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A unified model is proposed for explaining the frequency dependent amplitude attenuation and the coda wave excitation on the basis of the single scattering process in the randomly inhomogeneous lithosphere. Adopting Birch's law and a direct proportion between density and wave velocity, we statistically describe the inhomogeneous medium by one random function characterized by the von Karman autocorrelation function. We calculate the amplitude attenuation from the solid angle integral of scattered wave energy on the basis of the Born approxiimation after subtracting the travel-time fluctuation effect caused by slowly varying velocity inhomogeneities. This subtraction is equivalent to neglect energy loss by scattering within a cone around the forward direction. The random inhomogeneity of the von Karman autocorrelation function of order 0.35 with the mean square fractional fluctuation of 7.2×10–3 1.3×10–2 and the correlation distance of 2.15.1 km well explains observed backward scattering coefficientg and the ratioQ P –1 /Q S –1 , and observed and partially conjecturedQ S –1 for frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 30 Hz.  相似文献   

The seismic quality factor (Q c) and the attenuation coefficient (δ) in the earth’s crust in southwest (SW) Anatolia are estimated by using the coda wave method based on the decrease of coda wave amplitude by time on the seismogram. The quality factor Q o, the value of Q c at 1 Hz, and its frequency dependency η are determined from this method depending on the attenuation properties of scattered coda waves. δ is determined from the observations of amplitude variations of seismic waves. In applying the coda wave method, firstly, a type curve representing the average pattern of the individual coda decay curves for 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0, and 24.0 Hz values was estimated. Secondly, lateral variation of coda Q and the attenuation coefficients for three main tectonic patterns are estimated. The shape of the type curve is controlled by the scattering and attenuation in the crustal volume sampled by the coda waves. The Q o and η values vary from 30 to 180 and from 0.55 to 1.25, respectively for SW Anatolia. In SW Anatolia, coda Qf relation is described by and δ = 0.008 km−1. These results are expected to help in understanding the degree of tectonic complexity of the crust in SW Anatolia.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of scattering (Q s –1 ) and intrinsic (Q i –1 ) attenuation to the totalS-wave attenuation for the frequencies of 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 12.0 Hz has been studied by applying the radiative energy transfer theory, Data of local earthquakes which occurred in northern Greece and were recorded by the permanent telementered network of the Geophysical Laboratory of the University of Thessaloniki have been used. The results show that in this area the scattering attenuation is dominant over all frequencies while intrinsic attenuation is significantly lower. The estimatedQ s –1 andQ i –1 values have frequency dependences off –0.72 andf –0.45, respectively. The frequency dependence ofQ s –1 is the same as that of the codaQ c –1 , obtained by applying the single scattering model, which probably implies that the frequency dependence of the coda wave attenuation is attributed to the frequency dependence of the scattering attenuation.Q c –1 values are very close to scattering attenuation for short lapse times, (10–20 sec), and intermediate between scattering and intrinsic attenuation for the longer lapse times, (50–100 sec). This difference is explained as the result of the depth-dependent attenuation properties and the multiple scattering effects.  相似文献   

The effect of randomly distributed cracks on the attenuation and dispersion ofSH waves is theoretically studied. If earthquake ruptures are caused by sudden coalescence of preexisting cracks, it will be crucial for earthquake prediction to monitor the temporal variation of the crack distribution. Our aim is to investigate how the property of crack distribution is reflected in the attenuation and dispersion of elastic waves.We introduce the stochastic property, in the mathematical analysis, for the distributions of crack location, crack size and crack orientation. The crack size distribution is assumed to be described by a power law probability density (p(a) a fora minaa max according to recent seismological and experimental knowledge, wherea is a half crack length and the range 13 is assumed. The distribution of crack location is assumed to be homogeneous for the sake of mathematical simplicity, and a low crack density is assumed. The stochastic property of each crack is assumed to be independent of that of the other cracks. We assume two models, that is, the aligned crack model and the randomly oriented crack model, for the distribution of crack orientation. All cracks are assumed to be aligned in the former model. The orientation of each crack is assumed to be random in the latter model, and the homogeneous distribution is assumed for the crack orientation. The idea of the mean wave formalism is employed in the analysis, and Foldy's approximation is assumed.We observe the following features common to both the aligned crack model and the randomly oriented crack model. The attenuation coefficientQ –1 decays in proportion tok –1 in the high frequency range and its growth is proportional tok 2 in the low frequency range, wherek is the intrinsic wave number. This asymptotic behavior is parameter-independent, too. The attenuation coefficientQ –1 has a broader peak as increases and/ora min/a max decreases. The nondimensional peak wave numberk p a max at whichQ –1 takes the peak value is almost independent ofa min/a max for =1 and 2 while it considerably depends ona min/a max for =3. The phase velocity is almost independent ofk in the rangeka max<1 and increases monotonically ask increases in the rangeka max>1. While the magnitude ofQ –1 and the phase velocity considerably depend on the orientation of the crack in the aligned crack model, the above feature does not depend on the crack orientation.The accumulation of seismological measurements suggests thatQ –1 ofS waves has a peak at around 0.5 Hz. If this observation is combined with our theoretical results onk p a max, the probable range ofa max of the crack distribution in the earth can be estimated for =1 or 2. If we assume 4 km/sec as theS wave velocity of the matrix medium,a max is estimated to range from 2 to 5 km. We cannot estimatea max in a narrow range for =3.  相似文献   

Two seismic wave attenuation factors, scatteringattenuation Q s -1 and intrinsicabsorption Q i -1 are measured using theMultiple Lapse Time Window (MLTW) analysis method forthree different frequency bands, 1–2, 2–4, and 4–8 Hz.Data from 54 temporally deployed seismic stationslocated in northern Chile are used. This methodcompares time integrated seismic wave energies withsynthetic coda wave envelopes for a multiple isotropicscattering model. In the present analysis, the waveenergy is assumed to decay with distance in proportionto1/GSF·exp(- (Q s -1+Q i -1r/v), where r, and v are the propagationdistance, angular frequency and S wave velocity,respectively, and GSF is the geometricalspreading factor. When spatial uniformity of Q s -1, Q i -1 and v isassumed, i.e. GSF = 4r 2, theestimates of the reciprocal of the extinction length,L e -1 (= (Q s -1+Q i -1)·/v), are 0.017,0.012 and 0.010 km-1, and those of the seismicalbedo, B 0 (= Q s -1/ (Q s -1+Q i -1)), are 0.48, 0.40and 0.34 for 1–2, 2–4 and 4–8 Hz, respectively, whichindicates that scattering attenuation is comparable toor smaller than intrinsic absorption. When we assumea depth dependent velocity structure, we also findthat scattering attenuation is comparable to orsmaller than intrinsic absorption. However, since thequantitative estimates of scattering attenuationdepend on the assumed velocity structure (strength ofvelocity discontinuity and/or Moho depth), it isimportant to consider differences in velocitystructure models when comparing attenuation estimates.  相似文献   

Coda wave data from California microearthquakes were studied in order to delineate regional fluctuations of apparent crustal attenuation in the band 1.5 to 24 Hz. Apparent attenuation was estimated using a single back scattering model of coda waves. The coda wave data were restricted to 30 s following the origin time; this insures that crustal effects dominate the results as the backscattered shear waves thought to form the coda would not have had time to penetrate much deeper. Results indicate a strong variation in apparent crustal attenuation at high frequencies between the Franciscan and Salinian regions of central California and the Long Valley area of the Sierra Nevada. Although the codaQ measurements coincide at 1.5 Hz (Q c =100), at 24 Hz there is a factor of four difference between the measurements made in Franciscan (Q c =525) and Long Valley (Q c =2100) with the Salinian midway between (Q c =900). These are extremely large variations compared to measures of seismic velocities of comparable resolution, demonstrating the exceptional sensitivity of the high frequency codaQ measurement to regional geology. In addition, the frequency trend of the results is opposite to that seen in a compilation of codaQ measurements made worldwide by other authors which tend to converge at high and diverge at low frequencies, however, the worldwide results generally were obtained without limiting the coda lengths and probably reflect upper mantle rather than crustal properties. Our results match those expected due to scattering in random media represented by Von Karman autocorrelation functions of orders 1/2 to 1/3. The Von Karman medium of order 1/3 corresponding to the Franciscan codaQ measurement contains greater amounts of high wavenumber fluctuations. This indicates relatively large medium fluctuations with wavelengths on the order of 100 m in the highly deformed crust associated with the Franciscan, however, the influence of scattering on the codaQ measurement is currently a matter of controversy.  相似文献   

The seismic energy attenuation in the frequency range of 1–18 Hz was studied in the two tectonically active zones of Irno Valley (Southern Italy) and Granada Basin (South-East Spain). Data were recorded by short period vertical components seismographs for low-magnitude local earthquakes. The method of coda waves, assuming singleS toS scattering approximation, was used to calculate the quality factorQ from the two data set. Results show a quality factor increasing with frequency, following the empirical lawQ=Q o f n .Q o andn are lower for the Irno Valley than for Granada. This result is interpreted in terms of different scattering environments present in the two investigated areas.  相似文献   

We present the first systematic study of attenuation derived from the S-wave coda in the frequency range 1-32 Hz for the southern part of the Netherlands and its surroundings. For this we used two methods, the codaQ (Q c) method and the Multiple Lapse Time Window (MLTW) method. In the interpretation of the results both single and multiple scattering in a half space are considered. Our aim is to validate these interpretations in our region and to try to identify theeffects of attenuation due to intrinsic absoprtion (Q i)and scattering attenuation (Q s). For this we analyzedmore than 100 3-component high-quality digital seismograms from 43 crustalevents and 23 different stations in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.Coda Q results show smaller Q c (=Q 0fn) values for epicentral distances shorter than 25 km (Q 0=90) compared to larger epicentral distances (Q 0=190), but similar frequency dependence (f-0.9). Interpretation of MLTW results provided a seismic albedo smaller then 0.5, suggesting that the intrinsic absorption dominates over scattering in this region. Both Q i and Q s show similar frequency dependences as Q c. These results are comparable to those obtained in other areas, but we also show that more sophisticated models are required to remove ambiguities in the interpretation. For short lapse times and shortevent-station distances we find for the simple half space model a correspondinginterpretation of both methodologies, where Q c correspondsto Q t, suggesting that a model with single scattering in ahalf space is appropriate. For long lapse times and long event station distances, however, we find that the S-wave coda is, most probably, too much influenced by crust-mantel heterogenities and more sophisticated Qinversion models using larger data sets are required for more reliable attenuation estimates.  相似文献   

Scattering of seismic waves can be shown to have a frequency dependenceQ –1 3–v if scattering is produced by arrays of inhomogeneities with a 3D power spectrumW 3D(k) k –v. In the earth's crust and upper mantle the total attenuation is often dominated by scattering rather than intrinsic absorption, and is found to be frequency dependent according toQ –1 , where –1<–0.5. IfD 1 is the fractal dimension of the surface of the 3D inhomogeneities measured on a 2D section, then this corresponds respectively to 1.5<D 11.75, since it can be shown that =2(D 1–2). Laboratory results show that such a distribution of inhomogeneities, if due to microcracking, can be produced only at low stress intensities and slow crack velocities controlled by stress corrosion reactions. Thus it is likely that the earth's brittle crust is pervaded by tensile microcracks, at least partially filled by a chemically active fluid, and preferentially aligned parallel to the maximum principal compressive stress. The possibility of stress corrosion implies that microcracks may grow under conditions which are very sensitive to pre-existing heterogeneities in material constants, and hence it may be difficult in practice to separate the relative contribution of crack-induced heterogeneity from more permanent geological heterogeneities.By constrast, shear faults formed by dynamic rupture at critical stress intensities produceD 1=1, consistent with a dynamic rupture criterion for a power law distribution of fault lengths with negative exponentD. The results presented here suggest empirically thatD 1-1/2(D+1), thereby providing the basis for a possible framework to unify the interpretation of temporal variations in seismicb-value (b-D/2) and the frequency dependence of scattering attenuation ().This is PRIS contribution 046.  相似文献   

Estimation of seismic wave attenuation in the shallow crust in terms of coda wave Q structure previously investigated in the vicinity of Cairo Metropolitan Area was improved using seismograms of local earthquakes recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network. The seismic wave attenuation was measured from the time decay of coda wave amplitudes on narrow bandpass filtered seismograms based on the single scattering theory. The frequency bands of interest are from 1.5 to 18 Hz. In general, the values obtained for various events recorded at El-Fayoum and Wadi Hagul stations are very similar for all frequency bands. A regional attenuation law Q c = 85.66 f 0.79 was obtained.  相似文献   

Crustal attenuation for Jamaica, West Indies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The S and coda wave spectra of small earthquakes on the island of Jamaica were used to determine the near surface and coda Q attenuation, and Q c,respectively. Q c determined by the single-station method was found in the range of 1 to 10 Hertz to be given by the relationship, Q c= 60 ± 5f 0.87±0.05. This suggests that the Jamaican crust is highly attenuating which is further supported by the observation of rapid intensity fall-off with distance for earthquakes that have affected the island in the past. , determined from S-wave spectra with short travel times was found to be 0.058 ± 0.012 on the central crustal block, which makes up nearly two-thirds of the island, and 0.080 ± 0.014 in surrounding belt sub-regions. The pattern of values seems to fit with the surface geology in that the central block has areas of exposed outcrops of older and harder rock than the belts, which are characterized by thicker sedimentary sequences as well as intense fracturing and faulting.Atkinson and Boore (1998) and Atkinson(2001) presented an alternative method to stochastic modelling for ground motion in Eastern North America, whereby California attenuation relationships were modified to account for crustal differences invelocity-depth profile, Q and between both regions. Following their example, the California spectral attenuation relation of Boore, Joyner and Fumal (1997) was modified to account for differences between the California and Jamaica crust, resulting in an attenuation relation that is deemed to be more appropriate for Jamaica. Spectral accelerations for Jamaica when compared to California, are especially reduced beyond 20 km from the source and at high frequencies, f 1 hertz.The study concludes that the Jamaican crust, although having an oceanic composition is highly attenuating, which may be a result of intensive tectonic processes, whereas is consistent with near-rock conditions on the central block and soft rock conditions elsewhere on the island.  相似文献   

The fundamental mode Love and Rayleigh waves generated by earthquakes occurring in Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya, northeast India and Burma and recorded at Hyderabad, New Delhi and Kodaikanal seismic stations are analysed. Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients are obtained at time periods of 15–100 seconds, using the spectral amplitude of these waves for 23 different paths along northern (across Burma to New Delhi) and central (across Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya and northeast India to Hyderabad and Kodaikanal) India. Love wave attenuation coefficients are found to vary from 0.0003 to 0.0022 km–1 for northern India and 0.00003 km–1 to 0.00016 km–1 for central India. Similarly, Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients vary from 0.0002 km–1 to 0.0016 km–1 for northern India and 0.00001 km–1 to 0.0009 km–1 for central India. Backus and Gilbert inversion theory is applied to these surface wave attenuation data to obtainQ –1 models for the crust and uppermost mantle beneath northern and central India. Inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a highly attenuating zone centred at a depth of 20–80 km with lowQ for northern India. Similarly, inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a high attenuation zone below a depth of 100 km. The inferred lowQ value at mid-crustal depth (high attenuating zone) in the model for northern India can be by underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath the Eurasian plate which has caused a low velocity zone at this shallow depth. The gradual increase ofQ –1 from shallow to deeper depth shows that the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is not sharply defined beneath central India, but rather it represents a gradual transformation, which starts beneath the uppermost mantle. The lithospheric thickness is 100 km beneath central India and below that the asthenosphere shows higher attenuation, a factor of about two greater than that in the lithosphere. The very lowQ can be explained by changes in the chemical constitution taking place in the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

Earlier attenuation studies for the South American continent indicate that for Sn and Lg waves there is low attenuation in the shield region east of the Andes, whereas in the west of South America, with some exceptions, there is high attenuation. Those studies, however, were nonquantitative. In this study theQ 0 (1-Hz values) for Lg waves for South America are presented, based on a scattering model ofAki (1969) as extended byHerrmann (1980) for the coda waves of shallow local and near-regional earthquakes. The results of the codaQ method are compared with those obtained byNuttli's method (1973). TheseQ 0 values are in good agreement with the apparentQ 0 of Lg waves obtained by the latter method. The data were obtained from over 100 local and regional earthquakes recorded by 12 WWSSN stations throughout continental South America. They provided a range of frequencies from 0.4 to 1.4 Hz, for which the frequency dependence ofQ was investigated by assumingQ=Q 0(f/f 0). The observed data indicate that the tectonic region of western South America is characterized by lowQ 0 and a large frequency-dependent factor , the values ranging from 150 to 350 and 0.4 to 0.7, respectively. TheQ 0 values increase in the shield region east of the Andes, but frequency dependence decreases. The average crustalQ 0 for north and central Argentina ranges from 420 to 580, and ranges from 0.2 to 0.3. TheQ 0 is larger in the Brazil region, ranging from 580 to 980, and varies from 0.0 to 0.2. In the lower-attenuation region of eastern South America higher values of attenuation correlate with greater thickness of the sedimentary layers.  相似文献   

Linear stacking procedures are used to retrieve the attenuation of 91 modes belonging to the 3rd, 4th and 5th Rayleigh overtones branches in the 80–160 s period range, and contributing to the so-called PhaseX wave group. Our data show in general slightly less attenuation than expected from available models. Data space inversion shows that, when combined with previously measured fundamental modeQ's, this new dataset improves resolution significantly in the 1000–2000 km depth range. Based on this remark, we carry out a number of parameter space inversions. Our results suggest a narrow (80–200 km) zone of high attenuation (Q =75–90), low attenuation in the intermediate mantle (670–1500 km); (Q 350), and lower values in the deeper mantle (Q 200).  相似文献   

Fundamental-mode Rayleigh wave attenuation data for stable and tectonically active regions of North America, South America, and India are inverted to obtain several frequency-independent and frequency-dependentQ models. Because of trade-offs between the effect of depth distribution and frequency-dependence ofQ on surface wave attenuation there are many diverse models which will satisfy the fundamental-mode data. Higher-mode data, such as 1-Hz Lg can, however, constrain the range of possible models, at least in the upper crust. By using synthetic Lg seismograms to compute expected Lg attenuation coefficients for various models we obtained frequency-dependentQ models for three stable and three tectonically active regions, after making assumptions concerning the nature of the variation ofQ with frequency.In stable regions, ifQ varies as , where is a constant, models in which =0.5, 0.5, and 0.75 satisfy fundamental-mode Rayleigh and 1-Hz Lg data for eastern North America, eastern South America, and the Indian Shield, respectively. IfQ is assumed to be independent of frequency (=0.0) for periods of 3 s and greater, and is allowed to increase from 0.0 at 3 s to a maximum value at 1 s, then that maximum value for is about 0.7, 0.6, and 0.9, respectively, for eastern North America, eastern South America, and the Indian Shield. TheQ models obtained under each of the above-mentioned two assumptions differ substantially from one another for each region, a result which indicates the importance of obtaining high-quality higher-mode attenuation data over a broad range of periods.Tectonically active regions require a much lower degree of frequency dependence to explain both observed fundamental-mode and observed Lg data. Optimum values of for western North America and western South America are 0.0 if is constant (Q is independent of frequency), but uncertainty in the Lg attenuation data allows to be as high as about 0.3 for western North America and 0.2 for western South America. In the Himalaya, the optimum value of is about 0.2, but it could range between 0.0 and 0.5. Frequency-independent models (=0.0) for these regions yield minimumQ values in the upper mantle of about 40, 70, and 40 for western North America, western South America, and the Himalaya, respectively.In order to be compatible with the frequency dependence ofQ observed in body-wave studies,Q in stable regions must be frequency-dependent to much greater depths than those which can be studied using the surface wave data available for this study, andQ in tectonically active regions must become frequency-dependent at upper mantle or lower crustal depths.On leave from the Department of Geophysics, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan, People's Republic of China  相似文献   

Numerical modelling ofSH wave seismograms in media whose material properties are prescribed by a random distribution of many perfectly elastic cavities and by intrinsic absorption of seismic energy (anelasticity) demonstrates that the main characteristics of the coda waves, namely amplitude decay and duration, are well described by singly scattered waves in anelastic media rather than by multiply scattered waves in either elastic or anelastic media. We use the Boundary Integral scheme developed byBenites et al. (1992) to compute the complete wave field and measure the values of the direct waveQ and coda wavesQ in a wide range of frequencies, determining the spatial decay of the direct wave log-amplitude relation and the temporal decay of the coda envelope, respectively. The effects of both intrinsic absorption and pure scattering on the overall attenuation can be quantified separately by computing theQ values for corresponding models with (anelastic) and without (elastic) absorption. For the models considered in this study, the values of codaQ –1 in anelastic media are in good agreement with the sum of the corresponding scatteringQ –1 and intrinsicQ –1 values, as established by the single-scattering model ofAki andChouet (1975). Also, for the same random model with intrinsic absorption it appears that the singly scattered waves propagate without significant loss of energy as compared with the multiply scattered waves, which are strongly affected by absorption, suggesting its dominant role in the attenuation of coda waves.  相似文献   

Attenuation characteristics in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) are estimated from 157 local seismograph recordings out of 46 earthquakes of 2.6?≤?M?≤?4.1 with hypocentral distances up to 60 km and focal depths down to 25 km. Digital waveform seismograms were obtained from local earthquakes in the NMSZ recorded by the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) at the University of Memphis. Using the coda normalization method, we tried to determine Q values and geometrical spreading exponents at 13 center frequencies. The scatter of the data and trade-off between the geometrical spreading and the quality factor did not allow us to simultaneously derive both these parameters from inversion. Assuming 1/R 1.0 as the geometrical spreading function in the NMSZ, the Q P and Q S estimates increase with increasing frequency from 354 and 426 at 4 Hz to 729 and 1091 at 24 Hz, respectively. Fitting a power law equation to the Q estimates, we found the attenuation models for the P waves and S waves in the frequency range of 4 to 24 Hz as Q P?=?(115.80?±?1.36) f (0.495?±?0.129) and Q S?=?(161.34?±?1.73) f (0.613?±?0.067), respectively. We did not consider Q estimates from the coda normalization method for frequencies less than 4 Hz in the regression analysis since the decay of coda amplitude was not observed at most bandpass filtered seismograms for these frequencies. Q S/Q P?>?1, for 4?≤?f?≤?24 Hz as well as strong intrinsic attenuation, suggest that the crust beneath the NMSZ is partially fluid-saturated. Further, high scattering attenuation indicates the presence of a high level of small-scale heterogeneities inside the crust in this region.  相似文献   

Three types of seismic data recorded near Coalinga, California were analyzed to study the behavior of scattered waves: 1) aftershocks of the May 2, 1983 earthquake, recorded on verticalcomponent seismometers deployed by the USGS; 2) regional refraction profiles using large explosive sources recorded on essentially the same arrays above; 3) three common-midpoint (CMP) reflection surveys recorded with vibrator sources over the same area. Records from each data set were bandpassed filtered into 5 Hz wide passbands (over the range of 1–25 Hz), corrected for geometric spreading, and fit with an exponential model of amplitude decay. Decay rates were expressed in terms of inverse codaQ (Q c –1 ).Q c –1 values for earthquake and refraction data are generally comparable and show a slight decrease with increasing frequency. Decay rates for different source types recorded on proximate receivers show similar results, with one notable exception. One set of aftershocks shows an increase ofQ c –1 with frequency.Where the amplitude decay rates of surface and buried sources are similar, the coda decay results are consistent with other studies suggesting the importance of upper crustal scattering in the formation of coda. Differences in the variation ofQ c –1 with frequency can be correlated with differences in geologic structure near the source region, as revealed by CMP-stacked reflection data. A more detailed assessment of effects such as the depth dependence of scattered contributions to the coda and the role of intrinsic attenuation requires precise control of source-receiver field geometry and the study of synthetic seismic data calculated for velocity models developed from CMP reflection data.  相似文献   

S coda wave of seventy-four local earthquakes recorded in a network of ten seismic stations were used to calculate coda Q attenuation (Qc) in the João Câmara area (northeastern Brazil). The estimates show Qc as a strong function of frequency in the range from 6.0 to 20.0 Hz. We found out that Qc in João Câmara has a functional form given by Qc= Q0 f, where Q0= 151 ± 99 and = 0.98 ± 0.05. If the standard deviations are taken into account,we conclude that there are no relevant changes in both Q0 and values from one station to another. The estimated Q0 values at the different stations suggest that the Samambaia fault is a boundary between two different seismic attenuation zones. In one side of the fault (left), where stations were installed in Pre-Cambrian terrain and thick sedimentary layer, the seismic attenuation is stronger than in the other side (stations installed in thin sedimentary layer and limestone outcrop).The anomalous Q0 values in the left side of the Samambaia fault can be explained due to the presence of a shallow conductive layer in the upper crust( 10 km), such as proposed by Padilha et al. (1992). According to our results, if there is a conductive layer in the area, it probably spreads over João Câmara city and surrounding regions.However, more detailed investigation either with seismic methods (seismic attenuation,3D tomography with P and/or S wave velocities) or with other geophysical methods is needed to interpret the observed differences in Q0 values between the two sides of the Samambaia fault.  相似文献   

In the light of the single scattering model of coda originating from local earthquakes, and based on the aftershock coda registered respectively at the 4 short period stations installed near the foci shortly after theM7.6 Lancang andM7.2 Gengma earthquakes, this paper has tentatively calculated the rate of amplitude attenuation and theQ c-value of the coda in the Lancang and Gengma areas using a newly-founded synthetic determination method. Result of the study shows the rate of coda amplitude attenuation demonstrates remarkable regional differences respectively in the southern and northern areas. The southern area presents a faster attenuation (Q c=114), whereas the northern area shows a slower attenuation (Q c=231). The paper also discusses the reasons causing such differences. Result of the study also suggests a fairly good linear relation between the coda source factorA o(f) and the seismic moment and the magnitude. Using the earthquake scaling law, the following formulas can be derived: lgM 0=lgA 0(f)+17.6,M D=0.67lgA 0(f)+1.21 and logM 0=1.5M D+15.79. In addition, the rates of amplitude attenuationβ s andβ m are respectively calculated using the single scattering and multiple scattering models, and the ratioβ sm=1.20−1.50 is found for the results respectively from the two models. Finally, the mean free pathL of the S-wave scattering in the southern and northern areas are determined to be 54 km and 122 km respectively by the relations which can distinguish between the inherentQ i and scatteringQ s, testify to this areas having lowQ-values correspond to stronger scatterings. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 71–82, 1992. This study is partly supported by the Seismological Science Foundation of the State Seismological Bureau of China, and the present English version of the paper is translated from its Chinese original by Wenyi Xia, Seismological Bureau of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

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