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The discharge and water level of a gaining stream are known to be maintained during dry spells by baseflow, which is defined as discharge from underground storage. However, the effect of baseflow on a real river is not well known because direct measurements of baseflow in field are difficult to conduct. Therefore, this study attempts to clarify the contribution of baseflow to streamflow and the extent to which the water level is maintained even during dry spells. A digital filter technique is applied to the records of daily mean streamflow in order to estimate the amount of baseflow, and the lateral distribution method is applied to irregular cross sections at observational sites to obtain the stage–discharge rate curve. Through a comparison of the observed data and calculation results, the amount of baseflow is estimated across the channel, in addition to the maximum water level retained during dry spells in relation to the baseflow. Finally, based on the results of an energy conservation model, this study proposes that the source of the amount of baseflow estimated across a channel section may be different from that of the water level maintained during dry spells.  相似文献   

一种考虑截面翘曲的剪力墙宏模型   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
提出了一种六自由度刚杆—弹簧单元,可以像有限元法那样根据精度和计算量的要求,以适当密度在水平和垂直方向拼装成剪力墙的宏模型。这一宏模型不仅可以反映中和轴的移动,而且不再受现有宏模型中平面假定的限制,可以反映初始平截面的剪切翘曲。这对于分析剪跨比较小的剪力墙是有一定必要性的。该模型竖向弹簧布置在Gauss积分点处,从而有效提高了计算精度和效率。利用该模型计算了五个剪力墙的弹塑性“推覆”过程,取得了与实验较为一致的结果。对一些有关宏模型中本构关系选取及变形假定的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The pelagic limestones exposed in the valley of the Cismon river (near Feltre) appear to represent continuous deposition from Valanginian to Campanian, apart from a short hiatus in the Early Albian. Detrital magnetite is the carrier of remanence in these predominantly white-grey limestones, and a well-defined magnetic stratigraphy has been obtained. The Cretaceous quiet zone at Cismon is totally normal in polarity and stretches from Early Aptian to Early Campanian. Below the Lower Aptian, the Early Cretaceous mixed polarity interval is tentatively correlated with the sequence of geomagnetic reversals derived from the oceanic magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Immediately below the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary clay layer in Umbrian pelagic limestone sections is a 0.5 m thick interval of white limestone beds. Geochemical and rock magnetic studies have been carried out to investigate the origin of these beds. Fe/Si ratios suggest that the iron abundance is a constant proportion of the detrital component in the red marlstone above the boundary and the pink limestone below the white beds. The stratigraphic variations of initial susceptibility and the IRM intensities acquired in different fields behave similarly to the Fe/Si ratio, and reflect primarily the changing concentrations of the ferromagnetic minerals caused by sedimentary fluctuations. The Fe/Si ratio, overall Fe abundance and the intensities of the magnetic parameters are all anomalously low in the white beds. The differing magnetic properties of the samples are due mainly to differing proportions and grain-size distributions of pigmentary hematite and detrital magnetite. The coercivity spectra of samples from the white beds are very similar to those of the pink beds, but are clearly distinct from those of the red beds. The white beds were probably deposited under the same conditions as the underlying pink beds. The anomalously low intensities in the white beds result from reduction of hematite in originally pink beds and subsequent removal of the Fe2+ ions. The reduction may be a consequence of downwards infiltration of reducing waters resulting from the large quantity of organic matter produced by the extinctions at the K-T boundary.  相似文献   

Steam samples from six wells (Colombaia, Pineta, Larderello 57, Larderello 155, Gabbro 6, and Gabbro 1) in a south to north section across the Larderello geothermal field have been analyzed for inorganic and hydrocarbon gases and for oxygen-18 and deuterium of steam. The wells generally decrease in depth and increase in age toward the south. The steam samples are generally characterized by
  1. Total gas contents increasing south to north from 0.003 to 0.05 mole fraction;
  2. Constant CO2 (95±2 percent); near constant H2S (1.6±0.8), N2 (1.2±0.8), H2 (2±1), CH4 (1.2±1), and no O2 in the dry gas;
  3. Presence of numerous, straight chain and branched C2 to C6 hydrocarbons plus benzene in amounts independent of CH4 contents with highest concentrations in the deeper wells;
  4. Oxygen-18 contents of steam increasing south to north from ?5.0‰ to ?0.4‰ with little change in deuterium (?42±2‰).
These observations are interpreted as showing:
  1. Decreasing gas contents with amount of production because the proportion of steam boiled from liquid water increases with production;
  2. Synthesis of CH4 from H2 and CO2 with CO2 and H2 produced by thermal metamorphism and rock-water reactions;
  3. Extraction of C2 to C6 hydrocarbons from rock organic matter;
  4. Either oxygen isotope exchange followed by distillation of steam from the north toward the south (2 plates at ~220°C) or mixture of deeper more-exchange waters from the north with shallow, less-exchanged recharging waters from the south.

T形截面短肢剪力墙刚度及延性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于T形截面的六片短肢剪力墙,两片普通剪力墙在低周反复水平荷载作用下的试验,描述了短肢剪力墙的破坏现象。通过对滞回曲线及骨架曲线的分析,找出短肢剪力墙试件从开始开裂直至破坏过程中刚度退化系数随试件位移变化的规律,并利用最小二乘法模拟了此曲线,给出了模拟公式。确定了试件的位移延性,比较了各试件间的差异。此外,通过与两片普通剪力墙试验结果的对比,发现当短肢剪力墙的高厚比从规范规定的8变化到普通剪力墙的9时性能差异并不明显。  相似文献   

Noble gases were studied in six wells, located on a 4.5 km south to north section across the Larderello field. Depth of wells, flow and gas/steam ratios are known to increase from south to north. Exploitation progressed in the same direction. The following noble gas patterns are observable: (a) Atmospheric Ar, Kr and Xe reflect productions of gas-depleted water at Colombaia 2 and progressively more gas-enriched steam towards the Gabbro wells. (b) Radiogenic4He and40Ar are observed in increasing concentrations from south to north. (c) The radiogenic and atmospheric gases reveal a positive correlation, indicating that the recharging water enters deep into the system, and gets well mixed with the radiogenic gases prior to the steam separation. (d) Gas contents and relative abundances of radiogenic argon decrease with production, thus supplying markers for the degree of exploitation in a well and a guide for optimum well spacing. (e) Excess neon over argon is observed and discussed in terms of crustal origin versus possible fractionation of atmospheric noble gases due to pertial steam separation.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of inverting the geopotential series with respect to the geoid radius has been solved. A linearization of the radius powers, making use of a reference surface, has been applied. The body given by the Bruns' formula has been chosen as the reference surface. Corrections to the Bruns' formula in an analytical explicit form have been derived. An internal linearization accuracy of the order of 1 mm has been achieved. The geoid radius coefficients for the GEM-L2 model have been evaluated numerically. The corrections have been found to range from –90 to 90 cm.
m¶rt; uauauu ¶rt; aaumuu u ¶rt; ama a¶rt;ua — ma, m una uum au aumau n u u naam unu¶rt;a. u u¶rt; una um uum u nmuaa u uum au a¶rt;ua — ma. ¶rt;a¶rt;amua ua, aa uauau, n¶rt;a 1 . u¶rt; u am ¶rt; ¶rt;uaumau n GEM-L2. au na nm mm m am nu annuauuu¶rt;a, a a m a, n¶rt;a ± 90 .

Palaeomagnetic and palaeontological studies on samples withdrawn from a 250-m-long unorientated core from Reggio di Calabria, Italy (38°N, 16°E) are described. The lower 200 m of core penetrated off-shore clays and visual examination of the split sections of core indicated no obvious breaks in deposition. After alternating field demagnetization in 200 Oe the palaeomagnetic inclination log shows the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary at 110 m below which the Jaramillo and Olduvai Events within the Matuyama Epoch are identified. This interpretation of the magnetostratigraphy is supported by palaeontological evidence. The rate of accumulation of clay is estimated to have ranged between about 60 and 190 mm/kyr with an overall average through the Matuyama Epoch of about 90 mm/kyr. Assuming that this average rate continued through the Brunhes Epoch, the age of the top of the clay unit is estimated to be about 90,000 yr B.P. About 5 m from the unconformable top surface of the clay, a split sequence of reversed inclinations is interpreted as a record of the Blake Event, and the overall average deposition rate implies that its duration may have been as long as 50,000 yr. No other reversed event is recorded by the palaeomagnetic inclination log through the Brunhes Epoch, though there are four horizons where shallow positive inclinations are recorded.  相似文献   

This study presents a new method to measure stream cross section without having contact with water. Compared with conventional measurement methods which apply instruments such as sounding weight, ground penetration radar (GPR), used in this study, is a non‐contact measurement method. This non‐contact measurement method can reduce the risk to hydrologists when they are conducting measurements, particularly in high flow period. However, the original signals obtained by using GPR are very complex, different from studies in the past where the measured data were mostly interpreted by experts with special skill or knowledge of GPR so that the results obtained were less objective. This study employs Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT) to process GPR signals which are difficult to interpret by hydrologists. HHT is a newly developed signal processing method that can not only process the nonlinear and non‐stationary complex signals, but also maintain the physical significance of the signal itself. Using GPR with HHT, this study establishes a non‐contact stream cross‐section measurement method with the ability to measure stream cross‐sectional areas precisely and quickly. Also, in comparison with the conventional method, no significant difference in results is found to exist between the two methods, but the new method can considerably reduce risk, measurement time, and manpower. It is proven that the non‐contact method combining GPR with HHT is applicable to quickly and accurately measure stream cross section. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

机载SAR对海探测时, 探测范围小和时空匹配难等局限使其无法借助风条纹和辅助资料反演海面风矢量.本文在仿真研究CMOD5.N地球物理模型参数的函数关系, 实例分析机载SAR探测图像中距离向均值曲线变化规律的基础上, 发现相同风向、风速条件下, CMOD5.N模型构建的标准曲线和探测图像的距离向均值曲线遵循统一的归一化雷达截面随入射角变化规律, 且两者具有良好的相关性.据此, 本文提出将距离向均值曲线与标准曲线逐条匹配, 采用相关系数判定两者的相关程度, 选择使得相关系数绝对值最大的标准曲线作为最优匹配曲线, 进而直接确定风向和风速的海面风矢量反演方法.机载SAR飞行探测实验结果表明, 海面风矢量反演结果与浮标观测结果的均方根误差为风向11.3°, 风速0.9 m·s-1, 高于反演精度指标要求, 原因在于该方法既避免了机载SAR探测图像中斑点噪声的影响, 又不会产生局部最优解, 提高了海面风矢量反演精度.  相似文献   

In order to assist in global correlation of the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, a paleomagnetic survey has been made of the world type section for the boundary, in Calabria, Italy. A total of 116 specimens from 36 sites were collected from the section, which as sampled is about 30 m thick. All sites possess stable remanent magnetism and northern hemisphere virtual geomagnetic poles, consistent with deposition during a period of normal polarity. If this period was during the Gilsa event, a minimum sedimentation rate of 17 cm per 1000 years would be required. Since a normal polarity chemical overprint, acquired during the last 0.69 m.y. could also explain the data, thermomagnetic analyses were made of selected samples. The results show the presence of highly unstable superparamagnetic material, which is most likely a product of post-depositional chemical precipitation. This observation enhances the possibility that any longer-duration precipitation could have created coarse and thus magnetically more stable components, the effects of which could not be readily distinguished from the original remanent magnetism.The difficulties of distinguishing between original depositional remanent magnetism and post-depositional chemical remanent magnetism, in outcropping marine sediments, as well as the large range of possible natural causes of the latter, is summarized in the form of a discussion of feasible Eh and pH changes occurring between original deposition at upper bathyal dephts and final sampling above sea level. It is considered that, in the absence of experimental means to distinguish the roles of original and chemically overprinted paleomagnetic signals, similarity of magnetic polarity stratigraphy between sections of sediments representing different paleoenvironments and sedimentation rates is a necessary if insufficient requirement for diagnosis of real geomagnetic behavior during deposition, as opposed to posidepositional effects.  相似文献   

董星宏  和朝霞  段锋 《地震研究》2011,34(4):552-557
根据地震行业地震信息发布的实际情况,利用“天地图”的GIS服务资源及其开放的网站服务接口API的相关函数,分析地震行业中的地震震中、历史地震分布、监测台站保护区、灾情上报、地震应急避难场所、宏微观异常上报和活动断层7个方面具体应用的空间地理信息及其它信息,在基于“天地图”地图资源的WEBGIS应用中予以实现,并在实际工...  相似文献   

李晋  李宏志  袁志祥 《山西地震》2011,(3):37-39,43
针对城市震害预测与防御对策系统建设项目中的近场区地震构造图图形数据转换需求,解决由MapInfo的图形文件到ArcGIS的图形文件转换过程中的具体问题。并对数据格式转换、坐标系统转换、拓扑构建以及地图可视化表达步骤等关键环节进行了总结,为相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The numerical block-model of the lithosphere dynamics is used to simulate seismicity in Italy and its surroundings, based on the available structural and geodynamics information. The purpose of the study is to understand which are the tectonic processes that control the main features of the observed seismicity and the kinematics of the region. The influence of the rheology of the fault systems is studied as well. The model we use differs from other modeling approaches in that it simulates earthquakes and hence it possibly relates to seismicity and geodynamics. The model provides an effective capability to include the set of documented constraints supplied by widely available earthquake catalogs. This is done by means of the comparison of the GR relation, of the focal mechanisms and of the space distribution for observed and computed seismicity. The region is modeled as a system of perfectly rigid blocks, separated by infinitely thin fault planes, in viscoelastic interaction between themselves and with the underlying medium. The movement of the boundary blocks and of the underlying medium determines the motion of the blocks. The synthetic seismicity obtained with the defined block-model is similar to the observed one for the most seismically active areas. A linear frequency-magnitude (FM) relation (Gutenberg-Richter law) is obtained for synthetic earthquakes; the slope (b-value) of the FM plot appears larger for the synthetic seismicity than for the observed one. Nevertheless, the b-value is essentially larger in northern and central Italy than that in southern Italy, both in the model and in the observations. The analysis of the source mechanisms of the synthetic earthquakes shows a good agreement with the observations. In the model normal faulting is typical for the Apennines, the eastern edge of Sicily and the Calabrian arc, while reverse faulting takes place at the northwestern boundary of the Adriatic Sea, in the southern Alps and along the eastern edge of the Adria, along the Dinarides. The model correctly reproduces the extension zone along the Apennines and the contraction zone along the northwestern boundary of the Adriatic Sea; the counter-clockwise rotation of the Adria is mimed. The resulting movements of the blocks are in overall agreement with GPS (Global Positioning System) observations. The results of the modeling experiments suggest that the main features of dynamics and seismicity in the central Mediterranean region cannot be satisfactorily explained as a consequence of Africa and Eurasia convergence only; the passive subduction in the Calabrian arc and the different rheology of faults are essential as well.  相似文献   

Body-wave Attenuation in the Region of Garda, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyzed the spectral amplitude decay with hypocentral distance of P and S waves generated by 76 small magnitude earthquakes (ML 0.9–3.8) located in the Garda region, Central-Eastern Alps, Italy. These events were recorded by 18 stations with velocity sensors, in a distance range between 8 and 120 km. We calculated nonparametric attenuation functions (NAF) and estimated the quality factor Q of both body waves at 17 different frequencies between 2 and 25 Hz. Assuming a homogeneous model we found that the Q frequency dependence of P and S can be approximated with the functions Q P = 65 f 0.9 and Q S = 160 f 0.6 , respectively. At 2 Hz the Q S /Q P ratio reaches the highest value of 2.8. At higher frequencies Q S /Q P varies between 0.7 and 1.7, suggesting that for this frequency band scattering may be an important attenuation mechanism in the region of Garda. To explore the variation of Q in depth, we estimated Q at short (r ≤ 30 km) and intermediate (35–90 km) distance paths. We found that in the shallow crust P waves attenuate more than S (1.3 < Q S /Q P < 2.5). Moreover, P waves traveling along paths in the lower crust (depths approximately greater than 30 km) attenuate more than S waves. To quantify the observed variability of Q in depth we considered a three-layer model and inverted the NAF to estimate Q in each layer. We found that in the crust Q increases with depth. However, in the upper mantle (~40–50 km depth) Q decreases and in particular the high frequency Q S (f > 9 Hz) has values similar to those estimated for the shallow layer of the crust.  相似文献   

A comparison of 1927, 1970 and 2002 bathymetric surveys in the Lagoon of Venice was used to reconstruct historical changes in sedimentation. A detailed GIS-based analysis of the charts revealed the timing and pattern of geomorphic changes and allowed calculation of sediment deposition and erosion for the entire lagoon and each of its four sub-basins: Treporti, Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia.  相似文献   

Detailed records of palaeomagnetic directions from two Upper Cretaceous Umbrian sections are compared with the composite section compiled by Van den Berg et al. [1]. In addition to these sections, fifty-one geographically distributed sites have been studied magnetically and palaeontologically. The Late Miocene-Pliocene fold belt of the Umbrian Apennines is arcuate in outcrop, being convex toward the east. The fold axes are generally tangential to the Umbrian arc, which can be divided into a northern northwestern-trending part and a southern northeastern-trending part. Sites from the north have more westerly declinations than those from the south. The differences are significant at the 95% probability level and most probably reflect the bending of originally straight fold axes or the development of fold axes with initial curvature. The palaeomagnetic directions from Umbria provide important information concerning the Umbrian tectonic deformation, but are not applicable to the Italian autochthon.  相似文献   

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