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In order to reconstruct the paleoproductivity evolution history of the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka,the vertical gradient of δ 13 C in dissolved inorganic carbon(δ 13 C between those of foraminifera Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi) and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages were analysed in piston Core MD06-3047 retrieved from the Benham Rise(east of the Luzon Island).Paleoproductivity evolution in the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka is closely related to glacial-interglacial cycles and precession-controlled insolation.Controlling factors of paleoproductivity could have been both thermocline fluctuations related with ENSO-like processes and eolian input associated with East Asian winter monsoon,and the former could have been the primary factor.A higher productivity and a shallower thermocline coeval with the occurrence of low CO 2 concentrations in the EPICA Dome C ice core might indicate that biological export production in the low-latitude could act as a significant sink in the global carbon cycle,and modify atmospheric CO 2 concentrations.Spectral analysis further reveals that the paleoproductivity is mainly controlled by thermocline fluctuations subjected to ENSO processes responding to processional variability of insolation.High coherences in eccentricity,obliquity and precession periods further revealing the close link between thermocline fluctuations,paleoproductivity and atmospheric CO 2 levels.  相似文献   

Observation of the abyssal western boundary current in the Philippine Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mooring observations were conducted from July 16, 2011 to March 30, 2012 east of Mindanao, Philippines(127°2.8′E, 8°0.3′N) to observe the abyssal current at about 5600 m deep and 500 m above the ocean bottom. Several features were revealed: 1) the observed abyssal current was highly variable with standard deviations of 57.3 mm/s and 34.0 mm/s, larger than the mean values of-31.9 and 16.6 mm/s for the zonal and meridional components, respectively; 2) low-frequency current longer than 6 days exhibited strong seasonal variation, flowing southeastward(mean flow direction of 119.0° clockwise from north) before about October 1, 2011 and northwestward(mean flow direction of 60.5° counter-clockwise from north) thereafter; 3) the high-frequency flow bands were dominated by tidal currents O 1, K 1, M 2, and S 2, and near-inertial currents, whose frequencies were higher than the local inertial frequency. The two diurnal tidal constituents were much stronger than the two semidiurnal ones. This study provides for the first time an observational insight into the abyssal western boundary current east of Mindanao based on long-term observations at one site. It is meaningful for further research into the deep and abyssal circulation over the whole Philippine Sea and the 3D structure of the western boundary current system in this region. More observational and high-resolution model studies are needed to examine the spatial structure and temporal variation of the abyssal current over a much larger space and longer period, their relation to the upper-layer circulation, and the underlying dynamics.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determinations of the abundance distribution and community structure of picophytoplankton (i.e.,Prochlorococcus spp.,orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp.and picoeukaryotes) were used for samples taken from the Philippine Sea in the western tropical Pacific Ocean from September to October of 2004.A fluorescence probe was employed to detect Chlorophyll a (Chl a).Abundances of Prochlorococcus spp.,orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp.and picoeukaryotes ranged from 0.1 to 58×103 cells ml-1,0.38 to 17×102 cells ml-1 and 0.42 to 26×102 cells ml-1,respectively.Synechococcus spp.and picoeukaryotes co-occurred in relatively shallow water with the maximum abundance observed at 50 to 70 m depth,while Prochlorococcus spp.only occurred in the 70 to 200 m layer.Prochlorococcus spp.was the dominant picophytoplankton population in terms of abundance and biomass.The cell size and carbon biomass content were estimated for the three picophytoplankton groups.In addition,among the three groups of picophytoplankton,the relative contribution of red fluorescence to the total red fluorescence varied with depth.The fluorescence and light scatter properties of individual cells indicated that in the upper 100 m layer,picoeukaryotes were a major contributor to total red fluorescence,while at the depth below 100 m,Prochlorococcus spp.and Synechococcus spp.made an important contribution to the total red fluorescence.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determinations of the abundance distribution and community structure of picophytoplankton (i.e., Prochlorococcus spp., orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp. and picoeukaryotes) were used for samples taken from the Philippine Sea in the western tropical Pacific Ocean from September to October of 2004. A fluorescence probe was employed to detect Chlorophyll a (Chl a). Abundances of Prochlorococcus spp., orange fluorescence Synechococcus spp. and picoeukaryotes ranged from 0.1 to 58×103 cells ml?1, 0.38 to 17×102 cells ml?1 and 0.42 to 26×102 cells ml?1, respectively. Synechococcus spp. and picoeukaryotes co-occurred in relatively shallow water with the maximum abundance observed at 50 to 70 m depth, while Prochlorococcus spp. only occurred in the 70 to 200 m layer. Prochlorococcus spp. was the dominant picophytoplankton population in terms of abundance and biomass. The cell size and carbon biomass content were estimated for the three picophytoplankton groups. In addition, among the three groups of picophytoplankton, the relative contribution of red fluorescence to the total red fluorescence varied with depth. The fluorescence and light scatter properties of individual cells indicated that in the upper 100 m layer, picoeukaryotes were a major contributor to total red fluorescence, while at the depth below 100 m, Prochlorococcus spp. and Synechococcus spp. made an important contribution to the total red fluorescence.  相似文献   

To decipher the sedimentary evolution and environmental changes since the late Last Deglaciation, two gravity cores were analyzed from the western North Yellow Sea (NYS). The two cores (B-L44 and B-U35) were sampled for grain size, clay minerals, detrital minerals, and 14C dating. They are comparable in lithofaies, and the observed succession was divided into four depositional units based on lithology and mineral assemblages, which recorded the postglacial transgression. Depositional unit 4 (DU 4) (before 11.5 ka) was characterized with enrichment in sand, and was interpreted as nearshore deposits in shallow water during the Younger Dryas Event. DU 3 (11.5-9.6 ka) displayed a fining-upward succession composed of sediments from local rivers, such as the Huanghe (Yellow) River, and from coastal erosion, which clearly were related to the Early Holocene transgression. Stable muddy deposition (DU 2) in NYS began to form at about 9.6 ka, which received direct supply of fine materials from the Shandong subaqueous clinoform. It is believed that the Yellow Sea circulation system played a major role in controlling the formation of fine sediment deposition in DU 1 (after 6.4 ka) after the sea level maximum.  相似文献   

Based on the authors‘ 1986 to 1994 sporo-pollen assemblage analysis in the southern Yellow Sea area, data from 3 main cores were studied in combination with ^14C, palaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence data. The evolution of the paleoclimate environments in the southern Yellow Sea since 15ka B.P. was revealed that, in deglaciation of the last glacial period, the climate of late glaciation transformed into that of postglaciation, accompanied by a series of violent climate fluctuations. These evolution events happened in a global climate background and related to the geographic changes in eastern China. We distinguished three short-term cooling events and two warming events. Among them, the sporo-pollen assemblage of subzone A1 showed some cold climate features indicating that a cooling event occurred at about 15 - 14ka. B .P. in early deglaciation. This subzone corresponds to the Oldest Dryas. In subzone A3 , many drought-enduring herbal pollens and some few pollens of cold-resistant Picea, Abies, etc. were found, which indicated that a cooling event, with cold and arid climate, occurred at about 12- 11ka. B.P. in late deglaciation. This subzone corresponds to the Younger Dryas. The sporo-pollen assemblage of zone B showed warm and arid climate features in postglaciation. Although the assemblage of subzone B2 indicated a cold and arid climate environment, the development of flora in subzone B2 climate was less cold than that in A3 . Subzone B2 indicated a cooling event which occurred at about 9ka B.P. in early Holocene. Subzone A2, with some distinct differences from subzone A1 and A3 , indicated a warming event which occurred at 14 - 13ka. B.P. and should correspond to a warming fluctuation. The sporo-pollen assemblage of zone C showed features of warm-moist flora and climate, and indicated a warming event which universally occurred along the coast of eastern China at 8 - 3ka B.P. in middle Holocene, and its duration was longer than that of any climate events mentioned above. This period was climatic optimum and belonged to an altithermal period in postglaciation.  相似文献   

The South Yellow Sea(SYS) is strongly influenced by the substantial sediment loads of the Huanghe(Yellow)(including the modern Huanghe and abandoned old Huanghe subaqueous delta) and Changjiang(Yangtze) Rivers. However,the dispersal patterns of these sediments,especially in the western SYS,have not been clearly illustrated. In this study,we have analyzed clay minerals,detrital minerals,and grain sizes for 245 surface sediment samples(0–5 cm) collected from the western SYS. The clay minerals,on average,consist of 67% illite,14% smectite,11% chlorite,and 8% kaolinite. Clay minerals,detrital minerals,and grain size analyses of surface sediments,combined with water mass hydrology analysis,reveal that sediments in the western SYS are mainly derived from the modern Huanghe River,the abandoned subaqueous delta of the old Huanghe River,some material from the Changjiang,and coastal erosion. The clay minerals(especially illite and smectite) and quartz/feldspar ratio distribution patterns,reveal that the influence of modern Huanghe sediments can reach 35°N in the northwestern part of the study area,an influence that can be enhanced especially in winter owing to northerly winds. Conversely,sediments along the Jiangsu coast are mixed,in summer,with material from the Changjiang arriving via northward flow of Changjiang Diluted Water. The Subei Coastal Current carries the refreshed sediments northward into the western SYS. Sediment distribution and transport in the western SYS are mainly controlled by the oceanic circulation system that is primarily related to the monsoon.  相似文献   

Changes in sea surface temperature(SST), seawater oxygen isotope(δ 18 O sw), and local salinity proxy(δ 18 O sw-ss) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core(MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacifi c Warm Pool(WPWP), within the fl ow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ 18 O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO 2 profi le showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of δ 18 O sw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ 18 O sw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ 18 O sw-ss refl ect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation(SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ 18 O sw-ss and local SI in the WPWP may refl ect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their infl uence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP.  相似文献   

Relatively short historical catch records show that anchovy populations have exhibited large variability over multi-decadal timescales. In order to understand the driving factors (anthropogenic and/or natural) of such variability, it is essential to develop long-term time series of the population prior to the occurrence of notable anthropogenic impact. Well-preserved fish scales in the sediments are regarded as useful indicators reflecting the fluctuations of fish populations over the last centuries. This study aims to validate the anchovy scale deposition rate as a proxy of local anchovy biomass in the Yellow Sea adjoining the western North Pacific. Our reconstructed results indicated that over the last 150 years, the population size of anchovy in the Yellow Sea has exhibited great fluctuations with periodicity of around 50 years, and the pattern of current recovery and collapse is similar to that of historical records. The pattern of large-scale population synchrony with remote ocean basins provides further evidence proving that fish population dynamics are strongly affected by global and basin-scale oceanic/climatic variability.  相似文献   

Satellite observations of sea level anomalies(SLA) from January 1993 to December 2012 are used to investigate the interannual to decadal changes of the boreal spring high SLA in the western South China Sea(SCS) using the Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF) method. We find that the SLA variability has two dominant modes. The Sea Level Changing Mode(SLCM) occurs mainly during La Ni?a years, with high SLA extension from west of Luzon to the eastern coast of Vietnam along the central basin of the SCS, and is likely induced by the increment of the ocean heat content. The Anticyclonic Eddy Mode(AEM) occurs mainly during El Ni?o years and appears to be triggered by the negative wind curl anomalies within the central SCS. In addition, the spring high SLA in the western SCS experienced a quasi-decadal change during 1993–2012; in other words, the AEM predominated during 1993–1998 and 2002–2005, while the La Ni?a-related SLCM prevailed during 1999–2001 and 2006–2012. Moreover, we suggest that the accelerated sea level rise in the SCS during 2005–2012 makes the SLCM the leading mode over the past two decades.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSubeiShoalandtheChangjiangRiverestuarineareainthewestoftheHuanghaiandEastChinaSeasisoneofthemarginalseasintheworld ,wheresuspendedmatterisextremelyhigh .Here ,notonlyistheretheTaiwanWarmCurrentoneoftheKuroshio’sbranchesintheEastChinaSea,butalsotheHuanghaiCoastalCurrent,andChangjiangDilutedWater.Sothestrongmixingbetweenthecoastalandoffshorewaterscomplicatessuspendedmatterdistributioninthisarea.HowthesuspendedmatterdischargedfromtheChangjiangRiverandtheabandonedHuan…  相似文献   

Li  Chao  Yang  Shouye  Lian  Ergang  Bi  Lei  Zhang  Zhaofeng 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2015,14(3):399-406
The East China Sea(ECS) is a river-dominated epicontinental sea, linking the Asian continent to the northwestern Pacific via the large rivers originating from Tibetan Plateau. The relevant huge influx of riverine detritus has developed unique sedimentary systems in the ECS during the Quaternary, offering ideal terrestrial archives for reconstructing Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes and studying land-sea interactions. Overall, two characteristic river systems dominate the sedimentary systems and sediment source to sink transport patterns in the ECS, represented by the Changjiang(Yangtze River) and Huanghe(Yellow River) for the large river system and Taiwan rivers for the small river system. Given this, the sediments derived from both river systems bear distinct features in terms of parent rock lithology, provenance weathering and sediment transport. Previous studies mostly focus on either the ‘source' discrimination or the ‘sink' records of the sedimentary system in the ECS, while the source to sink process linking the land and sea, in particular its time scale, has been poorly understood. Here we introduce a newly-developed dating technique, the ‘comminution age' method, which offers a quantitative constraint on the time scale of sediment transfer from its ultimate source to the final depositional sink. This novel method is of great significance for improving our understanding on the earth surface processes including tectonic-climate driven weathering, and sediment recycling in relation to landscape evolution and marine environmental changes. The application of comminution age method in the ECS will provide important constraints on sediment source-to-sink process and more evidences for the construction of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes under these unique sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the years from 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied in this paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WPWPC) movement anomalies and the Niño-3 region SST anomalies(SSTA) seems to reveal a close, linear relation between the zonal WPWPC and Niño-3 region SSTA, which suggests that a 9° anomaly of the zonal displacement from the climatological position of the WPWPC corresponds to about a l°C anomaly in the Niño-3 region area-mean SST. This study connects the WPWPC zonal displacement with the Niño-3 SSTA, and it may be helpful in better understanding the fact that the WPWP eastward extension is conducive to the Niño-3 region SST increase during an El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.  相似文献   

Using a three-dimensional coupled biophysical model,we simulated the responses of a lowtrophic ecosystem in the East China Sea(ECS)to long-term changes in nutrient load from the Changjiang(Yangtze)River over the period of 1960–2005.Two major factors aff ected changes in nutrient load:changes in river discharge and the concentration of nutrients in the river water.Increasing or decreasing Changjiang discharge induced different responses in the concentrations of nutrients,phytoplankton,and detritus in the ECS.Changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN),silicate(SIL),phytoplankton,and detritus could be identified over a large area of the ECS shelf,but changes in dissolved inorganic phosphate(DIP)were limited to a small area close to the river mouth.The high DIN:DIP and SIL:DIP ratios in the river water were likely associated with the diff erent responses in DIN,DIP,and SIL.As DIP is a candidate limiting nutrient,perturbations in DIP resulting from changes in the Changjiang discharge are quickly consumed through primary production.It is interesting that an increase in the Changjiang discharge did not always lead to an increase in phytoplankton levels in the ECS.Phytoplankton decreases could be found in some areas close to the river mouth.A likely cause of the reduction in phytoplankton was a change in the hydrodynamic field associated with the river plume,although the present model is not suitable for examining the possibility in detail.Increases in DIN and DIP concentrations in the river water primarily led to increases in DIN,DIP,phytoplankton,and detritus levels in the ECS,whereas decreases in the SIL concentration in river water led to lower SIL concentrations in the ECS,indicating that SIL is not a limiting nutrient for photosynthesis,based on our model results from 1960 to 2005.In both of the above-mentioned cases,the sediment accumulation rate of detritus exhibited a large spatial variation near the river mouth,suggesting that core sample data should be carefully interpreted.  相似文献   

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