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与普通心理教育相比,航海心理教育具有其独特性。优秀的海洋文学所蕴含主体精神可以作为航海心理教育的特殊资源来建构和完善航海人的人格品质,因为,航海心理教育与海洋文学具有精神对应性、主体关联性以及情感交互性。  相似文献   

As a National Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China, the Key Processes, Mechanism and Ecological Consequences of Jellyfish Bloom in China Coastal Waters led by Prof.SUN Song from Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) was endorsed by the Ministry of Science and Technology.Recently, the kick-off meeting of this five-year (2011-2015) program was held on January 15-16 in Qingdao,China.More than 120 participants attended the meeting.  相似文献   

海洋GIS数据模型与结构   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
探讨了海洋 GIS中的数据模型和数据结构问题。根据物理海洋学的研究方法 ,提出了海洋 GIS的数据表达模型。针对海洋 GIS中水体的特点 ,提出了适合海洋 GIS水体的多级化格网型数据结构 ,给出了两种大尺度海洋常用的格网化方案 :全球等角格网化方案和全球等面积格网化方案。这种格网型数据结构是普通 GRID的扩展 ,具有鲜明的海洋数据应用特色。  相似文献   

中国及国际海洋科学发展态势文献计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以SCIE、ESI、OA等数据库为统计分析源,对1996~2005年国际海洋科学论文产出的主题领域及国家分布、中国海洋科学论文产出的主题领域等从文献计量学的角度进行了统计分析,以揭示国际及中国海洋科学的发展现状和态势,并通过论文产出、国际1%顶尖论文数及热门论文数的统计揭示中国在国际海洋科学领域的科学影响力。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Historically ,thestudyoflightintheoceanshasbeeninvolvedprimarilyintwothemes :therolelightplaysinmarinelivesanditskeycontrolofprimaryproductivity .Consequently ,thephotochemicalinter actionofsunlightwithseawaterconstituentsandtheresultingenvironmentalconsequenceshasbecomeanimportantstudythemeinthefieldofmarinesciences .Currently ,investigationsinmarine photochemistrymainlyinclude (1)examinationofthenatureandre activityofthechromophoresfoundinthedissolvedor ganicmatterinseawater…  相似文献   

地理信息科学与哲学、历史、文学、艺术、社会学、经济学、政治学、管理学等人文学与社会科学进行了全面的深度融合。一方面,地理信息科学领域的学者积极拓展研究领域,为人文学与社会科学领域的学者提供空间化、可视化的技术手段;另一方面,人文学与社会科学领域的学者积极学习和掌握地理信息技术,在研究中积极引入空间思维和空间可视化方法。同时,一些适用于人文学与社会科学研究者的开放平台、代码和工具不断涌现。本文在对空间综合人文学与社会科学的最新进展进行全面总结的基础上,探讨了空间人文学与社会科学研究的思路和框架,并分别对该框架各分支的研究进展进行了梳理和评述,包括:历史GIS,文学GIS,语言学GIS,GIS与哲学、人类动力学、人文地理学等;以及GIS与政治学及国际关系学,GIS与管理学、空间计量经济学、社会地理计算、空间社会网络与空间交互网络、犯罪地理学、健康地理与公共卫生学等。接着,本文对空间综合人文学与社会科学的研究方法进行了分析,包括:空间思维与空间计量、认知心理学与空间认知、空间可视化与虚拟地理分析、平台研发等。最后,对空间综合人文学与社会科学研究的关键问题和未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The present paper reports 7 species of pontoniine shrimps collected from Hainan Island,South China Sea,by the Joint Chinese-German Marine Biology Expeditions,in which,Conchodytes nipponensis(De Haan,1844)and Coralliocaris brevirostris Borradaile,1898 are new records from Chinese waters.  相似文献   

The present paper reports 9 species of pontoniine shrimps collected from Hainan IS-land ,South China Sea ,by the Joint Chinese-German Marine Biology Expeditions,in which Peri-climenaeus arabicus (Calman,1939) and Periclimenaeus hecate (Nobili,1904) are recorded for the first time from Hainan Island.  相似文献   

日本学术界已经注意到,各种环境问题中,海洋环境问题是最难解决的,棘手的原因有技术层面的问题,而更多的则是社会层面的问题。因此,将社会学引入海洋环境问题的研究是十分必要的。目前阶段,日本海洋环境问题的社会学研究在海洋观教育的基本脉络之下,分成海岸带、"森林?河流?海洋的共生"、潮间带、海洋漂浮垃圾等专题研究动向,而这些研究动向之所以形成又是与日本海洋立国的需要有着必然的联系与规律。海洋环境问题的研究是21世纪一个热点领域,有必要引进海洋国家日本关于多元化海洋环境问题与社会问题的观念和研究模式,在国际比较研究的基础上,进行中国的海洋环境社会学学科建设。  相似文献   

High frequency ground wave radar (HFGWR) has unique advantage in the survey of dynamical factors, such as sea surface current, sea wave, and sea surface wind in marine conditions in coastal sea area. Compared to marine satellite remote sensing, it involves lower cost, has higher measuring accuracy and spatial resolution and sampling frequency. High frequency ground wave radar is a new land based remote sensing instrument with superior vision and greater application potentials. This paper reviews the development history and application status of high frequency wave radar, introduces its remote-sensing principle and method to inverse offshore fluid, and wave and wind field. Based on the author's "863 Project", this paper recounts comparison and verification of radar remote-sensing value, the physical calibration of radar-measured data and methods to control the quality of radar-sensing data. The authors discuss the precision of radar-sensing data's inversing on offshore fluid field and application of the assimilated data on assimilation.  相似文献   

Mucronella perforata was first discovered from Onagawa Bay, northern Honshu, Japan, in 1937 by Okada and Mawatari. It was reported from Hong Kong and its neighboring waters and was referred to the genusHippopodina Levinsen, 1909 of the Family Hippopodinidae Levinsen, 1909 by Huang et al. (1990) and Huang (1994). According to the astogeny of the species, both the ancestrula and its successor zooids have an ascus proximal to the orifice, and its hyperstomial ovicells are imperforate, so it could not be a member of any known genus of the known families of the superfamily Schizoporelloidea Jullien, 1883 in the infraorder Lepraliomorpha Gordon, 1989. The new genusPacificincola and the new family Pacificincolidae established respectively on the basis of reexaminations of the Chinese specimens obtained from the southern Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the northern South China Sea.Schizoporella insculpta Hincks, 1880 andHippoporina mexicana Soule, Soule et Chaney, 1995 have been referred to the new genus in the paper. Contribution No. 3658 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 39670100 supported by NSFC and work also supported by the Special Foundation of Biota, IOCAS.  相似文献   

作者通过对下扬子盆地的发展演化序列,盆地区域构造演化特征及其油气成藏等方面进行了论述,经综合研究分析,认为下扬子盆地发展演化历经了古生代海相沉积成盆期和中新生代陆相堆积成盆期两个截然不同的地质历史阶段。原海相沉积盆地的雏形于中生代印支—燕山运动期间即遭破坏、解体,局部地区保留了某些原海相沉积盆地的残块。由于地质构造作用影响或是因原岩固结作用而散失了有效的排烃能力,故不具备有效的油气保存和储藏的可能。在原海相盆地解体之后出现的中新生代地质构造和沉积建造完全不同于海相盆地的中新生代陆相堆积盆地,其具有独立的生油储蓄组合,是油气成藏的有利的地方。文章还阐明了部—庐断裂带和江—绍断裂带,作为区域地质构造的骨架,它们始终扮演了控制下扬子盆地发展演化全过程的角色,其构造背景与盆地演化背景密切相关。  相似文献   

三维虚拟地球的海洋信息适用性分析及原型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了三维虚拟地球在海洋应用上具有的优势及可能面临的挑战的基础上,首次提出了一种结合网格、语义网等前沿技术和理念,利用三维虚拟地球实现三维虚拟海洋的技术方案;并按照SOA的多层次架构,采用XML的多源异构海洋环境数据快速交换、海洋环境信息服务快速封装与发布、海洋环境信息服务虚拟组织、远程可视化等关键技术,实现了海洋环境信息网格平台及网格前端门户系统--三维虚拟海样(VRMarine)。VRMarine不仅能够集成网格环境下多源海洋环境信息服务,再现逼真的三维海洋环境场景,同时,还支持对功能服务的动态集成,实现多维时空特征分析。研究表明,该方案是切实可行和有效的,对三维虚拟海洋具有一定的现实及指导意义。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMarinehedsresultinginenomouslossestousuallyPOpulousandeconondcallyde-veloPedlowandcoastalandestUdrineregi0nsareforngseriousattenti0n.msarticlediscussesP0ssiblepreventivemeasaresagainstInariflehazaIdsbasedonacasestUdyoftheestUedesoftheChanaiiangffiverandQiantanffiver-ThesetwoareasoftheChanaiiangDeltaareboicalofc0astalregionsfreqUenilysufferingfromdrinehazanls,andarethemostsociallyandeconondcallydeveloPedregionsinChina.Theirinhabitantshaveahist0-ryofmorethanathouSandyeare0…  相似文献   

China's eastern coastal area marine hazards (storm surge, erosion and deposition by tidal currents and seawater intrusion) and the history, present situation, experiences and problems of inhabitants in their fight against marine hazards are discussed in this paper, which also suggests counter-measures against, and scientific and rational management of, coastal area marine hazards in order to protect the coastal and estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The sea ice community plays an important role in the Arctic marine ecosystem. Because of the predicted environmental changes in the Arctic environment and specifically related to sea ice, the Arctic pack ice biota has received more attention in recent years using modem ice-breaking research vessels. Studies show that the Arctic pack ice contains a diverse biota and besides ice algae, the bacterial and protozoan biomasses can be high. Surprisingly high primary production values were observed in the pack ice of the central Arctic Ocean. Occasionally biomass maximum were discovered in the interior of the ice floes, a habitat that had been ignored in most Arctic studies. Many scientific questions, which deserve special attention, remained unsolved due to logistic limitations and the sea ice characteristics. Little is know about the pack ice community in the central Arctic Ocean. Almost no data exists from the pack ice zone for the winter season. Concerning the abundance of bacteria and protozoa, more studies are needed to understand the microbial network within the ice and its role in material and energy flows. The response of the sea ice biota to global change will impact the entire Arctic marine ecosystem and a long-term monitoring program is needed. The techniques, that are applied to study the sea ice biota and the sea ice ecology, should be improved.  相似文献   

The present paper reports 12 species of genus Periclimenes, subfamily Pontoniinae, collected from Hainan Island, South China Sea, by the Joint Chinese-German Marine Biology Expeditions, in which, Periclimenes consobrinus and P. tenuipes are new records from Chinese waters, and Periclimenes amymone, P. holthuisi, P. soror, and P. toloensis are recorded for the first time from Hainan Island.  相似文献   

地方高校图书馆建设"非遗"资料库资源便捷,意义重大。学校领导应当充分重视并投入一定的人、财、物,馆内应当围绕当地"非遗"状况展开具体建设,逐步开辟、充实与完善文献库、实物库与数据库。同理,广东海洋大学应当依托社会渠道与校内优势,在图书馆尽快建立与充实粤西"非遗"资料库,促进本校文科的健康发展。  相似文献   

文化的保护与建设已成为我国学术界关注的重要课题之一。伴随着海洋世纪的到来,海洋文化的保护与建设受到了越来越多的关注。为全面有效地保护海洋文化,有必要对我国海洋文化生态的保护建设问题进行深入解析。以青岛渔盐古镇韩家村为例,以海洋文化生态为视角,对韩家村海洋文化生态现状及其体系结构进行考察,并对其呈现的特征进行解析,对其保护建设过程中的存在问题、影响因素、保护建设路径进行分析,旨在以小见大,为我国海洋文化保护与建设提供参考性建议。  相似文献   

The East Asian monsoon system influences the sedimentation and transport of organic matter in East Asian marginal seas that is derived from both terrestrial and marine sources. In this study, we determined organic carbon (OC) isotope values, concentrations of marine biomarkers, and levels of OC and total nitrogen (TN) in core YSC-1 from the central South Yellow Sea (SYS). Our objectives were to trace the sources of OC and variations in palaeoproductivity since the middle Holocene, and their relationships with the East Asian monsoon system. The relative contributions of terrestrial versus marine organic matter in core sediments were estimated using a two-end-member mixing model of OC isotopes. Results show that marine organic matter has been the main sediment constituent since the middle Holocene. The variation of terrestrial organic carbon concentration (OCter) is similar to the EASM history. However, the variation of marine organic carbon concentration (OCmar) is opposite to that of the EASM curve, suggesting OCmar is distinctly influenced by terrestrial material input. Inputs of terrestrial nutrients into the SYS occur in the form of fluvial and aeolian dust, while concentrations of nutrients in surface water are derived mainly from bottom water via the Yellow Sea circulation system, which is controlled by the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Variations in palaeoproductivity represented by marine organic matter and biomarker records are, in general, consistent with the recent EAWM intensity studies, thus, compared with EASM, EAWM may play the main role to control the marine productivity variations in the SYS.  相似文献   

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