typical of sulfidic deposits, authigenic sulfides represent only ~ 10% of diagenetically reduced Fe, and DOP (degree of pyritization) is only ~0.02. The average C/S (wt wt–1) ratio of buried sediment below the zone of SO4 2- reduction is ~ 7.4, ~ 2.6 times more than the commonly assumed modern shelf average of ~ 2.8. The deltaic burial rate forS is ~ 0.65 × 106 tons yr–1. Relatively lowS deposition is promoted by terrestrial weathering that delivers reactive oxide debris, but apparently depends most strongly on reoxidation and rapid burial by intense physical reworking and fluid-mud formation. Diagenetic models of S distributions demonstrate rapid sediment reworking (~ 10–100 cm yr–1 as apparent advection), substantialS reoxidation (84–98%), and in one case, massive sediment deposition of up to ~ 5 m of sediment in ~ 1 year. Extremely low DOP coupled with dominance by nonsulfidic reduced-Fe minerals and lack of biogenic sedimentary structures may be an indicator in marine organic-rich muds of intense physical reworking under oxygenated waters.  相似文献   

Numerous riftogenic structures of different ages and orientations are widespread on the vast shelf of the Eastern Arctic region. A schematic tectonic map presents the main structural elements of the Upper Brooksian (Cretaceous-Cenozoic) unit, through which contours of the Ellesmerian (Late Devonian-Jurassic) structures, being the most enriched in hydrocarbon resources in the region under consideration, are seen. Three large sedimentation basins are identified in the upper unit: the Vil’kitskii-North Chukchi, the South Chukchi, and the East Chukchi basins separated by the Central Chukchi Rise, which was most active at the Ellesmerian stage. By analogy with the areas studied both on the shelf and on the continental slope, models of the formation and accumulation of hydrocarbons are presented for each of these three basins, thus, allowing one to outline the zones prospective for gas and oil accumulation.  相似文献   

15 ka以来罗斯海陆架岩心沉积学记录及古海洋学意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对取自罗斯海陆架的JB04岩心沉积物进行AMS14C测年、粒度、有机碳等测试,结合沉积物粒度组分因子分析,研究该岩心的沉积学记录,探讨其古海洋学意义。结果显示:JB04岩心沉积物的底部年龄为15 ka;沉积物粒度组分因子分析提取出3个环境敏感粒级,分别代表正常冰海沉积、低能海洋沉积和高能海洋沉积;综合沉积物岩相及沉积物组成特征,可以将岩心分为4段,从底部到顶部依次为主要受冰盖刮蚀影响的冰盖下沉积、属低能海洋环境的冰架下沉积、属高能海洋环境的冰架前缘沉积和主要受冰山影响的季节性海冰区沉积。该岩心的沉积地质记录及其古海洋学研究对全面认识罗斯海的海洋环境演变具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

芋螺科(Conidae)是一类多样性较高的暖水性海洋贝类,肉食性,体内有毒素可射杀猎物。芋螺毒素具有重要的研究价值和经济意义,因此该类动物备受关注。我国南海蕴藏着丰富的芋螺动物资源,芋螺资源的开发及相关研究需要分类学提供支撑。本文简述了芋螺科的系统分类研究历史,回顾了这一类群的国内外系统分类学研究进展,分析了中国海域芋螺科分类学目前存在的问题和不足。文终指出通过经典分类学和分子系统学研究的交叉综合,结合中国海域的研究材料,将会补充和完善国际上较新的芋螺科分类系统,缩小与国外同类研究间的差距。  相似文献   

Cyclic sequences occur worldwide in nearly every stratigraphic sequence; they are particularly well developed in marine deposits associated with large river systems. Superimposed on those cycles attributed to shifting sites of deposition are those related to high-frequency sea level changes. The large data base for this study (including 471 deep foundation borings, thousands of line kilometers of high-resolution seismic, and sedimentological and dating analyses) represents the most complete information on high-resolution chronostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy that is available on any modern continental shelf/upper slope. These data are used to document sedimentological characteristics and spatial depositional patterns during three complete sea level cycles over the entire continental shelf/upper slope of offshore Louisiana. Sedimentation during periods of high sea level is characterized by: 1) thin, slowly accumulated depositional sequences, referred to as condensed sections, 2) calcareous-rich deposits, including hemipelagic sediments and shell hashes, and 3) wide lateral continuity. Sedimentation during periods of low sea level is characterized by; 1) variable-thickness, rapidly accumulated sequences referred to as expanded sections, 2) coarse-grained elastic deposits, including abundant sands and gravels, and 3) well-defined depositional trends. Even though the data set covers only a short period of geologic time (240 000 yrs), these high frequency events are responsible for the deposition of excellent reservoir-quality facies in well-defined and predictable trends.  相似文献   

Cyclic sequences occur worldwide in nearly every stratigraphic sequence; they are particularly well-developed in fluvial and deltaic sediments that have been influenced by high-frequency eustatic sea-level fluctuations. The large data base for this study (including 471 deep foundation borings, thousands of line kilometers of high-resolution seismic, and sedimentological and dating analyses) represents the most complete information on high-resolution chronostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy that is available on any modern continental shelf/upper slope. These data are used to document sedimentological characteristics and high-resolution seismic responses during three complete sea-level cycles over the entire continental shelf/upper slope of offshore Louisiana. Examination of high-resolution seismic records indicates that well-defined, high-amplitude, laterally continuous reflectors correlate with rising and high stand condensed sedimentary sequences and that the deposits laid down during falling and low-stand periods (expanded sections) are characterized by a wide range of acoustic responses. Discontinuous reflectors with high-amplitude variability, continuous parallel reflectors, and chaotic and amorphous zones are common acoustic responses. The association between a particular lithofacies and a specific acoustic response on 3.5-kHz records was found to be very poor.  相似文献   

利用最新采集的高分辨率浅地层剖面资料,结合SHD-1钻孔岩心资料,对东海北部外陆架MIS 6以来的地层结构进行了分析,建立了MIS 6以来的沉积地层格架,并对地层的地质年代进行了厘定。根据Octavian Catuneanu(2005)的层序地层学理论,研究区地层划分出海侵和高位体系域、下降期体系域、海退和低位体系域。研究表明,过孔的浅地层剖面与钻孔岩心的沉积地层有很好的对应关系。东海北部外陆架MIS 6以来可划分出7个不整合界面(D7—D1)和7个地震单元(SU7—SU1)。东海外陆架的海进层序与海退层序有规律地交替发育,它们与海平面变化曲线也有很好的对应关系。其中,地震单元SU1、SU5分别为MIS 1、MIS 5形成的海侵沉积,主要发育浅海沉积层,100 m以浅的位置发育潮流沙脊;地震单元SU2、SU4、SU6分别对应 MIS 2、MIS 4和MIS 6低海平面时期形成的河流/河口—三角洲沉积;地震单元SU3、SU4为下降期体系域,这两个亚单元分别对应MIS 3和MIS 4晚期。MIS 4—MIS 3发育厚层且分布广泛的水下三角洲,但MIS 4发育的水下三角洲的规模不及MIS 3大。总之,对MIS 6以来沉积地层格架的建立和古环境研究可为东海外陆架晚第四纪地层的海平面变化、古环境演化等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The transport pathways of fine sediments (fraction <2 μm) along the Brazilian continental shelf from Ceará to the Amazon River mouth were studied by means of clay mineral analyses. On the continental shelf southeast of the Amazon mouth, fluctuations in clay mineral compositions reflect simple mixing between the suspended load of the North Brazil Current and sediment from several smaller rivers. Previously, clay mineral variations west of the Amazon mouth have been explained by variable settling velocities of different grain-size classes within the <2 μm fraction or by selective coagulation of individual clay mineral groups. By contrast, our experiments with river bank samples show that selective coagulation does not occur in Amazon River sediments. A more appropriate explanation for observed variations in clay mineral composition off the Amazon mouth seems to be, similarly to that for the shelf between Ceará and the Amazon mouth, a mixing of Amazon sediments with suspended material of the North Brazil Current. This interpretation is supported by data on clay mineral composition east and south of the Amazon mouth, showing more affinity to sediments of the North Brazil Current than to the suspended load of the Amazon River. Additionally, relatively low sedimentation rates and low concentrations of fine-grained sediments on the shelf suggest that high riverine input by the Amazon River does not overprint the sediments of the North Brazil Current in this region. The strong North Brazil Current shunts the Amazon suspended load in a north-westerly direction along the north-eastern coast of South America. Hence, stronger sedimentation of Amazon sediments would occur only west of the river mouth.  相似文献   

J.A. Ewing 《Marine Geology》1973,15(2):M31-M35
Estimates of the wave-induced oscillatory bottom currents available to move sediment on the continental shelf have been made using the Pierson—Moskowitz wave spectrum; the oscillations are substantially stronger than had previously been thought. Near a shelf edge with canyons the wave-induced currents will be locally enhanced by wave refraction by about four times under certain conditions for idealized topography. Local sediment-transport rates will be greater and will occur more frequently than had previously been supposed.  相似文献   

Magnetic surveys of the shelf off Western Iceland have been interpreted to show the presence of a large number of central volcanoes, as known to occur on shore. This is confirmed by gravity evidence. The concentration of these volcanoes is greater off the Snaefellsnes-Breidafjordur area than off the Northwest peninsula; by comparison with previous work in Iceland and to the southeast, these results may define the mantle plume trace west of Iceland.  相似文献   

联体线虫科是自由生活海洋线虫中种类多样性较高的一个科,广泛分布于潮间带、浅海甚至超过6 000 m的深渊海底。联体线虫科目前已记录有19个属239个有效种(另有4个属由于原始描述较简单,被认为是疑似属),是当前海洋线虫分类学研究最为活跃的一个科。本文简述了联体线虫科的系统分类研究历史,回顾了这一类群的国内外系统分类学研究进展,对3个亚科的分类进一步做了梳理,并列出了各个属的种类检索表。  相似文献   

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