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【目的】研究南海北部近海区域柱状沉积物多环芳烃组成及分布特征,讨论全新世早期火历史及气候变化。【方法】利用AMS 14C定年技术结合有机地球化学分析手段对全新世早期南海北部近海沉积物柱状样品中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布特征进行研究。【结果】南海北部近海沉积物中16种PAHs总浓度范围为8.58~17.48 ng/g,在约10000 a B.P.的全新世早期呈现先增大后减小波动变化,与TOC变化基本同步。【结论】沉积物中多环芳烃主要来源于南海北部近海陆源区域自然火灾产生的焦炭残渣。PAHs的沉积浓度变化间接指示了全新世早期东亚季风的强度变化。 相似文献
利用正己烷液-液萃取提取地下水中的16种特定多环芳烃,提取液经旋转蒸发浓缩、氮吹浓缩,采用乙腈换相定容。采用荧光检测器和二极管阵列检测器串联的高效液相色谱法测定地下水中16种多环芳烃。通过上机条件的优化以及样品前处理等条件的优化,建立了分析方法。在较佳的实验条件下,方法检出限为1.00ng/L~10.0ng/L;方法精密度为1.86%~9.88%;样品加标回收率为85.8%~108%。 相似文献
本文以山东省东南部的临沭县北部农用地表层土壤为研究对象,分析了土壤中8种重金属元素含量及其分布特征,采用地积累指数法和潜在生态风险指数法评价了研究区农用地土壤重金属生态风险。结果表明:8种重金属中除Pb元素略高于临沂市表层土壤背景值外其余7种元素都低于背景值,研究区表层土壤中金属累积程度整体上相对较轻,土壤中重金属地积累程度由强到弱顺序为Hg>As>Zn>Cd>Cu>Ni>Cr>Pb, Hg元素有0.30%的样品属于中度累积以上级别,是累积程度最严重的元素,在局部可能存在一定程度的严重污染状况。Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn这5种元素的单因子潜在生态风险较小,Hg和Cd为单因子潜在生态风险评价重危害程度最严重的2种元素,综合潜在生态风险指数有72件样品达到了中度风险等级以上,这种现象主要受Hg和Cd这2种元素的影响。该研究成果可为该地区农产品产地安全管理和农业可持续发展提供重要科学依据。 相似文献
以山东省济南市章丘区北部表层土壤中As等8种重金属元素为研究对象,利用多元统计进行重金属来源分析,采用污染负荷指数法及潜在生态危害指数法进行污染评价,结果表明:研究区表层土壤重金属元素含量低于济南市土壤背景值,Cd和Hg元素含量为强度变异,在表层土壤产生一定的富集;不同土地利用类型下重金属元素含量具有差异性。土壤中Cr,Cu,Ni和Zn来源于土壤母质,Cd和Pb元素来源于人类活动,As元素来源复杂。土壤综合污染以轻度污染为主,重金属元素污染程度大小为AsNiPbZnCrCuCdHg。综合潜在生态风险以轻微和中度为主,潜在生态风险强弱程度为HgCdAsCuPbNiCrZn,建议防范Hg和Cd元素污染及生态风险。 相似文献
海岸带处于陆地和海洋的接合部,人类开发活动密集,环境影响因素日趋复杂。选取烟台南部海岸带为研究对象,系统采集686个表层土壤样品对As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Hg,Ni,Pb,Zn共8个重金属元素含量进行测量,采用多元统计法及地统计法分析了8个重金属元素的来源及分布特征。最后对烟台南部海岸带地区进行了潜在生态风险评价。研究结果表明烟台南部海岸带地区整体污染程度较轻,所有重金属元素含量平均值均未超过国家二级标准。其中Cr,Ni,Cu元素主要来源于成土母质;As,Pb为混合源;Cd,Zn主要来自于工业三废、农业生产。研究区整体处于中低生态风险水平,Cd,Hg元素高生态风险点数量较多,需优先治理。 相似文献
为探究湛江近海域海洋沉积物中含氯多环芳烃的生物学毒性效应,选取湛江近海域2个地点(TS和JSW)采集样品,以含氯多环芳烃为目标,制备沉积物提取物,将斑马鱼胚胎胚胎暴露于不同浓度的沉积物提取物中,观测供试斑马鱼胚胎的死亡和畸形情况。结果表明:TS采样点沉积物提取物的LC50为15.98 mg/mL(48 h)和14.41mg/mL(96 h),JSW采样点沉积物提取物的LC50为19.89 mg/mL(48 h)和16.36 mg/mL(96 h),且致死效应呈现浓度依赖关系;TS和JSW 2个采样点沉积物中含氯多环芳烃能导致斑马鱼胚胎卵黄囊水肿、心包水肿、脊椎弯曲等致畸效应,其致畸效应与暴露浓度基本呈浓度依赖关系。湛江近海域沉积含氯多环芳烃物提取物对斑马鱼胚胎具有明显的致死作用和致畸毒性。 相似文献
针对当前土壤污染研究中存在的问题,提出了一种模糊识别土壤重金属污染评价的方法。并对瑞典学者(Hakanson)提出的潜在生态危害指数法进行了改进,用以计量重金属潜在生态风险。采用建立的模型对山东省东部地区土壤重金属潜在生态风险进行了评价,结果表明:该区土壤重金属元素污染程度为:Hg>Cd>Cu>Pb>Zn>Cr>As;而重金属潜在生态风险大小则依次为Hg>Cd>As>Pb>Cu>Cr>Zn。总体来看,山东省东部地区存在一定程度的重金属污染,其潜在生态风险为强和很强的土壤占工区面积的13.75%,这种综合危害特征主要受Hg和Cd元素制约,主要分布在莱州-招远-烟台和牟平-乳山金矿集中区以及人口密集的城镇地带,且已对农作物安全产生影响。认为地质背景和人类活动(采金污染、工业生产、城市人口密集生活等)的共同作用,是造成局部环境中潜在生态风险较高的重要原因。 相似文献
为揭示河北省典型铅锌矿区重金属来源及生态风险,以河北省某铅锌矿区周边区域为研究对象,通过系统的田间采样采集了156件土壤样品,通过主成分分析(PCA)及正定矩阵因子分解(PMF)模型分析,分析了区域内重金属的来源;运用地累积指数法及潜在生态风险指数法进行了风险评价。研究结果表明,Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb和Hg质量分数平均值分别为53.6,25.7,62.7,692,10.6,1.75,142,0.129 mg/kg,除Cr, Ni和As外,其余5种重金属均处于不同的污染水平,平均值均超河北省土壤背景值,Hg, Cd, Zn, Pb和Cu的变异系数均大于1.75,As的变异系数大于0.5,表明这6种重金属属于高度变异。源解析显示,研究区土壤重金属的主要来源为采矿活动、自然来源、农业活动和金矿冶炼,其中,Pb, Zn和Cd主要源于采矿活动;Cr, Ni主要受自然母质的影响,属于自然来源;Cu主要受农业活动和采矿活动的双重影响;As受自然来源、采矿活动和农业活动三重控制;Hg主要源于金矿冶炼和采矿活动。PCA与PMF模型有机结合、彼此印证,增加了重金属来源解析结果... 相似文献
文章采用Ti元素标准化法确定农耕土壤元素As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn的地球化学基线值,并以此为参比值,计算重金属元素的潜在生态风险指数(Er)。其结果显示,贵港市覃塘区的土壤重金属环境质量优良,土壤元素Hg、Cd是潜在中等生态危害风险的主因子,其他元素均为低生态风险。 相似文献
富集在河流沉积物中的重金属是长期影响河流地表水和周边农田土壤环境生态的潜在威胁。采集鲁西五龙河小流域表层沉积物样品,分析As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn共8种重金属的含量,采用地累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法评价重金属元素污染现状和潜在生态风险,运用正定矩阵因子矩阵法对沉积物重金属来源进行解析。结果表明,沉积物重金属中Cr、Cu、Hg和Ni的平均含量明显高于相关背景值,显示一定的富集特征。重金属污染程度排序为Ni>Hg>Cu>Cr>Cd>Zn>As>Pb,其中Cu、Hg和Ni为偏中度污染,Cd和Cr为偏轻度污染,As、Zn和Pb为无污染。沉积物重金属潜在生态风险低、中、较高等级风险占比分别为40.8%、48.1%和11.1%,Hg和Cd为主要潜在生态风险元素,分别表现为较高潜在生态风险和中等潜在生态风险,风险点主要分布在五龙河汇合口和富水河中。研究区重金属污染来源主要有自然源(Cr和Ni)、混合源(As、Cd、Hg和Pb)和果园农药(Cu和Zn),三者贡献率分别为30%、31%和39%。 相似文献
The environmental quality status of Daya Bay (22.56–22.77°N, 114.51–114.73°E), a main aquaculture area in Guangdong of China, was investigated using 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sediment samples of the bay. The total concentrations of 16 PAHs varied from 115 to 1 134 ng/g dry weight. The PAH composition pattern in sediments suggest dominance of 4-ring PAHs in Sites 2 and 4, and the ratio of certain related PAHs indicated important pyrolytic and petrogenic sources. The results enhance the understanding of current contamination levels and make a better assessment of likely impacts of organic contamination on ecosystems and the sustainability of local aquaculture in the area especially after the establishment of the Nuclear Power Station by the bay. 相似文献
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contamination of topsoil in Benxi City, Northeast China was investigated in this study,
and sampling sites were located in industrial area and residential area. Results demonstrate that there is high variability
in the total PAHs concentrations, ranging from 783.00 ng/g to 729 076.29 ng/g dry weight in the topsoil of Benxi City and
the pollution in industrial area is the most serious. The results also present that higher molecular weight PAHs (4–6 rings)
contribute substantially (79.03%) to the overall content of PAHs. The PAHs sources were determined with factor analysis by
nonnegative constraints, and the results show that PAHs originating from traffic tunnel, power plant, coke oven and residential
emission sources, account for 27.10%, 40.81%, 20.11% and 11.98%, respectively, of the total. The PAHs pollution is the most
serious around Benxi Iron and Steel Group Corporation, and the PAHs mainly originate from coke oven and traffic tunnel, with
the average contribution rate of 57.40% and 42.60%, respectively. The source apportionment results are basically consistent
with the industry distribution, and the geographical and climatic characteristics of the study area. 相似文献
Guanghui Zhao Wenyue Chang Jinxia Yan Xiaojun Li Dongli Tong Ranran Zhao Sharley James David Peidong Tai 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2017,27(6):1003-1012
The aquatic ecosystem maybe significantly affected by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) released from fresh water sediments. In order to protect biodiversity, the spatial distribution and sources of PAHs in the sediment of Wolong Lake in Northeast China were studied. A total of 17 surface sediment samples were collected and 12 PAHs were analyzed. The results were as follows. The concentration of total PAHs(TPAHs) ranged between 1412.9 μg/kg and 3948.3 μg/kg(dry weight). Indeno [1, 2, 3-c, d] pyrene was the dominant contaminant which accounted for 87%–98% of TPAHs. Diagnostic ratios of PAHs and principal component analysis showed that biomass combustion and vehicle emissions were likely to be the dominant sources of PAHs in the sediment. PAHs can be considered safe in the context of environmental and human health protection, based on the overall toxicity. Individual PAHs were positively correlated with total organic carbons. These results will be helpful to control PAHs and protect the aquatic ecosystem in the lake. 相似文献
1INTRODUCTIONPolycyclicaromatichydrocarbons (PAHs)depo sit edinmarineenvironmentsfromavarietyofsourcessuchaswastewater,industrialanddomesticdischarges,andoilspills.Themajorityofthesesourcesfrompetrogenicoriginischaracterizedbyadominanceoflowmolecularweightaromaticcompounds,especiallynaphthaleneandalkylatedPAHs(Sportoletal.,1 983 ) .Crudeoilanditsrefinedproductssuchasgasoline,keroseneandotherfu eloilshaveahighcontentofalkylatedPAHsduetotheirslowformationattemperatureslowerthanthatofcomb… 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONBiofoulingcancauseroughnessofsubmergedsurfacesofmarinestructures(Chakrabarti,1991),increasehydrodynamicloadings(WolframandTheophanatos,1985),acceleratecorrosionprocess(Patiletal.,1988),andimpedeunderwaterinspectionandmaintenance(Houghton,1978).Thelackofd… 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONBiofoulingonunderwaterpartsofman mademarinestructuresisamajoreconomicandtechni calproblemhavinginternationaldimensionsforthedevelopmentofoceanengineeringbecauseitnotonlyincreasesstaticandhydrodynamicloading,butalsoaffectscorrosioncharacteristicsandim pedesunderwaterinspectionandmaintenance (CallowandEdyvean ,1 990 ) .Duetodifferencesingeographicalpositionsandenvironmentalconditions,thedistributionofsessileorganismsvarieswitharea .Therefore ,understandingtheformationofbiofoulin… 相似文献
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the most important groups in oil, and responsible for major toxic and/or carcinogenic impact on humans and... 相似文献
Surface soil/sediment samples were collected from the Water-Level Fluctuation Zone (WLFZ), cultivated land and forest land at 50 different grid points from Shenjia watershed, the Three Gorges Reservoir area in August 2013. The spatial distribution, sources and ecological risk assessment for Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) were analyzed in this study. The results showed all tested metals had similar distribution patterns except Ni and Cr, with areas of high concentrations distributed in the southwest (WLFZ and watershed outlet) of the study area. Ni and Cr, which were highly positively correlated and present in high concentrations, were primarily distributed in the south and middle zones of the study area. Lower concentration areas of all metals were uniformly distributed west of the high-elevation zones and forest land. Factor analysis (FA) and factor analysis-multiple linear regression (FA-MLR) showed that the major sources of Cd were fertilizer and traffic sources, which together accounted for 87% of Cd. As, Zn and Cu levels were primarily supplied by industrial and domestic sources, accounting for 76% of As, 75% of Cu and 67% of Zn. Surface soils/sediments of the study watershed contaminated by Cd represent a high ecological risk, whereas other metals represent low ecological risks. The potential ecological risk index (PERI) analysis indicated that it had a low (wide-range) ecological risk and a moderate (small-range) ecological risk primarily distributed in the outlet of the study watershed. Fertilizers and traffic are the primary sources of Cd pollution, which should be more closely controlled for the purposes of water quality and ecological conservation. 相似文献
Peat bogs are regarded as one of the faithful archives of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) deposition, and a large number of studies on PAHs accumulation in peatlands have been reported in Europe and North America. Comparatively little information is available on peat chronological records of atmospheric PAHs flux in China. We investigated the concentrations and historical accumulation rates of PAHs(AR PAHs) through geochemical analysis of three 210Pb-dated ombrotrophic peat cores from Great Hinggan Mountain, northeast China. Eight USEPA priority PAHs were detected and they are naphthalene(Nap), acenaphthylene(Acl), acenaphthene(Ace), fluorence(Flu), phenanthrene(Phe), anthracene(Ant), fluoranthene(Fla) and pyrene(Pyr), respectively. The average total eight PAHs(tPAHs) concentrations are 135.98- 262.43 μg kg-1 and the average AR tPAHs over the last two centuries are 96.45- 135.98 μg m-2 yr-1. The Ace, Acl and Phe account for 30.93- 54.04%, 25.29- 35.81%, and 9.14- 19.84% of the tPAHs, respectively, and have significant positive correlations with the tPAH. As a result, they are regarded as the iconic compounds of PAHs pollution in this area. A ca.200-yr atmospheric PAHs contamination history was reconstructed from the temporal sequences of bothconcentration and AR tPAHs, suggesting the variation of local environmental pollution. The main sources of the PAHs are identified by two isomer ratios as petrogenic origin including oil extraction and refining process as well as their combustions for industrial development. In addition, the contribution of coal combustion for industrial activities and resident heating could not be ignored. But prior to 1860, the undeveloped industry and most of agricultural activities might mainly account for the low level of PAHs, although it could infer a long-range input of atmospheric PAHs from other industrial areas. Therefore, there is a global implication to study longterm PAHs pollution records and all the results will provide practical significance in formulating policies to achieve sustainable and healthy development. 相似文献
Ataxonomic survey of benthic marine animals from coastal regions of Hainan Island, South China Sea, revealed specimens of a new species of Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicida: Eunicidae), Eunice uschakovi n. sp., collected from the intertidal zone. The species belongs to the group of Eunice that has yellow tridentate subacicular hooks and branchiae scattered over an extensive region of the body. It resembles E. miurai and E. havaica in having both bidentate and tridentate falcigers, but can be readily distinguished by branchial features. Comparisons between E. uschakovi and the two related species are presented. 相似文献