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Most of recent oil- and gas-bearing basins are incorporated in the group of five belts of oil-and-gas accumulation. They are confined to continent/ocean transition zones, which existed in the Cenozoic. Three belts (Tethyan, Gondwanan, and Laurasian) are latitudinal structures that include continental margins in the Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic oceans. The other two belts are elongated in the N-S direction and located in the western and eastern peripheral parts of the Pacific Ocean. Taken together, they unite basins with 75 to 80% of oil reserves discovered to date in our planet.  相似文献   

Most recent oil-and-gas-bearing (petroliferous) basins are members of one of the five oil-and-gas accumulation belts confined to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic continent/ocean transition zones. The Laurasian belt includes continental margins in the northern Atlantic and Arctic oceans that accommodate several large petroliferous basins.  相似文献   

我国的一些造山带的侧向挤出构造   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
王二七  苏哲  许光 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1266-1288
尽管大陆只占地球表面的三分之一,但是人类生活在大陆上,大部分资源也来自于大陆,因此大陆构造研究有特别的意义,我国的地质前辈们为此做出了重要的贡献。然而,陆壳具有高度的非均质性,因此大陆构造要比大洋构造复杂的多,认识其演化规律极其困难,但是人类正在通过不同的途径朝这个目标前进。地块的侧向挤出是大陆构造的主要形式。尽管大规模的地块侧向挤出是否发生在青藏高原主体存在很大的争议,但是有证据显示地块的侧向挤出广泛地发生在青藏高原周边以及我国其它的一些造山带内,呈现出不同的规模、位移量和变形特征。位于滇西三江断裂带内的兰坪-思茅盆地在印度和华南第三纪的压扭性相互作用下向南挤出; 沿喜马拉雅西构造结发生的地块侧向挤出形成于早第三纪印度与欧亚大陆之间的南北向碰撞,最新的挤出地体是塔里木盆地; 雪峰地块向南的侧向挤出受控于华南地区北西-南东向区域性扭性构造作用; 沿扬子地块北缘发生的地块侧向挤出形成于扬子地块与秦岭造山带中生代晚期的南北向挤压,造成四川盆地发生向西的侧向挤出; 沿秦岭-大别山发生的地块侧向挤出发生在中生代,经历了超高压变质作用的下地壳随扬子地块的挤入向东运动,最后在桐柏-大别山隆升到地表,而中上地壳包括留凤关复理石沉积和碧口地块向西挤出。桐柏-大别山和青藏高原均形成于大陆的碰撞,地壳都曾发生过大规模的增厚。因此,有理由相信青藏高原的下地壳和桐柏-大别山的下地壳结构和构造是一样的,要研究两者物质组成和赋存状态以及运动和变形特征可以互相参考和借鉴。例如: 5·12汶川大地震的发生引发了对高原下地壳流变的关注和争论。上述桐柏-大别山中生代下地壳的侧向挤出就是通道流,由此证明青藏高原下地壳通道流是存在的; 而青藏高原下地壳和桐柏-大别山一样,一定是由壳内花岗岩、活化的前寒武结晶基底、变质核杂岩以及混入的上地幔物质组成。  相似文献   

Among petroliferous regions of the world, a specific place is occupied by sedimentary basins confined to continental margins at the eastern periphery of the Pacific Ocean and in the Caribbean Sea. In the Cenozoic and Quaternary, this region was dominated by tectonic activity manifested as compression, movements along large fault systems (primarily, strike-slip faults), formation of mountain chains, appearance of thick accretion prisms and foothills, and development of volcanism at certain stages. The petroliferous structures of the region are mainly represented by fore-arc sedimentary basins complicated in some places by fore- and backdeeps.  相似文献   

前陆逆冲带扩展方式是理解造山带生长的关键。四川盆地东缘、北缘和西缘分别发育不同时代和不同构造背景下形成的武陵山-华蓥山、大巴山和龙门山前陆逆冲带,前人对他们的结构和构造运动学进行了详尽的研究。本文在总结这些研究的基础上,揭示武陵山-华蓥山、大巴山和龙门山三条前陆逆冲带的结构分带均表现为从厚皮逆冲构造至薄皮逆冲构造组合的变化,构造解析表明结构分带是断层-褶皱关系主导的指向前陆盆地方向共轴递进扩展作用的结果。同时,在前陆逆冲带扩展分析基础上,总结了四川盆地盆缘共轴扩展、非共轴叠加复合扩展和联合构造扩展三种前陆逆冲带扩展方式。结合阿巴拉契亚、科迪勒拉、阿尔卑斯、喜马拉雅、比利牛斯山等经典造山带前陆逆冲带扩展的研究现状,提出前陆逆冲带扩展研究中存在古构造应力场的σ2悖论、应力-应变(σ-ε)关系难以建立和系统不平衡等问题,并认为这些问题是未来定量化约束前陆逆冲带扩展,进而解决造山带生长构造动力学研究的主要挑战。  相似文献   

基于岩(矿)石物性参数和矿床成因类型建立的地球物理勘查模型,在深部找矿预测中出现了多解性的问题,急需找到地球物理方法能够高精度识别的地质体目标.多年的找矿实践表明,矿田构造变形岩相带就是一个重要的选项,业已取得显著的找矿效果.目前,大比例尺的矿区地球物理勘查工作较多,而中比例尺的矿田地球物理研究比较薄弱,且两者均缺乏分...  相似文献   

The seismicity associated with the convergence of the Indian and Eurasian plates, from 1964 to August 1990 was scanned using the M8 algorithm with a view to identify the times of increased probabilities (TIPs) of the earthquakes of magnitudes greater or equal to 6·4 that occurred during the period from 1970 to August 1990. 23 out of 28 earthquakes (M ? 6·4) have been predicted. These were preceded by specific activation of the earthquake flow which was picked up by the M8 algorithm. The earthquake of August 1988 in the Himalaya could not be predicted, the other four unpredictable earthquakes occurred in the early dates of the catalogue (1970–1971) and hence their TIPs could not be diagnosed. Two current alarms are diagnosed, one in the Indo-Burmese arc and the other in the Hindukush-Pamir region. The algorithm provides the correlation between the earthquakes and their area of activation (both in time as well as in space) which, when compared with the local geology, may help to comment on the present day status of the seismic features on the surface.  相似文献   

Rates of shoreline change and overwash penetration distances were calculated for barrier islands along the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama coasts with the orthogonal grid mapping system (OGMS). Average rates of shoreline change are exceptionally high in Louisiana, being of the order ?4.7 to ?7.4 m yr?1. Mississippi and Alabama recession rates are lower and range from ?2.0 to ?3.1 m yr?1 over the period of record. Erosion rates along the shorelines of these islands have remained relatively constant over the period of study with five exceptions in coastal Louisiana and the Chandeleur-Breton Islands Arc, and two exceptions along the Mississippi-Alabama barrier islands where they have accelerated. Mean overwash penetration is greatest along Dauphin Island, Alabama, and Cat Island, Mississippi: 207.6 and 197.9 m, respectively. The Chandeleur-Brenton Islands Arc range from 88.1 m at the central barrier to 180.4 along the flanks. The Mississippi islands range from 105.2 m on Ship Island to 200.5 m along central Horn Island. Mean overwash penetration along the Louisiana barriers is highly variable: 46.3 to 211.4 m.  相似文献   

雪峰古陆边缘沅陵地区的上石炭统岩性特殊,以灰岩为主夹白云质灰岩、砾屑灰岩与砾岩、砂岩相互成层,交替出现,因此,相对海平面升降变化在这种类型沉积中表现明显,利于层序地层的研究。上石炭统为1个三级层序,底部以I型层序边界与震旦系留茶坡组硅质岩接触;顶部仍以I型层序边界与下二叠统黔阳组为邻。包括低水位体系域、海进体系域和高水位体系域;依据准层序的叠覆关系划分为两个准层序组,即海进体系域和高水位体系域。  相似文献   

基性岩墙群代表了陆壳伸展裂解事件,可为大陆再造及造山作用过程的动力学研究提供时间约束。本文利用LA-ICPMS方法对秦祁造山带接合部位陇山岩群中首次报道的基性岩墙群进行了锆石U-Pb同位素测年,获得440Ma左右的年龄。结合区域资料,认为在中央造山带中段可能普遍存在440Ma左右的一期伸展裂解事件。这一信息对中央造山带的构造演化及成矿地质背景研究具有重要地质意义。  相似文献   

野外地质调查和SHRIMP锆石U-Pb地质年代学研究在藏南雅拉香波地区厘定了一规模较大,形成于273.0±2.2Ma的辉绿岩体。该辉绿岩体侵入到由页岩和细砂岩组成的特提斯沉积岩中,表明这些沉积岩形成时间早于晚二叠纪,而不是晚三叠纪地层。该岩体具有以下地球化学特征:(1)富集LREE,亏损HREE;(2)高场强元素含量较高;(3)较高的Sr(87Sr/86Sr(t)=0.7063~0.7078)和Nd(εNd(t)=-1.1~-2.4)同位素组成,与西部同时代溢流玄武岩相当;及(4)较高的εHf(t)(+2.5~+3.9)。本研究及已有数据表明:沿新特提斯带发育一系列晚二叠纪基性岩浆岩,是冈瓦纳大陆北缘裂解和新特提斯洋初始张开时深部岩浆作用的产物。  相似文献   

青藏铁路多年冻土勘察的物探方法选择及其应用效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王文龙  王海 《冰川冻土》2003,25(Z1):29-34
在青藏铁路的建设过程中, 多年冻土是一个关键问题, 开展物探工作时, 会遇到较非冻结区更为复杂和多变的勘测对象. 论述了目前开展的各种物探方法的优劣, 给出了利用综合物探方法勘察青藏铁路多年冻土的结果. 实践证明, 开展综合物探是勘探多年冻土的一种行之有效的方法.  相似文献   

付长垒  闫臻  王秉璋 《岩石学报》2019,35(10):3141-3160
中央造山系北缘发育完整的早古生代"弧-盆"体系,而其洋内弧盆体系还是陆缘弧盆体系属性的确定,可为原特提斯域古板块构造格局和中央造山系早期造山过程的恢复提供依据。秦岭-祁连结合部清水-张家川地区出露的与原特提斯洋俯冲作用相关的基性岩形成时代和构造归属的探究,是解决中央造山系早古生代洋-陆转换过程以及东西链接等科学问题的重要内容之一。清水-张家川地区主要出露块状、枕状玄武岩以及少量辉绿岩墙和硅质岩夹层,玄武岩和辉绿岩明显富集Th、LREE,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf和Ti元素,而Th/Nb比值则分为1. 09~2. 04和0. 18~0. 73两组,分别与岛弧和弧后裂谷熔岩相一致。另外,这些基性岩具较高的Th/Yb和εNd(t)(+4. 4~+4. 8)值,显示岩浆来自受洋壳沉积物混染的亏损地幔源区。最新LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示辉绿岩墙形成于500±3Ma。结合区域岩石地层资料,综合分析表明清水-张家川地区基性岩形成于寒武纪,早于晚奥陶世酸性火山岩和侵入岩。它们与其东、西侧北秦岭和北祁连构造带内的寒武纪-早奥陶世洋内弧和弧后盆地岩浆岩共同构成了原特提斯洋北缘早古生代洋内弧-盆体系。  相似文献   

The Upper Carboniferous Benxi Formation of the Ordos Basin is the lowest strata overlying Middle Ordovician above the major ca. 150-Myr sedimentary gap that characterizes the entire North China Block (NCB). We apply an integrated analysis of stratigraphy, petrography, and U–Pb dates and Hf isotopes on detrital zircons to investigate its provenance and relationships to the progressive collisions that formed the Xing’an-Mongolia Orogenic Belt to the north and the Qinling Orogenic Belt to the south. The results show that, in addition to regional patterns of siliciclastic influx from these new uplifted sources, the Benxi Formation is composed of two sequences corresponding to long-term glacial-interglacial cycles during the Moscovian to lower Gzhelian stages which drove global changes of eustatic sea level and weathering. The spatio-temporal distribution of sediment isopachs and facies indicate there were two sediment-infilling pulses, during which the southern and the northern Ordos Basin developed tidal-reworked deltas. The age spectra from detrital zircons, trace element patterns and εHf(t) values reveal that the siliciclastics forming the southern delta was sourced in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, whereas the northern delta was derived from the Xing’an-Mongolia Orogenic Belt. The source-to-sink evolution of this Upper Paleozoic system records the progressive development of orogenic belts and uplifts forming on the southern and northern margins of the NCB prior to its collisions with the South China and the Siberian plates, respectively.  相似文献   

秦社彩  范蔚茗  郭锋 《岩石学报》2019,35(6):1892-1906
本文对沿江绍断裂带的江山和浦江两地区中生代镁铁质火山岩进行了Ar-Ar年代学、岩石学和元素-同位素地球化学研究。Ar-Ar年代学结果显示,江山玄武岩的形成年龄约为99Ma,为晚白垩世喷发产物;浦江玄武岩和玄武质安山岩的喷发时间为111~112Ma,属于早白垩世。两区中生代镁铁质火山岩都为中钾钙碱性系列,根据其地球化学指标可划分为三组:第1组为江山OIB型玄武岩,在微量元素组成上无Nb-Ta亏损和Pb负异常,高ε_(Nd)(t)和低(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i比值,总体上显示出类似洋岛玄武岩的元素-同位素组成特征;第2组为高钛磷玄武岩,Nb-Ta弱负异常和明显Pb正异常,中等ε_(Nd)(t)和(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i比值;第3组为低钛磷玄武岩,强烈Nb-Ta负异常和中等Pb正异常,低ε_(Nd)(t)(-6.0~-3.7)和高(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i为特征。三组镁铁质火山岩相互之间缺乏分异演化关系,也不是同一母岩浆经历地壳混染作用的结果。对比三组镁铁质火山岩的La/Nb、Ba/Nb、Zr/Ba比值和Sr-Nd同位素模拟结果,我们认为江绍断裂带晚中生代玄武岩为软流圈-岩石圈相互作用的产物,从早期(111~112Ma)到晚期(99Ma)镁铁质岩浆地幔源区软流圈组分的比例越来越多而岩石圈成份逐渐减少的趋势。考虑到该区晚中生代的盆岭构造格局与邻区郴州-临武断裂带同时期镁铁质岩浆的产出特点,华南地区在早白垩世晚期到晚白垩世期间发生了强烈的岩石圈伸展-减薄作用。  相似文献   

关于中国大陆动力学与造山带研究的几点思考   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
根据人类社会和我国发展的新需求和当代地学的新发展,就我国大陆动力学造山带研究的学术思路、起点、科学目标和关键科学问题与主要研究内容及方法进行了分析讨论,提出了几点思考建议。面对地学 发展的挑战与机遇,制定地学前沿领域研究战略,面向全球,从我国大陆地质实际出发,充分发挥地域优势与特色,突出中国大陆动力学关键科学问题,建立持续研究基地,重点解剖,重点突破。以大陆动力学研究为突破口、源头创新,参与国际地学发展与竞争,进入世界地学先进行列,为我国从地学大国走向地学强国而努力,作为中国应有的贡献。  相似文献   

We consider geochemical features of mafic magmatism manifested during the evolution of a complex nappe-folded structure in Western Sangilen, resulted from the Cambrian-Ordovician collisional tectogenesis. There are abundant ultramafic-mafic and mafic associations of different types in this region: layered low-Ti low-alkali ultramafic-mafic intrusions, high-Ti medium-alkali gabbroids, gabbro-monzodiorite intrusions, and alkali basalts. Isotope-geochronological data showed that these complexes formed over a wide time interval, from 570 to 440 Ma. At this time, the geodynamic setting in Western Sangilen changed from an island-arc one via a collision one to an intercontinental rift setting. At the early and late stages of the evolution of Western Sangilen, the geochemical features of mafites were typical of their geodynamic settings. The properties of mafites that formed synchronously with the collision are of particular interest. The studies have shown that the chemical composition of collisional mafites of Western Sangilen changed with time. They became richer in alkalies, titanium, and incompatible elements. This fact indicates a change in the type of mantle source from suprasubductional in the Cambrian to enriched deeper-level one in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

The early Triassic Dardur Formation, exposed along the northeastern margin of the Dead Sea area, comprises some 63 m of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks, arranged in two coarsening-upward sequences. Each sequence begins with a heterolithic facies (silty shale dolomite and marlstone) and terminates with a sandstone facies.The occurrence of mixed carbonate-dominated clastic coarsening-upward facies sequences, containing pelecypode and ostracode fossils and trace fossils is attributed to deposition in a tidally-dominated environment. Bedload traction transport was responsible for deposition of the sandstone facies in a permanently submerged, shallow subtidal zone, whereas the presence of small scale interference oscillation ripple marks, tidal rhythmites and mudcracks in the heterolithic facies indicate deposition under more fluctuating intertidal conditions.The organization of heterolithic and sandstone into vertically-stacked, coarsening-upward marine facies sequences is attributed to a deepening-upward trend from intertidal to subtidal conditions, in response to a series of minor local transgressions and regressions along the southern margins of the Tethyan seaway during early Triassic times.  相似文献   

姚仲友 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1187-1201
巴布亚新几内亚陆缘火山岛弧成矿带形成于印澳板块与太平洋板块的边界带,其演化涉及俯冲与火山岛弧(岩浆弧)的形成、弧陆碰撞与造山、俯冲陆壳折返、岩浆侵入、成矿作用等多种地质作用。该成矿带的铜金成矿时代比较年轻,成矿集中于23~12(Ma)、7~1(Ma)及0.5~0(Ma)三个成矿高潮期。空间上可以分为6个成矿亚带,分别为奥克泰迪-波尔盖拉成矿亚带、弗里达河-拉穆成矿亚带、海登山谷-凯利门戈成矿亚带、托鲁库玛-比尼山成矿亚带、瓦普鲁-伍德拉克成矿亚带、利希尔-潘古纳成矿亚带。成矿带主要铜金矿床类型为斑岩型、浅成低温热液型和矽卡岩-斑岩型。成矿受控于俯冲作用、弧陆碰撞造山作用、侵入杂岩体、褶皱和断裂、破火山口等因素。  相似文献   

文章依据地质构造单元、主要矿种和主要成矿类型,将赞比亚划分为古元古代班韦乌卢金-铁-锰多金属成矿带、中元古代基巴拉锡-钽-钨成矿带、中元古代伊鲁米德金-铜-铁成矿带、新元古代中非铜-钴成矿带、新元古代谦比西金-铜-钴成矿带、古生代-新生代卡鲁金刚石成矿带以及卡拉哈里沙漠等7个Ⅲ级成矿区带,并阐述了其中赞比亚主要的中元古代伊鲁米德金-铜-铁成矿带和新元古代中非铜钴成矿带的地质特征。  相似文献   

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