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The sphere of activity which be considered in the test stars of both central galaxies and satellite galaxies is used in three-body model to study the orbital decay of interacting galaxies. It can take account of both semi-restrictedN-body program (Lin and Tremaine, 1983) and multiple three-body algorithm (Borne, 1984) at the same time. The merger time is calculated accurately. The orbital decay of satellite galaxy is characterized. Energy and angular momentum which are carried away by escaping star are computed, too.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Chatterjee, 1984), we studied the formation of ring galaxies due to head-on collisions between disk and spherical galaxies. The rings so formed are quite prominent and well defined. However, in the domain of rings, there are many faint rings which are ill defined and are so faint that they lie on the borderline of detectability. In this paper the formation of such rings is investigated.Using the impulsive approximation technique, in this paper we study an off-center collision between an exponential model disk galaxy and a polytropic (n=4) model spherical galaxy, in which the spherical galaxy moves normal to the plane of the disk galaxy and grazes its periphery. The radii of the two galaxies are taken to be equal, but due to the high central concentration of the spherical galaxy its radius is effectively one-third that of the disk galaxy. It is found that, as a result of the collision, the disk galaxy expands and attains an oblate shape. If the fractional change in binding energy of the disk galaxy, U/|U|, lies between 0.001 to 0.01, then a faint ring structure is formed which does not close on itself. If U/|U|0.01, then in addition to the faint ring a bridge and tail are formed. The ability of such low-energy collisions to affect even minor structural changes in the disk is due to the preferentially higher energy changes occurring in the side nearer to the perturbing galaxy than in the opposite side. Consequently, the structural changes produced are asymmetric.Such a faint ring may elude detection on photographs, but it will be revealed by sensitive photometric observations. There are several examples of such faint ring structures embedded in disks, which have been detected by observation.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric energy distribution data of the shell stars Per and Per are reported in the wavelength range 3200–8000 Å. The effective temperature of these stars is derived by comparison of observed energy distribution with theoretical models. Both the stars show higher values of derived effective temperature. The continuum energy distribution in the ultraviolet region has also be discussed.  相似文献   

Of the 7500 stars cited in the Catalog of starlight polarization, those which satisfy the condition P obs % and A V 0m.5 are selected. It is presumed that the selected stars (n=216) have circularly polarized light.  相似文献   

The continuum energy distribution data of ten Be stars — namely, HR 1761, HR 1786, HR 1820, Ori, Ori, OT Gem, Lyr, HR 7983, Cyg, and 59 Cyg — have been presented in the wavelength range 3200–8000 Å. The observed energy distribution curve shows near infrared excess for majority of Be stars and a double Balmer jump for HR 8047 and HR 8146. Empirical effective temperatures of these stars have been estimated by comparing the observed continuum energy distributions with that of computed theoretical models given by Kurucz (1979).On the basis of an HR diagram with evolutionary tracks for different solar masses the masses of these Be stars have been estimated. Position of these studied stars on the HR diagram suggests that these Be stars may be in the stage of core contraction after exhausting hydrogen at the centre and have undergone hydrogen exhaustion in the thick shell.  相似文献   

The observations of the reddening of the distant galaxies and the weak diffuse radiation in the clusters of galaxies can be interpreted as a consequence of the presence of dust grains in the intergalactic medium. When allowance is made for the destruction of the grains in collision with particles of the hot gas, its lifetime is about 107–108 yr at a gas concentrationn g 10–3 cm–3. The detection of the infrared (IR) emission from the galaxy clusters might be the test for the proof of the presence of dust grains in the intergalactic medium. In this paper the estimates of the expected intensities and fluxes of IR emission for the spectral region 50–300 are presented for two galaxy clusters in Coma and Perseus. The parameters of the hot gas spatial distribution are chosen from X-ray observations. Having assumed that intergalactic dust can be ejected only from the galaxies, we used such a model for intergalactic dust grains which explains very well the interstellar dust effects. It is shown that the dust temperature, which is determined from the general energetic balance of the dust grains, can achieve some scores of degrees of Kelvin. Two models of the dust spatial distribution are considered. It is found that the maximum of IR flux for the Coma cluster lies near =100 and the same for the Perseus cluster near 50–70. The total fluxes of IR emission from these clusters are about 105–106 Jy and can be detected by modern observational methods.  相似文献   

Summary X-ray images and spectra of clusters of galaxies show strong evidence for cooling flows. In many clusters, the hot gas in the core is cooling at rates of 100Myr–1 and greater. Few traces of the cooled gas have been observed, but it probably forms into low-mass stars (perhaps brown dwarf or even Jupiter-mass objects). X-ray surface-brightness profiles show that the cooling gas is highly inhomogeneous. Overdense gas cools rapidly to form cooled clumps distributed throughout the flow, with little of the gas ever reaching the cluster centre. Cooled and cooling clumps are disrupted because of their motion relative to the remainder of the gas, tending to produce small cooled fragments and, ultimately, low-mass stars. Large molecular clouds, which are the sites of massive star formation in our galaxy, do not occur in the outer parts of cooling flows. There is evidence of larger gas clumps and the formation of more massive stars in the central few kpc of some cooling flows. It is argued that cooling flows efficiently form dark matter. This has wider implications for the formation of dark matter in massive galaxies.  相似文献   

A new type of cosmic virial theorem is derived, representing a relation among the two-point and three-point galaxy correlation functions and the mean square relative peculiar velocity v 2(r) averaged over pairs of galaxies separated by distancer. The two correlation functions seem to be fairly well known, but v 2(r) at best is only very roughly estimated from available data. It might be possible to improve the estimate through a systematic program of redshift measurements in sample areas. If so, the cosmic virial theorem might yield an interesting measure of the mean mass density due to galaxies.Research supported in part by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The problem of the change in gravitational energy of a colliding galaxy due to tidal effects is considered. The change in the internal energy, the mass of escaping matter and the change in the mean radius of the test galaxy have been estimated for a relative velocity of 1000 km s–1 for three distances of closest approach for the following four cases: (a) both galaxies centrally concentrated, (b) both galaxies homogeneous, (c) test galaxy centrally concentrated, field galaxy homogeneous, and (d) test galaxy homogeneous, field galaxy centrally concentrated. The masses and radii of the two galaxies are taken as 1011 M and 10 kpc respectively. For simplicity, the galaxies are assumed to be spherically symmetric and the distribution of mass within a centrally concentrated galaxy is assumed to be that of a polytrope of indexn=4. The results also provide estimates for the minimum relative velocity a galaxy must have in order that it may not be captured by another to form a double system. It has been found that normally a relative velocity of less than about 500 km s–1 will lead to the formation of a double galaxy by tidal capture. In the case of a head-on collision between two centrally concentrated galaxies even a relative velocity of about 1000 km s–1 is small enough for tidal capture. The changes in the structure of the galaxies for relative velocities equal to velocity of escape are also indicated. These results show that there is no escape of matter from the test galaxy in cases (b) and (c). In the case (a) the escape of matter can be as high as 4% of the total mass. The head-on collision between galaxies are normally not accompanied by any escape of matter. All the gain in the internal energy of galaxies during such collisions results in increase in their dimensions. The fractional increase in the mean radius of the test galaxy in the head-on collision is 1.5 in the case (a), 3.2 in the case (b) and 0.01 in the case (c). In the case (d) the test galaxy will be disrupted by the tidal forces.  相似文献   

Quasi-steady high-temperature current sheets are an energy source during the main or hot phase of solar flares. Such sheets are shown to be stabilized with respect to the tearing instability by a small transverse component of magnetic field existing in the sheets.  相似文献   

The results of the computations of the chemical evolution for a galaxy cluster are presented. The matter exchange between galaxies and intergalactic medium is taken into account. Two dependences of star formation rate on time are considered: (i) monotonously decreasing dependence characteristic of elliptical galaxies, (ii) dependence having two peaks associated with creation of spiral galaxy subsystems, with suppression of star formation at the period between maxima. It is assumed that galactic ejection is due to explosions of II-type supernova with massesm5M , and that the accretion on to a galaxy depends but weakly on the time. By comparing the obtained results with total combination of available observations, it is established that the rate of gaseous exchange between a galaxy and intergalactic medium should be rather large: 0.03M gal Gyr–1. Besides, the activity of each type of galaxy leads to an approximately equal enrichment of intergalactic gas by new elements synthesized in the stars. The existence of a large accretion on to the Galaxy leads to the decrease of primordial deuterium abundance by a factor of no more than 2 during the galaxy evolution time. It enables us to assume that the standard Big Bang model with baryon density parameter b 0.1 may be considered as true.  相似文献   

The integrated H luminosities of giant H II regions and of H II galaxies can be predicted with accuracy comparable to the observational errors from the velocity widths of their emissionline profiles. In addition, giant H II regions also present a relation between linear size and their emission-line width. Based on the similarity of these relations with those expected for virialized systems, Terlevich and Melnick interpreted the observedsupersonic motions as due to the gravitational potential of a complex of gas and stars.We show that H II galaxies also present a relation between linear size and their emission-line width, which supports the gravitating model. We also show that the scatter in the luminosity-line width relation for H II galaxies seems to be correlated with linear size and compare the results with the fundamental plane for elliptical galaxies from Dressleret al. (1987).  相似文献   

A model of the galaxy is constructed and evolved in which the integrated influence of stellar and supernova nucleosynthesis on the composition of the interstellar gas is traced numerically. Our detailed assumptions concerning the character of the matter released from evolving stars and supernovae are guided by the results of recent stellar evolutionary calculations and hydrodynamic studies of supernova events. Stars of main sequence mass in the range 4M8M are assumed to give rise to supernova events, leaving remnants we identify with neutron stars and pulsars and forming both the carbon-to-iron nuclei and ther-process heavy elements in the explosive ejection of the core material. For more massive stars, we assume the core implosion will result in the formation of a Schwarzschild singularity, that is, a black hole or collapsar. The straightforward assumptions (1) that the gas content of the galaxy decreases exponentially with time to its present level of 5% and (2) that the luminosity function characteristic of young clusters and the solar neighborhood is appropriate throughout galactic history, lead to the prediction that 20% of the unevolved stars of approximately one solar mass (M ) in the galaxy today should have metal compositionsZ0.1Z . As Schmidt has argued from similar reasoning, this is quite inconsistent with current observations; an early generation dominated by more massive stars—which would by now have evolved—is suggested by this difficulty. Many of these massive stars, according to our assumptions, will end their lives as collapsed black hole remnants. It is difficult to visualize an epoch of massive star formation in the collapsing gas cloud which formed our galaxy which would enrich the gas rapidly enough to account for the level of heavy element abundances in halo population stars; we have therefore proposed a stage of star formation which is entirely pregalactic in character. We suggest that the Jeans' length-sized initial condensations in the expanding universe discussed by Peebles and Dicke may provide the appropriate setting for this first generation of stars. Guided by these considerations, and by the need for a substantial quantity of unseen mass to bind our local group of galaxies, we have constructed a model of the galaxy in which this violent early phase of massive star formation produces both (1) approximately 25% of the level of heavy elements observed in the solar system and (2) an enormous unseen mass in the form of black holes. The implications of our model for other features of the galaxy, including supernova nucleosynthesis, the cosmic ray production of the light elements, and cosmochronology, are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Measurements of lithium in stars of different galactic populations such as young open clusters ( Per, Pleiades, Praesepe, Coma, Hyades), very young stellar associations (Taurus-Auriga, Chamaeleon, Ophiuchus clouds), intermediate and old open clusters (NGC 752, M 67, NGC 188), old disc stars and halo stars give us the observational framework from which the galactic evolution of lithium has to be inferred. This element is produced mainly via three mechanisms: primordial nucleosynthesis, spallation reactions in the interstellar medium and thermonuclear reactions in some particular stellar evolutionary stages (novae, red giants). The complicated nucleosynthesis and the fact that astration of lithium in stars is not well understood, makes a direct interpretation of the lithium evolutionary abundance curve difficult. The constraints set by recent lithium measurements in very old open clusters and metal-deficient stars on galactic lithium production mechanisms are discussed. Current problems in the determination of the primordial lithium abundance are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Intermediate resolution (/ 25 000) CCD spectra of the oxygen triplet at 7770 Å have been analyzed to determine oxygen abundances in a sample of metal-deficient stars with metallicities covering the range –2.5[Fe/H]–0.2. Important oxygen overabundances ([O/Fe]1) are found in the more metal deficient stars of the sample. We briefly discuss the information that these observations provide about the early nucleosynthesis history and chemical evolution of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

The tidal force effects of a spherical galaxy passing head-on through a disk galaxy have been studied at various regions of the disk galaxy and for various orientations of the disk galaxy with respect to the direction of relative motion of the two galaxies. The density distribution of the disk galaxy is taken to be, (r)=ce–4r/R , where c is the central density andR is the radius of the disk. The density distribution of the spherical galaxy is taken to be that of a oolytrope of indexn=4. It is found that as a result of the collision, through the central parts and the outer parts of the disk galaxy remain intact, the region in between these two regions disrupts. Thus a ring galaxy with a nucleus embedded in the ring-i.e., a ring galaxy of the RN-type, is formed.  相似文献   

Rotating disks and expanding supershells of ionized gas are supposed to be kinematical components essential for the formation of emission-like profiles from starburst nuclei and the narrow-line regions of Seyfert galaxies. Simple models predict a few typical features of line profiles by which disks may be recognized.A giant supershell is identified SE of the nucleus of the starburst galaxy NGC 253. We suggest that the variously reported outflow cones in Seyfert nuclei are also induced by superbubble dynamics. Observations of NGC 4151 are shown to be consistent with this scenario.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Stochastic simulations of galaxy fields, using the cluster multiplicity function obtained for the Lick galaxy counts, reproduces satisfactorily the observed distribution of galaxies from COSMOS measures on a deep UKST and AAT plate limited atB22.0 andB23.2, respectively. The results imply that no strong evolutionary effect is present in the clustering of galaxies, at least out to redshiftsz *0.65.  相似文献   

We present newly measured energy distributions from 3200–7500 Å of five late-type Be stars in Pleiades cluster for search of peculiarities of Be stars continuum energy distributions. Empirical effective temperatures of Be stars have been derived by comparing observed and computed fluxes in the visible region. The variation of the flux in the Balmer continuum region of Pleione (28 Tau) has been discussed.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to a search for relativistic objects in massive close binary systems without strong X-ray emission (L x <1034 erg s–1). It is pointed out that, according to the present-day theory on the evolution of massive close binaries, the number of neutron stars and black holes in non-X-ray binary systems must be 100 times the number of the known X-ray binaries comprising OB supergiant stars; that is why, in studying non-X-ray binary systems, the chances are to detect about a hundred of black holes in the Galaxy.Criteria are formulated for the relativistic nature of companions in the binary systems, such as high spatial velocity values and height Z over the galactic plane for OB stars (runaway stars) and for Wolf-Rayet stars. As reported by Tutukov and Yungelson (1973), as well as by van den Heuvel (1976), the presence of ring-type nebulae can serve as another indication of a relativistic nature of companions in the case of Wolf-Rayet stars.Data are collected on Wolf-Rayet stars with low-mass companions (Table I), which can be relativistic objects accreting within a strong stellar wind from Wolf-Rayet stars. Presented are new findings in respect of spectral examination of the runaway OB-stars (Table II), bringing together data on eight OB stars which can represent binary systems with relativistic companions (Table III).A list of 28 OB-stars (Table IV) which offer a good chance for finding relativistic companions is given.  相似文献   

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