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The Ordos Basin,the second largest sedimentary basin in China,contains the broad distribution of natural gas types.So far,several giant gas fields have been discovered in the Upper and Lower Paleozoic in this basin,each having over 1000×10 8 m 3 of proven gas reserves,and several gas pools have also been discovered in the Mesozoic.This paper collected the data of natural gases and elucidated the geochemical characteristics of gases from different reservoirs,and then discussed their origin.For hydrocarbons preserved in the Upper Paleozoic,the elevatedδ13C values of methane,ethane and propane indicate that the gases would be mainly coal-formed gases;the singular reversal in the stable carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes suggests the mixed gases from humic sources with different maturity.In the Lower Paleozoic,theδ13C 1 values are mostly similar with those in the Upper Paleozoic,but theδ13C 2 andδ13C 3 values are slightly lighter,suggesting that the gases would be mixing of coal-type gases as a main member and oil-type gases.There are multiple reversals in carbon isotopes for gaseous alkanes,especially abnormal reversal for methane and ethane(i.e.δ13C 1 >δ13C 2 ),inferring that gases would be mixed between high-mature coal-formed gases and oil-type gases.In the Mesozoic,the δ13Cvalues for gaseous alkanes are enriched in 12C,indicating that the gases are mainly derived from sapropelic sources;the carbon isotopic reversal for propane and butane in the Mesozoic is caused by microbial oxidation and mixing of gases from sapropelic sources with different maturity.In contrast to the Upper Paleozoic gases,the Mesozoic gases are characterized by heavier carbon isotopes of iso-butane than normal butane,which may be caused by gases generated from different kerogen types. Finally,according toδ13C 1 -Ro relationship and extremely low total organic carbon contents,the Low Paleozoic gases would not be generated from the Ordovician source as a main gas source,bycontrast, the Upper Paleozoic source as a main gas source is contributed to the Lower Paleozoic gases.  相似文献   

When organic matter during geological processes is affected by a variety of factors such as paleotemperature, and time, complicated chemical reactions will occur, finally resulting in the generation of petroleum and natural gas. These reactions leading to…  相似文献   

The components and carbon isotope of gases in inclusions are one of the most important geochemical indexes for gas pools.The analysis results of the components and carbon isotope of gases from inclusions in reservoir layers of Upper Palaeozoic gas pools in the Ordos Basin show that most inclusions grown in reservoir sandstone are primary inclusions.There is only a little difference about the components and carbon isotope between the well gases and the secondary inclusions gases.This indicated that the epigenetic change of gas pools is little.This difference between the well gases and the secondary inclusions gases is caused by two reasons:(i)The well gases come from several disconnected sand bodies buried in a segment of depth,while the inclusion gases come from a point of depth.(ii)The secondary inclusions trapped the gases generated in the former stage of source rock gas generation,and the well gases are the mixed gases generated in all the stages.It is irresponsible to reconstruct the palaeo-temperature and palaeo-pressure under which the gas pool formed using carbon dioxide inclusions.  相似文献   

Abundant natural gas inclusions were found in calcite veins filled in fractures of Central Fault Belt across the centre of Ordos Basin. Time of the calcite veins and characteristics of natural gas fluid inclusion were investigated by means of dating of thermolum luminescence (TL) and analyzing stable isotope of fluid inclusion. Results show that natural gas inclusion formed at 130―140℃ with salinity of 5.5 wt%―6.0 wt% NaCl. It indicates that natural gas inclusion is a kind of thermal hydrocarbon fluid formed within the basin. Method of opening inclusion by heating was used to analyze composition of fluid inclusion online, of which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content of fluid inclusion contained in veins is 2.4219 m3/t rock and the maximal C1/Σci ratio is 91%. Laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) was used to analyze chemistry of individual fluid inclusion in which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content is 91.6% compared with little inorganic composition. Isotope analysis results of calcite veins show that they were deposited in fresh water, in which the δ13CPDB of calcite veins is from -5.75‰ to 15.23‰ andδ18OSMOW of calcite veins is from 21.33‰ to 21.67‰. Isotope results show thatδ13C1 PDB of natural gas fluid inclusion is from -21.36‰ to -29.06‰ and δDSMOW of that is from -70.89‰ to -111.03‰. It indicates that the gas of fluid inclusion formed from coal source rocks and it is the same as that of natural gas of Mizhi gas reservoir. Results of TL dating show that time of calcite vein is (32.4±3.42)×104 a, which is thought to be formation time of gas inclusion. It indicated that natural gas inclusion contained in calcite veins recorded natural gas leakage from Mizhi gas reservoir through the Central Fault Belt due to Himalayan tectonic movement.  相似文献   

Abiogenic hydrocarbons in commercial gases from the Songliao Basin, China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper discusses the kinetic fractionation, composition and distribution characteristics of carbon and hydrogen isotopes for various alkane gases formed in different environments, by different mecha- nisms and from different sources in nature. It is demonstrated that the biodegradation or thermode- gradation of complex high-molecule sedimentary organic material can form microbial gas or thermogenic gas. The δ 13C1 value ranges from -110‰ to -50‰ for microbial gases but from -50‰ to -35‰ (even heavier) f...  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西南部地区天然气勘探程度较低,2004年ZT1井在山西组山1段试气荻工业气流,揭示上古生界具备良好的勘探前景.上古生界天然气成藏特征研究表明,二叠系发育西南物源石英砂岩储集体,主要含气层系是山西组山1段、石盒子组盒8段,砂体厚度相对较薄,埋深超过4000m.区内储层普遍致密,局部发育相对高渗层段,与煤系烃源岩配置良好,是形成致密砂岩气藏的有利区带.本文应用地震勘探攻关成果,建立主力砂体地震响应模式,进一步落实了山1、盒8砂体的展布,结合探井钻探效果,优选了有利钻探目标.在试气方法上引入体积压裂理念,QT1井试气获工业气流,勘探取得新突破.对研究区天然气成藏条件的分析、主力砂体地震预测模式及试气工艺等成功经验的总结,对该区天然气勘探的深入开展具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of apatite and zircon fission track (FT), the FT age distribution and the peck-ages of the Mesozoic tectonic events in the southwest margin of the Ordos Basin (OB) were discussed. (1) The early event mainly occurred at 213-194 Ma with a peck-age of 205 Ma, and corresponded to the tectonic uplift and the mega-clastic deposit in the southwest OB during the Late Triassic. (2) The middle event included at least two episodes. One was at 165-141 Ma with a peck-age of 150 Ma, and the other was at 115-113 Ma with a peck-age of 114 Ma, corresponding to the over-thrusting and the mega- clastic deposits in the southwest OB during the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous. (3) The late event mainly demonstrated the regional uplifting and included at least two episodes. One was at 100-81 Ma with a peck-age of 90 Ma, and the other was at 66-59 Ma with a peck-age of 63 Ma. Additionally, the relationship analysis of the tectonic event and the mineralizing chronology revealed that the extreme environment of the peck-age event and the subsequent moderate activity could be the key factors of the multiple resources coupling and coexistence in the OB.  相似文献   

Synthetic methods of thin section petrography, scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe, energy spectrum analysis, cathodoluminescence, isotopic analysis and temperature measuring for fluid inclusions were used in analyzing sandstone samples collected from the Zhiluo Formation in order to fully understand the diagenesis evolution and the mineralizing response as well as the genesis of the uranium-bearing sandstone in Dongsheng area. The result shows that (1) the sandstone include lithic silicarenite, feldspathic litharenite and litharenite; (2) the authigenic minerals include clay minerals, carbonate minerals, siliceous and ferric minerals; (3) the physical property of sandstone is obviously controlled by diagenesis; and (4) the sandstone with favorable physical property is propitious to migration and storage of ore-forming fluid, and finally, forming the ore deposit. The sandstone of the Zhiluo Formation had undergone the early diagenetic stage (periods A and B) and the epidiagenetic stage. The evolution of diagenetic environment is in the order of acidic oxidation, alkalescent deoxidization, acidity to transitional environment of oxidation-deoxidization and acidity-alkalescence. The uranium exists in forms of pre-enrichment uranyl ion, active uranyl ion, dispersive adsorptive uranium and uranium mineral, respectively. In addition, the authors also hold that the formation of the sandstone-type uranium is not only related to the oxidation-deoxidization environment, but also closely related to the acidic-alkaline transitional environment, which are propitious to uranium mineralization in sandstone.  相似文献   

As revealed from recent drilling and organic geochemical testing and research, a series of lacustrine high-grade hydrocarbon source rocks was discovered in the upper section of the Chang 9 oil reservoir member of upper Triassic in Ordos Basin. The hydrocarbon source rocks show average TOC content as high as 5.03%, average bitumen "A" content as high as 0.8603%, and good quality organic precursors, which are of the sapropelic type mainly derived from lower aquatic plants and have reached the thermal evolution stage featured by oil-producing climax. Generally the lacustrine high-grade hydrocarbon source rocks were developed in local depressions of a lake basin, and the Chang 91 member was particularly formed in a depositional environment characterized by fresh water to weakly saline water, weakly oxidizing to weakly reducing setting and semi-deep lake facies, as was demonstrated by a variety of organic to inorganic geochemical parameters. As a result, high productivity constitutes the principal controlling force for generation of this series of high-grade hydrocarbon source rocks. Deposition of thinly-bedded and laminated tuffs as well as positive Eu anomaly corroborate the possible occurrence of anoxic geological event closely related to contemporaneous volcanic eruption, which would play a key part in development of the Chang 91 member of high-grade hydrocarbon source rocks.  相似文献   

黄方  何丽娟  吴庆举 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3671-3686
基于二维稳态热传导方程,利用有限元数值模拟方法,选取东西向横穿鄂尔多斯盆地地质与地球物理解释大剖面进行了深部温度场数值模拟研究,得到了华北克拉通西部的鄂尔多斯盆地下伏岩石圈热结构特征.地幔热流变化范围:21.2~24.5 mW·m-2,体现为东高西低特征.壳幔热流比(Qc/Qm)介于1.51~1.84之间,为"热壳冷幔".与华北东部地幔热流对比表明,西部的鄂尔多斯盆地相对处于稳定的深部动力学环境.在岩石圈热结构研究基础上,对克拉通地震岩石圈与热岩石圈厚度差异进行了对比,研究表明:鄂尔多斯盆地西部地震岩石圈与热岩石圈厚度差异约达140 km,而东部的汾渭地堑,渤海湾盆地二者差异逐渐减小.华北克拉通自西向东,地震岩石圈厚度与热岩石圈厚度差异不断减小,意味着华北克拉通岩石圈下部的软流圈地幔黏性系数自西向东逐渐降低,本文从地热学角度可能印证了太平洋俯冲脱水作用对华北克拉通的影响.  相似文献   

Bleaching of sandstone has significant applications to tracing hydrocarbon pathways and evaluating the scale of natural gas seepage. Bleaching of sandstones in the northeast of Ordos Basin is mainly distributed in the Mesozoic Yan'an Formation. Studying on petrology, major elements, REEs and trace elements of bleached sandstones and comparing with adjacent sandstones, combining with geologic-geochemical evidences of gas seepage in the northeast of the basin, the bleached sandstones are formed in the acid environment and reducing fluids. Characteristics of petrology show that the contents of kaolinite are high and the color of margin of ferric oxide minerals is lighter than that of the center. Major elements of sandstone samples show high contents of Al2O3 and low ratio of Fe3 /Fe2 . The TFe2O3 content of the bleached sandstone is lower than that of red rock. REE data show that bleached sandstones have low ∑REE contents and Eu-depleted and slightly Ce-enriched. Trace elements show that the bleached sandstones enrich in Co, deplete in Sr, and slightly enrich in Zr and Hf which are close to the values for the green alteration sandstones, and slightly lower than ore-bearing sandstones. Geochemical characteristics of oil-bearing sandstone in the northern basin suggest that the oil-shows are formed by matured Carboniferous-Permian coal bed methane escaping to the surface, and natural gas in field could migrate to the north margin of the basin. The δ13C (PDB) andδ18O(PDB) values of calcite cement in the study area range from -11.729‰ to -10.210‰ and -14.104‰ to -12.481‰, respectively. Theδ13C (PDB) values less than -10‰ imply the carbon sources part from organic carbon. Comprehensive study suggests that the gas leakage has occurred in the northeastern basin, which is responsible for bleaching of the sandstone on top of the Yan'an Formation.  相似文献   

A table tuff interlayer at the bottom of Chang-7 Member of Yanchang Formation,the Ordos Basin,may serve as an indicator for stratigraphic division and correlation.In this study,zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating was performed on the tuff at the bottom of Chang-7 Member using samples from wells Luo-36 and Zhuang-211 in the southwest of the basin,which yielded weighted average 206Pb/238U ages of 241.3±2.4 and 239.7±1.7 Ma,respectively.The cathodoluminescence images and the U/Th element ratio of tuff indicate that the zircons are magmatogenic and their ages represent that of the sedimentation age of the tuff at the bottom of Chang-7,which is 239.7–241.3 Ma in age.This finding confirms presence of the Middle Triassic strata at the bottom of Yanchang Formation.Taking previous findings into account,we suggest restricing the Late Triassic Yanchang Formation sensu stricto to the interval from Chang-7 to Chang-1 and assigning the interval from Chang-10 to Chang-8 as the Tongchuan Formation.The tuff at the bottom of the Chang-7 Member of Yanchang Formation represents the sedimentary response to the Qinling orogenic event in the early Indosinian.This tectonic event resulted in major changes in paleogeomorphology and the sedimentary environment of the lake basin during deposition of the Yanchang Formation.During this period,extremely favourable conditions were present for subsequent hydrocarbon generation and pooling of lake basin.  相似文献   

Hu  AnPing  Li  Jian  Zhang  WenZheng  Li  ZhiSheng  Hou  Lu  Liu  QuanYou 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2008,51(1):183-194

The Ordos Basin, the second largest sedimentary basin in China, contains the broad distribution of natural gas types. So far, several giant gas fields have been discovered in the Upper and Lower Paleozoic in this basin, each having over 1000×108m3 of proven gas reserves, and several gas pools have also been discovered in the Mesozoic. This paper collected the data of natural gases and elucidated the geochemical characteristics of gases from different reservoirs, and then discussed their origin. For hydrocarbons preserved in the Upper Paleozoic, the elevated δ 13C values of methane, ethane and propane indicate that the gases would be mainly coal-formed gases; the singular reversal in the stable carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes suggests the mixed gases from humic sources with different maturity. In the Lower Paleozoic, the δ 13C1 values are mostly similar with those in the Upper Paleozoic, but the δ 13C2 and δ 13C3 values are slightly lighter, suggesting that the gases would be mixing of coal-type gases as a main member and oil-type gases. There are multiple reversals in carbon isotopes for gaseous alkanes, especially abnormal reversal for methane and ethane (i.e. δ 13C1>δ 13C2), inferring that gases would be mixed between high-mature coal-formed gases and oil-type gases. In the Mesozoic, the δ 13C values for gaseous alkanes are enriched in 12C, indicating that the gases are mainly derived from sapropelic sources; the carbon isotopic reversal for propane and butane in the Mesozoic is caused by microbial oxidation and mixing of gases from sapropelic sources with different maturity. In contrast to the Upper Paleozoic gases, the Mesozoic gases are characterized by heavier carbon isotopes of iso-butane than normal butane, which may be caused by gases generated from different kerogen types. Finally, according to δ 13C1-R 0 relationship and extremely low total organic carbon contents, the Low Paleozoic gases would not be generated from the Ordovician source as a main gas source, bycontrast, the Upper Paleozoic source as a main gas source is contributed to the Lower Paleozoic gases.


The Ordos Basin, the second largest sedimentary basin in China, contains the broad distribution of natural gas types. So far, several giant gas fields have been discovered in the Upper and Lower Paleozoic in this basin, each having over 1000×108m3 of proven gas reserves, and several gas pools have also been discovered in the Mesozoic. This paper collected the data of natural gases and elucidated the geochemical characteristics of gases from different reservoirs, and then discussed their origin. For hydrocarbons preserved in the Upper Paleozoic, the elevated δ 13C values of methane, ethane and propane indicate that the gases would be mainly coal-formed gases; the singular reversal in the stable carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes suggests the mixed gases from humic sources with different maturity. In the Lower Paleozoic, the δ 13C1 values are mostly similar with those in the Upper Paleozoic, but the δ 13C2 and δ 13C3 values are slightly lighter, suggesting that the gases would be mixing of coal-type gases as a main member and oil-type gases. There are multiple reversals in carbon isotopes for gaseous alkanes, especially abnormal reversal for methane and ethane (i.e. δ 13C1>δ 13C2), inferring that gases would be mixed between high-mature coal-formed gases and oil-type gases. In the Mesozoic, the δ 13C values for gaseous alkanes are enriched in 12C, indicating that the gases are mainly derived from sapropelic sources; the carbon isotopic reversal for propane and butane in the Mesozoic is caused by microbial oxidation and mixing of gases from sapropelic sources with different maturity. In contrast to the Upper Paleozoic gases, the Mesozoic gases are characterized by heavier carbon isotopes of iso-butane than normal butane, which may be caused by gases generated from different kerogen types. Finally, according to δ 13C1-R 0 relationship and extremely low total organic carbon contents, the Low Paleozoic gases would not be generated from the Ordovician source as a main gas source, bycontrast, the Upper Paleozoic source as a main gas source is contributed to the Lower Paleozoic gases.  相似文献   

The updated study shows that the taphrogenesis of basement of the Fushun Basin is not a kind of instantaneous process. It intensified gradually and went to extreme in the sedimentary stage of the Guchengzi formation, and then, it weakened rapidly and stopped soon afterwards; the depression did not take place after the taphrogenesis. On the contrary, it almost happened simultaneously with the taphrogenesis. The depression went at a high speed from the beginning of the sedimentary period of the Xilutian formation, and then weakened gradually in the sedimentary period of the Gengjiajie formation. The evolution course of the synsedimentary structure of the Fushun Basin can be summarized as the following six stages: slow taphrogenesis and high speed depression to accelerated taphrogenesis and high speed depression to high speed taphrogenesis and high speed depression to retarded taphrogenesis and high speed depression to gradual halt of taphrogenesis and reduced depression to slow depression and gradual halt of depression. The tectonic evolution resulted in the formation of the "lower taphrogenesis and upper depression" structure. The formation of the binary structure might be due to the suspension of taphrogenesis and the change of the regional structure stress field, but the depression kept going. The result of calculation combining the analysis of the synsedimentary structural frame, the back-stripping method of the subsidence history of the basin basement and the simulation of thermo-settlement history indicates that the great sedimentary space required by the "upper depression part" consists of two parts, namely, 40% from compaction of sediments and 60% from slow depression of the basin basement during a long period of time. Gradual halt of the depression in the Fushun Basin may be attributed to the reversal of the lithosphere hot-recession and gravity isostasy adjustment which may be the result of new hot-events in the depths and accompanied invasion of extremely thick diabase sill, thus revealing a new forming mechanism of "fault subsidence at the base and depression on the top" structure.  相似文献   

There are many results of single mineral enrichment characteristic, such as oil, gas, coal and uranium, but little is known about the synergistic research of these important minerals and the study of uranium enrichment features in the deep basin. So, the study on the paragenesis regularity and coexisting relation of many minerals in the basin will promote the integrated forecast and cooperative exploitation of the basin. Based on the plentiful logging data and geological data, this paper studies the distributing feature of higher Gamma abnormality. The analysis on 33 core samples' test results indicates that the increasing of Gamma abnormality is due to the increasing of the uranium element, and the enrichment of uranium is a result of the activation and conglomeration of uranium. On the basis of the recognization of radioactive abnormality and the study about the reality of oil,gas,coal or uranium coexisting in a basin and its mechanism, the paper shows that there is a certain mutual promotion in oil, gas, coal and uranium in the basin, which provides an important theory basis for cooperative exploitation of energy resources.  相似文献   

The Xushen gas field,located in the north of Songliao Basin,is a potential giant gas area for China in the future.Its proved reserves have exceeded 1000×10 8 m 3 by the end of 2005.But,the origin of natural gases from the deep strata is still in debating.Epimetamorphic rocks as a potential gas source are widely spreading in the northern basement of Songliao Basin.According to pyrolysis experiments for these rocks in the semi-confined system,gas production and geochemistry of alkane gases are discussed in this paper.The Carboniferous-Permian epimetamorphic rocks were heated from 300℃to 550℃,with temperature interval of 50℃.The gas production was quantified and measured for chemical and carbon isotopic compositions.Results show thatδ13C 1 is less than?20‰,carbon isotope trend of alkane gas isδ13C 1 <δ13C 2 <δ13C 3 orδ13C 1 <δ13C 2 >δ13C 3 ,these features suggest that the gas would be coal-type gas at high-over maturity,not be inorganic gas with reversal trend of gaseous alkanes (δ13C 1 >δ13C 2 >δ13C 3 ).These characteristics of carbon isotopes are similar with the natural gas from the basin basement,but disagree with gas from the Xingcheng reservoir.Thus,the mixing gases from the pyrolysis gas with coal-typed gases at high-over maturity or oil-typed gases do not cause the reversal trend of carbon isotopes.The gas generation intensity for epimetamorphic rocks is 3.0×10 8 ―23.8×10 8 m 3 /km 2 ,corresponding to Ro from 2.0%to 3.5%for organic matter.  相似文献   

沉积层放射性生热的热流贡献(沉积层热流)是沉积盆地大地热流的重要组成部分,能够有效促进中国西部“冷”盆深层-超深层烃源岩的增温和热演化.本文利用不同的自然伽马(GR)-生热率(A)经验关系式分别计算了准噶尔盆地不同构造单元16口钻孔共6120个沉积层生热率,通过与实测生热率的统计对比,确定了适用于研究区的GR-A经验关系,建立了准噶尔盆地地层生热率柱,据此计算了研究区沉积层热流贡献,并以盆参2井为例定量分析了沉积层热流的增温效应.结果表明,准噶尔盆地沉积层平均生热率为1.179±0.339 μW·m-3,总体上随着时代变老,沉积层生热率呈现出递减趋势.准噶尔盆地沉积层热流平均为7.9±4.9 mW·m-2,约占地壳热流的29.2%和大地热流的19.6%,区域上与盆地沉积层厚度大体一致,表现为中央坳陷最高,北天山山前冲断带变化较大,陆梁隆起和西部隆起次之,东部隆起和乌伦古坳陷最低.沉积层热流能够有效增高深层—超深层烃源层受热温度,促进有机质热演化,如在考虑和忽略沉积层生热的两种情况下计算的盆参2井下侏罗统三工河组烃源岩底部(5300 m)温度差异最大为7.3 ℃,这显然对于地温梯度小、主体油气藏埋深大的准噶尔盆地油气资源评价和勘探目标优选具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit is located in the northern part of Ordos Basin, occurring in the transitional zones between gray-green and gray sandstones of Jurassic Zhiluo Formation. Sandstones in oxidized zone of the ore bed look gray-green, being of unique signature and different from one of ordinary inter-layered oxidation zone of sandstone-type uranium deposits. The character and origin of gray-green sandstones are systematically studied through their petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry. It is pointed out that this color of sandstones is originated from secondary oil-gas reduction processes after paleo-oxidation, being due to acicular-leaf chlorite covering surfaces of the sandstone grains. To find out the origin of gray-green sandstone and recognize paleo-oxidation zones in the ore bed are of not only theoretical significance for understanding metallogenesis of this kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit, but also very importantly practical significance for prospecting for similar kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit.  相似文献   

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