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Typical abyssal tholeiites occur on both north and south walls of the Puerto Rico Trench. Probably they were erupted in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Cretaceous time and afterwards were moved to the present position. In addition, doleritic basalts containing phenocrysts of pigeonite rimmed by augite were found from the north wall, and these rocks presumably represent a new type of abyssal tholeiites characterized by CaONa2O ratios lower than those of ordinary abyssal tholeiites.A new analysis of serpentinite from the north wall is also recorded here.  相似文献   

A series of sediment cores were obtained from the Whiting Basin southeast of Puerto Rico to investigate the factors affecting the velocity of sound in marine carbonate deposits. The cores indicated that the deposits in the Whiting Basin are similar to abyssal-plain deposits with lenticular turbidite sequences alternating with pelagic sediments. The sediment, comprised of highly porous sands and silts, averaged 80% calcium carbonate consisting of aragonite, low-Mg calcite and high-Mg calcite.Normal methods for predicting sound velocity from the physical properties of the deposits were found to be inaccurate for these samples. The established relationships of grain size and porosity to sound velocity were invalid because the sands found in the cores consisted of hollow-foram tests, causing high porosity independent of grain size. The rigidity of the deposit was the most significant factor determining sediment sound velocity and was itself controlled by the sediment source, transportation effects and the packing of the deposit. Future work is needed to accurately measure the effect of these factors on the rigidity modulus.  相似文献   

The structure, evolution, and breaking of a tidal internal wave on a steep shelf are discussed on the basis of the data of temperature measurements. The bottom slope at the measurement site is close to the critical slope for a tidal wave. The tidal wave and other waves are inclined coastward. The tidal-wave amplitude increases monotonically with increasing horizon depth. The tidal wave is nonlinear in amplitude and turns over on the outer shelf. On the inner shelf, the internal wave is close in shape to rectangular and generates harmonics of its own. The harmonics make the tidal wave steeper and form solitary rises similar to bilateral bores. All these features ensure a more rapid sink for the internal-tide energy.  相似文献   

The springtime temporal variations of striped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa) population structure available to the commercial fishery and its relationship to environmental factors were evaluated in the Uruguayan coastal zone (35° −33.4°S), from 86 stations sampled in 1994, 98, 99 and 2003. We examined the inter-annual variability of age-class structure over four years under different oceanographic conditions: (1) 1998 (El Niño year) was characterized by elevated water temperature; (2) 1999 (La Niña year) was characterized by decreased water temperature; and (3) 1994 and 2003 were ‘typical years’ with intermediate values in those parameters. To determine whether or not major shifts in population structure occurred between years we used ANOSIM and SIMPER analysis to determine which age-class typified and discriminated between years. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to define the temporal pattern of age-class structure of C. guatucupa and to estimate its associations with environmental factors (depth, temperature, salinity, vertical stratification, and zonal and meridional component of the wind). The C. guatucupa population structure showed significant difference between 1998 and 1999 and 1994–2003. During 1998 and 1999, the population structure was dominated by adults (between 4 and >7 age-class), while that in 1994 and 2003 was dominated by juveniles (between 0 and 3 age-class). CCA results indicated that zonal wind and salinity has a major influence on the temporal pattern of C. guatucupa population structure. Juvenile population structure was associated with low salinities and occurred when the wind field forced an inflow of freshwater into the marine coastal area from the Rio de la Plata estuary, while the adult structure, associated with high salinities, occurred when the area was dominated by a wind driven inflow of higher salinity shelf water. These results support the hypothesis that the short-term environmental synoptic condition has a greater influence on the distribution and population structure of C. guatucupa than long-term environmental variability.  相似文献   

Seven tholeiitic basalts from the Puerto Rico Trench walls (three from the south wall and four from the north wall) were investigated for rare-earth abundances. All these rocks, with the exception of a pigeonite-bearing rock (RC8-RD1–12), were found to possess similar rare-earth features. Their rare-earth patterns resembled those of usual abyssal basalts, and showed no Eu anomalies. There is no difference between the rare-earth abundances of fine-grained and coarse-grained rocks. It is clear that the pigeonite-bearing rock (RC8-RD1 type 2) differs in origin from the abyssal basalts. The rocks with rare-earth patterns similar to that of RC8-RD1–12 are found among the Japanes “geosynclinal” basalts (Tanaka and Sugisaki, 1973).A serpentinite from the same trench was also analyzed for the same elements. The resultant rare-earth pattern suggests that the relevant original rock was separated from a magma having the same relative rare-earth abundances as a chondritic meteorite. The markedly high Eu positive anomaly of this serpentinite is also discussed.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the elkhorn coral Acropora palmata is genetically separated into two distinct provinces in the Caribbean, an eastern and a western population admixing in Western Puerto Rico and around the Mona Passage. In this study, the genetic structure of A. palmata sampled at 11 Puerto Rican localities and localities from Curaçao, the Bahamas and Guadeloupe were examined. Analyses using five microsatellite markers showed that 75% of sampled colonies had unique genotypes, the rest being clone mates. Genetic diversity among genets was high (HE = 0.761) and consistent across localities (0.685–0.844). FST ranged from ?0.011 to 0.047, supporting low but significant genetic differentiation between localities within the previously reported eastern and western genetic provinces. Plots of genetic per geographic distances and significant Mantel tests supported isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) within Puerto Rico. Analysis with the software STRUCTURE favored a scenario with weak differentiation between two populations, assigning Eastern Puerto Rican locations (Fajardo and Culebra), Guadeloupe and Curaçao to the Caribbean eastern population and Western Puerto Rican locations (west of Vega Baja and Ponce), Mona and the Bahamas to the Caribbean western population. Vieques and San Juan area harbored admixed profiles. Standardized FST per 1000 km unit further supported higher differentiation between localities belonging to different STRUCTURE populations, with IBD being stronger within Puerto Rico than on larger regional scales. This stronger genetic transition seems to separate localities between putative eastern and western provinces in the Eastern Puerto Rican region, but not around the Mona Passage.  相似文献   

Nocturnal variations of zooplankton abundance and hydrographic conditions were examined at three locations (centre, north shore and south shore) in Phosphorescent Bay, Puerto Rico, from May 1992 through April 1993. Seven taxa accounted for approximately 96% of the annual mean zooplankton abundance:Oithonaspp. (43·5%),Acartia tonsa(31·5%), copepod nauplii (8·8%),Paracalanusspp.(6·7%), gastropod veligers (2·5%), larvaceans (1·7%) andPseudo-diaptomus cokeri(1·6%). Copepods dominated numerically throughout the year and comprised 94·3% of total zooplankton. Higher abundance of zooplankton (mean±1 SD=252 259±176 797 individuals m−3) was associated with cool water temperatures (24·9–27·4 °C) and dry conditions (0·3–2·9 cm precipitation/month) which prevailed between December and March relative to the period between April and November (warm/wet season) (mean±1 SD=59 773±26 861 individuals m−3), when temperature and precipitation were higher (27·3–30·3 °C, 3·1–20·6 cm month−1). Fluctuations of zooplankton populations, particularly copepods, followed progressive increments in chlorophyllaconcentrations. This abundance pattern was consistent at the three sampling stations. Zooplankton abundance was higher on the north shore of the bay. The taxonomic composition of zooplankton was similar at the sampling stations studied.  相似文献   

A long term simulation of the barotropic circulation in the Río de la Plata estuary was performed with the aim of identifying the characteristic patterns of sea surface height (SSH) variability from synoptic to inter-annual time scales and their forcing mechanisms. Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model (HamSOM), forced by tides, monthly mean runoffs and 4-daily 10 m winds and surface atmospheric pressure from the National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis was run. The solution was analyzed for the period 1965–2004. Inter-annual variability accounts for almost 10% of the variance. The first EOF mode of SSH variability on this time scale is associated with a mean anomaly of approximately 0.25 m at the upper estuary forced by both runoff and winds, which seems to be strongly associated with the ENSO cycles. Other two modes, with periodicities around 2.5 and 10 years were also found. Even though they are linked to weaker SSH anomalies, they are consistent with inter-annual modes of wind variability reported by other authors. Those modes are important, particularly if they act in phase, because they can provide a background for stronger surges. In contrast with the salinity field, SSH variability on seasonal time scales accounts for a very small percentage of variance and it is the combination of an annual and a semi-annual signal forced by winds and runoff, respectively. Approximately 90% of the variance is due to wind driven variability on sub-annual time scales. The most significant SSH anomalies in this band are associated with cyclogenetic events in the atmosphere, occurring either over Uruguay or over the Patagonian Shelf, whereas the strengthening or weakening of the semi-permanent South Atlantic anticyclone displays a relatively smaller influence. In agreement with previous publications, the estuary's spatial patterns in response to short-scale wind variability seem to be determined by wind direction more than by wind speed.  相似文献   

A 2,500-km2 area of sea floor on the south-eastern flank of the Greater Antilles Outer Ridge north of the Puerto Rico Trench displays anomalously high acoustic backscattering properties on GLORIA longrange sidescan-sonar data. Previously collected dredges, bottom photographs, and sediment cores indicate the presence of Fe–Mn nodules within the area of high backscatter. We were able to map the extent of the inferred nodule field on the basis of acoustic property contrast between the nodule-covered sediment and the surrounding nodule-free sediment.  相似文献   

Small, steep, uplifting coastal watersheds are prolific sediment producers that contribute significantly to the global marine sediment budget. This study illustrates how sedimentation evolves in one such system where the continental shelf is largely sediment-starved, with most terrestrial sediment bypassing the shelf in favor of deposition in deeper basins. The Santa Barbara–Ventura coast of southern California, USA, is considered a classic area for the study of active tectonics and of Tertiary and Quaternary climatic evolution, interpretations of which depend upon an understanding of sedimentation patterns. High-resolution seismic-reflection data over >570 km2 of this shelf show that sediment production is concentrated in a few drainage basins, with the Ventura and Santa Clara River deltas containing most of the upper Pleistocene to Holocene sediment on the shelf. Away from those deltas, the major factor controlling shelf sedimentation is the interaction of wave energy with coastline geometry. Depocenters containing sediment 5–20 m thick exist opposite broad coastal embayments, whereas relict material (bedrock below a regional unconformity) is exposed at the sea floor in areas of the shelf opposite coastal headlands. Locally, natural hydrocarbon seeps interact with sediment deposition either to produce elevated tar-and-sediment mounds or as gas plumes that hinder sediment settling. As much as 80% of fluvial sediment delivered by the Ventura and Santa Clara Rivers is transported off the shelf (some into the Santa Barbara Basin and some into the Santa Monica Basin via Hueneme Canyon), leaving a shelf with relatively little recent sediment accumulation. Understanding factors that control large-scale sediment dispersal along a rapidly uplifting coast that produces substantial quantities of sediment has implications for interpreting the ancient stratigraphic record of active and transform continental margins, and for inferring the distribution of hydrocarbon resources in relict shelf deposits.  相似文献   

Amount and type of organic matter present in Cretaceous and lower Tertiary rocks deposited on Puerto Rico were determined by total organic carbon (TOC) analysis, visual kerogen identification and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. These tests show that the samples commonly contain greater than 1% TOC, and a mixed population of kerogen, with gas-prone kerogen predominating.Based on organic maturity data (vitrinite reflectance, thermal alteration index and Rock-Eval pyrolysis), the maturation history of Puerto Rico is consistent with a two stage thermal model. Before the Oligocene, the island was part of an active magmatic arc. High geothermal gradients and rapid burial left Cretaceous rocks overmature and mature with respect to generated liquid hydrocarbons. After the Eocene, volcanism ceased following collision with the Bahama platform, and lower geothermal gradients combined with slower burial resulted in little maturation.  相似文献   

The rapid appearance of Ramicrusta spp. is described and analyzed from 40 permanent monitoring coral reef stations in Puerto Rico. Before 2016, Ramicrusta had not been observed from any of the reef monitoring stations. By 2018, it was present at 76% of all the monitoring stations. Ramicrusta was the dominant substrata type at all of the shallow reef sites sampled on the east coast (e.g., Fajardo, Culebra, and Vieques), reaching a cover (±SE) as high as 63.0 ± 5.8%. The spread of Ramicrusta occurred at the expense of historically resilient living benthic elements, such as turf algae. Since its detection in 2016, colonization of hard substrata by Ramicrusta remained constant, with the exception of two shallow reefs in Fajardo and Culebra, where the cover was significantly reduced by the scouring and or abrasive effects of two major hurricanes. The ecological implications of Ramicrusta prevalence on Puerto Rican reefs remain unclear; however, increasing herbivory might be a useful mitigation tool in the reduction of Ramicrusta abundance on coral reefs.  相似文献   

The geomorphology, drainage systems and predominant lithologies of western Lebanon are briefly described as a background for sediment transportation into the eastern Mediterranean. Fragmentary past and current bathymetric work over offshore Lebanon is reviewed and a simplified compilation bathymetric map correlating and interpreting the different survey results is presented. It reveals a narrow continental shelf about 3 km in width with two wider areas in the north and south; the shelf break occurs generally at about 100 m depth. Submarine valleys are common, most of which are seaward continuations of important land valleys but some prolong land-fault trends. Many continue down the continental slope, dividing into “distributaries”. Hydrological data indicate that over 2,525 × 106 m3 of surface-water runoff annually discharges into the sea through the perennial streams of western Lebanon. A high proportion of the country exposes carbonate rocks but a number of the stream basins drain appreciable areas of soft clastics; preliminary work suggests that these contribute appreciable loads into the Mediterranean. Overall marine net sediment transport is northwards by the longshore current and predominant WSW-ENE directed waves, but investigations in progress indicate that the submarine valleys provide avenues for cross-shelf and down-slope movement for much sediment.  相似文献   

An integrated biological-chemical survey of organotin compounds was carried out in Guanabara Bay, the second most important Brazilian harbor complex. The biological survey revealed high levels of imposex in Stramonita haemastoma populations. Inside the bay values of relative penis length index from 42.7 to 107.6 and vas deferens sequence index from III to VI were found, while organisms collected outside the bay had values ranging from <0.1 to 35.2 and from 0 to II. None of the females sampled inside the bay were normal and imposex was found in all stations. Surface sediments in the bay are contaminated by tributyltin (10-522 ng/g d.w.) and triphenyltin (<3.9-39.4 ng/g d.w.) with greater concentrations close to shipyards and marinas. The observed predominance of parent compounds (TBT and TPT) is commonly found when recent inputs occur, but may also indicate slow degradation processes in the anoxic conditions of these sediments. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a combined imposex-sediment approach to evaluate organotin contamination in marine environments of South America, and also the first report of TPT detection in environmental matrices in this region.  相似文献   

The macrobenthos of two exposed tropical sandy beaches in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) were compared in relation to density, species richness, and vertical zonation. Biological and sediment samplings were carried out in the austral winter of 2002 and the austral summer of 2003. The sampling design consisted of 10 transects perpendicular to the water line, evenly divided into strata. A sampling unit was taken in each stratum with a 0.04 m2 quadrat sampler. Beaches were also compared according to physical features, such as slope, wave period, wave height, and grain size. According to Dean's Ω morphodynamic index the Pontal is a dissipative beach while the Costa Azul is a reflective one. The mean grain size ranged from median to coarse sand in Costa Azul, whereas in Pontal it ranged from median to very fine sand. Eleven species were collected in the two beaches. Crustaceans were the dominant in the Costa Azul Beach, while the polychaete Scolelepis squamata dominated the Pontal beach. A negative correlation was found between the density of the macrobenthos and mean grain size, and beach slope. On the other hand, the Dean's parameter correlated positively with faunal density. Based on the results of ANOSIM, in both beaches, two groups of stations were identified, defining an upper and a lower beach zone along the vertical distribution of the macrobenthos.  相似文献   

The calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna (Porifera, Calcarea) has been the subject of several studies in the last decade. It was first described along the Brazilian coast, where it is considered cryptogenic, and was subsequently found in the Mediterranean, where it is considered invasive. The wide artificial distribution of this species allows us to compare different aspects of the biology of an introduced species in different locations. Here, we analysed the effects of selected environmental parameters on the reproductive dynamics of P. magna in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) over 18 months and compared our results with those obtained for the same species in the Mediterranean Sea. Specimens were collected monthly and analysed through histological methods. The density of reproductive elements in each month was calculated, and the effects of environmental parameters (photoperiod, precipitation, temperature, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton) were analysed using a regression tree analysis. Paraleucilla magna was reproductive throughout the study period. The densities of the reproductive elements (oocytes, embryos and larvae) showed no seasonality, and this species presented one of the highest reproductive efforts documented to date in the phylum Porifera (99.0 oocytes · mm?3; 89.0 embryos · mm?3; 319.0 larvae · mm?3). The main environmental parameters related to the reproduction of P. magna were temperature, photoperiod and bacterioplankton. Temperature was the main driver associated with the densities of oocytes and embryos, while bacterioplankton was the main driver of larvae (positive relationships). In Rio de Janeiro, larvae were present and continuously released. This strategy is different from that observed in the Mediterranean, where a larger larval output was observed but only during the summer months. Our results show that P. magna is a species with a strong invasive potential, considering its high and continuous reproductive effort. This high fecundity stimulated by high temperatures may be a key factor contributing to the growth of P. magna populations and its invasion of new areas.  相似文献   

Little is known about the recruitment and behaviour of sponge larvae, especially of the class Calcarea. The calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna is very common in Southeast Brazil, where it is considered a cryptogenic species. This study quantified recruitment rates in shaded and illuminated habitats for 2 years in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and analyzed larval photoresponses of this species. Four structures, each containing a shaded and an illuminated surface, were exchanged every 3 months for 2 years. The number of recruits was quantified on each plate. In the laboratory, larvae of P. magna were placed in half‐shaded Petri dishes and the number of settlers in each side was counted after 24 h. Paraleucilla magna recruited continuously throughout the experiment. Recruits occurred in greater abundance on shaded surfaces than on illuminated surfaces, and the larvae were negatively phototactic in vitro. Despite the possible influence of other factors in the recruitment of sponges (such as sedimentation, competition and predation), the prevalence of P. magna in shaded habitats may also be related to larval choice.  相似文献   

The Río de la Plata Estuary presents a strong bottom salinity front located over a submerged shoal. Apparently favored by retention processes, it is a spawning ground for several coastal fishes. This estuary is very shallow and essentially wind driven and, moreover, in time scales relevant to biota, estuarine circulation is wind dominated and highly variable. Two intriguing questions are, therefore, how this system can favor retention and what the involved mechanisms are. This paper qualitatively explores mechanisms involved in the estuary where retention is favored applying numerical simulations in which neutral particles – simulating fish eggs and early larvae – are released along the bottom frontal zone and tracked for different wind conditions. Results suggest that retentive features can be a consequence of estuarine response to natural wind variability acting over bathymetric features. For winds from most directions, particles either remain trapped near their launching position or move northeastward to southwestward along the shoal. As alternation of winds that favor along-shoal motion is the dominant feature of wind variability in the region, a retentive scenario results from prevailing wind variability. Additionally, winds that tend to export particles with a poor chance of being restored to the front are neither frequent nor persistent. Results show, therefore, that physical forcing alone might generate a retentive scenario at the inner part of this estuary. The physical retention mechanism is more effective for bottom than for surface launched particles. Wind statistics indicate that the proposed mechanism has different implications for retention along the seasons. Spring is the most favorable season, followed by summer, when particles would have a larger propensity to reach the southern area of the estuary (Samborombón Bay). Fall and winter are increasingly less favorable. All these features are consistent with patterns observed in the region in organisms having different life history traits.  相似文献   

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