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Suspended particulate barite crystals were detected in the water columns at four different stations near the 90°E ridge in the Indian Ocean. Four distinct morphological types of marine barites were distinguished: euhedral-subhedral crystals, oval or round crystals, rhombic crystals, and irregular crystals. The barite crystals in the study area are typically fine, with a dominant size of 1 – 3μm. The vertical distribution of barites is significantly affected by the formation and sedimentation pro...  相似文献   

Like for most parts of High Asia, researches concerning the Pleistocene landscape evolution of the Leh Basin (34°03′ N/77°38′ E) have also left contradictions. To push this topic, three up to now unexplored Ladakh Range tributaries of the Leh Basin (Stagmo-, Arzu- and Nang-Valley) have been investigated. U-shaped profiles, transfluence passes, moraine mantled and glacially rounded peaks and ridges, roches moutonnées, glacial flank polishings and ground moraines document the former glaciation of the study area. The ice fillings of these tributaries reached a minimum thickness up to 540 m. Even at the valley outlets and on the orographic right side of the Leh Basin, the glaciation was more than 350 m thick. Based on these empirically extracted results, theoretical snow line considerations lead to the conclusion that the whole Leh Basin was filled up by a former Indus-Valley glacier. An ice injection limited to the nourishment areas of the Ladakh Range valleys could not have caused the reconstructed ice cover (down to 3236 m a.s.l.), which is proved by extended ground moraine complexes. Only an Indus ice stream network (most likely during the LGP), nourished by inflowing glaciers of the Ladakh- and Stok Range, explains the widespread existence of the glacial sediments at the outlets of the investigated valleys.  相似文献   

In this study, geochemical compositions of elements in sulfide samples collected from the Deyin-1 hydrothermal field near the 15°S southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (SMAR) were analyzed by the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to examine the enrichment regulations of ore-forming elements and hydrothermal mineralization. These sulfide precipitates can be classified macroscopically into three types: Fe-rich sulfide, Fe-Cu-rich sulfide and Fe-Zn-rich sulfide, and are characterized by the enrichment of base metal elements along with a sequence of Fe>Zn>Cu. Compared with sulfides from other hydrothermal fields on MAR, Zn concentrations of sulfides in the research area are significantly high, while Cu concentrations are relatively low. For all major, trace or rare-earth elements (REE), their concentrations and related characteristic parameters exhibit significant variations (up to one or two orders of magnitude), which indicates the sulfides from different hydrothermal vents or even a same station were formed at different stages of hydrothermal mineralization, and suggests the variations of chemical compositions of the hydrothermal fluid with respect to time. The hydrothermal temperatures of sulfides precipitation decreased gradually from station TVG10 (st.TVG10) to st.TVG12, and to st.TVG11, indicating that the precipitation of hydrothermal sulfides is subjected to conditions changed from high temperature to low temperature, and that the hydrothermal activity of study area was at the late stage of a general trend of evolution from strong to weak. The abnormally low concentrations of REE in sulfides and their similar chondrite-normalized REE patterns show that REEs in all sulfides were derived from a same source, but underwent different processes of migration or enrichment, or sulfides were formed at different stages of hydrothermal mineralization. The sulfides collected from the active hydrothermal vent were mainly attributed to precipitating directly from the hydrothermal fluid, while those collected from the extinct hydrothermal chimney might have already been altered by the seawater. Generally, ore-forming elements in the sulfides can be divided into three groups: Fe-based element group, Cu-based element group and Zn-based element group. The first group includes Fe, Mn, Cr, Mo, Sn, Rb and bio-enriching elements, such as P and Si, reflecting the similar characteristics to Fe in the study area. And the second group contains Cu, W, Co, Se, Te and Bi, suggesting the similar behavior with Cu. Moreover, the third group includes Zn, Hf, Hg, Cd, Ta, Ga, Pb, As, Ag, Ni and Sb, which indicates the geochemical characteristics of most dispersed trace elements controlled by Zn-bearing minerals to some extent.  相似文献   

The decadal variations of the North Pacific Tropical Water(NPTW)at 137°E in the western North Pacific Ocean are investigated based on the repeated hydrographic observations along with two global gridded ocean products.The results indicate that the maximum salinity of NPTW experiences significant quasi-decadal variations,having maxima around 1979,1987,1995,2004,and 2012,while minima around1974,1983,1991,1999,and 2008 during the period of interest.The NPTW area also shows similar quasidecadal variation,expanding/shrinking as its maximum salinity increases/decreases at the 137°E section.These variations are induced mainly by changes in the mixed layer salinity in the source region and largescale circulation in the northwestern tropical Pacific Ocean,both of which are related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.The underlying processes at work are further confirmed through conducting the subsurface salinity budget analysis.Besides,short-term processes are also at work through nonlinear interactions,especially after 2000.  相似文献   

Like for most parts of High Asia,researches concerning the Pleistocene landscape evolution of the Leh Basin(34°03' N/77°38' E) have also left contradictions.To push this topic,three up to now unexplored Ladakh Range tributaries of the Leh Basin(Stagmo-,Arzu-and Nang-Valley) have been investigated.U-shaped profiles,transfluence passes,moraine mantled and glacially rounded peaks and ridges,roches moutonnées,glacial flank polishings and ground moraines document the former glaciation of the study area.The ice fillings of these tributaries reached a minimum thickness up to 540 m.Even at the valley outlets and on the orographic right side of the Leh Basin,the glaciation was more than 350 m thick.Based on these empirically extracted results,theoretical snow line considerations lead to the conclusion that the whole Leh Basin was filled up by a former Indus-Valley glacier.An ice injection limited to the nourishment areas of the Ladakh Range valleys could not have caused the reconstructed ice cover(down to 3236 m a.s.l.),which is proved by extended ground moraine complexes.Only an Indus ice stream network(most likely during the LGP),nourished by inflowing glaciers of the Ladakh-and Stok Range,explains the widespread existence of the glacial sediments at the outlets of the investigated valleys.  相似文献   

We used the X-ray diffraction method to determine systematically the mineral phases in bulk sediment samples and acid undissolved residuals of the fine-grained fraction of the surface sediments from the 49.6°E hydrothermal field at the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR)and discussed the mineral sources of the surface sediments.The results showed that the surface sediments in this region were composed of calcareous ooze,and calcite was the dominant mineral.The sediments also contained quartz,feldspar,clay minerals,pyroxene,sphalerite,barite,serpentine,and magnetite.The quartz,feldspar,and clay minerals were exogenous minerals that mainly originated from the Namib and Kalahari deserts in southern Africa.The pyroxene,serpentine,magnetite,sphalerite,calcite,and barite were endogenous minerals from weathering of seafloor basement rocks and seafloor hydrothermal activities.The sulfide particles in the sediments were mainly deposited from upwelling plumes.  相似文献   

The glacial morphology of southern South American presents invaluable evidence to reconstruct former glacier behaviour and its relation to climate and environmental changes. However, there are still spatial and temporal gaps in the reconstruction of the Holocene Patagonian glacial landscape. Here we present the first geomorphological record for the Sierra Baguales Mountain Range(SBMR), forming the eastern foothills of the Southern Patagonian Andes 200 km from the Pacific coast. This area is topographically isolated from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field(SPIF), and is affected by the Westerly Winds. The study area shows evidence of ice sheet and alpine glaciations related to Andean uplift,which caused a marked climatic contrast between its western and eastern flanks since the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM). The regional rock mass strength and precipitation gradient acted as a controlling factor in the glacial cirque distribution and sizes, as well as in the development of glaciation types. We report new radiocarbon dates associated with warm/dry to cold/wet climatic changes during the middle Holocene, when former small alpine glaciers were located in the uppermost section of the SBMR basins, and eventually converged to form a small ice field or a composite valley glacier at lower elevations.This can be explained by an estimated regional temperature drop of 3.8°C±0.8°C, based on a 585±26m Equilibrium Line Altitude(ELA) descent, inferred by geomorphological evidence and the Accumulation Area Ratio(AAR), in addition to a free-air adiabatic lapse rate. Subsequently, the glaciers receded due to climatic factors including a rise in temperature, as well as non-climatic factors, mainly the glacier bedrock topography.  相似文献   

The Kvíárj(o)kull.a southern outlet glacier of the Vatnaj(o)kull,is confined in the mountain foreland by lateral moraines measuring a height of up to 150 m.Each of the lateral moraines shows consjderable breaches with deviations of the main moraine ridges.The paper discusses the possible origins of these modifications of the lateral moraines as result of:1)ice overlappings during glacier advances and subsequent breaches of the lateraltongue triggered by the preglacial relief conditions and the prehistorical moraine landscape leading to affiux conditions,3)drainage of ice-marginal glacier lakes and 4.volcanic activities,such as lava flows and volcanic-induced j(o)kulhlaups. A historic-genetic model of the formation of the lateral moraines is presented considering the breaches in the lateral moraines as result from glacier bifurcations and therefore as former tributary tongue basins.Such breaches in the lateral moraines are also common landscape features at glaciers outside of Iceland and are from wider importance for the paleoreconstruction of former glacier stages.The knowledge of their development is essential for an adequate relative age classification of individual moraine ridges.In regard to the origin of the debris the resedimentation of prehistoric till deposits by younger glacier advances plays a role in the formation of the lateral moraines apart from englacial and supraglacial sediment transfer processes.  相似文献   

Glacier shrinkage is a globally occurring phenomena.High-resolution change detection based on frequent mapping and monitoring of high-altitude glaciers is necessary to precisely evaluate future water availability and to understand glacier evolution under different climatic scenarios in the HindukushKarakoram-Himalayan(HKH) region.This also holds true for the Bhaga basin of the western Himalaya.This study investigates glacier and glacier lake changes in the Bhaga basin,over the last five decades ...  相似文献   

1 Introduction Nannochloropsissp .areoneofpotentialsourcesofpolyunsaturatedfattyacids ,especiallytheeicosapen taentaenoicacid (EPA ,C2 0∶5 ) ,whichisimportantforbothanimalsandhumans . Thefattyacidcompositionofthisalgaisaffectedbyvariousenvironmentalfactors ,suchaslightintensity(Sukeniketal.,1989;Sukeniketal.,1990 ) ,imply ingthatafactorinfluencingthephotosyntheticprocessmayaffectcellularfattyacidsynthesisandtheirmetabolism .AselectionprogramofincreasingcellularEPAcontenthasbeencarriedo…  相似文献   

Reclamation is one of the fastest-growing land use type developed in coastal areas and has caused degradation and loss of coastal wetlands as well as serious environmental problems. This paper was aimed at monitoring the spatiotemporal patterns of coastal wetlands and reclamation in the Yangtze Estuary during the 1960s and 2015. Satellite images obtained from 1980 to 2015 and topography maps of the 1960 s were employed to extract changes of reclamation and coastal wetlands. Area-weight centroids were calculated to identify the movement trend of reclamation and coastal wetlands. The results show that from the 1960 s to 2015, the net area of natural wetlands declined by 574.3 km~2, while man-made wetlands and reclamation increased by 553.6 and 543.9 km~2, respectively. During the five study phases, the fastest areal change rate natural wetlands was –13.3 km~2/yr in the period of 1990–2000, and that of man-made areas was 24.7 km~2/yr in the same period, and the areal change rate of reclamation was 27.6 km~2/yr in the period of 2000–2010. Conversion of coastal wetlands mainly occurred in the Chongming Island, Changshu City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Reclamation was common across coastal areas, and was mainly attributed to settlement and man-made wetlands in the Chongming Island, Lianyungang City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Natural wetlands turned into farmlands and settlement, and man-made wetlands gained from reclamation of farmlands. The centroid of natural wetlands generally moved towards the sea, man-made wetlands expanded equally in all directions and inland, and the centroid of reclamation migrated toward Shanghai Municipality. Sea level rise, erosion-deposition changes, and reclamation activities together determine the dynamics of the Yangtze Estuary wetlands. However, reclamation activities for construction of ports, industries and aquaculture are the key causes for the dynamics. The results from this study on the dynamics of coastal wetlands and reclamation are valuable for local government to put forward sustainable land use and land development plans.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMyxosporeansareverycommonparasitesoffish .Theirseasonalfluctuationsinprevalenceandintensityofinfectionweredescribedbysomeauthors (Mitchell,1 989;Sitja BobadillaandAlvarez Pellitero,1 990 ;Cone ,1 994 ) .However,almostnorelatedinformationisavailableinChin…  相似文献   

3 The Highest Former Trim-lines and Gla-cier Thicknesses in the Khumbu Hima-laya: Mt. Everest, Lhotse- and Cho Oyu- S- and W-slopes The glaciation history of the Khumbu Himal, i.e., of the Himalaya- and especially of the Mt. Ev-erest-S-slope can only be reconstructed and under-stood if one also has a detailed knowledge of the N-slope of the area, because the High- to Late Gla-cial ice stream networks on the Tibetan side of the Mt. Everest-massif here, too, were connected to the Himal…  相似文献   

Decreasing fish resources in estuaries is a subject of anthropogenic activities.Studies of the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae can help identify the status and processes underlying recruitment in a fishery.As the fifth largest river estuary in the world,the Huanghe(Yellow)River estuary(HRE)is a typical estuary that has been seriously affected by human activities.Annual surveys on ichthyoplankton and environmental factors were conducted in the months of May of 2005 and 2009-2016 in the HRE to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae and the associated influencing factors.A total of 23 and 20 species of eggs and larvae,respectively,were collected.The dominant orders were Perciformes(51.2%)and Clupeiformes(25.6%).The average number of fish species eggs and larvae were 6.0 and 4.1 in average abundance of 0.91 and 0.13 ind./m~3,respectively.The dominant species were mainly low-commercial-value small-sized fishes,such as Clupanodon punctatus,Hare,ngula zutnasi,and Acanthogobius,whereas certain traditional commercial fishes,such as Trichiurus lepturus,and Clupea pallasii,were not seen.Analysis of the fish egg and larval community revealed four temporal assemblages and two spatial assemblages.Salinity was the main factor on the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton communities,the species number and Shannon-Weiner diversity index(H')of the fish egg and larval community near the river mouth with lower salinity were significantly lower than the community far away from the river mouth with higher salinity.In addition,increases of water temperature promoted the number and abundance of fish species eggs,and the areas of abundant prey tended to have a more diversified and abundant of ichthyoplankton species.In overall,overfishing,dam construction,and other human activities were the main drivers that led to the substantial decline in fishery resources in the HRE.  相似文献   

A new kinetic spectrophotometric method is developed for the measurement of manganese (Ⅱ) in water. The method is based on the catalytic effect of manganese (Ⅱ) with the oxidation of weak acid brilliant blue dye (RAWL) by KIO4 using the Nitrilo triacetic acid (NTA) as an activation reagent. The optimum conditions obtained are 40mgL-1 RAWL, 1×10-4molL-1 KIO4, 2×10-4molL-1 Nitrilo triacetic acid (NTA), pH = 5.8, the reaction time of 3.00 min and the temperature of 20.0 ℃. Under the optimum con-ditions, the proposed method allows the measurement of manganese (Ⅱ) in a range of 0-50.0ngmL-1 and with a detection limit of down to 0.158 ng mL-1. The recovery efficiency in measuring the standard manganese (Ⅱ) solution is in a range of 98.5%-102%, and the RSD is in a range of 0.76%-1.25%. The new method has been successfully applied to the measurement of manganese (Ⅱ) in both fresh water and seawater samples with satisfying results. Moreover, few cations and anions interfere with the measurement of man-ganese (Ⅱ). Compared with other kinetic catalytic methods and instrumental methods, the proposed method shows fairly good selec-tivity and sensitivity, low cost, cheapness, low detection limit and rapidity. It can be applied on boats easily.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe Tibet plateau consists of terranes which were accreted in a southward-younging succession from Late Permian to Mid-Eocene (Dewey etal., 1988; Mattern etal., 1998; Mattern and Schneider, 2000). The Songpan-Ganzi terrane was accreted to the Kunlun during Late Permian along Kunlun-Qin-ling suture. The Qiangtang block was added onto the Songpan-Ganzi terrane at the Jinsha suture dur-ing Late Triassic-Early Jurassic. The Lhasa block became attached to the Qia…  相似文献   

1 Introduction ThegoldencuttlefishSepiaesculenta,aneriticanddemersalspecies,livesinthedepthof 1 0 - 1 0 0meters,andsometimesinseabottomsand .Itiswidelydistrib utedfromcentralHonshutoVietnamandthePhilip pines .Thegoldencuttlefishisalsoanimportantobjectof…  相似文献   

In this study,we conducted investigations in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary and adjacent waters(CREAW) in June and November of 2014.We collected water samples from different depths to analyze the nitrogen isotopic compositions of nitrate,nutrient concentrations(including inorganic N,P,and Si),and other physical and biological parameters,along with the vertical distribution and seasonal variations of these parameters.The compositions of nitrogen isotope in nitrate were measured with the denitrifier method.Results show that the Changjiang River diluted water(CDW) was the main factor affecting the shallow waters(above 10 m) of the CREAW,and CDW tended to influence the northern areas in June and the southern areas in November.δ(15)N_(NO_3) values in CDW ranged from 3.21‰-3.55‰.In contrast,the deep waters(below 30 m) were affected by the subsurface water of the Kuroshio Current,which intruded into the waters near 31°N in June.The δ(15)N_(NO_3) values of these waters were 6.03‰-7.6‰,slightly higher than the values of the Kuroshio Current.Nitrate assimilation by phytoplankton in the shallow waters of the study area varied seasonally.Because of the favorable temperature and nutrient conditions in June,abundant phytoplankton growth resulted in harmful algae blooms(HABs).Therefore,nitrate assimilation was strong in June and weak in November.The δ(15)N_(NO_3) fractionations caused by assimilation of phytoplankton were4.57‰ and 4.41‰ in the shallow waters in June and November,respectively.These results are consistent with previous laboratory cultures and in situ investigations.Nitrification processes were observed in some deep waters of the study area,and they were more apparent in November than in June.The fractionation values of nitrification ranged from 24‰-25‰,which agrees with results for Nitrosospira tenuis reported by previous studies.  相似文献   

China Seas are one of the most diverse regions in the Pacific. Though much ef fort has been made to explore its biodiversity, the polychaetes diversity is still poorly known. A large number of species records are based on ecological investigation rather than taxonomical studies. We update the Polychaete species taxonomicaly described from China coastal waters during 2008–2017 and list them as a catalogue.The catalogue contains 47 species of 32 genera and 17 families, the type depository, type locality and geographic distribution. Some taxonomic problems are present in remarks.  相似文献   

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